Ementa Curso de Ingês

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Coordenadores: Kelen Pereira & Wesley Costa

✉ ​english@cacs.org.br

What is CEFR?
The ​Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching,
Assessment​, abbreviated ​in ​English​ as ​CEFR​ or ​CEF​ or ​CEFRL​, is a guideline used to describe
achievements of learners of foreign languages across ​Europe​ and, increasingly, in other countries​.

The CEFR was designed to provide a transparent, coherent, and comprehensive basis for the
elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines, the design of teaching and learning
materials, and the assessment of foreign language proficiency. It is used in Europe but also in other
continents and is now available in 39 languages.
See www.coe.int/lang-CEFR for further information

Book American English File Starter – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- AI
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

Can understand and use familiar everyday Verb be + subject pronouns: I and You
expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the Verb be + subject pronouns: She, He, It
satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can
Wh- and How questions with be
introduce him/herself and others and can ask and
A, an, plurals, this, that, these, those
answer questions about personal details such as
Possessive adjectives: my, your, etc
where he/she lives, people he/she knows and
things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way Adjectives

provided the other person talks slowly and clearly Present simple I and You
and is prepared to help. Present simple: we, you, they

Adverbs of frequency

Word order in questions

Can can’t
Book American English File 1 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- AI/A2
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can Verb be + subject pronouns: I, you, etc
understand and use familiar everyday Verb be ? and -
expressions and basic phrases aimed at the
Possessive adjectives: my, your, etc
satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can
A, an, plurals, this, that, these, those
introduce him/herself and others and can ask and
answer questions about personal details such as
where he/she lives, his/her routine, people he/she Imperatives, let’s (optional)
knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a Present simple + e -
simple way provided the other person talks slowly Present simple ?
and clearly and is prepared to help. Can write Word order in questions
short, simple texts, such as: an introduction letter,
Whose…? Possessive ‘s
e-mail and fill in a registration form.
Prepositions of time (at, in, on) and place (at, in, to)

Position of adverbs and expressions of frequency

Can can’t

Present continuous

Present simple x present continuous

Object pronouns: me, you, him, etc

Like + (verb + ing)

Review: be or do?
Book American English File 1 – Second Edition​ ​– Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- AI/A2
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can Past simple of be: was / were
communicate and understand simple situations Past simple: regular verbs
related to past events. Can talk using a greater
Past simple: irregular verbs
range of grammatical structures. Is able to
Past simple: regular and irregular
compare situations and people. Can speak about
There is/there are, some, any + plural nouns
his/her home, city and food.
There was / there were

Countable / uncountable nouns: a/an/some/any

Quantifiers: how much/how many, a lot, etc

Comparative adjectives

Superlative adjectives

Be going to (plans) future time expressions

Be going to (predictions)

Adverbs (manner and modifiers)

Verbs + to + infinitive
Book American English File 2 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- A2/B1
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can Word order in questions
understand the main points of clear standard input Present simple
on familiar matters regularly encountered in work,
Present continuous
school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations
Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the
Past continuous
language is spoken. Can produce simple
connected text on topics which are familiar or of Time sequences and connectors
personal interest. Can describe experiences and Be going to (plans and predictions)
events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly Present continuous (future arrangements)
give reasons and explanations for opinions and Defining relative clauses
Present perfect + yet, just, already

Present perfect or simple past? 1

Something, anything nothing, etc

Comparative adjectives and adverbs, as…as

Superlatives (+ever+present perfect)

Quantifiers, too, not enough

Will / won’t (predictions

Will / won’t (decisions, offers, promises)

Review of verb form: present, past and future

Book American English File 2 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- A2/B1
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner feels more Uses of the infinitive
confident when using the language and when Uses of the gerund (verb + -ing)
listening to natural rate speeches. The use of
Have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t
phrasal verbs is more frequent and the message
conveyed is more specific. Starts to understand
If + present, will + infinitive (1st conditional)
abstract ideas and hypothetical situations.
Possessive pronouns

If + past, would + infinitive (2nd conditional)

Present perfect + for and since

Present perfect or past simple? 2


Used to


Expressing movement

Word order of phrasal verbs

So, neither + auxiliaries

Past perfect

Reported speech

Questions with and without auxiliaries

Book American English File 3 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- B1/B2
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can Present simple and continuous, action and non-action
understand the main ideas of complex text on verbs
both concrete and abstract topics. Can interact Future forms: present continuous, going to, will / wont
(each other)
with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that
makes regular interaction with native speakers Present perfect and past simple
quite possible without strain for either party. Can Present perfect + for / since
produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of Comparative and superlatives
subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical
issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of Articles: a/an, the , no article

various options. Can, could, be able to (reflexive pronouns)

Modals of obligation: must, have to, should (should have)

Past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect

Usually and used to

Book American English File 3 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- B1/B2
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can Passives (all tenses)
understand a wide range of demanding, longer Modals of deduction: might, cant, must
texts, and recognize implicit meaning. Can
1st conditional and future time clauses + when, until, etc
express him/herself in at least two different ways (make and let)
considering formal and informal styles. 2nd conditional

Reported speech: sentences and questions

Gerunds and infinitives

Third conditional

Quantifiers (separable phrasal verbs)

Relative clauses: defining and non-defining

Question tags
Book American English File 4 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- B2
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can express Question formation
him/herself fluently and spontaneously without Auxiliary verbs: the…the…+ comparatives
much obvious searching for expressions. Includes
Present perfect: simple and continuous
idioms in his/her speech which has a more natural
Using adjectives as nouns, adjective order
rhythm and intonation. Can use language flexibly
Narrative tenses, past perfect continuous: so /
and effectively for social, academic and
professional purposes. Can produce clear,
The position of adverbs and adverbial phrases
well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects,
Future perfect and future continuous
showing controlled use of organizational patterns,
connectors and cohesive devices. Zero and 1st conditionals, future time clauses

Unreal conditionals

Structures after wish

Book American English File 4 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- B1/B2
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can express Gerunds and infinitives
him/herself fluently and spontaneously without Used to, be used to, get used to
much obvious searching for expressions. Includes
Past modals: must, might/may, should, cant, couldn’t, +
idioms in his/her speech which has a more natural have, etc: would rather
rhythm and intonation. Can use language flexibly Verbs of the senses
and effectively for social, academic and
The passive (all forms): it is said that…, he is thought
professional purposes. Can produce clear, to…, etc; have something done
well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, Reporting verbs
showing controlled use of organizational patterns,
Clauses of contrast and purpose; whatever, whenever,
connectors and cohesive devices. etc.

Uncountable and plural nouns

Quantifiers: all, every, both, etc.

Book American English File 5 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- C1
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

At the end of this level, the learner can Discourse markers: connectors

understand a wide range of demanding, longer Have

clauses, and recognize implicit meaning. Can Pronouns
express ideas fluently and spontaneously without The past: narrative tenses, used to, and would
much obvious searching for expressions. Can Discourse markers: adverbs and adverbial expressions
use language flexibly and effectively for social, Speculation and deduction
academic and professional purposes. Can adding emphasis: inversion
produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on
complex subjects, showing controlled use of
unreal uses of past tenses
organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive
Book American English File 5 – Second Edition – Oxford University Press
Common European Framework- C1
Communicative Competence Grammar Topics

Can understand a wide range of demanding, verb + object + infinitive or gerund

longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. Can conditional sentences
express him/herself fluently and spontaneously permission, obligation, and necessity
without much obvious searching for expressions. verbs of the senses
Can use language flexibly and effectively for
gerunds and infinitives
social, academic and professional purposes. Can
expressing future plans and arrangements
produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on
ellipsis and substitution
complex subjects, showing controlled use of
nouns: compound and possessive forms
organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive
adding emphasis: cleft sentences
Book SKILLFUL Listening & Speaking 3– MACMILLAN
Common European Framework-B2
Communicative Competence Communicative skills

● Recognizing phrases used to introduce examples;

​Skillful focus on speaking skills to give ID recognition;

presentation, instant practice and complete ● understanding the main ideas of more complex and
extended speech on concrete and abstract;
immersion in that area of language. It offers
● Topics and identify signposts that indicate the
students the opportunity to develop language structure and organization of the speech;

● Expressing interest in ideas you hear;

skills by presenting them with ideas from today's ● Listening for rhetorical questions giving examples;
● Supporting points in an extended turn with suitable
world, while building critical thinking skills that are
● Summarize information and points in an extended
vital for academic success. The course takes a
● Giving reasons;
skills-based approach with each unit
● Listening for cues to distinguish facts and opinions;
distinguishing between and global and close ● Listening to understand a sequence of events: first,
second, next, then, after that, eventually, etc;
skills. The nature of each unit encourages ● Understanding an extended factual topic if it is
explained in clear speech and identify some of the
students to think about the world around them, finer details;
● Changing the topic and returning to it;
creating exciting and engaging learning material. ● Developing a discussion by stating that you
understand, and you can invite others to make
The skills boxes that appear throughout the books contributions to the talk.
● Using stance markers: frankly, actually, as a matter
signal the topic focus to the teacher, while of fact, to be honest,
● Use attitudinal adverbs to express stance, e.g.,
providing the students with relevant tips, words Frankly, I’m not interested in what he is saying.
● Follow extended, more complex talks including on
and phrases. The study skills focus develops this academic topics, and can
● Distinguish between the main ideas and the
supporting ideas.
further, providing students with practical guidance ● Using modal auxiliaries in past passive sentences
● Using prior knowledge to predict the content of a
and support, and building confidence for presentation
● Follow extended, more complex talks including on
independent learning throughout their university academic topics
● Use existing knowledge to anticipate language and
career. Key features: a comprehensive digital themes in the talk.
● Contributing additional information to a discussion:
component including a page-faithful Digibook and as I understand, what I’ve found, etc.
● Actively contribute to a discussion by expressing
Skillful practice area with interactive activities and opinions and other ideas clearly and convincingly in
a formal register.
video material. Each unit provides opportunities to ● Following extended, more complex talks including
on academic topics, and can track
engage critically with issues by the texts and to ● Listening to interpret the speaker’s attitude
● Follow extended, more complex talks including on
consider concepts beyond the superficial meaning
academic topics, and can track Organizational
structure of main ideas and identify supporting
to develop skills such as evaluating and
● Fielding questions during a presentation and use
synthesizing information systematic development
appropriate discourse markers to structure formal
of practical study skills through realistic case speech and respond to other people’s questions
studies. ● Listening for problems and solutions
● Recognizing definitions
● Understanding much of what is being said in an
extended discussion on an academic topic, but may
find it difficult to understand all the exact details
without clarification or expansion of ideas.
(Material Próprio)

O curso de inglês instrumental destina-se, especialmente, àqueles que necessitam tornarem-se

aptos a ler, interpretar e compreender textos na língua inglesa em curto prazo e que tenham como

objetivo metas específicas, como a realização de exames de proficiência, leitura de textos

acadêmicos, participação em concursos públicos dentre outras. A partir do emprego de técnicas de

leitura, as quais valorizam os conhecimentos prévios por área de cada estudante, suas

experiências de vida, bem como seus conhecimentos gramaticais e lexicais da língua inglesa, o

método instrumental tornará o estudante um leitor autônomo, seguro e eficiente, capaz de alcançar

seus objetivos em um curto espaço de tempo.


● American English File 2nd Edition- Oxford University Press

● European Framework – http://www.coe.int/T/DG4/Portfolio/?M=/main_pages/levels.html
● European Framework Assessment grid
● http://www.macmillanenglish.com/uploadedFiles/wwwmacmillanenglishcom/Content/Courses/Skillful/Skillful-CE

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