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Anna University Exams April / May 2019 – Regulation 2017 Unique Important Questions – 4th Semester BE/BTECH

CS8451 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
1. Explain how Time Complexity is calculated. Give an example. Elaborate on asymptotic notations with
an example
2. With a suitable algorithm, explain the problem of finding the maximum and minimum items in a set of
n elements
3. Explain how analysis of linear search is done with a suitable illustration. Define recurrence equation
and explain how solving recurrence equations are done
4. Explain Tower of Hanoi problem and solve it using recursion
5. Derive the recurrence relation for Fibonacci series algorithm; also carry out the time complexity
6. Explain how the removing condition is done from the conditional Asymptotic notation with an example
7. Write an algorithm to perform binary search on a sorted list of elements. Analyze the algorithm for the
best case, average case and worst case
8. Trace the steps of Merge sort algorithm for the elements 122,25,70,175,89,90,95,102,123 and also
compute its time complexity
9. Give a detailed note on Divide and Conquer techniques. Sort the following set of elements using quick
sort 12,24,8,71,4,23,6,89,56
10. Write an algorithm for Brute force closed points and convex hull proof.
11. Write a pseudo code for the quick hull algorithm.
12. Compare matrix generation for Warshalls algorithm and floyd’sorithm, giving an example for each
13. Explain the multi stage graph problem with an example. Assume that m=30 and n=3 while weights are
(10,20,30) and profit are (12,20,24). Then find the optimal solution using knapsack technique.
14. Write the algorithm to compute the 0/1 knapsack problem using dynamic
programming and explain it. Solve the following instance of the 0/1, knapsack problem given the
knapsack capacity is 5.
Items Weight Value
1 2 12
2 1 10
3 3 20
4 2 15
15. Write a pseudo code to find an optimal binary search tree using dynamic programming. Illustrate the
algorithm by applying the following key and probabilities and obtain the optimal binary search tree

Key A B C D
Probability 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4

16. Consider n=4 and (q1,q2,q3,q4) = (do,if,int,while) the values for P’sand q’s are given as
P(1:4)=(3,3,1,1)and q(0:4)= (2,3,1,1,1).Construct the optimal binary search tree
17. Write the Kruskal’s algorithm apply it to find a minimum spanning tree for your own example
18. Explain in detail about Geometric Interpretation of linear programming using simplex method with
suitable example
19. Write pseudo code for Maximum Bipartite Matching and apply given graph

20. (a) Write an algorithm for stable marriage problem

(b) The stable marriage problem is generalized as follows. There are four boys(Paul,Rock,Unwin,David)
who prefer different girls (Harley,Veda,Ilana,Joy) to be their partners during a dance. Find a stable
partner matching for the instance given
Harley Veda Ilana Joy
Paul 4,3 3,2 2,3 1,3
Rock 2,2 3,4 4,1 1,4
Unwin 4,1 3,3 1,4 2,2
David 1,4 3,1 2,2 4,1
21. Write a complete LC branch-and-bound algorithm for the job sequencing with deadlines problem. Use
the fixed tuple size formulation
22. How backtracking works on the 8 Queens problem with suitable example? Explain elaborately recursive
backtracking algorithm
23. Write short notes on NP-hard and NP Completeness problem
24. Write a non-deterministic algorithm to find whether a given graph contains a Hamiltonian cycle
25. Explain with an algorithm as to how 0/1 knapsack problem is solved using branch and bound technique.
Apply branch and bound technique to solve the following 0/1 knapsack instance if W = 10
Items Weight Value
1 4 40
2 7 42
3 5 25
4 3 12

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