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+Create in the following table a work schedule. Imagine you are working in the company
of your dreams. (according to your major).
Describe your daily routine including morning, afternoon and night routine. Include
common daily regular activities and tasks at work.

Work Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

7 am Take calls Check Meet with the administrative

emails manager to processes in
review my accounting
performance databases
8 am Check emails Assist Performance Assists in the
customers of internal elaboration of
on a per audits projects and
call basis construction
9 to Cash flow daily Supports the Analyzes
10 management journal financial documents
am entries management related to
of the taxes
10 to Accounting Check Interferes in Manages the
12 projections emails financial organization's
pm and reconciliations accounting
variations system

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 to 2 Check Take calls Preparation of Digitize the

pm invoices financial information
3 to 5 Reply emails Reply Assumes Order the
pm emails responsibility company's
for accounting operations
6 to 7
8 to
11 pm

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