Journal 9

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Name: Luis Mario Orellana Code: 210790

Journal #9
What is the best thing about living in Ecuador?
The best thing about living in Ecuador is without a doubt the food, yes, you find friendly
people, an amazing culture, beautiful landscapes, or unique animals, but for me nothing is
comparable to our food.
We have food for all tastes, the food from the coast is delicious, for general its ingredients they
have seafood, peanuts, or coconut. For example, guatita is a meal that has tripe, potatoes,
peanuts, rice and cook egg, it is a delicious and economical meal. The encebollado is perhaps
our star dish, because it is one of the best soups in the world according to international reviews.

The food from the mountains is delicious, they have ingredients such as: potatoes, pork, corn, or
guinea pig. Roasted guinea pig is an everyday dish in Cuenca and is a tourist attraction for many
people, my father loves that dish.

For the last Amazonian food, I live in the Amazon of Sucumbíos, so I tried a lot of traditional
food and my favorite food is maito, the maito is a fish that has to be cooked over firewood,
wrapped in a tightly closed sheet, just You put a little salt on the fish and cook it for 15 minutes
and you will have a delicious dish.

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