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Name: Luis Mario Orellana Code: 210790

Journal #7
What sort of qualities do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend?
For me is important that my couple have the next qualities: Yes, I think that is important
that your girlfriend she is beautiful for you, she be friendly, romantic, simple, funny, and
empathetic. She needs to have conscience about other problems on the world. Is
necessary that she has effective responsibility about the relationship.
Now at university I hope to have a relationship that I can enjoy with my partner but that
doesn't take up all my time, because we need to concentrate on our projects. I prefer the
dating where you go to camping or walk to trail, so I would like a girl that like these
I like the activities romantics too, I consider that I am romantic person, I love to do things how:
see movies, to do a picnic, cook, drink a wine, go to the travel and other things. I don't like
nightlife very much. Maybe I can go out one day of the month to party, but in general I prefer to
do other activities, I like alcoholic beverages but not very much, so I think I don't also combine
with people who like that life.
I hope of my relationship that it will be calm, you know, I don't like the fights or the ice law, of
course that always there is fights on all relationship, but I hope that the two we can solve those
problems and we have funnier and romantics moments that bad.

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