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1. Performance Appraisal Form
Employee Name: Jennee LeBeau Date of Appraisal:
Job Description:
[Include a brief overview of Jennee's job responsibilities and key performance areas.]
Rating Scale:
5 - Outstanding
4 - Exceeds Expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
2 - Below Expectations
1- Unsatisfactory
Performance Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Job Knowledge
Demonstrates a deep understanding of HR principles, policies,
and practices. Applies knowledge effectively to solve HR-
related challenges.
Communication Skills:
Communicates clearly and effectively with team members,
employees, and management. Listens actively and responds
Employee Relations:
Demonstrates a fair and supportive approach in dealing with
employee issues and conflicts.
Strategic Thinking:
Exhibits the ability to think strategically and align HR initiatives
with the company's goals.
Demonstrates effective leadership skills in managing the HR
team and contributing to the overall success of Sunshine Hotels
Initiative and Proactiveness
Shows a proactive attitude in identifying opportunities for
improvement and taking initiatives to enhance HR processes.
Problem Solving
Analyzes problems effectively and develops practical solutions
to resolve HR-related challenges.
Handles change positively and adapts to new situations and
Collaborates effectively with other departments and fosters a
teamwork-oriented environment.

Comments [Provide specific comments and examples to support each rating.]

Employee Comments: [self-assessment and comments on her performance.]
Supervisor Comments: [Supervisor comments on employee performance.]
Development Plan: [List any areas of improvement and development goals for
employee growth.]

Employee: _______________________ Date: ________________
Supervisor: _______________________ Date: ________________

2. The following are the Performance Appraisal Plan of Action

Form Development Committee: Assemble a committee comprising HR
representatives, department heads, and employees to collaboratively design the new
Performance Appraisal Form.
Criteria Selection: Ensure that the selected performance criteria align with Jennee's
job role and contribute to the overall success of the HR department and Sunshine
Training: Conduct training sessions to educate employees and supervisors about the
new Performance Appraisal System, its purpose, and how to effectively use it.
Pilot Testing: Before implementing the new system company-wide, conduct a pilot test
with a select group of employees to identify any potential issues or improvements.
Communication: Communicate the importance and benefits of the new Performance
Appraisal System to all employees, emphasizing its role in career development and the
achievement of company goals.
Feedback Mechanism: Establish a mechanism for employees to provide feedback on
the new system, allowing for continuous improvement.

3. Answers to the questions:

a. What is the real goal(s) of a performance appraisal?
The real goals of a performance appraisal are to evaluate employee performance
accurately, identify areas for improvement and development, align employee goals with
organizational goals, and provide feedback that contributes to career growth and the
success of the company.
b. How can Jennee be sure to collect valid and reliable data with her new
performance system?
To collect valid and reliable data, Jennee should ensure that the criteria on the appraisal
form are relevant to Jennee's job and measurable. Additionally, the form should use
clear and specific language to avoid subjective interpretations. Regular training for
managers on the proper use of the appraisal system can also enhance the data's
c. How can Jennee get the employees to accept the process as important to their
own career development?
Jennee can foster acceptance by involving employees in the development of the
appraisal system, clearly communicating the purpose and benefits of the process, and
linking performance appraisal results to career growth opportunities, such as individual
development plans or performance-based incentives.
d. Can Jennee develop a process that is not overly expensive to conduct with
Yes, Jennee can develop a cost-effective process by leveraging digital tools for data
collection and reducing administrative overhead. Using an online form, conducting
virtual training, and optimizing the feedback mechanism can help minimize expenses.
e. Complete the performance appraisal form in the case using Jennee LeBeau as
the employee you are rating. Assume you are Patrick Stall, who is the chief
financial officer (CFO), who is rating Jennee's first year of performance.
Employee Name: Jennee LeBeau Date of Appraisal:
Job Description:
[Include a brief overview of Jennee's job responsibilities and key performance areas.]
Rating Scale:
5 - Outstanding
4 - Exceeds Expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
2 - Below Expectations
2- Unsatisfactory
Performance Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Job Knowledge
Demonstrates a deep understanding of HR principles,
policies, and practices. Applies knowledge effectively to
solve HR-related challenges.

Communication Skills:
Communicates clearly and effectively with team
members, employees, and management. Listens actively
and responds appropriately.
Employee Relations:
Demonstrates a fair and supportive approach in dealing
with employee issues and conflicts.

Strategic Thinking:
Exhibits the ability to think strategically and align HR
initiatives with the company's goals.
Demonstrates effective leadership skills in managing the
HR team and contributing to the overall success of
Sunshine Hotels
Initiative and Proactiveness
Shows a proactive attitude in identifying opportunities for
improvement and taking initiatives to enhance HR
Problem Solving
Analyzes problems effectively and develops practical
solutions to resolve HR-related challenges.
Handles change positively and adapts to new situations
and challenges.
Collaborates effectively with other departments and
fosters a teamwork-oriented environment.

Comments [Provide specific comments and examples to support each rating.]

She immediately consider about the Performance management system. She already
take observation, research and take action to the problem of the company.
Employee Comments: [self-assessment and comments on her performance.]
Supervisor Comments: [Supervisor comments on employee performance.]
She really take handle the company concerned, not only for the company but also the
Development Plan: [List any areas of improvement and development goals for
employee growth.]
Try to be connected within the employee.
Employee: _______________________ Date: ________________
Supervisor: _______________________ Date: ________________

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