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Name: Luis Mario Orellana Code: 210790

Journal #10
What is the worst thing about living in Ecuador?
Now I think that the worst thing about life in Ecuador is the insecurity. We have many
crimes, robberies, and murders. Yes, maybe we were never super safe like other
countries, but now this is growing more every day. This has had the consequences: bad
international fame among tourists, ghost towns and economic deterioration.
The first, Guayaquil, one of the most important cities in the country, was classified as
one of the most dangerous cities in the world, this has serious consequences, not only
with Guayaquil but with the entire country because tourism is decreasing and less and
less tourists visit us.
Every day we have more crime’s bands, and they threaten and extort to little
merchants of the towns. How the citizens cannot pay the money, much worker and
families lost their work and sometimes they are murder, consequently, the town is
abandoned or down of the control of the police.
These have effects economics too for the country, more jobs are informal and achieve
less taxes. The PIB will be reduce, on the same other statistics of live and economic
have negative results how risk country, so the Ecuador will be less attractive for the
foreign investment.
According to information from ABC/Amega, Ecuador has a Moderate risk and for the
Business Climate it has a slight risk. The Ecuadorian economy is expected to fully
recover at the end of this year from the effects of the pandemic, but the governments
and security problems can affect the results.

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