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University of Papua New Guinea Lecture Outline

School of Business & Public Policy
3.10801 Principles of Strategy 1. Introduction
Semester 2, 2023 2. Origins of the Planning School
3. Basic Strategic Planning Model
4. Premises of the Planning School
Topic: Planning School
5. Fallacies of Planning School
Mr. A. Kona
(MPM (VUW, NZ), LLB, BBM Hons, BBM (UPNG)) 6. Conclusion

Objectives of our Lecture 1. Introduction

To identify Strategic Planning School’s Planning School views strategy formation
Origin as a “formal process”.
To identify and understand Strategic It emphasises that plans must be
Planning Model formalised
To identify and understand the premise of
the Planning School
To identify and understand fallacies of the
Planning School


2. Origin of Planning School 3. Basic Strategic Planning Model

In the 1970’s thousands of articles See Strategic Planning School Model in
(academic & business press) emphasized Mintzberge, Ahlstrand and Lampel 1998.
on the importance of formal planning ‘Strategy Safary’, Prentice Hall, Australia,
Implanted in the minds of managers that page 50, (Figure 3.1).
planning was imperative (a must) –
modern way of mg’t.
Emphasis was on formal procedures,
formal training, formal analysis etc…

Origin of Planning School Basic Strategic Planning Model

Influential book written by Igor Ansoff 1965 Note that there are many different
titled; “Corporate Strategy”. strategic planning models. But most
Popularity not as Design Sch although it reduce to same idea:
grew to have enormous impact on “take the SWOT model, divide it into steps &
Strategic Mg’t practice in the 1970s. articulate each of these with checklist and
Quantitatively, strategic planning literature techniques, set objectives at the front end
grew dramatically, but qualitatively, it and budget and operating plans at the
hardly grew. back end”.


Basic Strategic Planning Model Basic Strategic Planning Model

Main stages of George Steiner’s book 6. Scheduling the whole process
“Top Management Planning” (1969): - Steps in the process and the time table by
1. Objective setting stage which they will be carried out, has to be
2. External Audit Stage – Threats and programmed.
Opportunities. Predict and prepare – There has to be timeline to follow in order
3. Internal Audit Stage – Strengths & to carry out the strategic plan.
Weaknesses - Finance must also be allocated.

Basic Strategic Planning Model 4. Premises of the Planning School

4. Strategy evaluation stage – assuming you 1. Strategies result from a controlled,
have arrived to the strategies. conscious process of formal planning,
decomposed in distinct steps, each
5. Strategy Operationalization Stage – delineated by checklists and supported
implementation. Strategies must be by techniques
broken down into sub-strategies for 2. Responsibility for that overall process
successful implementation; Long term rests with the chief executive in principle,
plans (Corporate Strategies, Medium responsibility for execution rests with
term plans (Business Strategies), staff planners in practice.
Operating plans (Functional or yearly)


Premises of the Planning School 7 Fallacies of Planning School

3. Strategies appear from this process full- 3. Planning systems were virtually designed
blown, to be made explicit so they can to produce no results. Role of executives
then be implemented through detailed whose mandate was to execute the
attention to objectives, budgets, programs, strategy was denied or diminished.
and operating plans of various kind. 4. Planning focussed on the more exciting
game of mergers, acquisitions and
divestitures at the expense of core
business development.
5. Planning process failed to develop true
strategic choices

5. Fallacies of Strategic Planning Fallacies of Strategic Planning

Seven deadly sins (fallacies) of strategic 6. Planning neglected the org’al and cultural
planning (Wilson, I 1994, “Strategic requirements of strategy.
Planning Isn’t Dead – It Changed”).
1. Staff took over the process – there is 7. Single-point forecasting was an
always tension (groupthink) inappropriate basis for planning in an era
2. The process dominated staff – Staff of restructuring & uncertainty in the 1980s
placed too much emphasis on analysis,
too little on true strategic insight.


Planning Sch contributed to strategy
formulation process an important concept
“formalization”. However, its influence was
short lived unlike the design school.
Note that planning is only good for stable
environments. However, in unstable
environments like the changing
technology, planning can be a great

Ansoff, H. I 1965. Corporate Strategy. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Lorange, P. “Formal Planning Systems: Their Role in Strategy Formulation
and Implementation’. In Schendel D. E and Hofer, C. W, eds., Strategic
Management: A New View of Business Policy and Planning (Boston: Little
Brown, 1979).
Steiner G. A 1979. Strategic Planning: What every Manager Must Know.
Free press New York, USA.
Steiner G. A 1969. Top Management Planning. Macmillan Publishers,
New York, USA.
Wilson, I. “Strategic Planning Isn’t Dead – It Changed”. Long Range
Planning (27, 4 (August) 1994:12-24.

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