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Instructing Lecturer: Mr. Syamsul Bahri SS, M.Hum

Arranged by :

Aura Ersa Anastasia 2231220001





Thank you, we pray for the presence of God Almighty. Because with Grace,

Grace I can complete the CRITCAL BOOK REVIEW assignment READING

COMPREHESION course. We also thank the lecturers READING

COMPREHESION course which has given this paper assignment to us. We really

hope this paper can be useful in order to add our insight and knowledge about


I am also fully aware that in writing this CJR there is Flaws and far from the

words we expected, for that, we hope there are criticisms, suggestions and reviews

for future improvements, remember nothing is perfect without constructive means.

Hopefully that task This simple thing can be understood by anyone who reads it


LIST OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ……………………………………….....................................
A. Rationalization of the Importance of CBR……………………………………….........
B. Purpose of Writing ………………………………………………………………………..
C. Benefits of Writing ……………………………………..…………………………………
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION …………………………………………..………………………..
A. Identity ……………………………………….…………...…………………………………
B. Summary of BOOK Contents………………………………...…………………………
CHAPTER III BOOK REVIEW …………………………………………………………
A. Advantages of BOOK…………………………………………………………………..
B. Disadvantages of BOOK……………………………………………………………….
CHAPTER IV CLOSING ………………………………………………………………………..
A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..
B. Suggestions…………………………………………………………………….


A. Background for Writing CBR

Criticizing a journal is done to find out and understand what is contained in a
Book. Besides that, criticizing book is useful for training our ability to analyze,
we have to read it first so basically we are able to understand and understand a
study. When we need a reference, namely a journal as our reading source
besides books in studying courses, we should first criticize the book so that we
know which book is more relevant to be used as a reading source
B. Purpose of Writing CBR:
The aim of writing our paper is:
To fulfill one of the assignments in the Indonesian language course.Understand
and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a book. Make it easier to discuss
the core results of existing research. Search forand find out information in a Book
C. Benefits of Writing CBR
Helping all people in knowing the core of the research results contained B.
Becomes evaluation mategrial in making a journal fnor the next publicatio
WRITER : Dra. Sukirah Kostaryo
PUBLISHER : Departement pendidikan dan kebudayaan direktorat
jenderal pendidikan tinggi proyek pengembangan lembaga
pendidikan tenaga kependidikan
THICK PAGE : 125 Pages
This book consists of four chapters. Chapter I discusses the defi- nition of
reading, the background, the importance of reading rechniques of reading, and the
weaknesses of the students in reading skills. Chap- ter II discusses some possible
ways to learn vocabulary, such as learning vocabulary through creativity, context
clues, guessing, definition and derivation. Chapter III discusses exercises on
reading techniques; skim- ming, scanning and reading with comprehension added
with vocabulary building. And this chapter summaries the book and offers
suggestions about how to use the book and what students should do to succeed in
their college work. These suggestions deal with attitude, a study plan, setting goals,
establish priorities, make schedule and test taking.
equivalent ideasThere is more consistency between the pronunciation and
spelling of Indonesian words, while there is less consitency with English words.
The English pronunciation does not correspond much with the language spelling
and the English word construction is not consistent either. There are some
irregularities in language and various forms of derivations, such as those found in
derivational nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs which are most irregularly
Word recognition is an important component in understanding a target language
or native languageSo recognizing familiar words in new passages and discovering
the meaning of unfamiliar words frequently encountered by students are discussed
in this section. Students differ in their word recognition skill in their own native
language and the target languageTherefore, it is impossible for an Indonesian
student to become more adapt at word recognition in the target language than he is
in his native language.
English words are complex, and this complexity brings difficulties to the
students who try to learn them. The difficulty comes from the word itself, which is
usually called an intrinsic' oneThis is a special difficulty with words that the
students should learn to recognize. Such a difficulty is very hard to overcome, but
it could be minimized.
To avoid great difficulties, the secondary meanings should not be introduced
before the primary meanings are establishedFor example, the word sweet' should
be connected to the word sugarand candy' first, before sweet voiceor sweet girl' is
presented. To know the meaning of 'bitter' it is necessary to know it in 'bitter taste'
first and bitter experiences' second.
The students should be sure that they use normal speech and feel what words fit
together. In learning vocabulary they are required to use not only their thoughts but
their feelings as well
New words and words which have been learned are two aspects which might
cause difficulties in the arning of vocabulary Learning new words, words which
are introduced or the first time to the students
C. Chapter II
is greatly influenced by their prior knowledge about wordsThis can be
seen by the fact that a student would be able to produce the word prediction'
with a prior understanding of the word predict'. He would remember that a
suffix - ion should be added to the word predict' to form the noun
'prediction'. Conversely, words like behaviour' and 'signature' are not easy to
recognize because their forms are complex. The students some-times do not
know that there is a connection between the word behaviourand the word
'behave', between the word signature and the word sign'. There are still other
forms of words which are difficult to master because of their complexity.
The role of memory, therefore, should be noted by the teacher when
selecting materials and deciding methods for teaching lexis. Memory is a
component which should be applied by the language teacher to facilitate the
processing and retention of lexical item.
Retention of new words is facilitated if a learner is given time to
process the new words before he is asked to produce them. He should be
encouraged to retain the lexis. A teacher should give a model when
presenting new words, wait a moment, and then ask the student to reproduce
the model.Learning vocabulary in college has a dual advantage, it reinforces
known lexis while increasing knowledge of vocabulary to provide a basi for
learning new items. Activities which encourage the learners to utiliz known
lexis will also have the effect of reinforcing and retaining thos lexis. To
facilitate the students, various ways to present new word have been tried,
such as placing new words in sentences.
For example
1. The boy is careful. He works carefully.
2. The girl is intelligent. She answers the questions intelligently.
The familiar words or words they have known are introduced i the
first sentence, while new words are placed afterwards. This is mean to
remind the students that derivational words contain the root form of the

In this chapter the reading exercises are divided into three sections. The
ones are exercises on skimming, the second ones are exercises on scanning, and
the third ones are exercises on reading for comprehen- sion. Skimming means
reading fast to get the gistor the topic of the read ng material, scanning means
reading fast to get certain information such as to get a name from a list, while
reading for comprehension means reading to understand entirely the reading
materialEach exercise is completed with vocabulary building which is in line
with the reading material given. This is to enrich the studentsvocabulary which
is still very limited. Vocabulary knowledge is really a burning need for them to
be able to read at the college levelThis vocabulary building is presented in
various ways such as; context clues, synonyms, antonyms, definition, derivation
and the like.
The types of reading exercises are the same as those in preceding
examples, so that students are able to look them up when facing difficulties in
answering the questions givenThese exercises are graded from the simple to the
more difficult to encourage the students initially to study more and do their best
in their reading work. So, later they will succed in meeting the Challenge of the
more difficult exercises
A. EXERCISES ON SKIMMING Here are a few basic suggestions for
underlining effectively.
B. Read a paragraph first and then go back and underline what is important.
C. Underline important portions of the topic sentence and any
D. supporting details you want to remember.Be accurate.
Make sure your underlining reflects the content of the passage. Incomplete
underlining may mislead you as you review the pasage and allow you to miss the
main point. Use a system for underliningThere are several systems you caN

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