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_ =I ; (OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Ic Range of various types of Thermometers : i ‘Type of Thermometer Formula Range of Temperatuy |___ typeof Thermometer | Formula | Liquid Thermometer ) Mercury Thermometer to( Ack ore a) -50°C to 350°C b) Alcohol Thermometer be b) -80°C to 350°C Gas Thermometer a) Hydrogen gas thermometer a) -200°C to 500°C (constant volume) b) Nitrogen gas thermometer b) 200°C to 1600°C (constant volume) ) Helium gas thermometer (constant volume) ) 268°C to 500°C Platinum Resistance -200°C to 1200°C Thermometer Thermo-electric Thermometer 200°C to 1600°C | Radiation Pyrometer Stefan's Law 800°C to 4000°C Vapour Pressure Thermometer | P= arb te 0.71K to 120K ic @) LEVEL-I (MAIN (Theory Questions) Stralght Objective Type Questions 1. The equivalance of two systems in thermal equilibrium is represented by the property of 1) heat 2) energy 3) temperature 4) specific heat 2. Mercury is used in liquid thermometers because it has 1) high specific heat and high conductivity 2) high specific heat and low conductivity 3) low specific heat and'low conductivity 4) low specific heat and high conductivity 3. ‘The standard fixed point for temperature measurements in use today is 1) melting point of ice at one atmospheric pressure 2) of pure ice and pure water in equilibrium at one atmosphere pressure 3) at which ice, water and watervapour coexist 4) none of the above 4. Very low temperatures are measured by 1) gas thermometers 2) pyrometers 3) thermocouple thermometers 4) vapour pressure thermometers 146 {ECTARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Studen’s (GBUECTIVE PHYSICS IC & 10 3} ____ic(yHeRMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER ] &Trermometers which are not kept in touch with the body to measure temperatures are on 2) thermocouples = 4) platinum resistance thermometers The temperature of the sun is measured with 0 pete Cormoneter 2) gas thermometer sas tata! 4) vapour pressure thermometer Of the following thermometers the one which is most useful for the measurement of a rapidly varying temperature is a 1) platinum resistance thermometer 2) gas thermometer 3) thermoelectric thermometer 4) saturation vapour pressure thermometer §. Standardisation of thermometers is obtained with 1) Jolly's thermometer 2) platinum resistance thermometer 3) thermocouple thermometer 4) gas thermometer 9. The gas thermometers are more sensitive than liquid thermometers because 1) gases expand more than liquids 2) gases are easily obtained 3) gases are much lighter 4) gases do not easily change their states 10. To measure temperature, most accurately one should use 1) thermocouple thermometer 2) resistance thermometer 3) constant volume gas thermometer 4) mercury thermometer 11. A constant volume gas thermometer works on 1) Archimedes’ principle 2) Pascal's law 3) Boyle's law 4) Charles’ law 12. The value of temperature coefficient of resistance thermometer is 1) low and negative 2) low and positive 3) high and negative 4) high and positive 13. Two thermometers are constructed’ in the same way except has a spherical bulb and the other a cylindrical bulb; which one will respond quickly to temperature changes 1) spherical bulb thermometer 2) cylindrical bulb thermometer 3) both equally 4) either 14. Absolute scale of temperature is reproduced in the laboratory by making use of a 1) radiation pyrometer 2) platinum resistance thermometer 3) constant volume helium gas thermometer 4) constant pressure ideal gas thermometer |S. A clinical thermometer is usually much shorter than a laboratory thermometer, because 1) only a limited range of temperature is required 2) it is marked in Fahrenheit and not in Celsius 3) a long column is inconvenient 4) a long column of mercury can not be introduced in glass tube WRGET SERIES for Jr. CON IC Students [3} ‘ehiaz [THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER)! {CT OBJECTIVE PHFYBICS Ca 16. For a constant volume gas thermometer, one should fill the gas at 1) high temperature and high pressure D) high temperature and low pressure 3) low temperature and low pressure 4) low temperature and high pressure 17. Which of the following statements is correct for a bulb thermometer 1) The bulb of the thermometer is made of a conducting material 2) The bulb of the thermometer is made of a poorly conducting material 43) Sole purpose of making the walls of the bulb thin is to provide maximum possible space fy liquid 4) Specific heat of liquid used in the bulb must have large value 18. A temperature is measured by a constant volume gas thermometer 1) Tis independent of the gas used for all pressures 2) T is independent of the gas used only at low pressures 3) T is independent of the gas used only at high pressure 4) The ideal gas scale does not agree with absoulte scale of temperature 19. Which of the following statements is correct 1) A thermometer should have a small thermal capacity 2) Total heat of the universe is conserved 3) Atmospheric temperature in cities on the sea - coast changes very much 4) Constant volume gas thermometer can be used to measure the temperatures of insects 20. On which of the following scales of tempera-ture, the temperature is never negative 1) Celsius . 2) Fahrenheit 3) Reaumur 4) Kelvin 21. We plot the graph having temperature in °C on x - axis and in °F on y - axis. If the graph Jine, then the correct statement is : 1) the line intercepts the positive x - axis 2) the line intercepts the positive y - axis 3) the line passes through origin 4) the line intercepts the negative axis of both x and y - axes 22, The absolute zero is the temperature at which 1) water freezes 2) all substances exist im solid state 3) molecular motion ceases 4) none of the above 23. Given SOF, 50°C and SOK arrange them in increasing order of temperature 1) 50°F, 50°C&50K 2) 50K, SPCR SOF 3) SOK, 50°F &50°C 4) SOC, SP F&SOK 24. On which of the following scales of tempera-ture, the temperature is never negative 1) Celsius 2) Fahrenheit 3) Reaumur 4) Kelvin {THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER If temperature scale is changed from centigrade to rical value of specific heat will Fahrenheit, the n 1) Increase 2) Decrease 3) Remains same 4) Doubled 30. The ice point and the steam points of water are the surface points on scale, measured at ste 2) Triple point 3) At any Pressure 4) At room temperature 2, Which of the curves in figure represents the relation between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures ? Da 2b ae 4d {28 The graph between two temperature scales A and B is shown in Fig. 11.1 Between upper fixed point and lower fixed point there yy aH te ta=30_ is 100 150 150 ~ 100 7 yy N80 tag a4 ty é 150 100 100” 180 é 700 28. Heat is associated with Temperme (2) 1) kinetic energy of random motion of molecules. 2) kinetic energy of orderly motion of molecules. 3) total kinetic energy of random and orderly motion of molecules. 4) kinetic energy of random motion in some cases and kinetic energy of orderly motion in other. 450. A plot of Farenheit temperature (t,) versus celsius: temperature assis (Lectrure Sheet/Class work) Straight Objective Type Questions ' Asystem X is neither in thermal equilibrium with Y nor with Z. The system Y and\Z 1) Must be in thermal equilibrium 2) Cannot be in thermal equilibrium 3) May be in thermal equilibrium 4) None of the above statements are correct TREY SERIES for J: ICON TC Students 5} qs 10. ‘MATTER)3))——__._ € “one! otAMETS ATC as shown in Figure, Mark out the correct oP" Tnsulating Condhating mee ao 2 vm Fig.1, thermal equilibrium of B and C can be achieved, and hence final temperatures of 1), B and C are the same, aa Fig.2, thermal equilibrium of A, B and C would be achieved 3) Both (1) and (2) are right 4) (2) is right but (1) is wrong ‘One quality of a thermometer is that its heat capacity should be small. If P is a mercury thermoneie Q is a resistance thermometer and R is a thermocouple type, then 1) P is best, R is worst 2) R is best P is worst 3) Ris best, Q is worst, 4) P is best, Q is worst Gas thermometers are more sensitive than liquid thermometers because: 1) gases expand more than liquids 2) gases do not easily changed their state 3) gases are much lighter 4) gases are easy to obtain A platinum resistance thermometer reads 0°C when its resistance is 8062 and 100°C when its resistance is 90. Find the temperature at the platinum scale at which the resistance is 8642 1) 30°C 2) 60°C 3) 20°C 5 4) 10°C = At what temperature on the Fahrenheit scale will the reading be double of the reading on the Celts scale? 1) 340°F 2) 240.6°F 3) 330°F 4) 320°F On a X temperature scale, water freezes at -125.0° X and boils at 375.0° X. On a Y temperature scale water freezes at -70,0° Y and boils at -30.0° Y. The value of temperature on X scale equals the temperature of 50.0° Y on Y-scale is : » 1) 455.0°X. 2) -125.0°X 3) 1375.0°X 4) 1500.0°X. The steam point and the ice point of a mercury thermometer are wrongly marked as 92°C and 2C respectively. The correct temperature read by this thermometer is 1) 2 2) SC 3) 10°C 4) 20°C The pressure of a gas filled in the bulb of a constant volume gas thermometer at O°C and 1(X)"C a 28.6 cm and 36.6 cm of mercury respectively. The temperature of bulb at which pressure will 35.0 cm of mercury will be 1) 80°C 2) 70°C 3) 55°C 4) 40°C A thermometer is graduated in millimetres. It registers -3 mm when the bulb of thermometer '» LJ pure melting ice and 22 mm when the, thermometer is in steam at a pressure of | atmosphere The temperature in °C when the thermometer registers 13 mm is » Beto 2) S100 3) x00 4) Ex1o0 eS OF the following thermometers, the one which is most useful for the measurement of a rapidly varying temperature isa 1) platinum resistance thermometer 2) gas thermometer 3) thermoelectric thermometer 4) saturation vapour pressure thermometer ‘Two thermometers are used to record the temperature of a room. If the bulb of one is wrapped in wet hanky: 1) the temperature recorded by both will be same 2) the temperature recorded by the wet-bulb thermometer will be greater than that recorded by the other 3) the temperature recorded by dry-bulb thermometer will be greater than that recorded by the other 4) none of the above Numerical / Integer Type Questions Snerical /Integer Type Questions ‘At what temperature, does the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales show the same reading but with opposite sign? A faulty thermometer has its fixed points marked as 3° and 102°. The temperature of a body as measured by the faulty thermometer is 80°. Find the correct temperature of the body on Celsius scale(°C) ‘The resistance of a resistance thermometer has values 2.71 and 3.70 ohm at 10°C and 100°C. The ‘temperature (in °C) at which the resistance is 3.26 ohm is aise (Practice Sheet / Homework) Straight Objective Type Questions Which of the following statements is correct? 1) A thermometer should have a small thermal capacity. 2) Total heat of the universe is conserved. 3) Atmospheric temperature in cities on the sea-coast changes very much. 4) None of the above. Which of the following statements is correct for a bulb thermometer? |) The bulb of the thermometer is made of a good conducting material, 2) The bulb of the thermometer is made of a poor conducting material. 3) Sole purpose of making the walls ofthe bulb thin is to provide maximum possible space for liquid. ‘None of these. "0 thermometers are constructed iri the same way except that one has a spherical bulb and the “Ser a cylindrical bulb; which one will respond quickly to temperature changes? "Spherical bulb thermometer 2) Cylindrical bulb thermometer 3) both equally 4) either 151 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF uaTTER 7) {OBJECTIVE PHYSICS 4, For a constant volume gas thermometer, one should fill the ga 4 1) Low temperature and low pressure 2) Low temperature and high pressure 3) High temperature and low pressure 4) High temperature and high pressure num resistance thermometer is constructed which reads OC at ice point and JUST @ ERfL+ at +BE). Ht, demener tere, ry scale. Then A plat jeant The resistance of platinum coil varies with t as R vy the platinum resistance thermometer and « denotes temperature On ETC ill be he function of 5 by Rfh + wt, + Bxt10D) 4) DRA + at, + 2x(100) t) 5 Refs + Be, + a8) RABY + at) dp wating +f centigrade thermometer coincides with that of Fahrenheit thermometer i + a. te exuecumace oA the liquid is 8 aC 2) PC 3) 1or'c 4) 300°C cop 2 constant pressure gas thermometer, one should fill the gas at 5) Low temperature and low pressure 2) Low temperature and high pressure B) Hage wemperature and low pressure 4) High temperature and high pressure Cm 2 hypothetical scale X, the ice point is 40" and the steam point is MAP, For anther wae jy sez point and steam points are -30? and 130? respectively. If x-reads 50” the reading un Y ys 2-150 3) 18 4) None of these | 9 The steam point and the ice point of a mercury thermometer are marked as Band 21° Wha the temperature in centigrade mercury scale when this thermometer reads 32°. 1) °C 2) WC 3) 10°C 4) PC 16. Which of the following statements is true for a thermometer? 1) Coefficient of cubical expansion of liquid must be greater than that of bulb material 2) Coefficient of cubical expansion of liquid may be equal to that of bulb material. 3) Coefficient of cubical expansion of liquid must be less than that of bulb material. 4) None of the above 11, Mercury is used in liquid thermometers because it has 1) High specific heat and high conductivity. 2) High specific heat and low conductivity. 3) Low specific heat and low conductivity. 4) Low specific heat and high conductivity. 12. No other thermonneter is as suitable as a platinum resistance thermometer to measure tern the entire range of 1) OC w 10°C 2) 100°C to 150°C 3) SPC to 450°C 4) ~200°C 10 oF ‘ re } Numerical / Integer Type Questions {A faulty thermometer reads freezing point and boiling point of water as 5°C and 95°C. What is the correct Valvie of temperature of a body (in °C) if this thermometer reads it as 60°C. ‘A constant volume gas thermometer shows pressure readings at.50cm and 90cm of mercury at 0°C and 100°C respectively. What is the temperature on gas scale (in °C) when pressure reading is @om of mercury? ‘The higher and lower fixed points on a thermometer are separated by 150mm. When the length ‘of the mercury thread above the lower temperature is 30 mm, the temperature reading (°C) would be —— aS ys 24 93 44 5)1 63 73 8)4 9)1 10)3 wy4 = 12)4 «= 18)2 143. 15)1 16)217)1 18) 2 19)1 20)4 21)2 -22)S—-23)S 24)4 = 25)2_— 26) 1 -27)1—28)2 29)1 30)1 ys 2)1 31 4)1 §)2 6)4 73 8)4 9)1 10)2 Wy3-12)3 13) 11.44 14) 77.8 15) 60 yt 21 32 43 5)1 6)1 73 8)2 91 . 10/2 14 12)4 18) 61.11 14)25 15)20 @[ LEVEL-II (ADVANCED) | Straight Objective Type Questions ‘An accurate Celsius thermometer and a Fahrenheit thermometer register 60° and 141° respectively when placed in the same constant temperature enclosure. What is the error in the Fahrenheit thermometer? «) °F b) 3°F ¢) -S°F d) 2°F A centigrade and a Fahrenheit thermometer are dipped in boiling water, The water temperature is lowered until the Fahrenheit thermometer registers 176°F. What is the fall in temperature as registered by the Centigrade thermometer, 4) 20°C ) 40°C ©) 60°C : ) 80°C On Reaumur scale of temperature the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water are, taken as O'R and 80°R respectively. The freezing point and boiling point of mercury on Celsius scale are 39°C and 367°C respectively. Express these temperature on Reaumur scale. 4) 12.2°R, 127°R b) 41°R, 290°R ©) 31.2°R, 293.6°R ——d) 71°R, 293.6°R ‘SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students |53} 163 For ot :€, = ¢;3 9 Ly =L; 0% * Harrison's Grid-Iron Pendulum + Difference between length of| two rods is constant at all tem- "r" increases, KE decreases peratures. Principal of compensation: — | 5, Block connected with springs to a rigid wall (temperature iny For 12 AV, =AV;; creases) =Vin=Vra 5 fe ‘* Dilatometer (Instrument to mea- sure the absolute volume of a| given liquid. * Distance between walls is constant * Empty space in a vessel has to Xap, +X ap, = Frock ~~ (1) remain constant at all temgera-| * Block is in horizontal equilibrium tures. Kk, =K2%q, w= Q) @ LEVEL-| (MAIN [3 Sas (Theory Questions) Straight Objective Type Questions 1. Substance having very small co-efficient of linear expansion, among the following is 1) Copper 2) Iron 3) Lead 4) Invar 2... Substance which contracts on heating, among the following is a) Invar b) Brass c) Silver Iodide d) Type metal Da&d Db&c - Dead 4d&a 3. When the temperature of a body increases 1) density and moment of inertia increases 2) density and moment of inertia decreses 3) density decreases and moment of inertia increases 4) density increases and moment of inertia decreases 4, ‘Two Brass rods of same length but with different diameters are heated by equal amounts of het! ‘The expansion is 1) Same in both rods 2) more in thick rod 3) more ia thin rod 4) depends on material of rods 5. A Brass stopper snuggly fits in the hole of steel plate. To remove the stopper easily, the system 1) should be heated 2) should be cooled - 2) neumemaial anes ‘4 can not be removed by heating or cooling 6. A ball does not pass through a copper ring at room temperature. The s2 ne. passel through the same ring. It shows due to heating, the ball ‘ame ball, after heating. P 1) expands 2) contracts (wea f ce Athick glass tumbler gets cracks when boiling water ix poured into it, because of 1) poor quality 2) unequal expansions 3) a of glass is zero 4) a of glass is maximum § Good quality glass tumblers are made of special material whose linear coefficient of expansion is 1) large 2) minimum 3) negative 4) a has no relation | (4 Dae 0 heating, soft rubber 1) expands 2) contracts 3) does not change 4) 1 or 2 depending on pressure 10 A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of same material have same mass. When they are heated by 50°C, increase in volume of solid sphere is 5 c.c. The expansion of hollow sphere is See. 2) more than Sc.c. 3) Less than 5 c.c. 4) None |. A metal meter scale has two holes at the two ends. when the scale is heated the distance between the } two holes : 1) decreases 2) increases 3) doesnot change 4) may increase or decrease 12. In RCC slabs only iron rods are used but not of any other metal because 1) it has more ultimate strength 2) they are cheap 3) elasticity is more 4) the coefficient of expansions of concrete and iron are equal. 3. Among the following solids, the lowest coefficient of expansion is for 1) Concrete 2) Rubber 3) Glass 4) Silicon 14. Ifthe length of a body is measured in centimeters instead of meters, the coefficient of linear expansion 1) increasses 2) decreases 3) remains same 4) decreases to 1/100 of the original value |S. A solid ball of metall has a spherical cavity inside it. The ball is heated. The volume of cavity 1) decreases 2) increases 3) remain unchanged 4) have its shape changed but a brass wire cannot be sealed in glass because \6. A platinum wire can be sealed through glass, 1) Platinum has greater density than brass 2) Platinum and glass have the same value for coefficient volume expansion 3) Platinum is an element while brass is an alloy 4) Platinum does not rust 1. Fwo spheres of same size are made of same metal, but one is hollow and the other is solid. They are heated to same temperature then 1) Both spheres will expand equally 2) Hollow sphere will expand more than solid one 3) Solid sphere will expand more than Hollow one 4) None of the above '8. A metal washer has a hole of diameter d, and an external diameter d, such that d, = 3d,, If on heating d, increases by 0.3% then d, 1) decreases by 0.1% 2) decreases by 0.3% 3) increases by 0.1% 4) increases by 0.3% i "ARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students |) fei6s ES [OBJECTIVE PHYSICS IC 8p THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER) 19, A metal sphere is heated. Maximum perven-tage increase occurs in its 1) Density 2) Volume 3) Surface Area 4) Radius 20. Thermostat works on the principle of 1) on heating metal expands 2) unequal expansions of different metals on heating 3) Both 1 and2 4) None 21, Two metal strips that constitute a thermostat must necessarly differ in their 1) mass. 2) length 3) resistivity 4) coeffcient of linear expansion A bimetal made of copper and iron strips welded together is straight at room tempera-ture. It is held vertically so that the iron strip is towards the left hand and copper strip is towards right hand. The bimetal strip is then heated. The bimetal strip 1) remains straight 2) bends towards right 3) bends towards left 4) does not change A bimetallic strip consists of metals X and Y. It is mounted rigidly at the base as shown. The metal X has a higher coefficient of expansion compared to that for metal Y. When bimettalic strip is placed in a cool bath xX} tly 1) It will bend towards the right 2) It wil bend towards the left 4) It will neither bend nor shrink 3) It will not bend but shrink 24. Which of the following statement is wrong 1) Bimetal is used in metal themometer 2) Bimetal is used to generate electricity 3) Bimetal relays are used to open or close electric circuits 4) Bimetal is used in thermostat for regulating heating or cooling of rooms. The coefficients of linear expansion of P and Q are a, and a, respectively. If the coeffi-cient of 25. cubical expansion of *Q’ is three times the coefficient of superficial expansion of P, then which of the following is true ? 1) 0 = 204, 2) a, = 20 3) O =30, 4) a =30, 26. PQR is a right angled triangle made of brass rod bent as shown. If it is heated to a high temperature the angle PQR. P 1) increases 2) decreases 3) remains same e R 4) becomes 135° | (46433 {TARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students | PHYSICS IC & 1D THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER A cylindrical metal rod of length L, is shaped into a ring with s small gap is shown in figure. On eating the system, 1) x decreases, r and increases eZ. ‘x and r increases, d decreases r 3)x.r and d all increases 4) Data insufficient xX Two Doles of unequal diameters d, and d,(4, > d,) d, are cut in metal sheet. If the sheet is heated 1) both d, and d, will decrease 2) both d, and d, will increase 3) 4, will increase, d, will decrease 4) d, will decrease, d, will increase A uniform metallic rod rotates about its perpendicular bisector with constant angular speed. If it is beated. If it is heater uniformly to raise its temperature slightly 1) its speed of rotation increases 2) its speed of rotation decreases 3) its speed of rotation remains same 4) its speed increases because its moment of inertia increases. e 32. A uniform metallic rod rotates about its perpendicular bisector with constant angutlar speed. If it is heated. If it is heater uniformly to raise its temperature slightly 1) its speed of rotation increases 2) its KE of rotation decreases 3) its speed of rotation remains same 4) its speed increases because its moment of inertia increases. A student records the initial length |, change in temperature aT and change in eng as of a rod as follows: SNO. ATCC) Km) Ala) . 1 2 10. tenet 2 1 + TO, : 4x10 3 2 20 2x 10+ 4 5 10 6x 104 If the first observation is correct, what can you say about observations 2,3 and 4. 1)2.&3 are comect 2) only 4 is comect. © 3) 2& 4 arecomect 4) 3. & 4 are correct Coefficient of volume expansion of copper as a function of temperature coe TARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students [33 165 (THERMAL PROPERTIES OF WATTER ni ——{(E[OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Ic a p 33, Coefficient of rods are 1, and 1, respectively. If (/;-J,) is maintained same at following relations holds good ? Del;=a1, 2oyl} =o] 3) a1, =O,), 4) (Lectrure Sheet/Class work) Straight Objective Type Questions ‘The coefficient of linear expansion of crystal in one direction is 0. and that in every direct perpendicular to it 4. The coefficient of cubical expansion is: 1) a, +0, 2) 20, +0, 3) a, +20) 4) none of these Two large holes are cut in a metal sheet. If this is heated, distances AB and BC, (as shown) 1) both will increase 2) both will decrease F Or 3) AB increases, BC decreases 4) AB decreases, BC increases - A bimetallic strip is formed out of two identical sirips, one of copper and the other of brass. The coefficients of linear expansion of the two metals are a and cg. On heating, the temperature of the strip increases by AT and the strip bends to form an are of radius R. Then R is proportional 1 inear expansion of brass and steel rods are a, and a. Lengths of brass and wp, | 1 all tempera-tures, which one of, | { ala 4 1 1 AT Ot 3)JaT . Vet Two rods having length J, and /,, made of materials with the linear expansion coefficient 1, ant a, were soldered together. The equivalent coefficient of linear expansion for the combined rod i ee 4 Matte ath oe in —— Ioytho, =, bt +hOg i 8 4th 9 aye ‘A clock, with a brass pendulum, keeps correct time at 20°C, but losses 8.212 s per day. when temperature riseé to 30°C. The coefficient of linear expansion of brass is 1) 25 x 10*PC 2) 19 x 104°C 3) 20 x 204°C 4) 11 x 104°C ‘A metal metre scale gives correct measurement at PC. It is generally used at a temperature of 40°C The correction to be made for every metre is (= 10° /1°C) 14x 105m 2) 4x 10° m to be added 3) 4 x 10° m must be deducted 4) None of the above Revere [166 |} ——__—______{@_ TARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Studen's_ } 10 ) i ie R : ‘Too uniform metal rods of lengil 1, and L and ‘their linewr coefficients of expansion «1, and o., regestvely, are connected to form a single ro of length (L., +L). When the temperature of the combined: | ~~ a, 1 red is raised by “WC”, the length of each rod increased by the same amount then [| is 1+ yp 2 Lith, aoe » athe Lith uy +h, L @ Tix ratio of lengths of two rods is 1:2 and the ratio of coefficient of expansions is 2:3. The first rod is heated through 60°C. Find the temperature through which the second rod is to be heated so that its expansion is twice that of first 1 °C . 2)40°C 3) 30°C 4) 10°C ee) et eed) oS ie The gap between any two rails, each of length '? laid on a railway track equals x at 27°C. When the temperature rises to 40°C, the gap closes up. The coefficient of linear expansion of material of the nil is “ar. The length of a rail at 27°C will be z x 2x ) Ba 2 Ba 3) Bo. 4) None The moment of inertia of a disc pivoted at its centre about the axis AB as shown in the figure is I. If temperature of disc is increased by AT, then moment of inertial of disc about AB increases by a TT ft 1) 2olaT 2) >201AT 3) <201AT 4) Can't say anything 1. A glass window is to be fit in an aluminium frame. The temperature on the working day is 40°C and the glass window measures exactly 20 cm x 30 cm. [ Ops =9 X IOC, Onssminium = 24 * 10*PC] The size of the aluminium frame is ___, so that there is no stress on the glass in winter even if the temperature drops to 0°C? : 1) 20.012 cm x 30.01 cm2) 10 cm x 20cm 3) 30 cm x 20 cm 4) 15 cm x 30cm 12 The temperature compensated pendulum is designed to compensate for the change in length due to temperature rise. Figure shows one such pendulum. It consists of an isosceles triangular frame as shown in the figure. The pendulum is supported at mid-point of side AB, and it remains horizontal. Determine the ratio (J,/l,)°, so that the length’ of the pendulum remains same at all temperatures, oy Al La B B 2 2a, vs “THERRAAG, PROPERTIES OF MATTER 7) {LOBEETIVE PHFTHCA « , 19, A sac! rok A L, meres at coats of imac cxgamamnen op PEC 4 SOLEZIE EA oe The baegeadinad tram devetoged m the tad m when neatet Soom IC II ) ona 2) Doge 3) ye 4y wea The caeticrenes of ea exganminn of tee! sad bens see 51 WS AC wae 997 7° 1 Hf Sew Stierence m lenge 26 alk empezatares has 10 be wage commun at Few ee © thenid be 1) 71 25cm and 41 25cm 2) tem and Sem 3) Dem and lem 4) (22cm sad TLS ome Radway Ines are laid with gaps to allow for expansion U the gay between the stots cals 5, be 3.63 com at MFC, thes the tempersnane (°C) at which tht limes souls (coctfacsest of line maga, fox weed = 11 x 104°C) is Aa iron ball of deameter om and is 0.01 mum too Lage to pass Grong 2 hole i 2 bez0s sar oy the ball and plane ae at 2 tempersemce of UPC. The temperuomne Gn °C) at whic Coutt ‘or 14 plate) the ball jost pass terongh the hole i hggg =12XVT* IPC: Clee = 18 TTP C, A thie brass sheet 2 UC and 2 this steel sheet 2 BC heave the same surface sta. Tie ‘my temperetare (°C) at which both would have the same seca is (Coctiacarat A lana miyrases , brass and steel ane respectevely, IMAIGPC we x1 PC) A brass scale comectly calsbrated 0 IPC is employed wo mesure 2 lengths (sn cas) x 2 e19-2y of TIC. I the scale measures 2 veateng A TSC (Cys =2x1T 7 PC) A Gass 10d Gn can) when measared wits 2 zinc scale, both being at BPC appears w te i cp, Item. If the scale shows correct reading at OC. A stel 10d of Gmensions 4 x 4 can? is tightly fixed between two supports aad is wx ulowss expand. it is heated terough 2°C. Thermal stress developed We? 0 = 2s 7 ey 4 =18 x WFC) (Practice Sheet / Homework) Straight Objective Type Questions A wise A leugth @) om is bent into 2 carcle with 2 gap of 1 cm at is cas On heaezz the length A the pap increases to 12 cm 0 A material of wise is 2x 0c D4x ire 36 x 1O4PC Dix 10-FC Rates A 2 sphere is 100em 20 OFC and 1D lem at JOP. Coctficsene f cabmal excnen 1% sphere is 1) Wx 104 210 x PC 3) Ox 104FC 4) Dx We A rectangular block is heased from O°C wo 100°C. The percentage increase in lene =F percentage increase im ts volome is 1) 0.10% 02% &, 2 [TARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students PHYSICS IC &10)si gf rHERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER “The coefficient of linear expansion of an in homogeneous rod changes linearly from a, to a, from jone end t the other end of the rod, The effective coefficient of linear expansion of the rod is 1 1) a, +0, 2) 3@, +0,) 3) Jo, a, 4) a, -a, An iron sphere has a radius of 10 cm at 0°C. The change in volume of the sphere if it is heated to 100°C (coefficient of-linear expansion of iron = 11 x 10° °C!) is 1) 13.8 cm? 2) 9.4 cm? 3) 11.7 em? 4) 8.7 cm? ‘Two rods of lengths L, and L, are made of materials whose coefficients of linear expansion are a, and a. If the difference between the two lengths is independent of temperature 1) Ly/Ly)= (a4 /a) 2) (Ly /Ly) = (0 /) 3) Yo, = Lo, 4) OGL; =03L, Coefficient of cubical expansion of a solid is (0.000027/°C). If the temperature is measured on Fahrenheit scale, numerical value of coefficient of linear expansion of solid is 1) 0.000009/°F 2) 0.000005/°F * 3) 0.000015/°F 4) 0.000018/°F A circular hole is made in a steel square plate. The plate is now heated and allowed to expand. Which of the following statements is correct? 1) Radius of the hole starts to decrease 2) Radius to the hole starts to increase 3) Radius of the hole will remain constant 4) Nothing can be said about change in radius of the hole because ratio of initial radius of hole to initial dimension of the plat is not known. The ratio of the lengths of two rods is 4:3. The ratio of their coefficients of cubical expansion is 2:3. Then the ratio of their linear expansions when they are heated through same temperature difference is 21 2) 1:2 3) 8:9 4) 98 ‘When a metal rod is heated it expands because 1) the size of its atoms increases 2) the distance among its atoms increases 3) atmosphere air rushes into it 4) the actual cause is still unknown Expansion during heating 1) occurs only in solids 2) increases the weight of a material 3) decreases the density of a material 4) occurs at the same rate for all solids and liquids ‘Two metal rods are fixed end to end between’ two rigid supports as shown in figure. Each rod is of length and area of cross-section is A. When the system is heated up, determine the condition when the junction between rods does not shift? (Given :Y, andY, are Young’s modulus of materials of the rods, c, and a, are coefficients of linear expansion) DY =¥,0, 2) Yon = Yt, 3) You = Yolo, 4) None (THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER (GIOBIECTIVE PHYSICS 16 Ay, 13. As temperature is increased. the time period of a simple pendulum 1) increases as its effective length increases even though its centre of mass still remains at cey, of bob. 2) remains same as its centre of mass still remains at centre of the bob. 3) imcreases as its effective length increases due to shifting of its centre of mass below the centre of ty, 4) decreases as its effective length renaains same but the centre of mass shifts above the centre y the bob. 14. Three rods of equal lengths are joined to form an equilateral triangle ABC. D is the mid-point of ay The coefficient of linear expansion is a, for material of rod AB and BC, 0, for material of rod A¢ If the distance DC remains constant for small changes in temperature, then = 1) a, =20, 2) a, =40, 3) a =80, oie 15. An aluminium bush is to be fitted over a brass rod. At 20°C, inner diameter of aluminium ring i 5.00 cm and brass rod has a diameter of 5.05 cm. (Given O.,) = 2410 °C, Oppass = 1910" 'C To make the assembly, which of the following can be performed? 1) Aluminium ring is heated above 437°C. 2) Brass rod is cooled. 3) both aluminium ring and brass rod can be heated (6141 >Oltpas) + 4) both aluminium ring and brass rod can be cooled using liquid nitrogen. 16. The coefficient of linear expansion for a certain metal varies with temperatures as «7 (T), If | is the initial length of the metal and the temperature of the metal is changed from T, to T (T, > T) then r t 1D L=L, facade 2 uate fae wu tw t 3) L=Ly|L- J act yar 4L>Ly w ‘Numerical / Integer Type Questions 17. A metal rod has a length of 1m at 30°C. ‘a.’ of metal is 2.5 x 105°C. The temperature (in°C) which it will be shortened by Imm is . An iron ring 1.20 m in diameter is to be put on a wooden cart wheel. The diameter of this whee! is 1.0 cm greater than that of the ring. The temperature (in °C) of the ring that must be raised before i slips on the wooden wheel is (Coefficient of linear expansion of iron = 12 x 107°C). 19. A steel tape measures the length of a copper rod as 80.00cm when at 15°C, which is the calibration temperature for the tape. The reading of the tape (in cm) when both are at a temperature of 65°C will be (linear expansivities of steel and copper are 12 x 10°C and 17 x 104°C respectively) 170 23 {30 3)17< 30 4) y>30° 8. When a liquid is heated in a vessel, it is found that g, is less than g,. This happens when the vess ~~ on heating 1) expands 2) contracts 3) does not change 4) none 9. Iman experiment it is observed that for a liquid 74, = Yap. Then the vessel --- on heating 1) does not expand 2) does not contract 3) does not expand or contract 4) expands < ae 180 |) ‘, 3) Wis, 4) none A solid is suspended in a liquid. If the liquid is heated, the solid (assume the solid expansion is negligible) 1) floats 2) sinks 3) no change 4) nothing can be said When water is heated from 0°C to 10°C, its volume 1) increases 2) decreases 3) does not change 4) first decreases and then increases Apparent expansion of liquid does not depend on 1) nature of the liquid 2) colour of the liquid 3) change in temperature 4) material of vessel Volume coefficient of expansion of water is 1) max, at 4°C 2) minimum at 4°C 3) zero at 4°C 4) negative at 4°C Among the following , the liquid having negative coefficient of cubical expansion between 273K and 277K is 1) Bthylene Glycol 2) Mercury 3) Water 4) None L In cold countries, water does not freeze at the bottom of a lake in winter, on account of 1) anomalous expansion of water between 4°C and'0°C 7 2) ice being lighter than water 3) ice being poor conductor of hei The surface water in a lake is going to freeze. Now the temperature of water at the bottom is 274K 227K 3) 100 K 4) OKi Water at 4°C is filled to the brim of two beakers A and B of glass of negligible coefficient of expansion. A boy performed experiments by heating the beaker A and cooling the beaker B. He observes 1) Level of water in 'B' went down and water in ‘A’ flows out 2) Water flows out in both cases 3) Water flows out from B and water level went down in beaker A. 4) In both cases water level went down 4) all the above three factors A small stone is inside a ice block which floats in water. When the ice fully melts the level water 1) increases 2) decreases 3) does not change 4) first decreases and then increases TWRQET SERIES for J. ICON 16 Students) eis ; 4 fE PHYSICS i¢ 3} __—-AS(OBJECTIVE PHYSICS [THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER |: el Cai) (3S (Lectrure Sheet(Class work) Straight Objective Type Questions Coefficient of apparent expansions of a liquid in Gold vessel is G'and when heated in a silver yey: 5 is S. If coefficient of linear expansion of Gold is’A, coefficient of linear expansion of Silver ix G+S-3A G-S+3A G+S+3A G-S+A 4) 7 a= Daag D aaa ‘A vessel is half filled with a liquid at 0°C, When the vessel is heated to 100°C, the liquid occupc 3/4 volume of the vessel. Coefficient of apparent expansion of the liquid is 1) 0sre 2) 0.05°C 3) 0.005/°C 4) 0.0005/°C Calculate the coefficient of real expansion from the following data. Weight of the’ specific gravy bottle = 40.25 gm, Weight of the bottle + liquid at 25°C = 70.50 gm, Weight of the bottle + liquid 100°C = 69.20gm Coefficient of linear expansion of glass = 0.000009/ °C 1)226x104PC 2) 4.26 x 104°C 3) 6.26 x 104°C 4) 8.26 x 104°C t When.a specific gravity bottle filled with mercury at 0° is heated to 100°C, 5.190g of mercuy overflows and 300g remains in the specific gravity bottle. Using glycerine in place of mercuy 1.439 of glycerine overflows and 27.333 g remains. The coefficient of real expansion of metcuy i 0,000183/°C, then the coefficient of real expansion of glycerine is 1) 5.4 x 104°C 2) 3.3 x 104°C 3) 24 x 104°C 4) 10.4 x 104°C jon of the capillry 5. The volume of the bulb of a mercury thermometer at 0°C is Vo, and the cross se is Ay. The coefficient of linear expansion of the glass is 0, per °C,,and the coefficient of cubic! expansion of mercury is Yuig per °C. If the mercury just fills the bulb at 0°C, what is the length o the mercury column in the capillary at a temperature of t°C? fal a naff DRT 1+2a,t Ap | 1+20,t = Mo) te +3 = Mo| Ye 30 3)h jee | nee eat |! 6. When a block of iron floats in mercury at 0°C, a fraction K, of its volume is submerged, while a K, is seen to be submerged. If the coefficient of volume expansios temperature 60°C, a fracti .K, iron is yp, and that of mercury is ‘Yu, then the ratio cm be expressed as 2 14607, 1-60¥p6 1+60Yp6 1+ 60%H, » T4601, 2 160g ig 4) Tere. 44 A piece of metal weighs 46 gm in air. When immersed in a liquid of specific gravity 1.24, at 279C it weighs 30 gm. When the temperature of the liquid is raised to 42°C the metal piece weighs 30.5 gm. Specific gravity of liquid at 42°C is 1,20, the coeificient of linear expansion of solid is 1) 2.32 x 10° / °C 2) 6.94 x 10° / °C 3) 4.46 x 10°5/9C 4) 5.2 x 10° /°C A solid whose volume does not change with temperature floats in a liquid. For two different temperatures t, and t, of the liquid, fractions f, and f, of the volume of the solid remain submerged in the liquid. The coefficient of volume expansion of the liquid is equal to = f hth fi+f ) ffi 2) fib » Bythty 4) futht A spherical shell of copper is completely filled with a liquid at a temperature (°C. The bulk modulus of the liquid is K and coefficient of volume expansion is If the temperature of the liquid and the shell is increased by AT then the outward pressure AP on the shell that results from the temperature increase is given by (a, is the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the shell): 1) K(y-3a)4T 2) K(3a-y)AT 3) 3a(K-y)AT : 4) yGa-K)AT An aluminium can of cylindrical shape contains V, cm* of water. The area of the inner cross-section of the can is Ay cm?. (All measurements refer to T,°C). Find the rise in the water level, if the temperature increases to T,°C(T,° C > Ty)-Ot and Yyaey are given. No(Ti-To)(Yw - 20a Vo(T ~To)(¥w ~ 20a) 1d Ao 2 2&o 4 Yo(Ti=To)(%e =3etm 4 YolT=To)(te 34) Ao 2A Numerical / Integer Type Questions If coefficient of real expansion of a liquid is 1/5500 °C, the temperature (in °C) at which its density is 1% less than density at 0°C is A glass bottle of capacity 50cc at 0°C is filled with paraffin at 15°C. Given that the density of Paraffin at O°C is 0.82g/cc, coefficient of expansion of paraffin is 0.0009/°C and coefficient of linear expansion of glass is 0.000009°C, the mass of paraffin (in g) in the bottle is A barometer with brass scale, which is correct at 0°C, reads 75.000 cm on a day when the air temperature is 20°C. Calculate correct reading (in cm) at 0°C. (Coefficient of real expansion of mercury = 0,00018/°C and coefficient of linear expansion of brass = 0.0000189/ °C.) A cylindrical tube of length 100cm contains some mercury inside. If the length of remaining air Column remains constant at all temperatures, the height of mercury (in cm) is (neglect the expansion Of cross section) (7 of Hg = 18x10-*/°C, Yg of tube = 2.7x10~/°C) : } gies 15. Apparticular block floats in water at 4°C so that 0.984 of its height is under water. At what temperatg, | (in °C) will it just sink in water? Neglect expansion of block, (Volume coefficient of expansia water = 2.1 x 10+ per °C) a BSrssn (Practice Sheet / Homework) Staight Odjective Type Questions 1. A pyknometer weights 40gm when empty and 1040 gm when filled with mercury at 0°C. Oy) heating to 100°C, 10 gm of mercury over flows. If the coefficient of real expansion of mercury is) 0.0002 / °C. The coefficient of cubical expansion of glass is 1) 0.000018 2) 0.0003°C 3) 0,0002°C 4) 0.0001°C 2. Yq Of liquid is 7/8 of Yp of liquid. ot, of vessel is aR AR aR aR | Ds 2 12 3) 2 4) 36 | A liquid occupies half of a vessel at a particular temperature. The volume of the unoccupied put remains constant at all temperatures. If a and Y are the coefficients of linear and real expansions of) a vessel and liquid, then Y= 3a 2302 3) 6a 4) 9a | 4. A liquid column of height 80cm at 0°C balances the same liquid of height 80.4em at 100°C. 7,8 1} 4x105°C 2) 3x105PC 3) Sx10S°C 4) 6x105°C 5. When 82 gm of a liquid at 10°C in a specific gravity bottle is heated to 85°C, 2gm-of liquid is expelled. Coefficient of apparent expansion of liquid is 1) 0.0033" 2) 0.0027/°C 3) 0.000303/°C 4) 0.000333/°C 6. A piece of metal floats on mercury. The coefficients of volume expansion of the metal and merc) ace y, and 7, respectively. If the temperature of both mercury and metal are increased by ammount AT. the fraction the volume of the metal submerged in mercury changes by the factor. 1 1 » pe 2 G-wat 3 i-mate 4 (Mm - Wat "— Canase oe wrong statement from the following : 1, Aaa coramaces sarvive in ponds, lakes, .... even when the atmospheric temperature goes belo¥ the Seoetong poten of water. 2) War tas maximo voheme wt 4°C. DA Smears Gass may crack. when 2 drop of cold water falls on it. A Geen wie, soraspuaty (ihek wesex and closed tightly is likely to burst, when placed in th torr + ogres. t we In a vertical U-tube containing a liquid, the two arms are maintained at different temperatures, t, and t,, The liquid columns in the two arms have heights /, and /, respectively, The coefficient of volume expansion of the liquid is equal to pitt. eee bhmhe ) Tih =hh ufft . fi ath hth 4 ty { Dhthe 4) Tithe ‘The height of a barometer at a temperature of 30°C appears to be 76 cm according to the brass scale Which gives correct reading at OPC. (ctg,,,, =19 X10 PC: Trig =180%10"° °C) 1) 74.22 cm 2) 75.63 cm 3) 78.49 cm 4) 79.94 cm |. “The loss in weight of a solid when immersed in a liquid at 0°C in wy and t°C is ‘w’. If cubical Goefficient of expansion of the solid and the liquid aré y, and y, then D woll+(y,- Dt] 2) woll-(¥,- YH 3) wol(t,—10 9 Galt te-) A piece of metal weighs 46 g in air. When it is immersed in a liquid of specific gravity 1.24 at 27°C, it weighs 30 g. When the temperature of the liquid is raised to 42°C, the metal piece weighs 30.5 g. Specific gravity of liquid at 42°C is 1.2. Calculate the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal in °C! 1) 1.2 x 105 2) 2.4 x 10° 3) 1.2 x 106 4) 2.4 x 106 A vessel is completely filled with water at 39.2°F, Now it is.cooled. Then 1) water spills out 2) level of water remains same 3) level of water decrease 4) none Numerical / Integer Type Questions A glass bulb of volume 250 c.c is completely filled with mercury at 20°C. The temperature of the system is raised to 100°C. If the coefficient of linear expansion of glass is 9x10-®C and coefficient of absolute expansion of mercury is 1.8x10+C, the volume of mercury (in cc) that overflows is nearly . A specific gravity bottle contains 101.6gm. of liquid at 30°C. Y, of liquid is 16 x 10-S/°C, When it is heated to 130°C, mass of liquid (in gm) expelled is . ee Im long at 0°C. What will be its length (in cm) at 100°C if the real coefficient of expansion of mercury is 0.000182°C-! and coefficient of cubical expansion of glass equal to 0.000025°C-!. ‘SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students : 4185 EXERCISE-1 1 22 ©3)1 «42 64) 6172 82 YB 10)1 W)3 122 134 142 18)3 1638 :17)4 = 18)2_'19)2— 202 2 239) -8)3 41 BTS) SO7)2_ BT) 104 11) 88.8 12) 40.6 13) 74,768 14) 18 15) 81.4 yn 23 93 43 54 6)4 72 68)1 92 10)4 V1)2 = 12)1—-13) 3.06 14) 1.6 15) 101.6 LEVEL-II (ADVANCED) Straight Objective Type Questions 4 platinum sphere floats in mercury. Find the percentage change in the fraction of volu sphere immersed in mercury when the temperature is raised by 80°C (volume expansivity of merc is 182 x 10°C and linear expansivity of platinum is 9 x 10°C respectively) aime bd) 1.38 % ©) 2.48% d) 2.76 % ‘A hollow aluminium sphere of mass'150 kg floats on water. It is observed that an additional mass 30 kg is required to just submerge it at’a temperature of 15°C. HY vaser =150* 10° °C} O14 = 23x10 /°C How much less mass is required to submerge the sphere, if the temperature is at.35°C 2 30 kg b) 20 kg ) 291.6 gm 4) 30 gm More than One correct Type Questions 3. Two identical beakers with negligible thermal'expansion are filled with water to the same level # 4°C. If one say A is heated while the other B is cooled, then: a) water level in A must rise 'b) water level in B must rise ©) water level in A must fall d) water level in B must fall 4. Iron floats over mercury because density of mercury is more than the density of iron. Coefficient volumetric expansion of iron and mercury are 35 x 10° °C-!. and 180 x 10-6 9C-!. Now consider iron cube floating in a bowl of mercury at 0°C. When temperature is increased upto 25°C, theo choose the correct options. a) Cube submerges more at 25°C. ‘b) Cube displaced more at 25°C. ©) Percentage change in the fraction of volume submerged is about 1%. 4) Percentage change in the fraction of volume submerged is about 0.4%. (sy ______ {7 AROET SERIES Tors Tene Suen | LEVEL (MAIN | a ssite sh (Theory Questions) Straight Objective Type Questions {An ideal gas is that which 1) cannot be liquified 2) can be easily liquified 3) has strong inter molecular forces 4) has a larger size of molecules 2. Itis decided to verify Boyle's law over a wide range of temperature and pressures. The most suitable gas to be selected for this purpose is 1) Carbon dioxide 2) Helium 3) Oxygen 4) Hydrogen 3. When the pressure of a gas is doubled under constant temperature the density becomes 1) double 2) halved 3) does not change 4) decrease to 1/4. 4. The pressure of a gas does not depend up on 1) Kinetic energy of its molecules 2) The temperature of gas 3) The density of the gas 4) The volume of the gas when the density remains unchanged 5. When the temperature: of a gas is increased at constant pressure, the number of molecules per c.c. 1) decreases 2) increases 3) remains same 4) zero 6. Under which of the following conditions PV=RT is obeyed most closely by a.real gas ? 1) high pressure and high temperature 2) low pressure and low temperature 3) low pressure and high temperature 4) high pressure and low temperature 7. A sample of an ideal gas occupies a volume 'V' at pressure; 'P' and absoulte temperature 'T’. The mass of each molecule is m. The expression for the density of gas is 1) mKT 2) PT 3) PKTV 4) PevKT 8. The ratio of the volume expansivity of Helium to pressure expansivity of Hydrogen is nt 22 3) 273 4) 1273 9. The difference between volume and pressure coefficient of an ideal gas is 1) 1273 2) 273 3) 27273 4) zero (TARGET SERIES for Jr, ICON 1G Students )3} ————______agg4] [OBJECTIVE PHYSICS IC & [THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER] 10. The law that leads to absolute scale of temperature is 1) Kelvin's law =~ 2) Charels’ law 3) Boyles law 11, Which of the following methods will enable the volume of an ideal gas to be made 4 times 1) Absolute temperature and pressure must be doubled 2) at constant pressure the absolute tempera-ture must be increased to 4 times 3) at constant temperature the pressure must be increased to 4 times 4) quarter the absolute temperature at constant pressure. 12. The graph between temperature in °C and pressure of a perfect gas is 1) hyperbola 2) a straight line passing though the origin : 3) a straight line parallel to pressure axis intercepting temperature axis as -273°C 4) a straight line with +ve intercept on pressure axis and intercepting the temperature axis as -273¢ 13, A real gas can be approximated to an ideal gas at 1) low density 2) high pressure 3) high density 4) low temperature 14, For Boyles law to hold good the gas should bé 1) Perfect and at constant temperature and mass 2) Real and at constant temperature and mass 3) Perfect and at constant temperature but variable mass. 4) Real and at constant temperature but variable mass ‘The increase in volume of the bubble as it rises from the bottom of the beaker with water at constant 4) None temperature is due to 1) Charle's law 2) Boyle's law 3) Avogadro's law 4) Dalton's law 16. We write the Boyles law as PV=C when the temperature remain constant. In this relation the magnitude of C depend upon 1) The nature of the gas used in the experiment 2) The magnitude of g in the laboratory 3) The atmospheric pressure 4) The quantity of the gas enclosed 17. Molar gas constant is the same for all gases because at the same temperature and pressure. equ! volumes of all gases have the same 1) number of molecules KE 3) density 4) Ratio of specific heats ‘A volume V and temperature T was obtained, as shown in diagram, when a given mass of gas heated. During the heating process the pressure is B 1) increased t 2) decreased vi A 3) remains constant 4) changed erratically 18. of t— TARGET for Jr. ICON IC Students. A gas deviates maximum from the ideal gas laws at 1) high temperature and high pressure 2) low temperature and low pressure 3) high temperature and low pressure 4) low temperature and high pressure a P-V diagram is obtained by changing the tempera-ture of the gas as shown. During this process gas is : : 1) heated continuously yha 2) cooled continuously t\ 3) heated in the beginning but cooled towards the end Pp B 4) cooled in the beginning but heated towards the end ov * The P-T graph for the given mass of an ideal gas is shown in figure. Then the volume 1) increases P. 3 . 2) decreases Lf 3) remains constant A 4) data insuffici T(K) The graph drawn between presure and volume in boyles law experiment is shown in figure for Gifferent molecular weights then DM, m, 2) m,>m, t Ww P im, 3)m,=m, m, 4)m? =m, Vv In Boyles experiment for a given gas at different temperatures the graph drawn between pressure and density are straight lines as shown then )T,>T, + TT OT,>T, ' Tz OT, =T, —d 9T)=T, SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students 3 193 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER) }} (E:[OBJECTIVE PHYSICS C4), 25. A plot of pressure versus temperature and extrapolation of lines for low density gases P A c 3) 4) none temp x rK 26. The V-T diagram of an ideal gas for the process ABC is as shown in the figure. Selec, correct alternative (s). 1) Pressure of the gas first increases then remains constant 2) Pressure of the gas first decreases then remains constant 3) Pressure of the gas remains constant throughout 4) Nothing can be said about the pressure of the gas from this graph 27. A horizontal cylinder has two sections of unequal cross - sections, in which tw6 pistons can mov freely. The pistons are joined by a string. Some gas is trapped between the pistons. If this gj heated, the pistons will 1) Move to the left 2) Move to the right 3) Remain stationary 4) Either (a) or (b) depending on the initial pressure of the gas Bessa (Lectrure Sheet/Class work) Straight Objective Type Questions 1. What should be the percentage increase in the pressure so that the volume of a gas may dectes 5% at constant temperature? 1) S% 2) 10% 3) 5.26% 4) 4.26% If the presure of an ideal gas contains in a closed vessel is increased by 0.5%, the increase temperature is 2°C. The initial temperature of the gas is 1) 27°C 2) 127°C 3) 300°C 4) 400°C JECTIVE PHYSICS IC & 1D] |23) qe THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER) During an experiment an ideal gas-is found to obey an additional law VP? = constant. The gas ix «initially at a temperature “T” and volume *V". When it expands to a volume 2V, the temperature _ » becomes z T nT 2927 3)V2T Oe 4 A closed container of volume 0.02m* contains a mixture of neon and argon gases, at a temperature ~ of 27°C and pressure of | x 10* Nm-?. The total mass of the mixture is 28gm. If the gram molecular “weights of neon and argon are 20 and 40 respectively. Find the masses of the individual gases in the container, assuming them to be ideal. (Universal gas constant R = 8.314 J/mol.k) 1) m, = 4gm, m, = 24 gm 2) m, = 8 gm, m,= 24 gm 3) m, = 4gm, m, = 12 gm 4) m, = 6 gm, m= 12 gm 5. A uniform tube with a piston in the middle and containing a gas at 0°C is heated to 100°C at one side. If the piston moves Scm, find the length of the tube containing the gas at 100°C. 1) 37.5 cm 2) 75 em 3) 16.75em 4) 30 cm 6. ° For an ideal gas V-T curves as constant pressures P, & P, are shown in figure - from the figure 1)P,>P, v , 2)P, P, U a — 7. Two different curves at constant temperature. The relationship between volume V and the preséure P at a given temperature of same ideal gas are shown for masses m, and m, of the gas respectively. Then Im >m 2m, =m, WK 7 3)mP 4) Zero RIES for Jr. Ic its fob} 305 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 18. In kinetic theory of gases, which of the follo-wing statements regarding ‘ ¢(OBJECTIVE PHY: i€ Collisions yf molecules is wrong 1) Kinetic energy is lost in collisions 2) Kinetic energy remains constant in collision 3) Momentum is conserved in collision _ 4) Pressure of the gas remains constant in collisions 19. When a gas is forced in a smaller volume without change in temperature, its pressure increy, because its molecules. 1) Strike the unit area of the container walls more often 2) Strike the unit area of the container walls at higher speed 3) Strike the’unit area of the container wall with greater force 4) Have more energy 20. When the temperature of a gas in a rigid container is raised, the pressure exerted by the gas on walls of the container increases because 1) The molecules have higher average speed, so strike the walls more often 2) The molecules lose more KE each time they strike the walls 3) The molecules are now in contact with the walls for small intervals 4) The molecules collide with each other more often 21. The kinetic energy of a given sample of an ideal gas depends only on its 1) Volume 2) Pressure 3) Density 4) Temperature 22. Ina jar having a mixture of, and He’ 1) Hydrogen has more mean KE 2) Helium has more mean KE 3) Both have same mean KE 4) Both have same internal energy 23. The Brownian motion refers to 1) The motion of molecules in fluid medium 2) The motion of microscopic particles under the impact of molecules in a fluid medium 3) The motion of particles as recorded in a cloud chamber 4) All the above 24. Which of the following quantities if zero on an average for the molecules of an ideal gas in equilib 1) kinetic energy 2) momentum 3) density 4) speed 25. Keeping the number of moles, volume and temperature the same, which of the following are the same for all ideal gases ? 1) mms speed of a molecule 2) density 3) pressure 4) average magnitude of momentum 26. Three vessels of equal capacity have gases at the same pressure and temperature. The first ve contains monoatomic gas, the second contains diatomic gas and third contains polyatomic ¢ Which vessel contains more number of molecules 1) First 2) Second 3) Third 4) All vessels contain same number of molecules 206)33 {@(TARGET SERIES for dr ICON IC Studer (TARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Studem! 30. 31. 34, 35, (TARGET SERIES for J 1CON Te Stade A perfect gas is contained in a cylinder kept in vacuum. If the cylinder suddenly bursts, then the temperature of the gas 1) Is increased 2) Becomes zero K 3) Remains unchanged 4) Is decreased The rate of diffusion, is 1) Equal in solids, liquids and gases 2) Paster in liquids than in solids and gases 3) Faster in solids then in liquids and gases 4) Faster in gases than liquids and solids By kinetic theory, we can measure 1) viscosity 2) conductivity 3) diffusion 4) All of these ‘Two balloons are filled, one with pure He gas and other with air, respectively. If the pressure ‘and temperature of these balloons are same then the number of molecules per unit volume is 1) More in the He filled balloon 2) Same in both balloons 3) More in air filled balloon 4) In the ratio of 1: 4 at According to kinetic theory of gases, mole-cules of a gas behave like 1) Inelastic sphere 2) Perfectly ‘elastic rigid spheres “” 3) Perfectly elastic non-rigid sphere 4) Inelastic non-rigid spheres The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of I g of helium at nth from T,K to TK is 3 » 3 Nake (Te -T) 2)ZNoke (Fe —Ti) 3 R 3 a 3, 3 Nika (Ts 3) 4M (2) 4) gNako(T2-T)) Kinetic theory of gases is based on the 1) molecular picture of matter 2) nuclear picture 3) electron picture 4) none of the above At ordinary pressure and temperature the average distance between the molecules of a gas is around A. Here, A refers to 1) 10? m 2) 10° m 3) 10"! m 4) 10% m While deriving the expression of the pressure of a ideal gas, 1) only total KE remains conserved 2) only total momentum remains conserved 3) total KE and total momentum remain conserved 4) neither total KE nor total momentum is conserved 36. When an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically. its temperature rises: the moclecules on Ste x 38. 39. TARGET SERIES tor Jr. ICON IC have more kinetic energy than before. The kinetic energy increases 1) because of collisions with moving parts of the wall only 2) because of collisions with the entire wall 3) because the molecuels get accelerated in their motion 4) because of redistribution of energy amongst the molecules 1 mole of an ideal gas is contained in a cubical volume ‘V. ABCDEFGH at 300k. One Sicz = 5 cube (EFGH) is made up of a material which totally absorbs any gas molecule incideat ox x 4 given time 1) the pressure on EFGH would be zero. 2) the pressure on all the faces will be equal. 3) the pressure on EFGH would be double the pressure on ABCD 4) the pressure on EFGH would be half that on ABCD. According to Dalton’s law of partial pressure 1) p=@,+P2+~) 2) p=(a, +2, +—)kgT 3) both I and 2 are correct 4) both 1 and 2 are incorrect Pv The figure below shows the plot of “> versus P for oxygen gas at two different tempers Read the following statements concerning the curves given below i) The dotted line corresponds to the ‘ideal’ gas behaviour ii) T,>T, Pv iii) The value of 7 at the point, where the curves mect om the y-axis all gases Which of the above statement is tue ? 1) i only Di mdi 3) all of these 4) none of these (SBRECTIVE PHYSICS Ds Various speeds of gas molecules 40. 1) same 2) different 4) depends on nature of the gas 4 1) temperature 3) molecular mass 42. Let V.¥pay [THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER The root mean square and most probable speed of the molecules in a gas are 3) cannot say The average momentum of a molecule in an ideal gas depends on 2) volume 4) none of these and v, respectively denote the mean speed, root mean square speed and most probable speed of the molecules in an ideal monoatomic gas at absolute temperature T. The mass of the molecules is m. Then 1) no molecule can have a speed greater than (/2¥. 2) no molec ave a speed es thn 7] 3) VS V5 < Vin 3 4) the average kinetic energy of the molecules is gl) 43. The molecular weights of two gases are’M, and M,, then at a temperature the ratio of root mean square velocity v, and v, will be ) a 2) fe MoM 4) inchs b . M, M,—M;, (w +M; 44. Ata given temperature the r.m.s velocity will be greater for 1) Hydrogen 2) Oxygen 3) Equal for both 4) Nothing is definite 45. In thermal equilibrium, the average velocity of gas molecules is 1) Proportional to JF 2) Proportional to T? 3) Proportional to T? 4) zero 46. A gas is allowed to expand isothermally. The root mean square velocity of the molecules 1) Will increase 3) Will remain unchanged 4) Depends on the other factors 47. Moon has no atmosphere because 2) Will decrease 1) The r.m.s. velocity of all gases is more than the escape velocity from moon's surface 2) Its surface is not smooth 3) It is quite far away from the earth 4) It does not have population and plants IARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students e}§ gan [THERIAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER} 48. 49, 50. 31 52. 53 54. 55. Which of the following statement is true 1) Absolute zero degree temperature is not zero energy temperature 2) Two different gases at the same tempera-ture, pressure have equal root mean square velocity 3) The root mean square speed of the molec-ules of different ideal gases, maintained at the sang ‘temperature are the same 4) Given sample of 1 CC of hydrogen and 1 CC of oxygen both at NTP, oxygen sample has a lap ; number of molecules. Cooking gas containers are kept in a lorry moving with uniform speed. The temperature of the gx molecules inside will 1) Increase 2) Decrease 3) Remain same 4) Decrease for some, while increase for others ‘Ata given temperature if V,,,, is the root mean square velocity of the molecules of a gas, V, is te ie velocity of sound in it, then these are related as ( mae 3 1) Vows = Vi 2 Ym= x, 3) Vins IY a For a gas at a temperature T the root mean square velocity ¥,,,. the most probable speed v,,,. and the average speed a,, obey the relationship 1) Vay > Verne > Ving ig 2) Vems > Vav > Ving 3) Vey > Var > Vere 4) Vamp > Vans > Vay If Vy. Vy and Vo denote the root mean square velocities of molecules of hydrogen, nitrogen and ‘oxygen respectively at a given tempera-ture, then DVy> Vor Van 2)Vu>Vn>Vo 3) Vo=Vy=Vy 4)Vo>Vun> Vn Sometimes a cycle with well inflated tyres left in the sun has its tube burst open because. 1) The volume of air inside the tube increases 2) The pressure of air inside the tube increases 3) The tube containing air melts 4) The volume and pressure both increase Consider a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen kept at room temperature. As compared to a hydroger molecule an oxygen molecule hits the wall 1) with greater average speed 2) with smaller average speed 3) with greater average Kinetic energy 4) with smaller average kinetic energy ‘Three vessels A.B and C of equal capacity have gases at the same temperature and pressure. Vess! ‘A contains neon, Vessel B contains chlorine and vessel C contains uranium hexa fluoride. The vessel which contain molecules having highest root mean square velocity... DA DB 3c 4) Alll are same (OBJECTIVE PHYSICS 1b]:5} —___i¢e/ THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER] Degrees of Freedom 56. 61. 65. 67, 68, A cylinder rolls without slipping down an inclined plane, the number of degrees of freedom it has, is y2 23 35 a. . A polyatomic gas with n degrees of freedom has a mean energy pér molecule given by 1) okT/ N, 2) nkT/2N, 3) nkT/2 4) 3kT/2 Mean kinetic energy (or average energy) per gm mole of a monoatomic gas is given by 3 1 1 3 1) SRT ikr L 3, > yz 3) 9RT 4) 3kt .. The kinetic energy per gm mol for a diatomic gas at room temperature is 5 3 1 1) 3RT 2) =RT will be related to that of helium < Cy, > as D =V2 2) =< Cy, > 3)=2 4)= The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 120 K to 480K. If at 120 K the root mean square Velocity of the gas molecules is v, at 480 K it becomes av 2)2v 3) v2 4 v4 At what temperature is the rms speed of gaseous hydrogen molecules equal to that of oxygen molecules at 47°C ‘ 20K 2) 80K 3) -3K 43K ‘SHERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER OBJECTIVE PHY: S What is the velocity of monoatomic gas having pressure 1 kilopasal and density 44 kystn D36 ms 2) 8.9 mis 3) zero 4) 25 m/s ‘Numerical / integer Type Questions = 1800 K. Fing 3. A vessel of volume V = 5.0 litre ; 1.4 gm of nitrogen at temperature T the pressure of the gas if 30% of its molecule are dissociated into atom at this temperatar, (im 10°N/m*). 10. A cylinder of capacity 20 litres is filled with H, gas. The total average kinetic energy of translator, motion of its molecules is 1.5x105S, The pressure of hydrogen in the cylinder is__«1 FN: (Practice Sheet / Homework) ‘Straight Objective Type Questions ‘An electric bulb of volume 250'cc was sealed during manufacturing at a presure of 10 at 27°C. Number of air molecules contained in the bulb is 3) 8x 10% mm 4) 24 x 10% 1) 8x 10% 2) 24 x 105 2, Ata cenain temperature, the rms. velocity for O, is 400 m/sec. At the same temperature, the veloctiy for H, molecules will be 1) 100 ni/sec 2) 25 mm/sec 3) 1600 m/sec 4) 6400 m/sec 3, To what temperature should the hydrogen at 327°C be cooled at constant pressure, so that the ra mean square velocity of its molecules become half of its previous value 1) -123°C 2) 23°C 3) -100°C 4) PC 4. The average kinetic energy of nitrogen molecules is E at the temperature T. The correspon. value for helium molecules will be (molecular masses are 28 & 4) E 3E DE DG DE oF 5. If number of molecules of H, are double than that of O,, then ratio of kinetic energy of and that of oxygen at 300 K is isl DA:2 6. 2N molecules of an ideal gas *X" each of mass ‘m’ and 4N molecules of another ideal gas “Y". ca of mass “3m' are maintained at the same absolute temperature in the same vessel. The rms velocity 32:1 41:16 are v, and v, respectively then (along x-coordinate axis) DB: Div H3:1 41:3 The respective speeds of five molecules are 2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.6 and 1.2 km/sec. The most probable speed in km/sec will be 12 3) 16 4) 131 TARGET SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Stude™ 2) 1.58 § A vessel contains 8 gm of air at i After some time, the pressure is hal of the air escaped in gm. ye 24 392 44 54 B12 83) 10). We 12)2 13)3 144 15)1 12 17)818)1 191-20) a4 223 23)2 242 25)3 264-273 20)4 294 BZ. S12 $2)4-33)1 344 35)3 96)1-87)4 «= 98)S—39)3_— 40/2 414 -42)443)2 44) 1 -45)1. 46)3 4771 -48)1— 49/3502 SN2 52)283)2. 54255) 4 56)1 57)358)1— 59)2_— 60) 1 S11 62)363)2G4)165)2_—«6G)1«G7)3_—-GB)2_69)4_—70)1. M1 72)4 —73)2—74)8—75)2_-76)2_—«s77)1-—7A)/D )4 23° 34 = 42 5)1 27/1, -8)A_— 91.94 10) 5.0 yo 23 3)1 0 4)4) = 5)1— 6) 4S 73 8) 2.67 400K. Some amount of air leaks out through the hole provided to ed and the temperature is changed to 300 K. Find the mass LEVEL-II (ADVANCED) |§ Straight Objective Type Questions A horizontal tube of: length | closed at both ends contains an ideal gas of molecular weight M. The tube is rotated at a constant angular velocity @ about a vertical axis passing through an end. Assuming the temperature to be uniform and constant, pressure P at the free end is (Pressure at fixed end is P,) Matt? p, Melt Mat? Ma? 4) P=Pye 27 b) Poe sar ©) P=2Pye d) P=3Pe *F ‘Two chambers, one containing m,g of a gas at P,pressure and other containing m,g of a gas at P, Pressure are put in communication with each other. If temperature remains constant, the common Pressure reached will be » Beam +m) P,P, (mm, —m,) ° PP,(m, +m.) a P,P, (m, -m,) ym, + Pm, Pim, + Pym, Pim, +Pm, Fim, +P,m, SERIES for Jr. ICON IC Students |3)} el215

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