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Mobile Values, New Names, and Se ure Communi ation

n Abadi C
edri Fournet

Bell Labs Resear h Mi rosoft Resear h

Lu ent Te hnologies

Abstra t These diÆ ulties are often ir umvented through on-the-

y extensions. The extensions range from qui k punts (\for
We study the intera tion of the \new" onstru t with a ri h the next example, let's pretend that we have a datatype of
but ommon form of ( rst-order) ommuni ation. This in- integers") to the laborious development of new al uli, su h
tera tion is ru ial in se urity proto ols, whi h are the main as the spi al ulus and its variants. Generally, the exten-
motivating examples for our work; it also appears in other sions bring us loser to a realisti programming language or
programming-language ontexts. Spe i ally, we introdu e modeling language|that is not always a bad thing.
a simple, general extension of the pi al ulus with value pass- Although many of the resulting al uli are ad ho and
ing, primitive fun tions, and equations among terms. We poorly understood, others are robust and uniform enough
develop semanti s and proof te hniques for this extended to have a ri h theory and a variety of appli ations. In
language and apply them in reasoning about some se urity parti ular, impure extensions of the lambda al ulus with
proto ols. fun tion symbols and with equations among terms (\delta
rules") have been developed systemati ally, with onsider-
1 A ase for impurity able su ess. Similarly, impure versions of CCS and CSP
with value-passing are not always deep but often neat and
Purity often omes before onvenien e and even before onvenient [31℄.
faithfulness in the lambda al ulus, the pi al ulus, and In this paper, we introdu e, study, and use an analo-
other foundational programming languages. For example, gous uniform extension of the pi al ulus, whi h we all the
in the standard pi al ulus, the only messages are atomi applied pi al ulus (by analogy with \applied lambda al u-
names [32℄. This simpli ity is extremely appealing from a lus"). From the pure pi al ulus, we inherit onstru ts for
foundational viewpoint, and helps in developing the theory ommuni ation and on urren y, and for generating stati-
of the pi al ulus. Furthermore, ingenious en odings demon- ally s oped new names (\new"). We add fun tions and
strate that it may not entail a loss of generality: in parti - equations, mu h as is done in the lambda al ulus. Messages
ular, integers, obje ts, and even higher-order pro esses an may then onsist not only of atomi names but also of val-
be represented in the pure pi al ulus. ues onstru ted from names and fun tions. This embedding
On the other hand, this purity has a pri e. In appli a- of names into the spa e of values gives rise to an important
tions, the en odings an be futile, umbersome, and even intera tion between the \new" onstru t and value-passing
misleading. For example, in the study of programming lan- ommuni ation, whi h appears in neither the pure pi al-
guages based on the pi al ulus (su h as Pi t [37℄ or Jo- ulus nor value-passing CCS and CSP. Further, we add an
aml [14℄), there is little point in pretending that integers auxiliary substitution onstru t, roughly similar to a oat-
are not primitive. The en odings may also ompli ate stati ing \let"; this onstru t is helpful in programming examples
analysis and pre lude areful thinking about the implemen- and espe ially in semanti s and proofs, and serves to ap-
tations of ommuni ation. Moreover, it is not lear that ture the partial knowledge that an environment may have
satisfa tory en odings an always be found. We may ask, of some values.
for instan e, whether there is a good representation of the The applied pi al ulus builds on the pure pi al ulus and
spi al ulus [5℄ (a al ulus with ryptographi operations) its substantial theory, but it shifts the fo us away from en-
in the standard pi al ulus; we are not aware of any su h odings. In omparison with ad ho approa hes, it permits
representation that preserves se urity properties without a a general, systemati development of syntax, operational se-
trusted entral pro ess. manti s, equivalen es, and proof te hniques.
Using the al ulus, we an write and reason about pro-
gramming examples where \new" and value-passing appear.
First, we an easily treat standard datatypes (integers, pairs,
arrays, et .). We an also model unforgeable apabilities
as new names, then model the appli ation of ertain fun -
tions to those apabilities. For instan e, we may onstru t
a pair of apabilities. More deli ately, the apabilities may
be pointers to omposite stru tures, and then adding an o -
set to a pointer to a pair may yield a pointer to its se ond
omponent (e.g., as in [27℄). Furthermore, we an study a to our approa h.) We omit the unimportant details of this
variety of se urity proto ols. For this purpose, we repre- sort system, and leave it mostly impli it in the rest of the
sent fresh hannels, non es, and keys as new names, and paper. We always assume that terms are well-sorted and
primitive ryptographi operations as fun tions, obtaining that substitutions preserve sorts.
a simple but useful programming-language perspe tive on The grammar for pro esses is similar to the one in the
se urity proto ols (mu h as in the spi al ulus). A distin- pi al ulus, ex ept that here messages an ontain terms
guishing hara teristi of the present approa h is that we (rather than only names) and that names need not be just
need not raft a spe ial al ulus and develop its proof te h- hannel names:
niques for ea h hoi e of ryptographi operations. Thus,
we an express and analyze fairly sophisti ated proto ols P; Q; R ::= pro esses (or plain pro esses)
that ombine several ryptographi primitives (en ryptions, 0 null pro ess
hashes, signatures, XORs, : : : ). We an also des ribe at- P jQ parallel omposition
ta ks against the proto ols that rely on (equational) proper- !P repli ation
ties of some of those primitives. In our work to date, se urity n:P name restri tion (\new")
proto ols are our main sour e of examples. if M = N then P else Q onditional
The next se tion de nes the applied pi al ulus. Se - u(x):P message input
tion 3 introdu es some small, informal examples. Se tion 4 uhN i:P message output
de nes semanti on epts, su h as pro ess equivalen e, and
develops proof te hniques. Se tions 5 and 6 treat two larger The null pro ess 0 does nothing; P j Q is the parallel om-
examples; they on ern a DiÆe-Hellman key ex hange and position of P and Q; the repli ation !P behaves as an in nite
message authenti ation odes, respe tively. (The two ex- number of opies of P running in parallel. The pro ess n:P
amples are independent.) Se tion 7 dis usses some related makes a new, private name n then behaves as P . The ondi-
work and on ludes. tional onstru t if M = N then P else Q is standard, but we
should stress that M = N represents equality, rather than
2 The applied pi al ulus
stri t synta ti identity. We abbreviate it if M = N then P
when Q is 0. Finally, u(x):P is ready to input from hannel
In this se tion we de ne the applied pi al ulus: its syntax u, then to run P with the a tual message repla ed for the
and informal semanti s, then its operational semanti s (in formal parameter x, while uhN i:P is ready to output N on
the now ustomary hemi al style). hannel u, then to run P . In both of these, we may omit P
when it is 0.
Further, we extend pro esses with a tive substitutions:
2.1 Syntax and informal semanti s
A signature  onsists of a nite set of fun tion symbols, A; B; C ::= extended pro esses
su h as f , en rypt, and pair, ea h with an arity. A fun tion P plain pro ess
symbol with arity 0 is a onstant symbol. AjB parallel omposition
Given a signature , an in nite set of names, and an n:A name restri tion
in nite set of variables, the set of terms is de ned by the x:A variable restri tion
grammar: fM=x g a tive substitution
L; M; N; T; U; V ::= terms We write fM=x g for the substitution that repla es the vari-
a; b; ; : : : ; k; : : : ; m; n; : : : ; s name able x with the term M . Considered as a pro ess, fM=x g is
x; y; z variable like let x = M in : : : , and is similarly useful. However, un-
f (M1 ; : : : ; Ml ) fun tion appli ation like a \let" de nition, fM=x g oats and applies to any pro ess
that omes into onta t withM it. To ontrol this onta t, we
where f ranges over the fun tions of  and l mat hes the may add a restri tion: x:(f =x g j P ) orresponds exa tly to
arity of f . Although names, variables, and onstant symbols let x = M in P . The substitution fM=x g typi ally appears
have similarities, we nd it learer to keep them separate. when the term M has been sent to the environment, but
A term is ground when it does not have free variables (but the environment may not have the atomi names that ap-
it may ontain names and onstant symbols). We use meta- pear in M ; the variable x is just a way toM refer to M in this
variables u; v; w to range over both names and variables. We situation. Although the substitution f =x g on erns only
also use standard onventional notations for fun tion appli- one variable, we an build bigger substitutions by parallel
ations. We abbreviate tuples u1 ; : : : ; ul and M1 ; : : : ; Ml to omposition, and may write
ue and Mf, respe tively.
We rely on a sort system for terms. It in ludes a set fM1=x1 ; : : : ;M =x g for fM1=x1 g j : : : j fM =x g
l l

of base types, su h as Integer, Key, or simply a universal

l l

base type Data. In addition, if  is a sort, then Channelh i We write , fM=x g, fMf=xe g for substitutions, x for the image
is a sort too (intuitively, the sort of those hannels that of x by , and T  for the result of applying  to the free
onvey messages of sort  ). A variable an have any sort. A variables of T . We identify the empty substitution and the
name an have any sort or, in a more re ned version of the null pro ess 0. We always assume that our substitutions
sort system, any sort in a distinguished lass of sorts. We are y le-free. We also assume that, in an extended pro ess,
typi ally use a, b, and as hannel names, s and k as names there is at most one substitution for ea h variable, and there
of some base type (e.g., Data), and m and n as names of is exa tly one when the variable is restri ted.
any sort. For simpli ity, fun tion symbols take arguments Extending the sort system for terms, we rely on a sort
and produ e results of the base types only. (This separation system for extended pro esses. It enfor es that M and N are
of hannels from other values is onvenient but not essential of the same sort in the onditional expression, that u has sort
Channelh i for some  in the input and output expressions, New- 0 n:0  0
and that x and N have the orresponding sort  in those New-C u:v:A  v:u:A
expressions. Again, we omit the unimportant details of this New-Par A j u:B  u:(A j B )
sort system, but assume that extended pro esses are well- when u 62 fv (A) [ fn (A)
sorted. Alias x:f =x g  0
As usual, names and variables have s opes, whi h are Subst fM=x gMj A  fMN =x g j AfM=x g
delimited by restri tions and by inputs. We write fv (A), f =x g  f =x g when  ` M = N
bv (A), fn (A), and bn (A) for the sets of free and bound vari-

ables and free and bound names of A, respe tively. These The rules for parallel omposition and restri tion are stan-
sets are indu tively de ned, using the same lauses for pro- dard. Alias enables the introdu tion of an arbitrary a tive
esses as in the pure pi al ulus, and using: substitution. Subst des ribes the appli ation of an a tive
substitution to a pro ess that is in onta t with it. Rewrite
fv (fM=x g) = fv (M ) [ fxg
deals with equational rewriting. In ombination, Alias and
Subst yield Af =x g  x:(f =x g j A) for x 2
M M = fv (M ):
fn (fM=x g) = fn (M )

for a tive substitutions. An extended pro ess is losed when AfM=x g  AfM=x g j 0 by Par-0
every variable is either bound or de ned by an a tive substi-  0 j AfMM=x g M by Par-C
tution. We use the abbreviation  ue for the (possibly empty)  (x:fM=x g) j AfM =x g by Alias
series of pairwise-distin t binders u1 :u2 : : : : ul .  x:(fM=x g j Af =x g) by New-Par
A frame is an extended pro ess built up from 0 and a tive  x:(f =x g j A) by Subst
substitutions of the form fM=x g by parallel omposition and
restri tion. We let ' and range over frames. The domain Using stru tural equivalen e, every losed extended pro -
dom (') of a frame ' is the set of the variables that ' exports ess A an be rewritten to onsist of a substitution and a
(those variables x for whi h ' ontains a substitution fM=x g losed plain pro ess with some restri ted names:
not under a restri tion on x). Every extended pro ess A an
be mapped to a frame '(A) by repla ing every plain pro ess A   ne:fMf=xe g j P
embedded in A with 0. The frame '(A) an be viewed as an
approximation of A that a ounts for the stati knowledge where fv (P ) = ;, fv (M
f) = ;, and fn eg  fn (M
f). In parti -
exposed by A to its environment, but not for A's dynami ular, every losed frame ' an be rewritten to onsist of a
behavior. The domain dom (A) of A is the domain of '(A). substitution with some restri ted names:
2.2 Operational semanti s   ne:fMf=xe g
Given a signature , we equip it with an equational theory, f) = ; and fn
where fv (M eg  fn (M
f). The set fx eg is the
that is, with an equivalen e relation on terms that is losed domain of '.
under substitutions of terms for variables. (See for exam- Internal redu tion ! is the smallest relation on extended
ple [33, hapter 3℄ and its referen es for ba kground on uni- pro esses losed by stru tural equivalen e and appli ation of
versal algebra and algebrai data types from a programming- evaluation ontexts su h that:
language perspe tive.) We further require that this equa-
tional theory be losed under one-to-one renamings, but not Comm ahxi:P j a(x):Q ! P j Q
ne essarily losed under substitutions of arbitrary terms for if M = M then P else Q ! P
names. Then

We write  ` M = N when the equation M = N is in the Else if M = N then P else Q ! Q

theory asso iated with . Here we keep the theory impli it, for any ground terms M and N
and we may even abbreviate  ` M = N to M = N when  su h that  6` M = N
is lear from ontext or unimportant. We write  6` M = N
for the negation of  ` M = N . Communi ation (Comm) is remarkably simple be ause
An equational theory may be generated from a nite set the message on erned is a variable; this simpli ity entails
of equational axioms, or even from rewrite rules, but this no loss of generality be ause Alias and Subst an introdu e
property is not essential for us. We tend to ignore the me- a variable to stand for a term:
hani s of spe ifying equational theories.
As usual, a ontext is an expression (a pro ess or ex- ahM i:P j a(x):Q  x:(fM=x g j ahxi:P j a(x):Q)
tended pro ess) with a hole. An evaluation ontext is a on- ! x:(fM=x g j P j Q) by Comm
text whose hole is not under a repli ation, a onditional, an
input, or an output. A ontext C [ ℄ loses A when C [A℄ is  P j QfM=x g
losed. (This derivation assumes that x 2= fv (M ) [ fv (P ), whi h an
Stru tural equivalen e  is the smallest equivalen e re-
lation on extended pro esses that is losed by - onversion be established by - onversion as needed.)
on both names and variables, by appli ation of evaluation Comparisons (Then and Else) dire tly depend on the
ontexts, and su h that: underlying equational theory; using Else sometimes re-
quires that a tive substitutions in the ontext be applied
Par- 0 A  Aj0 rst, to yield ground terms M and N .
Par-A A j (B j C )  (A j B ) j C This use of the equational theory may be reminis ent of
Par-C AjB  BjA initial algebras. In an initial algebra, the prin iple of \no
Repl !P  P j!P onfusion" di tates that two elements are equal only if this is
required by the orresponding equational theory. Similarly, One-way hash fun tions In ontrast, we represent a one-
if M = N then P else Q redu es to P only if this is required way hash fun tion as a unary fun tion symbol h with no
by the equational theory, and redu es to Q otherwise. Initial equations. The absen e of an inverse for h models the one-
algebras also obey the prin iple of \no junk", whi h says wayness of h. The fa t that h(M ) = h(N ) only when M = N
that all elements orrespond to terms built ex lusively from models that h is ollision-free.
fun tion symbols of the signature. In ontrast, a fresh name Modifying our rst example, we may now write:
need not equal any su h term in the applied pi al ulus. 
ah(M; h(s; M ))i j 
3 Brief examples a(x):if h(s; fst(x)) = snd(x) then bhfst(x)i
This se tion olle ts several examples, fo using on signa- Here the value M is signed by hashing it with the fresh
tures, equations, and some simple pro esses. We start with name s. Although (M; h(s; M )) travels on the publi han-
pairs; this trivial example serves to introdu e some nota- nel a, no other pro ess an extra t s from this, or produ e
tions and issues. We then dis uss one-way hash fun tions, (N; h(s; N )) for some other N using the available fun tions.
en ryption fun tions, digital signatures, and the XOR fun - Therefore, we may reason that only the intended term M
tion [30, 40℄. Further examples appear in se tions 5 and 6. will be forwarded on hannel b.
Of ourse, at least some of these fun tions appear in This example is a typi al ryptographi appli ation of
most formalizations of ryptography and se urity proto ols. one-way hash fun tions. In light of the pra ti al impor-
In omparison with the spi al ulus, the applied pi al ulus tan e of those appli ations, our treatment of one-way hash
permits a more uniform and versatile treatment of these fun tions is attra tively straightforward. Still, we may ques-
fun tions, their variants, and their properties. Like the spi tion whether our formal model of these fun tions is not too
al ulus, however, the applied pi al ulus takes advantage strong and simplisti in omparison with the properties of
of notations, on epts, and te hniques from programming a tual implementations based on algorithms su h as MD5
languages. and SHA. In se tion 6, we onsider a somewhat weaker,
subtler model for keyed hash fun tions.
Pairs and other data stru tures Algebrai datatypes su h
as pairs, tuples, arrays, and lists o ur in many examples. Symmetri en ryption In order to model symmetri ryp-
En oding them in the pure pi al ulus is not hard, but nei- tography (that is, shared-key ryptography), we take binary
ther is representing them as primitive. For instan e, the fun tion symbols en and de for en ryption and de ryption,
signature  may ontain the binary fun tion symbol pair respe tively, with the equation:
and the unary fun tion symbols fst and snd, with the abbre- de (en (x; y ); y ) = x
viation (M; N ) for pair(M; N ), and the evident equations:
fst((x; y )) = x Here x represents the plaintext and y the key. We often use
snd((x; y )) = y fresh names as keys in examples; for instan e, the (useless)
pro ess:
(So the equational theory onsists of these equations, and k:ahen (M; k)i
all obtained by re exivity, symmetry, and transitivity and
by substituting terms for variables.) The sort system may sends the term M en rypted under a fresh key k.
enfor e that fst and snd are applied only to pairs. Alterna- In appli ations of en ryption, it is frequent to assume
tively, we may add a boolean fun tion that re ognizes pairs. that ea h en rypted message omes with suÆ ient redun-
We may also add equations that des ribe the behavior of dan y so that de ryption with the \wrong" key is evident.
fst and snd on other values (e.g., adding a onstant symbol We ould onsider in orporating this property for example
wrong , and equations fst(M ) = snd(M ) = wrong for all ap- by adding the equation de (M; N ) = wrong whenever M
propriate ground terms M ). We usually omit su h standard and N are two ground terms and M 6= en (L; N ) for all L.
variants in other examples. On the other hand, in modern ryptology, su h redundan y
Using pairs, we may for instan e write the pro ess: is not usually viewed as part of the en ryption fun tion
s: ah(M; s)i j a(x):if snd(x) = s then bhfst(x)i
 proper, but rather an addition. The redundan y an be im-
plemented with message authenti ation odes. A ordingly,
One of its omponents sends a pair onsisting of a term M we do not build it in.
and a fresh name s on a hannel a. The other re eives a
message on a and, if its se ond omponent is s, it forwards Asymmetri en ryption It is only slightly harder to model
the rst omponent on a hannel b. Thus, we may say that asymmetri (publi -key) ryptography, where the keys for
s serves as a apability (or password) for the forwarding. en ryption and de ryption are di erent. We introdu e two
However, this apability is not prote ted from eavesdroppers new unary fun tion symbols pk and sk for generating publi
when it travels on a. Any other pro ess an listen on a and and se ret keys from a seed, and the equation:
an apply snd, thus learning s. We an represent su h an
atta ker within the al ulus, for example by the following de (en (x; pk(y )); sk(y )) = x
pro ess:
We may now write the pro ess:
a(x):ah(N; snd(x))i 
s: ahpk(s)i j b(x): hde (x; sk(s))i
whi h may re eive (M; s) on a and send (N; s) on a. Com-
posing this atta ker with the program, we may obtain N The rst omponent publishes the publi key pk(s) by send-
instead of M on b. ing it on a. The se ond re eives a message on b, uses the
orresponding se ret key sk(s) to de rypt it, and forwards XOR Finally, we may model the XOR fun tion, some of
the resulting plaintext on . As this example indi ates, we its uses in ryptography, and some of the proto ol aws on-
essentially view  as a generator of unguessable seeds. In ne ted with it. Some of these aws stem from the intrinsi
some ases, those seeds may be dire tly used as passwords equational properties of XOR, su h as an ellation property
or keys; in others, some transformations are needed. that we may write:
Some en ryption s hemes have additional properties. In
parti ular, en and de may be the same fun tion. This xor(xor(x; y ); y ) = x
property matters in implementations, and sometimes per- Others arise be ause of the intera tions between XOR and
mits atta ks. Moreover, ertain en ryptions and de ryp- other operations (e.g., [41, 15℄). For example, CRCs ( y li
tions ommute in some s hemes. For example, we have redundan y odes) an be poor proofs of integrity, partly
de (en (x; y ); z ) = en (de (x; z ); y ) if the en ryptions and be ause of the equation:
de ryptions are performed using RSA with the same modu-
lus. The treatment of su h properties is left open in [5℄. In r (xor(x; y )) = xor( r (x); r (y ))
ontrast, it is easy to express the properties in the applied pi
al ulus, and to study the proto ols and atta ks that depend 4 Equivalen es and proof te hniques
on them.
In examples, we frequently argue that two given pro esses
Non-deterministi (\probabilisti ") en ryption Going fur- annot be distinguished by any ontext, that is, that the
ther, we may add a third argument to en , so that the en- pro esses are observationally equivalent. The spi al ulus
ryption of a plaintext with a key is not unique. This non- developed the idea that the ontext represents an a tive at-
determinism is an essential property of probabilisti en ryp- ta ker, and equivalen es apture authenti ity and se re y
tion systems [23℄. The equation for de ryption be omes: properties in the presen e of the atta ker.
de (en (x; pk(y ); z ); sk(y )) = x In this se tion we de ne observational equivalen e for
the applied pi al ulus. We also introdu e a notion of stati
With this variant, we may write the pro ess: equivalen e for frames, a labeled semanti s for pro esses,
a(x): m:bhen (M; x; m)i j n: hen (N; x; n)i
 and a labeled equivalen e relation. We prove that labeled
equivalen e and observational equivalen e oin ide, obtain-
whi h re eives a message x and uses it as an en ryption key ing a onvenient proof te hnique for observational equiva-
for two messages, en (M; x; m) and en (N; x; n). An ob- len e.
server who does not have the orresponding de ryption key
annot tell whether the underlying plaintexts M and N are 4.1 Observational equivalen e
identi al by omparing the iphertexts, be ause the ipher-
texts rely on di erent fresh names m and n. Moreover, even We write A + a when A an send a message on a, that
if the observer learns x, M , and N (but not the de ryption is, when A ! C [ahM i:P ℄ for some evaluation ontext C [ ℄
key), it annot verify that the messages ontain M and N that does not bind a.
be ause it does not know m and n. De nition 1 Observational equivalen e () is the largest
symmetri relation R between losed extended pro esses with
Publi -key digital signatures Like publi -key en ryption the same domain su h that A R B implies:
s hemes, digital-signature s hemes rely on pairs of publi
and se ret keys. In ea h pair, the se ret key serves for 1. if A + a, then B + a;
omputing signatures and the publi key for verifying those 2. if A ! A0 , then B ! B 0 and A0 R B 0 for some B 0 ;
signatures. In order to model digital signatures and their
he king, we use again the two unary fun tion symbols pk 3. C [A℄ R C [B ℄ for all losing evaluation ontexts C [ ℄.
and sk for generating publi and se ret keys from a seed. We
also use the new binary fun tion symbol sign, the ternary These de nitions are standard in the pi al ulus, where
fun tion symbol he k, and the onstant symbol ok, with + a is alled a barb on a, and where  is one of the two
the equation: usual notions of barbed bisimulation ongruen e. (See [20℄
for details.)
he k(x; sign(x; sk(y )); pk(y )) = ok For example, when h is a unary fun tion symbol with no
(Several variants are possible.) equations, we obtain that s:ahsi  s:ahh(s)i.
Modifying again our rst example, we may now write:
  4.2 Stati equivalen e
s:fpk(s)=y g j ah(M; sign(M; sk(s)))i j
a(x):if he k(fst(x); snd(x); y ) = ok then bhfst(x)i Two substitutions may be seen as equivalent when they be-
have equivalently when applied to terms. We write s for
Here the value M is signed using the se ret key sk(s). Al- this notion of equivalen e, and all it stati equivalen e. In
though M and its signature travel on the publi hannel a, the presen e of the \new" onstru t, de ning s is some-
no other pro ess an produ e N and its signature for some what deli ate and interesting. For instan e, onsider two
other N . Therefore, again, we may reason that only the in- fun tions f and g with no equations (intuitively, two inde-
tended term M will be forwarded on hannel b. This prop- pendent one-way hash fun tions), and the three frames:
erty holds despite the publi ation of pk(s) (but not sk(s)),
whi h is represented by the a tive substitution that maps y = k:fk=x g j s:fs=y g
'0 def
to pk(s). Despite the restri tion on s, pro esses outside the = k:ff (k)=x ;g(k) =y g
'1 def
restri tion an use pk(s) through y. In parti ular, y refers
to pk(s) in the pro ess that he ks the signature on M . = k:fk=x ;f (k) =y g
'2 def
x:ahxi M;k)= g j ahki:a(z ):if z = M then h oops ! i
k:ahen (M; k)i:ahki:a(z ):if z = M then h oops ! i ! k: fen (
! k: fen (M;k)
=x g j fk=y g j a(z ):if z = M then h oops ! i
a de x;y 
( (
k: fen (M;k)
=x g j fk=y g j if de (x; y ) = M then h oops ! i

! k: fen (M;k)
=x g j fk=y g j h oops ! i

Figure 1: Example transitions

In '0 , the variables x and y are mapped to two unrelated 4.3 Labeled operational semanti s and equivalen e
values that are di erent from any value that the ontext A labeled operational semanti s extends the hemi al se-
may build (sin e k and s are new). These properties also manti s of se tion 2, enabling us to reason about pro esses
hold, but more subtly, for '1 ; although f (k) and g(k) are that intera t with their environment. The labeled semanti s
based on the same underlying fresh name, they look unre- de nes a relation A ! A0 , where is a label of one of the
lated. (Analogously, it is ommon to onstru t apparently following forms:
unrelated keys by hashing from a single underlying se ret,
as in SSL [21℄.) Hen e, a ontext that obtains the values  a label a(M ), where M is a term that may ontain
for x and y annot distinguish '0 and '1 . On the other names and variables, whi h orresponds to an input of
hand, the ontext an dis riminate '2 by testing the pred- M on a;
i ate f (x) = y. Therefore, we would like to de ne stati
equivalen e so that '0 s '1 6s '2 .  a label ahui or u:ahui, where u is either a hannel
This example relies on a on ept of equality of terms in name or a variable of base type, whi h orresponds to
a frame, whi h the following de nition aptures. an output of u on a.
De nition 2 We say that two terms M and N are equal in In addition to the rules for stru tural equivalen e and re-
the frame ', and write (M = N )', if and only if '   ne: , du tion of se tion 2, we adopt the following rules:
M = N , and fneg \ (fn (M ) [ fn (N )) = ; for some names
ne and substitution  . In a(x):P a(M!
P fM=x g
For instan e, in our example, we have (f (x) = y)'2 but not
(f (x) = y)'1 , hen e '1 6s '2 . Out-Atom ahui:P ahu!
De nition 3 We say that two losed frames ' and are
stati ally equivalent, and write ' s , when dom (') = A ahu!
i A0 u 6= a
dom ( ) and when, for all terms M and N , we have (M = Open-Atom
u:ahui 0
N )' if and only if (M = N ) . u:A !A
We say that two losed extended pro esses are stati ally
equivalent, and write A s B , when their frames are stati- A ! A0 u does not o ur in
ally equivalent. u:A ! u:A0
S ope

Depending on , stati equivalen e an be quite hard

to he k, but at least it does not depend on the dynami s A ! A0 bv ( ) \ fv (B ) = bn( ) \ fn (B ) = ;
of pro esses. Some simpli ations are possible in ommon Par
AjB ! A0 j B
ases, for example when terms an be put in normal forms.
The next two lemmas state several basi , important
properties of s : AB B ! B0 B 0  A0
A ! A0
Stru t

Lemma 1 Stati equivalen e is losed by stru tural equiva-

len e, by redu tion, and by appli ation of losing evaluation A ording to In, a term M may be input. On the other
ontexts. hand, Out-Atom permits output only for hannel names
and for variables of base type. Other terms an be output
Lemma 2 Observational equivalen e and stati equivalen e only \by referen e": a variable an be asso iated with the
oin ide on frames. Observational equivalen e is stri tly term in question and output.
ner than stati equivalen e on extended pro esses:   s . For example, using the signature and equations for sym-
metri en ryption, and the new onstant symbol oops ! , we
To see that observational equivalen e implies stati equiv- have the sequen e of transitions of Figure 1. The rst two
alen e, note that if A and B are observationally equivalent transitions do not dire tly reveal the term M . However, they
then A j C and B j C have the same barbs for every C , and give enough information to the environment to ompute M
that they are stati ally equivalent when A j C and B j C as de (x; y), and to input it in the third transition.
have the same barb + a for every C of the spe ial form The labeled operational semanti s leads to an equiva-
if M = N then ahsi, where a does not o ur in A or B . len e relation:
De nition 4 Labeled bisimilarity (l ) is the largest sym- 4.4 Re ning the labeled operational semanti s
metri relation R on losed extended pro esses su h that
In the labeled operational semanti s of se tion 4.3, the la-
A R B implies:
bels for outputs do not reveal mu h about the terms being
1. A s B ; output. Ex ept for hannel names, those terms are repre-
sented by variables. Often, however, more expli it labels
2. if A ! A0 , then B ! B 0 and A0 R B 0 for some B 0 ; an be onvenient in reasoning about proto ols, and they
3. if A ! A0 and fv ( )  dom (A) and bn ( ) \ fn (B ) = ;,
do not ause harm as long as they only make expli it in-
formation that is immediately available to the environment.
then B ! !! B 0 and A0 R B 0 for some B 0 . For instan e, for the pro ess k:ah(Header; en (M; k))i, the
Conditions 2 and 3 are standard; ondition 1, whi h requires label y:ah(Header; y)i is more informative than x:ahxi. In
that bisimilar pro esses be stati ally equivalent, is ne essary this example, the environment ould anyway derive that
fst(x) = Header. More generally, we rely on the following
for example in order to distinguish the frames '0 and '2 of de nition to hara terize the information that the environ-
se tion 4.2. ment an derive.
Our main result is that this relation oin ides with obser-
vational equivalen e. Although su h results are fairly om- De nition 5 A variable x an be derived from the extended
mon in pro ess al uli, they are important and non-trivial. pro ess A when, for some term M and extended pro ess A0 ,
we have A  fM=x g j A0 .
Theorem 1 Observational equivalen e is labeled bisimilar-
ity:  = l. In general, when x 2 dom (A), there exist ne, M , and A0 su h
One of the lemmas in the proof of this theorem says that that A   ne:fM=x g j A0 . If x an be derived from A, then
ne an be hosen empty, so that M is not under restri tions.
l is losed by appli ation of losing evaluation ontexts. Intuitively, if x an be derived from A, then A does not
However, unlike the de nition of , the de nition of l does reveal more information than x:A, be ause the ontext an
not in lude a ondition about ontexts. It therefore permits build the term M and use it instead of x. For example, using
simpler proofs. fun tion symbols for pairs and symmetri en ryption, we let:
In addition, labeled bisimilarity an be established via
standard \bisimulation up to ontext" te hniques [38℄, whi h = k:fM=x ;en (x;k) =y ;(y;N ) =z g
' def
enable useful on-the- y simpli ations in frames after out-
put steps. The following lemmas provide methods for sim- The variable y an be derived from ' using fst(z). Formally,
plifying frames: we have:
Lemma 3 (Alias elimination) Let A and B be losed ex- '  ffst z =y g j k:fM=x ; en
( ) ( x;k);N ) = g
tended pro esses. If fM=x g j A l fM=x g j B , then A l B . In ontrast, x and z annot be derived from ' in general.
Lemma 4 (Name dis losure) Let A and B be losed ex- However, if k does not o ur in N , then z an be derived
tended pro esses. If s:(fs=x g j A) l s:(fs=x g j B ), then from ' using (y; N ):
A l B . '  f y;N =z g j k:fM=x ;en
( ) (x;k) = g
In Lemma 3, the substitution fM=x g an a e t only the on- Conversely, if N = k, then x an be derived from ' using
text, sin e A and B are losed. However, the lemma implies de (y; snd(z )), even if k o urs in M :
that the substitution does not give or mask any information
about A and B to the ontext. In Lemma 4, the restri tion '  fde (y;snd(z))= g j k:fen (M;k)= ;(y;k) = g
x y z
on s and the substitution fs=x g mean that the ontext an Relying on De nition 5, we de ne rules for output that
a ess s only indire tly, through the free variable x. Cru- permit omposite terms in labels but require that every re-
ially, s is a name of base type. Intuitively, the lemma says stri ted variable that is exported an be derived by the en-
that indire t a ess is equivalent to dire t a ess in this ase.
This labeled operational semanti s ontrasts with a more vironment. In the relation A ! A0 , the label now ranges
naive semanti s arried over from the pure pi al ulus, with over the same labels a(M ) for input and generalized labels
output labels  ue:ahM i and rules that permit dire t output for output of the form  ue:ahM i, where M is a term that may
of any term, su h as: ontain variables and where fueg  fv (M )[fn (M ). The label
 ue:ahM i orresponds to an output of M on a that reveals
ahM i:P ahM!
i P the names and variables ue.
We retain the rules for stru tural equivalen e and redu -
tion, and rules In, Par, and Stru t. We also keep rule
A  ue:ahM!
i 0
A v 2 fv (M ) [ fn (M ) n fa; ueg S ope, but only for labels with no extrusion, that is, for
Open-All labels ahM i and a(M ). As a repla ement for the rules Out-
v:A v;ue:ahM!
i A0
Atom and Open-Atom, we use the rules Out-Term and:

These rules lead to a di erent, ner equivalen e relation,

whi h for example would distinguish k; s:ah(k; s)i and A ahb!i 0
A b 6= a
k:ah(f (k); g(k))i. This equivalen e relation is often inad-
b:ahbi 0
equate in appli ations (as in [5, se tion 5.2.1℄), hen e our b:A !A
de nitions.
We have also studied intermediately liberal rules for out- A  ue:ahM!i A0
x 2 fv (M ) n fueg
put, whi h permit dire t output of ertain terms. We ex- x an be derived from  ue:fM=z g j A0
plain those rules next. Open-Variable
x:A x;ue:ahM!
i A0
Rule Open-Channel is the spe ial of Open-Atom for han- follow the proto ol will ommuni ate se urely with one an-
nel names. Rule Open-Variable lters output transitions other afterwards, even in the presen e of a tive atta kers.
whose ontents may reveal restri ted variables. Only non- In extended proto ols, su h as the Station-to-Station pro-
derivable subterms have to be repla ed with variables before to ol [18℄ and SKEME [26℄, additional messages perform
the output. Thus, these rules are more liberal than those authenti ation.
of se tion 4.3. In fa t, it is easy to he k that the rules of We program the basi proto ol in terms of the binary
se tion 4.3 are spe ial ases of these ones. fun tion symbol f and the unary fun tion symbol g, with
For instan e, onsider A1 = k:ah(f (k); g(k))i and A2 = the equation:
k:ah(k; f (k))i. With the rules of se tion 4.3, we have:
f (x; g(y )) = f (y; g(x)) (1)
Ai z:ahz!
x; y:f(x;y)=z g j 'i Con retely, the fun tions are f (x; y) = yx mod p and
where x; y an be eliminated and 'i is as in se tion 4.2. g(x) = x mod p for a prime p and a generator of Zp ,
With the new rules, we also have: and we have the equation f (x; g(y)) = ( y )x = yx =
xy = ( x )y = f (y; g(x)). However, we ignore the under-
Ai x;y:ah(x;y!
'i lying number theory, working abstra tly with f and g.
The proto ol has two symmetri parti ipants, whi h we
This transition is adequate for A1 sin e x and y behave like represent by the pro esses A0 and A1 . The proto ol estab-
fresh, independent values. For A2 , we also have the more lishes a shared key, then the parti ipants respe tively run
informative transition: P0 and P1 using the key. We use the publi hannel 01
for messages from A0 to A1 and the publi hannel 10 for
x:ah(x;f (x))i ommuni ation in the opposite dire tion. We assume that
A2 ! k:fk=x g none of the values introdu ed in the proto ol appears in P0
that reveals the link between x and y, but not that x is a and P1 , ex ept for the key.
name. In order to establish the key, A0 invents a name n0 ,
In general, for a given message, we may have several sends g(n0 ) to A1 , and A1 pro eeds symmetri ally. Then
output transitions. Ea h of these transitions may lead to a A0 omputes the key as f (n0 ; g(n1 )) and A1 omputes it as
pro ess with a di erent frame. However, it suÆ es to on- f (n1 ; g(n0 )), with the same result. We nd it onvenient to
sider any one of the transitions in order to prove that a rela- use the following substitutions for A0 's message and key:
tion is in luded in labeled bisimilarity. Hen e, a parti ular
label an be hosen to re e t the stru ture of the proto ol =
0 def fg n0 =x0 g
( )

at hand, and to limit the omplexity of the resulting frame. 0 =

ff n0 ;x1 =y g
( )
The next theorem states that the two semanti s yield the
same notion of equivalen e. Thus, making the labels more and the orresponding substitutions 1 and 1 , as well as
expli it only makes apparent some of the information that the frame:
is otherwise kept in the stati , equational part of l .
= (n0 : (0 j 0 )) j (n1 : 1 )
' def
Theorem 2 Let L be the relation of labeled bisimilarity
obtained by applying De nition 4 to the semanti s of this With these notations, A0 is:
se tion. We have l = L .
In another dire tion, we an re ne the semanti s to per- = n0 :(
A0 def 01 hx  i j
0 0 10 (x1 ):P0 0 )
mit fun tions that take hannels as arguments or produ e and A1 is analogous.
them as results (whi h are ex luded in se tion 2). For ex- Two redu tions represent a normal run of the proto ol:
ample, we an permit a pairing fun tion for hannels. Thus,
although the separation of hannels from other values is fre- A0 j A1 !! x0 ; x1 ; n0 ; n1 : (P0 0 j P1 1 j 0 j 1 ) (2)
quent in examples and onvenient, it is not essential.  x0 ; x1 ; n0 ; n1 ; y: (P0 j P1 j 0 j 0 j 1 ) (3)
For this purpose, we would allow the use of the rule
Open-All in the ase where v is a hannel b. The dis-  y:(P0 j P1 j x0 ; x1 : ') (4)
advantages of this rule (indi ated above) do not arise if two The two ommuni ation steps (2) use stru tural equivalen e
reasonable onstraints are met: (1) hannel sorts ontain to a tivate the substitutions 0 and 1 and extend the s ope
only pairwise-distin t names up to term rewriting; (2) for of the se ret values n0 and n1 . The stru tural equivalen e
every term M with a hannel variable x, there is a hannel (3) ru ially relies on equation (1) in order to reuse the a tive
term N with free variable y and no free names su h that substitution 0 instead of 1 after the re eption of x0 in A1 .
x = N fM=y g. The next stru tural equivalen e (4) tightens the s ope for
restri ted names and variables, then uses the de nition of '.
5 DiÆe-Hellman key agreement (example) We model an eavesdropper as a pro ess that inter epts
messages on 01 and 10 , remembers them, but forwards
The fundamental DiÆe-Hellman proto ol allows two prin- them unmodi ed. In the presen e of this passive atta ker,
ipals to establish a shared se ret by ex hanging messages the operational semanti s says that A0 j A1 yields instead:
over publi hannels [17℄. The prin ipals need not have any
shared se rets in advan e. The basi proto ol, on whi h y:(P0 j P1 j ')
we fo us here, does not provide authenti ation; therefore,
a \bad" prin ipal may play the role of either prin ipal in The sequen e of steps that leads to this result is similar to
the proto ol. On the other hand, the two prin ipals that the one above. The absen e of the restri tions on x0 and x1
orresponds to the fa t that the eavesdropper has obtained be the sender of M . This property should hold even if A
the values of these variables. generates MACs for other messages as well; those MACs
The following theorem relates this pro ess to should not permit forging a MAC for M . In the worst ase,
it should hold even if A generates MACs for other messages
k:(P0 j P1 )fk=y g on demand.
Using a new binary fun tion symbol ma , we may de-
whi h represents the bodies P0 and P1 of A0 and A1 shar- s ribe this s enario by the following pro esses:
ing a key k. This key appears as a simple shared name,
rather than as the result of ommuni ationk and omputa- A def= !a(x):bh(x; ma (k; x))i
tion. Intuitively, we may read k:(P0 j P1 )f =y g as the ideal
out ome of the proto ol: P0 and P1 exe ute using a shared B = b(y ):if ma (k; fst(y )) = snd(y ) then hfst(y )i

key, without on ern for how the key was established, and = k:(A j B )
S def
without any side-e e ts from weaknesses in the establish-
ment of the key. The theorem says that this ideal out ome The pro ess S represents the omplete system, omposed of
is essentially a hieved, up to some \noise". This \noise" is a A and B ; the restri tion on k means that k is private to A
substitution that maps x0 and x1 to unrelated, fresh names. and B . The pro ess A re eives messages on a publi hannel
It a ounts for the fa t that an atta ker may have the key- a and returns them MACed on the publi hannel b. When
ex hange messages, and that they look just like unrelated B re eives a message on b, it he ks its MAC and a ts upon
values to the atta ker. In parti ular, the key in use between it, here simply by forwarding on a hannel . Intuitively,
P0 and P1 has no observable relation to those messages, or we would expe t that B forwards on only a message that
to any other left-over se rets. We view this independen e of A has MACed. In other words, although an atta ker may
the shared key as an important forward-se re y property. inter ept, modify, and inje t messages on b, it should not be
able to forge a MAC and tri k B into forwarding some other
Theorem 3 Let P0 and P1 be pro esses with free variable message.
y where the name k does not appear. We have: This property an be expressed pre isely in terms of the
labeled semanti s and it an be he ked without too mu h
y:(P0 j P1 j ') diÆ ulty when ma is a primitive fun tion symbol with no
 k:(P0 j P1 )fk=y g j s0 :fs0=x0 g j s1 :fs1=x1 g equations. The property remains true even if there is a fun -
tion extra t that maps a MAC ma (x; y) to the underlying
The theorem follows from Lemma 2 and the stati equiva- leartext y, with the equation extra t(ma (x; y)) = y. Sin e
len e ' s s0 ; s1 ; k:fs0=x0 ;s1 =x1 ;k =y g, whi h says that the MACs are not supposed to guarantee se re y, su h a fun -
frame ' generated by the proto ol exe ution is equivalent tion may well exist, so it is safer to assume that it is available
to one that maps variables to fresh names. to the atta ker.
Extensions of the basi proto ol add rounds of ommuni- The property is more deli ate if ma is de ned from
ation that on rm the key and authenti ate the prin ipals. other operations, as it invariably is in pra ti e. In that
We have studied one su h extension with key on rmation. ase, the property may even be taken as the spe i ation of
There, the shared se ret f (n0 ; g(n1 )) is used in on rma- MACs [22℄. Thus, a MAC implementation may be deemed
tion messages. Be ause of these messages, the shared se ret orre t if and only if the pro ess S works as expe ted when
an no longer be equated with a virgin key for P0 and P1 . ma is instantiated with that implementation. More spe if-
Instead, the nal key is omputed by hashing the shared se- i ally, the next se tion deals with the question of whether
ret. This hashing guarantees the independen e of the nal the property remains true when ma is de ned from hash
key. fun tions.
6 Message authenti ation odes and hashing 6.2 Constru ting MACs
(another example) In se tion 3, we give no equations for one-way hash fun -
Message authenti ation odes (MACs) are ommon rypto- tions. In pra ti e, one-way hash fun tions are ommonly
graphi operations. In this se tion we treat MACs and their de ned by iterating a basi binary ompression fun tion,
onstru tions from one-way hash fun tions. This example whi h maps two input blo ks to one output blo k. Fur-
provides a further illustration of the usefulness of equations thermore, keyed one-way hash fun tions in lude a key as an
in the applied pi al ulus. On the other hand, some aspe ts additional argument. Thus, we may have:
of MAC onstru tions are rather low-level, and we would not f (x; y + z ) = h(f (x; y ); z )
expe t to a ount for all their ombinatorial details (e.g., the
\birthday atta ks"). A higher-level task is to express and where f is the keyed one-way hash fun tion, h is the om-
reason about proto ols treating MACs as primitive; this is pression fun tion, x is a key, and y + z represents the on-
squarely within the s ope of our approa h. atenation of blo k z to y. Con atenation (+) asso iates
to the left. We also assume other standard operations on
6.1 Using MACs sequen es and the orresponding equations.
In this equation we are rather abstra t in our treatment
MACs serve to authenti ate messages using shared keys. of blo ks, their sizes, and therefore of padding and other
When k is a key and M is a message, and k is known only related issues. We also ignore two ommon twists: some
to a ertain prin ipal A and to the re ipient B of the mes- fun tions use initialization ve tors to start the iteration, and
sage, B may take ma (k; M ) as proof that M omes from A. some append a length blo k to the input. Nevertheless, we
More pre isely, B an he k ma (k; M ) by re omputing it an explain various MAC onstru tions, des ribing aws in
upon re eipt of M and ma (k; M ), and reason that A must some and reasoning about the properties of others.
a(M )
k:(A j B ) ! k:(A j B j bh(M; ma (k; M ))i)
! k:(A j B j f(M;ma (k;M ))=x g)
b((M +N;h(snd(x);N )))
!! k:(A j hM + N i j f(M;ma (k;M ))=x g)
y: hyi
! k:(A j f(M;ma (k;M ))=x ;M +N =y g)

Figure 2: An atta k s enario

a(M )
k:(A j B ) ! k:(A j B j bh(M; ma (k; M ))i)
! k:(A j B j fma k;M =x g)
( )

b((M + N;h x;N

!! k:(A j hM + N i j fma k;M =x g)
))) ( )

hM N i
! k:(A j fma k;M =x g)
( )

Figure 3: An atta k s enario (with re ned labels)

A rst, lassi al de nition of a MAC from a keyed one- 7 Related work and on lusions
way hash fun tion f is:
In this paper, we des ribe a uniform extension of the pi
ma (x; y ) def
= f (x; y) al ulus, the applied pi al ulus, in whi h messages may
be ompound values, not just hannel names. We study
For instan e, the MAC of a three-blo k message M = M0 + its theory, developing its semanti s and proof te hniques.
M1 + M2 with key k is ma (k; M ) = h(h(f (k; M0 ); M1 ); M2 ). Although the al ulus has no spe ial, built-in features to
This implementation is subje t to a well-known extension deal with se urity, we nd it useful in the analysis of se urity
atta k. Given the MAC of M , an atta ker an ompute proto ols.
the MAC of any extension M + N without knowing the Other te hniques have been employed for the analysis
MAC key, sin e ma (k; M + N ) = h(ma (k; M ); N ). We of these proto ols. Some are based on omplexity theory;
an des ribe the atta k formally through the operational there, prin ipals are basi ally Turing ma hines that om-
semanti s, as done in Figure 2 and in Figure 3, whi h use the pute on bitstrings, and se urity depends on the omputa-
semanti s of se tions 4.3 and 4.4 respe tively. We assume tional limitations of atta kers (e.g., [44, 23, 24, 8, 22℄). Oth-
k 62 fn (M ) [ fn (N ). In those des riptions, we see that the ers rely on higher-level, formal representations where issues
message M that the system MACs di ers from the message of omputational omplexity an be onveniently avoided
M + N that it forwards on . (e.g., [19, 25, 29, 39, 35, 34, 42, 5, 16, 7℄). Although some
There are several ways to address extension atta ks, and re ent work [28, 36, 6℄ starts to relate these two s hools (for
indeed the literature ontains many MAC onstru tions that example, justifying the soundness of the se ond with respe t
are not subje t to these atta ks. We have onsidered some to the rst), they remain rather distin t. Our use of the ap-
of them. Here we des ribe a onstru tion that uses the MAC plied pi al ulus learly belongs in the se ond. Within this
key twi e: s hool, many re ent approa hes work essentially by reason-
ma (x; y ) def
= f (x; f (x; y)) ing about all possible tra es of a se urity proto ol. However,
the ways of talking about the tra es and their properties
Under this de nition, the pro ess S forwards on only a vary greatly. We use a pro ess al ulus. Its semanti s pro-
message that it has previously MACed, as desired. Looking vides a detailed spe i ation for sets of tra es. Be ause the
beyond the ase of S , we an prove a more general result by pro ess al ulus has a proper \new" onstru t (like the pi
omparing the situation where ma is primitive (and has no al ulus but unlike CSP), it provides a dire t a ount of the
spe ial equations) and one with the de nition of ma (x; y) as generation of new keys and other fresh quantities. It also
f (x; f (x; y )). Given a tuple of names ek and an extended pro - enables reasoning with equivalen e and implementation re-
ess C that uses the symbol ma , we write [ C ℄ for the trans- lations. Furthermore, the pro ess al ulus permits treating
lation of C in whi h the de nition of ma is expanded wher- se urity proto ols as programs written in a programming
notation|subje t to typing, to other stati analyses, and to
ever a key ki in ek is used, with f (ki ; f (ki ; M )) repla ed for translations [1, 3, 4, 2, 10, 11, 9, 13℄.
ma (ki ; M ). The theorem says that this translation yields The applied pi al ulus has many ommonalities with the
an equivalent pro ess (so, intuitively, the onstru ted MACs original pi al ulus and its relatives, su h as the spi al ulus
work as well as the primitive ones): (dis ussed above). In parti ular, the model of ommuni a-
Theorem 4 Suppose that the names ek appear only as MAC tion adopted in the applied pi al ulus is deliberately las-
keys in C . Take no equations for ma and the equation
si al: ommuni ation is through named hannels, and value
omputation is rather separate from ommuni ation. Fur-
f (x; y + z ) = h(f (x; y ); z ) for f . Then  ek:C   ek:[ C ℄ .
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