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The next incident that takes place or the next kind of theme that we're discussing and so

we're now looking closer into the the younger years of the prophet saw the lohani was sent
him's life and things that he's gone through and experienced and so there's three things I
want to talk about today inShallah will get through all three of them we've already discussed
kind of briefly just this cafala the prophesy sent him is now with I will thought it was not very
wealthy has a lot of children and he's an extra kind of responsibility that the that I will thought
it has the prophet being with him so I sell him now obviously everyone in Mecca they are
business people and so traveling for business was the common theme there's nothing out of
the ordinary for that however this is a well-documented moment from the prophet sized
sentence life as a well-documented incident that's a place so we'll read about this incident
but as per our discussions in seminary where the discussions are more in depth and more
critical analysis certain things we're going to get a chance to actually look at what scholars
say about this particular incident that we're looking at okay and of course that that's that's the
objective here so let's let's take a look at this moment I'll do some reading for today unless
there's someone really anxious about reading okay the prophets lies settle them's journey to
sham with his uncle I need you to pay attention to everything very closely okay you imam
tiramisi now that tells us right away that this is not just taken from historical accounts when
we say imam tirumathi we are saying in contrast to ebenezac and contrast to see the Urban
hasham that this particular incident is narrated in cinemasy 7 understand the significance of
that right it's it's a hadith now it's not just a historical account so take note of that he and his
main book that's important because sometimes people will say imam Bukhari narrated but
they're talking about other no you don't get it is another book imam Gaza imam buhari wrote
in which he intentionally brought weaker and narration but if I just said to you imam buhari
narrated you're like dang it must be strong nope it's from edible I didn't tell you what book he
narrated it in does that make sense so the fact that he he says being very specific this is a
Timothy wrote that your I heard one out of say you know he says something like men
shutdiva a shy about azure whatever and I'm like where you get that from these like animals
right I'll tell you that you know okay so when he says rohu tenemed he is rawahu buhari it's
like okay where what book so anyways I'll be Musa Ali so whatever you see the word Paula
it's abortion musal Asha is speaking harajah Abu in a shamis so I tell them be Asia mean
correlation with a number of others who you of the quresh they're all traveling to Syria for
business or Apple his name is bajira this is the incident of bajira when they were traveling
they they and they saw the monk the raw hip the monk bahira how about hallelujah hallelu
they have a two as they nazara they settle down what halleluji had a home they untouched
their tents they unpacked their luggage to settle down and camp out but how does he came
out of his like place of worship and prior to this isn't the first time they've ever gone to Syria
for business before this he never would come out here so we have this rahe this this person
who is kind of disturbished this kind of completely cut off from Society living in this small like
place of worship a hermit you can say almost that is just devoted himself to cut himself off
from all humanity and he kind of just sits along the road so you gotta you got a picture this
guy he doesn't not a well kept kind of like

I would like how they're walking with him they're not seeing trees prostrate right they're not
seeing rocks cross rate right we'll talk about it let's keep reading what I ask you Danny we're
in the Audi fool be hot I see the roofie under the cartilage of his shoulder blade behind him
right the back at tufaha like looking like an apple almost maybe like those crab apples you
ever see crab apples not the not the green joints Granny Smith that was big it's like a
grapefruit like the small apples right because typically clocked in the war was smaller smaller
like the size of a pigeon egg now abubus that actually is mixing multiple stories together here
because you may have read this story a different style he sees them he caused him he says
come for food but he's like y'all left somebody right so let's see what he says to food for them
but and he called them there's a lot of taken out right you have the fill in the gaps for them I
tell homebee when they all came to him but he came to them with the food what kind of who
I arose suicide he's a young kid you he's young so when they brought the food you know
how it is and some of your cultures when the Elder uncle sit together and you were a kid and
get out of here no it lets you sit in every conversation you know this guy made us food
Diamonds are sitting together never and they don't want the little kids around right go so the
suicide Salem was was grazing he was grazing the Easter said it's like that till today I'm 24
years old they still don't let me sit with them I hear you okay so then what does it say that
arsenali he said bring him I eat out of suicide Salem again there's a lot take it out of here
because we remember he's a wait someone's missing but octavada by Salem ale he came
and there were moments as in to the logo like covering him so let me know what's it down
when the prophets on the law he was selling came to them he realized by the Sabbath who
who ela Faith they were already sitting the Asha were already sitting in the shade faving
shape shape I should of a tree but I'm a Jealous suicide Salem the shade of the he seems
like it seems as if he sat in a part there was no shade and that the trees shave ghost he said
to them look look what's happening my LA leaning towards him so allahing my who are
taught him are they him all you now she doing so while he was standing there talking to
them about this this boy Muhammad sallallah he said that well who are you now she doing
and he's telling them please you now s*** is when you implore on someone when you say
lucky you can't know what he don't do it well like that's you it was employing upon them how
will be ela room don't take him to Rome he's on the way they're still traveling North to sham
his room at that time right these trout their traveling North to shop he's like don't go don't go
but in the room if they see this boy they'll recognize him be sympathy vicinity for luno they'll
kill this boy but this you have to understand this is consistent though this is consistent with
prophets from before because the reason why easta disappears from the scene because his
mother please with him to Egypt right he from the age of a young age till 12 years old he's
missing whereas yet in Egypt why because the Jews were trying to kill them because of who
you would be caught right so there's a consistency there right and then he comes in he's
teaching in the they come one trip back to

Back to Egypt again and it's not so 33 that he comes back so this idea of protecting the
profits when they're young because the signs of profit Hood were seeing on them is
consistent with topics before the profit so the lotti was send them yes they don't know he
says don't go there though they'll recognize him when they see him if they see him well I
mean that's a deeper people are afraid of what they don't understand that's I mean that's
that's a deeper that's a deeper question some would have followed him Salman alpha to see
looked for him forever to follow him but hit up on one of them dead so you have to connect it
this is an important incident to connect with pentacles okay with later in our Sierra probably
like three months from now two months from now we're gonna be reading this moment
where hit up Fuzz says I see the star the star of Ahmed has shown in the sky and so he
starts to send out word who's the messenger who's that who are the people that circumcised
because that final uncircumcised profit is going to come who are the people that I'm still
circumcised they're like the odds he's like tell send some people will find this kid we'll find
him we read this two months from now but what we're reading right now connects perfectly
line to line with that because hirakal he tried to accept but when he was threatened of losing
his leadership he's like forget this let's just kill this problem you get it so you know we're
really gullible and and romanticizing when I I said it last week as a joke you won't quit your
60,000 job because you're a beard right so what you want him to give up a kingdom you
know what I'm saying you have the same problem just on a lower level that you don't do you
have a yeah so it is what it is but I can't answer that because I've accepted them siege right I
can't answer that I've accepted yeah yes no
Do we know some of them except some don't know what he's like what are they looking for
do we know what books you have a science to look for to know Torah right now here's some
there's some scholars of the Bible with some scholars of the Bible that was still trying to
highlight certain verses that seem to indicate too yeah but you'd have to have asked more of
a scholar of the torah and the Bible who are Muslims highlight that there are some work

In constantine's time they had to decide what books will be included what books will be
included that's like Imagine sahaba got together and decided which suitors will be in the
Quran and then later you asked me well is it in the Quran and in my mind I'm like whoa not
the Homer Quran but the Quran has it you understand how to say there's a moment in year
300 where they decide which books are cannic and which books are notical Canon means
law put in and the books that were not categically they call them apocrypha don't read them
but there are certain works of literature that were claimed to be have written by how to Yin
that they didn't include in so it's not clean cut like oh is it in there or not and what or not
you're trying to say okay but it takes another specialization right okay let's keep going but all
of where was I was just explaining how hit a sense people to look for this Final profit the
sorrows right and so this moment seems to be what what's it called is looking for also if we
combine this with mine and pharisee we know that he's alive looking for the Hawk right now
remember he goes from priests we didn't get his story yet and if you don't know a story it's
gonna be hard but basically he's someone that lives many years like 40 50 years in copper
as a Christian but he's jumping from priests because each one of them keeps saying we're
almost done it's almost time for the next profit it's almost time for the next profit and finally
the last person he's with tells him there are no more righteous Christians left it's done it's
time for Ahmed to come for sure now and now he knows I have to find them and long story
short he ends up in Medina and when he hears about the prophet so when he sees the city
he goes what this world was supposed to be anyway because he saw the signs in the city so
long story short is there are people looking for this now there's people of religion who know
this is coming up was studying the total do in the books for what he was waiting for this
moment when the Prophecy comes he's probably filing yes yes I wish I was younger though
we'll get there in a minute let's go okay let's go let's go let's go so what you nashido he's like
don't go to Rome but in that room you know he said why do they want to kill the why did the
Jews want to kill ISA the whole story is he was crucified by who the Jews you're like why
nationals believe in him they're like like that's the struggle of how can Boston like yeah I
mean but tough button he looked he looked he looks and he see seven people room you can
tell by their entire I guess but stuck by the womb bajira goes over to those seven people but
at my job it seems as if he like distance himself from the crowd of Arabs in which the prophet
of the boy the prophets I sell them is there and he goes over to this group of Entourage that
he sees traveling because his place is kind of like on this on the highway that I can 7 people
in a room for part of my job become where you're coming from what are you doing now could
they be the people in a sense well Ireland but you know did send people to go find them and
the hot and big Cottage we have a shepher we came because we heard that this prophet
was coming out in this month now again there's that's Mark that because that's that's what
does that mean coming out in this month what coming out of his City well no but didn't start
yet he wasn't born that month so what does cottage mean here I don't know let's reform
which someone has to have the power to send people out beautiful there's no route left that
people have been sent to look for him well in that we've been told all this sign but it's not
here so his book bajira says I don't know what he means by this but he says is there anyone
behind you better than you you know what he means like that all in them they said look
we've been told his signs we believe he'll be on this pathway we keep this pathway forward
halfway towards Memphis seems like then he starts to give them like dawa because their
religious people I would write and around

it's interesting but let me tell you nashidobo he continued to implore upon them to take him
back who Ababa Bilal and absence Abubakar and vilal back with the prophes I sell them for
the weather who raheb aura he gave him crackers some cookies what they so that's the
story where's this haditha and Timothy and it's not a week deep it's not a weak hadith it's
actually a strong advantage strength and you know a stronger body strength so great
everyone strengthening is a strong narration instead of an unemah here we go Danny any
other problems y'all notice yeah bedtime and I will worker's two years younger than the
prophets like 12 years old so I will dial up since a 10 year old they'll accompany a 12 year
old back to Mecca because assassins are all together a 10 year old not even born yet
nothing boring yet how's he in The Story doesn't make sense let's read let's read a television
the scholars differ regarding the authenticity of this narration Hassan is a term for level he
doesn't mean good in the sense of oh it's good no it says literal it's a level it's a level what's
the how it how does Evan hazard says it's here well how can you and even as Bani I'm more
contemporary it's having to say the house isaba and hadith the narrators of this hadith are
trustworthy if us trustworth when they said be him moon cuddle at least there's nothing out of
the ordinary see why how they love except the words at the end was he what he later so
now the scholars of hadith like even had just kalani they teach us a very important rule here
don't draw the baby with the bath water just because at the end of the hadith Abu Bakr and
bilas names are mentioned doesn't mean the entire incident is not authentic so the hadith
scholars look at this hadith and they go cool we deal with this all the time there's a term for
something where a narrator inserted words inserted words you don't like you guys don't
understand because it doesn't happen a lot in our type of learning but you got to understand
sometimes the teacher would be saying a hadith and in the middle explained but the
students take that explanation and maybe a few students were looking at the teacher and he
was like well you know father person just right and down while you know the prophets well
you know that and it's called modern look at and how more means someone inserted words
into it now I need you to have confidence in the academic tradition of Islam the fact that we
can identify mundaraj words speaks volumes for the volumes for the offense like the science
of a smart reach out there like coalistically the fact that we've identified these things speak
volumes about how much work was done to codify the science into verify what the prophets I
said you only appreciate that if you look at the other traditions and the lack of care in that yes
well the same way mean you don't right now he's not old enough it doesn't make sense like
for example the part about the Romans blow item well a lot of them there's no
Ibn Qayyum Al Jawzi talks about this narration

Have and by the way I think we can up the level of education in our Sunday schools where
they stuff does become more common knowledge I've said it before people are doing
pre-cout and you're like teaching them Five Pillars still like no people are intelligent enough
to learn this stuff why are we teaching this in Sunday schools stop getting get over the Five
Pillars and says leave all your whole life like 16 years old and got to up the bar man here's
the end it's like Oh they're not it's too deep notice not kids and like AP physics literally in AP
physics but no we can't go deep we can't read Rosie it's weird man anyways let's keep
running well caught it even on fire what does say

no Not holding back punches for 800 900 years scholars have been like a mistake mistake
pointing it out I want you to know you're not the first and Wilder your next class is canceled
so we don't have to rush but I have a class after this right okay but in the bilad listen walk on
means mistake where where is the world no no let me try that I got you all play in it is found
in imam timothy's book and other books and now bastama will be sent Bilal with the propeller
mistake that in the bilad because bless the Allah and isaka I love who is zaka I love you
probably wasn't even born yet we're in can if it was born let me open mommy why is he the
way why is he well with olive since we could slave just real quick when I'm happy Baker now
that's even in

Imam dhahabi: wrote kabair

He doesn't just reject the Bilal Abu Bakr part he actually goes back into the context of it he
goes before that were haditha Munger he's using like I can't Abu bakker yet like you hear his
language it's not even kind of like just a f***** probably wasn't he's like well I need a can Abu
bakker Canada I mean rossudi last I said let me send a team when this two and a half years
younger than school well in a cannabi Les he has a walk where was bilala the in about
yesterday after revelation revelation 30 Something years later when I'm yakun woolied about
you he wasn't I guess somebody wasn't born yet here we go here we go he's got more
though he's not done someone mute I'm here from sound everyone check your meal he says
he says but you that can Allah he got mama clouds covering him to sell what I mean I think
your schedule it's the clouds are shading him why is the tree coming to shave his emails I
have he speaking he's already shaded what's the tree doing get it okay let's keep going
Leanna like the clouds he's like this cancels this shade out well I'm not on the B-side I'm
here's another one no one brought this up I was wondering if anyone's going to bring this up
while I'm not about him not to be only around him the prophet when giving dawa to have
never said hey I moved you remember what the raw him said right he never said I do
remember what the raw had said now I have a retort though was my retort what would you
say response someone says that you I have a retort yeah maybe but I got some better yes
no like if I hold the opinion though this happens and so

I would push back against the hubby and go yeah but no yeah but no that's personally that's
how I feel with that yes the people who actually put out these bigger but there's a stronger
one coming to though go ahead more like hundred dollars he's straight up guns blazing
lights you guys hear that he goes is it worth noting that these are all hanbali’s right here we
love the four madhabs man
Based on materialist type thinking and objective objections we don't we believe in miracles
we believe in The Unseen so clouds covering the profit it's not hard for God you know a tree
oh the tree prostrating what clearly this is something he is seeing and no one else is seeing
right well I can lots of Kahuna teslie he's conscious in aware of something seeing something
that others are not seen so never dismiss something because it doesn't fit into a Western
materialist paradigm that you can't see it imply tested it's not true that's colonialism
controlling your brain okay that's what that is we are talking about classical scholars that
never heard of Emanuel cance before who critique this moment I keep doing this for you
guys because you're critiquing at mentally that shape on his side because it's far fetched no
devilla oh how could that happen when I'm like Shaqqul Qamr

the end of the oh here's the one right here look at my mouth while I taza karachi alone there
were a shiagara of Grace present too how come none of them went back was like y'all know
what happened this boy something's up with this kid that thing is a bit stronger though that to
me is a bit stronger Abu one is in that strong you have yeah fishman I don't know we don't
have more details there is one narration that he asked I'm sorry there is more detail sorry
there is a narration ebony asks him I see everything else can I see your back and he sees it
seems to see the prophet well I had gotchu Ula speak Wala hakatu Ula Inka Asha another
beach Asha shared that moment not me him was that why he him I thought in spite of the
fact that they were all about narrating and sharing information like an Oral Society all they do
is talk so it's saying they have this strong yeah him him to talk and share but they don't share
this but oh waka this is all that heavy but a Waka if this incident happened HD hot it would
become extremely famous moment what about the Angela now this is I don't agree with this
one he goes and there would have been a hit or a feeling of that remained with him and he
would not have been caught off guard by revelation in the cave when it happened and run to
khadijah scared I don't agree with that I don't agree with that one first of all a hermit in the
middle of you know the highway pulling me up in your profit of God your profit of God at nine
years old speaking with me my whole life I don't think so I don't I it's not far fetched to me
that that incident just left my brain so we're doing some literally die off the street grabbing me
up saying my profit of God number two he would not have been scared when revelation
came no that's not true because the whole reason there was an introduction to Revelation
was to prepare him any was still scared memories started seeing true dreams he goes the
same season dream and the truth comes out in the morning right right why was it all that
happen we're gonna read later it was to prep him despite the prep he's still got scared
because this is a big moment The Unseen was becoming cleric like clear to him so all the
prep was still there and it's still scared him some Allah cool then oh now this you're gonna
love this you're gonna love this you ready is your name okay late listen to this will Hadid
alfaz mulkaria he goes this hadith has weird words has a lot of soupy style speech to us yo
you know I'm not happy we love that you know I let the solo yeah not even that is otherwise
now but then that had goes but the same narration has been narrated in another book
without the words about bunker and delan imagine if you guys are my students and y'all
leave and one person narrates some words but no one else narrates that so the same hadith
is mentioned by other people without those additional two words that just throw the whole
thing off right yep that's it huh he mentioning that he's mentioning it to say that Hey by the
way it is mentioned elsewhere without this big error but when the revelation was given to the
suicide sentiment khadija's cousin watercol yes if he knew he was a profit then he wouldn't
have to go ask about this yes but again something happening to me when I'm nine years old
10 years old a weird guy on the side of the street calling me a profit of god I don't even know
what a profit is you're the master of the universe literally literally a guy on the side of the road
grabs you and says you are the master of the universe

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