Tiwale 2020 WaterConservationandReligiousOrganisations

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Water Conservation and Religious Organisations

Article in Economic and Political Weekly · June 2020


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1 author:

Sachin Tiwale
Tata Institute of Social Sciences


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Water Conservation and rainfall—21% excess of the normal rain-

fall in Marathwada (IMD 2016)—Latur

Religious Organisations was receiving water only once a week in

2017. The analysis reveals that the pro-
ject was conceived and planned with a
poor understanding of the river basin,
Sachin Tiwale the water needs of Latur city, and the
existing water supply infrastructure. The

In response to Srirupa n the article titled “Groundwater, assessment of the project implementa-
Bhattacharya’s article Gurus, and Governmentality: Seva in tion discloses the violation of multiple
the Neo-liberal Development Regime rules of regulations.
“Groundwater, Gurus, and
in India” (EPW, 10 August 2019), the author Bhattacharya (2019: 55) observed that
Governmentality: Seva in the Srirupa Bhattacharya has illustrated upon the gurus receive “unprecedented stru-
Neo-liberal Development Regime the network emerging between the reli- ctural cooperation” and “universal acce-
in India” (EPW, 10 August 2019), gious organisations, state actors, interna- ptability” from all, including the state
tional funding organisations and multi- actors. This article argues that the rela-
this article raises a few important
national corporations while planning tionship between religious organisation
questions on the modalities of and executing water conservation activi- and state goes beyond “acceptability” and,
the implementation and, ties in the post-liberalisation era. Citing at some point, the state actors are co-opted
consequently, the actual impacts an example of the Art of Living (AOL) by the religious organisation, blurring
and their Kumudvathi river rejuvenation the boundaries between the religious
of the water conservation projects
project, the author has argued that while organisation and the state. The state
run by religious organisations. such collaborative efforts rope in a range actors are not only silent observers of the
Using the example of the Manjra of actors, the local actors, however, are activities of religious organisation, often
river rejuvenation project, this either completely excluded or involved violating the rules and regulations, but
at much later stages of the project. In under their influence can often actively
article further decodes
this article, I am taking this argument a engage and perform those activities,
Bhattacharya’s observation of the step ahead to explore whether such nex- violating its own rules.
gurus receiving “unprecedented us formulated by the religious organisa-
tions across bureaucracy, policymakers, Manjra River Rejuvenation
structural cooperation” and
capitalists, media houses, and experts In early 2016, as a result of the second
“universal acceptability” from all,
can lead to better implementation and consecutive drought, all sources of drin-
including the state actors. outcome of development projects (here, king water supply of the Latur Municipal
river rejuvenation) or not. Corporation (LMC) went dry. In response
In this context, this article examines to this crisis, AoL and RSS–JS gathered local
the Manjra river rejuvenation project in- leaders and residents together to form
itiated and led by the AoL and RSS Jalyukta Latur Samiti (JLS, henceforth)1
Jankalyan Samiti (RSS–JS) for Latur city with the objective of strengthening the
in Maharashtra in the summer of 2016. water sources of the city. The JLS decided
In her article, Bhattacharya (2019: 57) to rejuvenate the Manjra river by deep-
has, also, made passing reference to this ening and widening the upstream river
project. This article analyses the process channel of the two barrages—Sai and
of implementation of the Manjra river re- Nagzari—to create a storage of 18 million
juvenation project, explores the knowl- cubic metres (mcm), which the JLS claimed
edge claims of the AoL and RSS–JS per- would be sufficient to meet the drinking
taining to water conservation by exam- water demand of the city (Ghadyalpatil
ining the validity of the approach of 2016; Thomas 2016) (Figure 1, p 58).
river rejuvenation with reference to the The rejuvenation work was proclaimed
hydrology of the Manjra basin, and finally as a permanent solution for the water
assessing the actual benefits in contrast to crisis of Latur city, and the residents and
Sachin Tiwale (sachin.tiwale@tiss.edu) is with the promises made by religious organisa- others were appealed to for contributing
the Centre for Water Policy, Regulation and tions to gain public participation. to the project that promises piped water
Governance, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Despite being lauded as a successful supply to the city every alternate day.2
project and even after witnessing a good Unlike the Kumudvathi river rejuvenation
Economic & Political Weekly EPW june 13, 2020 vol lV no 24 57
Figure 1: Map Showing Manjra River along with Manjra Dam, Barrages and River Rejuvenation Worksite 154 mcm (WRD 2015, 2017). Therefore,
76.25° E 76.50° E 76.75° E
Manjra basin is an overdeveloped and
closed basin5 where the capacity of exist-
ing water storage structures and total per-
mitted water use is much more than the
quantity of renewable water available in

18.50° N
18.50° N

the basin. There is no “excess” water avail-

able that can just be stored by the widen-
ing and deepening of a river channel.

Is It Logical?
The Manjra dam alone supplies 20 mcm
of water to Latur city through direct

18.25° N
18.25° N

pipelines constructed from the dam to

the city, which was enough to meet the
then water demand of the city. One of
the claims made by JLS members in sup-
port of their work was that the addition-
al storage created by them would help
76.25° E 76.50° E 76.75° E Latur in times of distress. However, the
case, as elaborated by Bhattacharya the guru and their religious organisa- validity of this claim is questionable. As
(2019), here, the private cor porations, tions are perceived as omniscient, and Figure 1 indicates, the largest reservoir
organisations and the common people, therefore, no one involved in the project of the Manjra basin, with a capacity of
including residents of Latur city, partici- raised questions over the feasibility of 250.7 mcm, is located upstream of Latur
pated in the rejuvenation work since its the project and fulfilment of its stated city (CWC 2015). This is followed by a
inception. However, this participation objectives. series of 14 barrages constructed on the
was limited to only monetary contribution In this section, I am assessing the knowl- river, before it enters Karnataka. Nagzari
and voluntary labour, while the entire edge claims of AoL and RSS–JS through and Sai are two such barrages that were
idea was conceived and executed by the three fundamental questions: (i) Is there built to supply 4.26 mcm6 water for
leading religious organisations. They any excess water available in the river Latur city and JLS was focusing on the
successfully raised around `70 million basin before being stored?; (ii) is it logical strengthening of these sources through
from the people and excavated 4.3 mcm to dig a river when the city already has widening and deepening activities.
of silt using more than 25 massive earth- enough water reservation in upstream However, between the Manjra dam
moving machines, over a period of two dam?; and (iii) can Latur city use this and the Nagzari barrage, over a river
months. Environmentalists have already additionally created storage capacity? channel length of 50 km, six barrages
criticised such massive excavation affect- already exist. Also, there is no major
ing river ecology (Chari and Sharma 2016; Is There Any Excess Water? tributary bringing additional water from
Jamwal 2016). Therefore, I am not repro- Though the JLS was intended to create the catchment to these two barrages. As
ducing those arguments here. 18 mcm of storage, the question is a result, the inflow in Nagzari and Sai
whether the basin had that volume of barrages is mainly controlled by the
Assessing Knowledge Claims excess water to fill the additionally cre- Manjra dam and the six upstream bar-
The leading religious organisations, AoL ated storage. The analysis of water avail- rages. Unless these upstream structures
and RSS–JS, were so confident about the ability data at basin scale and existing overflow or release water, Nagzari and
deepening and widening of the river storage structures constructed on the Sai will not get adequate water to fill the
that they initiated work without prepa- Manjra river indicates that there is no additionally created storage capacity by
ring any feasibility report and detailed such excess water available. JLS. So, the question is: In the absence of
project report. As explained by one of As per the Godavari river basin plan excess water in the highly controlled
the AoL leaders, Mahadev Gomare, prepared by the Water Resources Depart- and regulated basin, how will these
Preparation of feasibility report and DPR ment (WRD) of Government of Maharash- barrages get water to fill the additionally
leads to wastage of time. We want to work tra, Manjra basin is already facing water created storage?
fast. We do not want to work like govern- shortages (WRD 2017). The total water Digging a river channel and creating a
ment engineers.3
availability in Manjra basin is 623 mcm; shallow water storage cannot be appro-
While interacting with the AoL leaders, however, the live storage capacity of com- priate solutions as this would increase
I realised that none of them were formally pleted and ongoing projects is 628 mcm. evaporation and seepage losses than
trained in hydrology, geology and river The total permitted water use is 777 mcm,4 facilitate water storage even in the dam
ecology. As Bhattacharya (2019) explained, surpassing the total water availability by itself. This indicates that the entire
58 june 13, 2020 vol lV no 24 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

programme was wrongly conceived, and the work of the AoL and RSS–JS has the work, there was no mention of its
it could have been avoided if a proper reached the taps of the citizens in Latur, precise impact on the water supply of
feasibility study would have been con- despite spending around `70 million for Latur city.11
ducted. Moreover, even if water is con- the conservation project, even after wit-
served somehow in these two barrages, nessing a rainfall in 2017 that was 21% in Blurring Boundaries
then the LMC needs to officially reserve excess of the average normal rainfall in In her paper, Bhattacharya (2019: 55) has
that additional water from the WRD be- Latur (IMD 2016). Residents in Latur had mentioned the “uncontainability” of
fore using it. But, with the existing water were still receiving water only once in gurus and “unprecedented structural
reservations exceeding total availability a week. cooperation” they receive because of the
by 158 mcm and Latur city already having belief in their omniscient nature. These
sufficient reservation in the Manjra dam, Reality vs Populism characteristics of gurus and their respec-
it is most unlikely that it will get official This approach of widening and deepen- tive religious organisations have also
reservation of the water as it is going to ing adopted by the AoL and RSS–JS is a played critical roles during the imple-
create conflicts among water users. Since popular technocratic supply-side meas- mentation of the Manjra river rejuve-
the basin is closed, the water conserva- ure that neglects the real issues of water nation project (Tiwale and Deshmukh
tion practice needs to be evaluated care- supply systems. The distribution network 2017). The Manjra river, being a sixth
fully before implementation, as it can of Latur city is old and leaky, causing order stream, was not at all eligible for
lead to reallocation of existing water us- significant water losses. The non- widening and deepening activities, which
ages without official reservation. Then, revenue water (NRW) in Latur is estimated are commonly prescribed for small
Latur city will be using the water share of in the range of 50%–55%. The water streams and rivulets (GoM 2013, 2015).12
the downstream users. It further means treatment plants are poorly maintained.10 At the local level, though the public
that the urban water users of Latur city Therefore, such efforts of increasing officials were not officially involved in
are grabbing the water of downstream water availability at the source are ques- the implementation processes, they were
farmers and villagers and depriving them tionable when half of this water is lost in very much aware about the AoL and RSS–
from fulfilling their drinking and irriga- the distribution network. Thus, in the JS work and that it was violating multi-
tion water needs. year following the rejuvenation work of ple rules. Yet they refrained from taking
2016, even after witnessing an excess any action, such as invoking Section 93
Can Latur Use the Stored Water? rainfall and adequate availability of wa- of the Maharashtra Irrigation Act, 1976
The other important question is that if ter in the Manjra dam, the LMC could not (GoM 1976), which empowers an irriga-
water is somehow stored in the addition- use its own water quota because of the tion officer to intervene in the work of
ally created capacity, then can Latur use bottlenecks existing in the network and modifying the river channel and prohib-
the stored water to fulfil its demand? treatment plants, and continued supply- iting the act of damaging, altering, en-
Unfortunately, the answer is no. No infra- ing water only once in a week. larging and obstructing a notified river.
structural arrangement was made at However, activities like reducing losses An executive engineer of the WRD,
Nagzari and Sai barrages to pick up the and increasing the efficiency of the water who had visited the worksite multiple
additionally stored water, treat it and supply system or increasing groundwater times when rejuvenation work was go-
pump it towards the city.7 Without cross- tables by rainwater harvesting in the ing on, when asked about his visits and
checking the adequacy of the required city are perhaps not as attractive as a about not taking any actions, replied,13
infrastructure, the widening and deep- massive worksite where more than 25 I am not officially involved with this
ening of the river yielded nothing for the excavators and 50 dumpers are operat- (Manjra) case. The collector office never
citizens of Latur, apart from damaging ing and changing the landscape, with consulted with us (irrigation department)
the river channel and riverine ecosystem. politically eminent people making site regarding this work … I visited the site as an
individual citizen of Latur … I also used to
An interview with an engineer from visits and or appearances at events to
visit the Nagzari barrage to ensure the safety
the water supply department of LMC mark the project’s success (Scroll 2016; of barrage structure and especially its
revealed that the department was never Samvada 2016), while any critical evalu- foundation as deepening was going on. I did
consulted while preparing and execut- ation of the project’s efficacy remains far- not monitor the activities of deepening and
ing the entire plan. This itself questions fetched. Initially started with the objective widening of the river bed.
the participatory mechanism of the pro- of permanently tackling water scarcity In fact, the boundaries between the
ject implementers. At Nagzari barrage, of the city, the project later became a state actors and the religious organisa-
which is bigger in size, the level of addi- mere symbol of success with the pictures tions were so blurred that this work by
tional storage created by deepening was of the deepened and widened channel AoL and RSS–JS, violating multiple rules
well below the existing jackwell.8 There- brimming with water, an obvious occur- and regulations initiated, was inaugu-
fore, the available infrastructure was rence after a good rainfall. No one ques- rated, visited and even applauded by
not able to fetch the additionally stored tioned whether the intended purpose bureaucrats, ministers and experts
water.9 As a result of such planning was met or not. Even in a booklet pub- (Scroll 2016; Sakal 2016).14 Ironically,
blunders, not a single drop of water from lished by the JLS, after the completion of the then chief minister of the state had
Economic & Political Weekly EPW june 13, 2020 vol lV no 24 59

announced the support of `54.7 million a temporary makeshift arrangement (floating Bandh with Deepening,” Government Resolu-
pumps and pipeline) to extract water was cost- tion No RaKruYo-2011/Case No 72/JaLa-7, Wa-
for this project; and according to an engi- ing `2–`2.5 million and if water supply depart- ter Conservation Department, Government of
neer of the WRD it was the first project ment wants to plan a permeant measure by Maharashtra.
shifting the jackwell at a lower level, then it is — (2015): “Implementing River Rejuvenation Pro-
where the department had received going to cost approximately `30 million. Simi- gram with People Participation under Jalyukta
money before any technical sanction.15 larly, additional investment is needed at Sai Shivar Campaign by Convergence of Different
This explains the inertia of the state Schemes,” Government Resolution No NaPuYo
10 Interview with water supply engineer. –2015/Case No 203/JaLa–7, Water Conserva-
officials in intervening, even when the 11 In the post-implementation period, some mem- tion Department, Government of Maharashtra.
rules and regulations get violated. bers of AoL and JLS talked about increase in IMD (2016): “2016 Southwest Monsoon End of
groundwater level and water made available Season Report,” Pune: India Meteorological
This illustrates the relationship bet- for farmers, as an impact of their work. How- Department, Earth System Science Organiza-
ween the state actors and the gurus and ever, it is like changing a goalpost, as these ob-
tion (ESSO), Ministry of Earth Sciences.
jectives could have been achieved by imple-
their religious organisations. The guru is menting other measures (for example, water- Jamwal, N (2016): “Playing with Water: Karnataka’s
pervasive and manages all—from local shed development) without damaging the river Controversial River Rejuvenation Plan,”
ecosystem and the farmlands of neighbouring Hindustan Times, 23 May, http://www.hindu-
bureaucracy to ministers and chief min- farmers. stantimes.com/india/playing-with-water-kar-
ister of states in such a way that no one 12 Stream deepening work was only permitted for nataka-s-controversial-river-rejuvenation-
second and third order streams. plan/story-ZRTPnQaamPVY1cVlhYPC6K.html.
counters their actions violating the Con- Sakal (2016): “Laturachaya Kamasathi Tin Kotinchi
13 Personal interview with an executive engineer
stitution. In fact, at a later stage, the of the state water resource department. Madat” (Marathi), 6 May.
state itself is aligned with the guru, 14 Based on information available on JLS mobile Samvada (2016): “RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan
app. Bhagwat Appreciates#JalayuktLatur Project,
becomes a partner in violating its own 15 Same as note 13. A Successful Water Conservation Initiative at
rules, and contributes in the ruination of Latur,” http://samvada.org/ 2016/news/jalay-
a river ecosystem of which the state is a References Scroll (2016): “Maharashtra Minister Draws Criti-
custodian. At the same time, the find- Bhattacharya, Srirupa (2019): “Groundwater, Gurus cism for Clicking ‘Insensitive’ Selfie in Drought-
ings from the Manjra project raise con- and Governmentality: Seva in the Neo-liberal hit Latur,” 18 April, https://scroll.in/latest/
Development Regime in India,” Economic & 806799/maharashtra-minister-draws-criticism-
cerns over the increasing involvement of Political Weekly, Vol 54, No 32, pp 51–59. for-clicking-insensitive-selfie-in-drought-hit-
such religious organisations proclaiming Chari, M and S Sharma (2016): “Can Maharashtra latur.
Prevent Drought by Digging Rivers? The Govern- Thomas, Prince Mathews (2016): “Let Down by
themselves as water experts and the sav- Govt, Latur’s Thirsty Residents Step Up,” Hindu
ment and Some NGOs Think So. But Ecologists
iours of people from water crises, while Disagree,” Scroll, 9 August, https://scroll.in/ Business Line, 15 April, http://www.thehindu-
tinkering with the sensitive river ecosys- article/812718/can-maharashtra-prevent- businessline.com/news/national/let-down-by-
drought-by-digging-rivers. govt-laturs-thirsty-residents-step-up/arti-
tem with their questionable knowledge CWC (2015): “National Register of Large Dam,” cle8480462.ece.
claims towards water conservation. Central Water Commission. Tiwale, S and A Deshmukh (2017): “CCombating
Ghadyalpatil, Abhiram (2016): “Water Train and Drought with a Haphazard Measure: A Story
Beyond—How Latur Is Tackling Drought,” of Manjara River Rejuvenation,” India Water
Notes Livemint, 19 April, http://www.livemint.com/ Portal, https://www.indiawaterportal.org/ar-
1 The complete name is Sarvajanik Jalyukta Politics/JddufMwmfdkAjuVYEJ8oNL/Water- ticles/combating-drought-haphazard-meas-
Latur Vyawasthapan Samiti but often referred train-and-beyondhow-Latur-is-tackling-drought. ure-story-manjra-river-rejuvenation-0.
to as Jalyukta Latur Samiti (JLS). html. WRD (2015): “State Water Resource Plan: Godavari
2 Considering the past situation of Latur city, GoM (1976): “The Maharashtra Irrigation Act, Basin—Draft Plan,” Water Resources Depart-
even an assurance of alternate day water sup- 1976,” Low and Judiciary Department, Govern- ment, Government of Maharashtra.
ply was promising enough to catch the attention ment of Maharashtra. — (2017): “Integrated State Water Plan for Godavari
of citizens. — (2013): “Guidelines: Nullah Deepening and Basin in Maharashtra Volume-I: Integrated
3 Interview with members of Jalyukta Latur Desiltation of Existing Cement Nullah Bandh Plan,” Water Resources Department, Government
Samiti (JLS) and Art of Living (AoL) leader and Construction of New Cement Nullah of Maharashtra.
Mahadev Gomare.
4 This does not include environmental water
use—water needed for natural ecosystem. EPW E-books
5 Closed basin is defined as a basin where water
use has exceeded or approaching to the total Select EPW books are now available as e-books in Kindle and iBook (Apple) formats.
renewable water available in the basin.
6 Interview with water supply engineer of Latur The titles are
Municipal Corporation.
7 Originally, for extracting water from these bar- 1. Village Society (ED. SURINDER JODHKA)
rages, two independent intake wells, water (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CS62AAW ;
treatment plants and pumping stations were
constructed at Nagzari and Sai barrages. How- https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/village-society/id640486715?mt=11)
ever, over the period, LMC was gradually shifted
to Manjra dam to meet its demand. In 2016, 2. Environment, Technology and Development (ED. ROHAN D’SOUZA)
while collecting the data, the water treatment (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CS624E4 ;
plant of Nagzari (Warwanti) was found to be
not functioning for last 10 years and water https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/environment-technology-development/
treatment plant of Sai (Arvi) was barely work- id641419331?mt=11)
ing at half of its design capacity because of age-
ing and poor maintenance. 3. Windows of Opportunity: Memoirs of an Economic Adviser (BY K S KRISHNASWAMY)
8 A construction of a well in a river channel to
lift the water using pump. (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CS622GY ;
9 Additional arrangement is needed to extract https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/windows-of-opportunity/id640490173?mt=11)
the water from Nagzari barrage, which in-
cludes installation of a pump and a new pipe- Please visit the respective sites for prices of the e-books. More titles will be added gradually.
line. According to water supply engineer, even

60 june 13, 2020 vol lV no 24 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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