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Learner Workbook
Diploma of Government Human Resource

Unit of Competency
Implement Staffing Policy
Human Resource Business Processes
General Orders: 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20 & 23.

Version Control

Unit of Competency Implement Staffing Policies.

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Version Date Author Description

1.0 Bob Arie Creation

© Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, repackaged, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means whatsoever without the prior
permission of the copyright owner. Apply in writing to:

Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance

P.O.BOX 1216

First Edition published July 2023.

Table of contents

Unit of Competency Implement Staffing Policies.

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Using this Learner Workbook

Icon Usage
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Unit of Competency Implement Staffing Policies.

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Unit Overview.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required by Human Resource personnel in the
PNG Public Service to administer Policies and perform processes in accordance with the

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General Orders in implementing the Human Resource Business Processes relating to the
following General orders.
 General Order 1.
 General Order 4.
 General Order 8.
 General Order 9.
 General Order 10.
 General Order 11.
 General Order 12.
 General Order 20.
 General Order 23.

About the National Qualification.

This qualification covers competencies or skill sets that are required for the Diploma of
Government Human Resource Management in performing tasks as Human Resource
Personnels in administering and implementing Human Resource Business Processes relating
to Staffing Policies.

What is a Unit of Competency?

The unit of competency is derived from a HR Business Process. The unit of competency
provides the minimum standards that a person can perform in an industry. It consists of
elements, performance criteria, skills and knowledge requirements and the assessment
Course developers usually add other organizational requirements when developing other units
for a particular group or a target group from that organization. If it is a government agency
than other public sector environment requirements are also considered when developing the
This training will help participants explore the Business Processes required in administering
and implementing staffing policies in conducting daily Human Resources businesses in the
PNG Public Service.

About this Unit of Competency.

In this Unit the participants will be provided the opportunity to engage in theory and practical
application of the knowledge, skills and attitudes of implementing key staffing policies they
are expected to perform in the daily execution of their job roles as human resource officers in

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performing the different complex skill sets of their jobs required in Government agencies and
Provincial Administrations in Papua New Guinea Public Service.

Unit Learning Outcomes.

Upon on completion of this unit you should be able to:
 Manage staffing arrangements and other personnel management matters in the
Provincial and District Administrations.
 Facilitate appointment of probationary to permanency, transfer, resignation and
termination of probationary officer.
 Facilitate appointment and termination of Departmental Heads and Provincial
 Administer contracts for senior officers appointed to senior positions.
 Facilitate employment of non-citizens
 Manage and facilitate the engagement of consultants
 Mainstreaming the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion
 Manage personal records.

How will I be assessed?

There are variety of assessment options available, depending on how and where you are
learning. As well as completing the activities and case studies throughout this book, you may
be asked compile a portfolio of evidence, complete a workplace project or case study, and
answer questions relating to your learning. Your trainer or assessor will discuss these options
with you in your class and guide you to fulfil the assessable requirements of this unit.

Module 1. Papua New Guinea Public

Service Human Resource Business Process.

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In every organization regardless of the industry a well-documented human resources policies,

processes and procedures must be developed, which are compatible within the existing
constellation of relevant legislations.
These policies govern and regulate how daily normal business is conducted enhancing best
practice and performance delivery according to the expected organizational standards.
However, in the absences of well-defined human resource policies, they can trigger
detrimental consequences for the organizations, employees and the stakeholders.
In this case, the Papua New Guinea constitution gives effect to the Public Service
Management Act from which the General Orders is derived from as a policy to regulate the
administration, implementation and controlling the functions of the Human Resources in the
PNG Public Service.
The Human Resource Business Processes explicitly describes the step-by-step processes in
executing the 23 General Orders in performing the HR functions. In this case, we will
specifically discuss and practice the staffing policies of Human Resource Business processes
1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20 & 23.

Learning Outcomes.
By the end of the session the participants should be able to:
 Discuss the importance of organizational human Resource policies
 Describe the functions of human resource policies
 Describe the legislative framework of the PNG Public Service Human Resource
 Discuss the staffing policies that relate to the Human Resource Business Process in
PNG Public Service General Orders.

1.1. Developing Workplace policies.

1.1.1. What is the purpose of policies in the workplace?
All organization, regardless of whether its public or private sector entity, needs well-written
policies and procedures to operate effectively.
At the top of the hierarchy Organizational leaders must establish and monitor the existing
policies endlessly and ensure they are accessible and understood by all employees. By doing
so, not only do the policies protect your organization and employees but it also defines and
shapes organization culture.

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In the absence of workplace policies, noncompliance could lead to legal repercussions, loss
of reputation, or even put your employees at risk. These consequences, often happen because
of human error or ignorance of adhering to legit processes and procedures. Policies are
designed to be complied with when performing core functions of the organization.

The Importance of Policy Effectiveness

Robust and vibrant policies and procedures should be an imperative human resource
management mechanism. The effective adherence and application of them will generate a
positive, conducive and innovate work environment. Nevertheless, almost worthless if they
are not managed adequately for the benefit of learning for all employees. Policies and
procedures must be comprehensively and effectively communicated. It is mandatory for
every single employee to read and effectively understand them. At the organizational level,
effective policy management will result in good governance, best practice and compliance to
set standards.

The Goals of the Policies.

Goals Aspect
Set clear expectations The primary goal they accomplish is to put in writing what the
organization expects from employees in terms of the behaviour,
actions, and processes they take in performing specific job roles
or tasks.
This clarity allows employees to know and understand how they
should respond according to the mission, vision, values the
organization establishes. In a nutshell, policies take the
guesswork out of what employees should do.
Create consistency Clarity in the organisation’s guidelines leads to everyone
throughout the operating according to the same principles and guidelines. In
organization turn, this creates consistent experiences and processes, both
internally among employees and externally regarding
interactions with customers, vendors, and the general public.
Policies set boundaries for decision-making; they do provide a
bit of flexibility. On the other hand, procedures provide step-by-
step instructions, checklists, or processes for specific, routine
Both policies and procedures help employees perform tasks to
organizational expected standards in ways they should do
specific tasks.
Reduce risk Establishing the expectations and consistency outlined above
allows leadership to ensure the organization communicates all
laws and regulations to employees. Plus, it ensures employees
both understand the policies and know how these policies apply
to their day-to-day jobs.
Improves employee Clear policies allow leadership to institute and solidify best
performance practices throughout the organization. This can be accomplished
through both big-picture efforts – such as mission statements,
which should be included in the policy manual. It empowers
both individuals and teams to be more collaborative and

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productive, allowing them to more effectively contribute to the

organization’s overarching goals. Thus, fostering this culture of
workplace accountability through the guidance of clear policies
helps yield a high-performing organisation.
Set high standards for It sets the bar high for the standards the organisation expects
all employees. employees to live up to. For example, a solid foundation of
organisational policies should address areas such as code of
conduct and ethics, anti-harassment, and diversity.
It’s one thing to talk about the organization’s stance on these
issues, but it’s another to codify these standards and expectations
in writing for all employees. Such policies should clearly define
the consequences and actions the organization will take if an
employee violates these rules and policies.

1.2. Identify importance of Human Resource Policies.

1.2.1. What are HR Policies?
Human resource policies are defined as specific guidelines that an organization takes in
managing its human assets. These are formal rules to recruit & select, engage, measure &
appraise, retain, train, conduct behaviour, reward and replace the workforce. These are
referred to as the framework and the guiding force that assist in making consistent decisions
for the organization and its employees in demonstrating performance that is systemic and
systematic, cultured, transparent, accountable and result orientated in producing robust and
quality business outcomes targeted at the overall organisational goals.

1.2.2. The Meaning of HR Policy.

The HR policies are an integral part of an organization as it helps to set clear instructions
about the operations of the organization. It is a way to protect the way you do business and
prevent any misconceptions in the future. When an entity implements strong policies, it
shows its leaning towards a transparent and fair workplace that will meet the standards of
corporate governance. The human resource division or section is entrusted with not only
creating useful and ethical policies but also regulating implementation of it for the betterment
of the organization.

1.2.3. The functions of human resource policies.

The function of human resource policy is to act as a viable bridge between the employees and
the business entity.

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 It lay down specific guidelines for managers and supervisors.

 It helps to communicate the condition of employment to the employees.
 The human resource policies have an essential function of laying down and
overseeing employee expectations.
 Its function includes reviewing probable changes that will have an impact on the
employees at regular intervals.
 It lay down the groundwork for treating all the employees in an equal and fair manner.
 Its function includes communicating the values and goals of the organization to
interested stakeholders.
 One of the functions of human resource policies is to communicate the method and
way of implementing all the policies across all the levels in an organization.
 To form the context for orientation, employee onboarding, and supervisor training
 To create a healthy environment in the workplace.
 It provides a clear picture of employee’s career growth and development in the
 One of the primary functions of human resource policies is to make sure that the
policies are aligned to the best practices and legal compliance.
Every organisation or entity needs strong policies to establish and maintain order in the
workplace. These guidelines pave the way to set the direction in developing SMART goals,
then engage and develop others in improving performance, and deliver tangible results.
Policies detail the responsibilities of the employer and the employees working for the
organisation and offers guidance to the employees about how they should conduct themselves
in accomplish their mandated job roles to the highest standard possible with no error at all. In
doing so we build a workforce that has self-esteem, dignity, self-motivation and skilful.

In your table groups read and understand the question, then discuss your answer. You will
represent your agency and respond individually.
1. In your own experience how effective is the HR Business Process implemented in your
agency or Provincial Administrations?

2. Describe some of the set processes and procedures that are practised in your organization.

3. If you believe some processes and procedures are not established, which particular
process would you improve?

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3.1. The Framework of PNG Public Service Human Resource Legislation

and Policies.

Management Act.

Public Service
General Order. (GO).

Human Resource
Business Process. (HRBP)

Department/Agency Human Resource Policies

We will refer to the introductory statement of the 4th edition of the General Orders to read and
fully understand the statutory and legislative requirement of the General Orders in the
management of the fundamental functions of Human Resource Policy implementation in the
National Public Service of Papua New Guinea.

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Source: Taken from the GO 4th edition: Introduction/Rev 0/1st January 2012.
1. Constitutional Provisions for the National Public Service
1.1 Section 188 of the Constitution establishes the National Public Service as one of the State
Services. The National Public Service is established to deliver basic goods and services to the
people on behalf of the Government, under control and direction of the National Executive
1.2 Sections 190 and 191 of the Constitution establish the Public Service
Commission, which has the special function of reviewing the management and control of the
National Public Service in relation to personnel matters.
1.3 Section 193 of the Constitution provides for the merit-based appointments of Heads of
State Services, Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators by the National Executive
Council on a recommendation of the Public Service Commission.
1.4 Section 195 of the Constitution establishes that Acts of the Parliament, the
Public Services (Management) Act, which shall make provision for, inter alia:
(a) the structures and organisations of the National Public Service; and
(b) the employment of persons in the National Public Service; and
(c) the terms and conditions of appointment to and employment in the
National Public Service.
1.5 The Public Services (Management) Act is the underlying law on employment in the State
2. Provincial and Local Level Government Administration
2.1 The Organic Law on Provincial Government and Local Level Government (a
Constitutional law) provides for Acts of the Parliament to establish
administrative organisations to serve the Provincial and Local Level Governments throughout
the Country.
2.2 The Provincial and Local Level Government organisations are to be staffed and
administered under provisions for the National Public Service. They are established to give
effect to the policy direction of the National Executive Council and to the policy direction of
the Provincial Executive Councils respectively, in the delivery of goods and services to the

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3. The Public Services (Management) Act 1995

3.1 The Public Services Management Act, 1995, is established to implement the provisions of
the Constitution under Sections 188, 190, 191, 193 and 195, and to give effect to the staffing
of Provincial and Local Level Government Administrations under the Organic Law.
3.2 The Public Services (Management Act), 1995, gives effect to the concept of one National
Public Service at all levels of National, Provincial and Local Level Government
4.The Department of Personnel Management
4.1 The Department of Personnel Management is created under Section 20 of the Public
Services (Management) Act 1995, which is made responsible under Section 24(2) for the
proper administration of the Act, and represents the State as the employer in the State
4.2 The functions and responsibilities of the Secretary for the Department of Personnel
Management are:
(a) the proper administration of the Act, including the management efficiency of the National
Public Service; and,
(b) the application and interpretation of terms and conditions of employment; and
(c) the setting of terms and conditions of employment and prescribing of conditions of
service; and,
(d) the conduct of industrial relations within public sector organisations; and,
(e) the retrenchment of employees and officers; and,
(f) the formulation of General Orders to reflect the policies of the National Executive
Council; and,
(g) the selection, appointment, promotion and transfer of officers in accordance with General
Orders; and,
(h) the delegation and control of personnel management functions to Departments of the
National Public Service to be managed in accordance with General Orders; and
(i) such other functions and duties as determined by the Head of State acting on advice of the
National Executive Council.

4.3 The Secretary for the Department of Personnel Management is also responsible for:
(a) the Salaries and Conditions Monitoring Committee Act 1988, as Chairperson of the
Committee and for provision of secretariat services

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and pay policy advice to the Committee and to the NEC, in setting the terms and conditions
of employment;
(b) the Regulatory Statutory Authorities (Appointments to Certain Offices)
Act in prescribed public authorities, insofar as management of the selection and appointment
procedures pursuant to Section 193 of the Constitution;
(c) the Public Employment (Non-Citizens) Act 1995 insofar as the determination of terms &
conditions and execution of contracts of non-citizens in the National Public Service and
prescribed public authorities;
(d) the Public Hospitals Act and the Provincial Health Authorities Act insofar as the
application of the General Orders to the public employees of the hospitals;
(e) the Public Service Conciliation & Arbitration Act insofar as representing the State as the
employer; and
(f) the Teaching Service Act insofar as teachers are public servants and the Teaching Service
Commission is bound to consult the Secretary Department of Personnel Management on
employment matters.
5. Devolution of Powers of the Secretary, Department of Personnel Management
5.1 The National Executive Council has determined that certain powers relating to
organisational and staffing matters shall be delegated by the Secretary, Department of
Personnel Management to Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators by virtue of
powers under Sections 23 and 24 of the Public Services (Management) Act 1995 in order to
effect greater accountability by Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators in
personnel management matters for the efficient management of the National Public Service.
5.2 The General Orders are written to facilitate and to support the devolution process through
regulated policy frameworks and standard systems, methodologies and procedures, to be
managed by Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators whereby performance of
individual departments and administrations under devolved powers can be monitored and
reported centrally within parameters set in the National Budget process.

5.3 Delegated powers shall not be delegated below Departmental Head level and in the event
that delegated powers have been abused, they may be withdrawn by the Secretary,
Department of Personnel Management.
6. Formulation, Administration and Enforcement of General Orders
6.1 Section 70 of the Public Services (Management) Act 1995 provides that:
“(1) The Departmental Head of the Department of Personnel Management may give to
officers’ directions (to be known as “General Orders”), not inconsistent with this Act, as to
any matter prescribed by this Act to be so provided for or that is necessary or desirable for the
efficient management and control of the Public Service.

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(2) In formulating General Orders under Subsection (1), the Departmental Head of the
Department of Personnel Management shall give effect to any relevant decisions on policy
made by the National Executive Council.”
6.2 The Fourth Edition of the General Orders give effect to the Act and to the policy direction
of the National Executive Council for the efficient management and control of the National
Public Service, including the application of other laws which impinge upon the terms and
conditions of employment of public servants and the administration of the National Public
6.3 General Orders are public documents and are to be made freely available to all public
servants who may wish to have access to them. They are communicated throughout the
National Public Service under Department of Personnel Management Circular Instructions,
which give effect to the Secretary's powers of direction and interpretation under the Public
Services (Management) Act. From time-to-time Special General Orders may be issued to
vary the established General Orders for temporary periods of time.
6.4 General Orders give effect to the provisions of the Public Services (Management) Act
and, by virtue of the Act, are enforceable at law. Any failure by public servants to observe
and to comply with General Orders through a lack of knowledge about them is inadmissible
at law. Ignorance of General Orders is no defence under the disciplinary procedure.
6.5 It is the responsibility of each Departmental Head to maintain up to date copies of the
General Orders which are to be freely available to all public servants within their respective
Departments. Copies of Circular Instructions and amendments/interpretations of General
Orders should be filed and read together with the original copy of the General Orders.
6.6 It is the responsibility of each Departmental Head to ensure that every public servant has,
at the time of employment, a copy of the General Order on the application of Discipline in the
Public Service and a copy of the Public Service Code of Business Ethics and Conduct.
6.7 Each public servant with responsibility for the supervision of others has a duty to ensure
that his or her subordinates fully understand the General Orders which regulate conduct and
work performance in the Public Service. Public servants should also understand that they are
required to follow only lawful instructions made pursuant to the General Orders and the
legislation under which they operate.
6.8 The General Orders contain procedural notes for guidance as to best practice in fulfilling
the requirements of the General Orders. Departmental Heads are required to ensure that their
departments comply with the procedural notes for guidance.
6.9 The General Orders have been written in accordance with the policy of the National
Executive Council and the spirit and intention of the Constitution from which, ultimately,
they derive their authority and enforceability through the Public Services (Management) Act.
6.10 The Fourth Edition of General Orders replaces and supersedes the Third Edition of
General Orders of 1st June 2002 and all other editions and incorporates legislative and NEC
policy changes up to 31st December 2011. The revision date of each General Order is shown
in the footer of each General Order. Any uncertainty as to the latest version of the General
Order can be clarified with the Department of Personnel Management.

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7. The Public Services (Management) (Amendment) Act 1998

This amendment incorporated the role and the functions of the Chief Secretary to
Government within the Public Services (Management) Act 1995, subsequently amended by
the Amendment Act 2002.
8. The Public Services (Management) (Amendment) Act 2002
The amendments effected the following changes which are now incorporated into the General
(a) Transferred the role and functions of the Chief Secretary to the Prime Minister's Act.
(b) Transferred responsibility for performance management of Departmental Heads to the
Central Agencies Coordinating Committee, chaired by the Chief Secretary to the

(c) Provided independent staffing arrangements to the Public Service Commission and made
decisions of the Commission binding on line departments.
(d) Provided for Codes of Conduct to be issued by the Head of State on advice, and effected
issuance of the Public Service Code of Business Ethics and Conduct.
9. The Public Services (Management) Regulations No’s 5, 6 and 7 of 2003
9.1 In 2002 Sections 190 and 193 of the Constitution were amended to restore certain powers
to the Public Service Commission for the purpose of monitoring merit-based selection
processes and for recommending appointments of heads of departments and agencies to be
made by the National Executive Council.
9.2 The Public Services (Management) Act was amended to give effect to the amendments
made to the Constitution. The Public Service Regulations were brought into force to regulate
and to enforce the respective roles and functions of the Public Service Commission and the
Department of Personnel Management in the selection and appointment processes.
9.3 The General Orders shall be read together with the Public Service Regulations where they
cover common aspects of employment in the National Public Service.
10. Application of Other Laws Affecting Terms & Conditions of Employment
10.1 The State as the employer is responsible for paying due care and attention to the welfare
of public servants in accordance with laws related to conditions of employment and affecting
the rights and interests of public servants in their employment.
10.2 General Orders have been provided consistent with the scope of Section 70 of the Act,
which draw the attention of Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators to their
responsibilities on behalf of the State to ensure compliance with the following laws through
their administrative procedures:
(a) Superannuation (General Provisions) Act – (Nambawan Super)

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(b) Workers Compensation Act

(c) Occupational Health & Safety Act and Fire Service Act
(d) HIV & AIDS (Management & Prevention) Act (Code of Conduct)

(e) National Library & Archives Act & Statute of Limitations Act (Personnel Records).
11. The Leadership Code
The Leadership Code under the Organic Law on Leadership prescribes the strict rules related
to behaviour and conduct in office of Departmental Heads and all agency heads classified as
leaders, and is independently administered by the Ombudsman Commission.
12. The Public Service Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (The Code) The Code is made
by the Head of State on advice pursuant to the Public Services (Management) Act and applies
to all public servants, including Departmental Heads and agency heads, and may be
referenced in disciplinary proceedings.
13. General Definition of Agency Head
Throughout the General Orders, reference to “Agency Head” includes reference to
Departmental Head, Provincial Administrator, Chief Executive Officer of a Public Hospital
or Provincial Health Administration and other Chief Executive Officers with responsibility
for the administration of public servants and public employees in circumstances where the
General Orders have been adopted by the governing bodies to which they report.

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Module 2. Staffing Arrangements and other

Personal Management Matters in
Provincial and District Administration.
This module covers the recruitment, selection, appointment and termination, terms and
conditions of employment and other personnel management matters for the position of
Provincial Administrators (PAs) and District Administrators (DAs) in the provincial
administrations and the district administrations. The vacancy for the PA is declared by the
Secretary for DPM as per Section 60 of the Public Services (Management)(Amendment) Act
2020 and informs the Public Services Commission. The DA’s position by the Provincial
Governor and informs secretary DPM for confirmation and verification.

Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this module the learner will be able to acquire skills, knowledge and
attitudes to manage and administer the HR processes of coordinating recruitment and
selection, facilitate the acting appointment and termination of the Provincial and District

Topic 1: Establish vacancy

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to establish vacancy in identifying the
vacancy for a permanent or acting appointment of the PA’s and DA’s position.

The PA’s position vacancy is declared by the Secretary for DPM and then informs PSC and
PEC on the vacancy for confirmation and verification of vacancy whilst the HR Manager is
usually informed of a vacancy in the office of the DA. The Secretary DPM then informs the
Governor on the occurrence of a vacancy.
Recruitment & Selection for Provincial Administrator
Vacancy Recruit- PSC NEC Execu- Update
Selection Secretariat Consultation
ment Consultation tion

Recruitment and Selection for District Administrator

Contract of U pdated
Vacancy Recruitm ent Selection Appointm ent On records
Em ploym ent boarding

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Topic 2: Coordinate recruitment

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to coordinate the recruitment process
for the position of the PA and the DA.

The Provincial Administration HR in consultation with DPM facilitate the advertisement of

vacancy of the PA’s position in the National Media and National Gazette, while the DA’s
vacant position is advertised in consultation with DPM and DP&LLGA.

After the applications are received for the position of the DA at the Provincial
Administration, the culling of applications and shortlisting is done then interviews are
conducted and rank applications in order of preference.

Note: Refer to the Overview Process on page 21.

Topic 3: Conduct selection

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to conduct selection for the position of
the PA and the DA.

The most suitable applicants for the position of PA are identified through the merit based
process for submission to PSC. The Inter-Departmental Pre-screening committee convene to
assess the applicants and do initial shortlisting. If the shortlist is less than 5, position is to be
Establish selection criteria and selection decision forms to enable the shortlisting of suitable

Note: Refer to the Overview Process on page 21.

Topic 4: Facilitate Appointment &

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to Facilitate Appointment for the
position of the PA and the DA through the respective selection committees.

The preferred shortlist of 5 candidates for the PA position is deliberated by the Inter-
Departmental Pre-Screening Committee then sent to PSC for their independent assessment
before recommending 3 candidates to the PEC through the Secretary for DPM for further
deliberations. PEC considers the 3 shortlisted candidates by PSC listed in order of preference
and refers them to the NEC through the Minister for Public Service to prepare the NEC
Submission. The NEC then deliberates on the list of 3 candidates and advises the Head of
State to appoint one of the recommended candidates from the shortlist.

Preferred candidate for the PA position is appointed by the selection committee and the PA
who is the chairman notifies Secretary DPM for the formalities of the appointment.

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Note: Refer to the Overview Process on page 21.

Topic 5: Execute contract of employment

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to execute a contract of employment
for the PA and DA positions when successfully appointed to the post.

The Head of State executes signing of the employment contract for the PA while the PA or
Section 41 delegate for DPM Secretary executes signing of the employment contract for the

Note: Refer to the Overview Process on page 9.

Topic 6: Facilitate on-boarding

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate on-boarding and
familiarization of the PA and DA into the agency.

The HR officer compiles the New Hire documents for uploading onto the HR Payroll system.

Note: Refer to the Overview Process on page 21.

Topic 7: Update records

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to update records in the position
occupancy register and the HR payroll system for new file numbers (the new file numbers
only apply to officers appointed from outside of the public service)
Note: Refer to the Overview Process on page 21.

Activity 1: Group Work

This Activity will cover Topics 1 - 7 and will require the group members to read
General Order 1 and BP1.2 carefully to help answer the questions based on the
scenario presented below

(Refer to Assessment guide)

Activity 2: Group Work

The following questions will cover topics 1-7 and you will be required to read
General Order 1 and Business Process 1.1 -1.2 to guide your answers.

(Refer to Assessment guide)

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Topic 8: Facilitate Acting Appointments

Upon completion of the topic the learner will be able to facilitate an acting appointment for
the PA and DA position.
The acting appointment for the PA and DA position is for a short period of time and should
not exceed 90 days.


Acting process for Provincial Administrator

DPM arranges acting NEC appoints
Consult PSC Submit to NEC Update Records
appointment candidate

Acting process for District Administrator

PA Consultation with Acting Appointment
Vacancy Records Updated
DPM & DPLLG agreed

Topic 9: Execute Termination

Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate the termination of a PA and DA.

The termination of the Provincial Administrator shall be determined by the Provincial

Government in accordance with the contract terms and conditions as prescribed in GO.1.23
and the Public Service Regulations whilst the District Administrator Contract can be
terminated by Secretary for Personnel Management on advice from the Provincial
Administrator and in consultation with the Secretary for Local Level Government Affairs


Termination process for Provincial Administrator

Termination Entitlements Records Updated & Files
Expiry of Contract Final Payout processed
calculated closed

Termination process for District Administrator

Contract Terminates Execute Termination Refer to Step 1

Activity 3: Group Work

This Activity will cover topics 8-9 and will require the group members to read
General Order 1.55-1.71 and BP1.2 carefully to guide you to answer the questions
on the scenario presented below.

Scenario 2

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Now that the District Administrator position is left vacant due to the former occupant’s
resignation to contest in the elections, it is important for you as the HR Manager responsible
to advise the Provincial Administrator on the need to make an acting appointment.

Question 1: Using the relevant business process, provide an outline of what you would want
the Provincial Administrator to hear and understand in order for him/her to grant approval?

Question 2: Provide a list of eligible candidates to be considered to act on the District

Administrator position?

Activity 4:
This Activity can be done as a take home assignment to be handed over to the
Facilitator before the week ending.

Question 1: What constitutes or determines the termination of employment contracts for

Provincial Administrators and District Administrators and who can terminate these contracts?

Key Learning Points

 Announcing a vacancy in the office of the Provincial and District Administrator
 Appointment of Provincial and District Administrators
 Advertisement of the Provincial and District Administrators post.
 Composition of the Pre-screening and Selection committees
 Acting Appointments and Terminations
 Administration of Senior Management Contract

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Module 3. Facilitate Probationary and

Permanent Appointments, Retirements,
and Terminations. (GO 4)
Module Overview
This module covers procedures for appointment to permanency, promotion and transfers and
resignation or termination of probationary officers in the PNG Public Service.
Learning Outcome:
By the end of this module the learner will be able to acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes to
manage and administer the HR processes of transitioning the probationary officer’s
employment situation from probationary to permanency and facilitate the transfer, resignation
and termination of employment of probationary officer and update and maintain relevant
records under General Order 4 and Business Processes 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.

Module 1: Business Process 4.1:

Probationary Officer to Permanency

Conditional Approval to PS Inductin Performance Application for Records
to the Public
Offer Recruit Training Assessment Permanency Management

Source: GO4 & Business Process 4.1

Topic 1: Identification of vacant positions

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to correctly identify vacant positions in
the organizational establishment and ensure that all recruitment and selection procedures are
adhered to.

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Activity 1.1 – 1.2 questioning written/oral

Q1. How would you identify vacant positions?

Q2. What are the documents required to verify that a probation officer has been recruited

Topic 2: Conditional offer

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to ensure that conditional offer has
been issued to the successful applicant and confirm that the conditional offer has been
accepted by the probationary officer.
Activity 2.1 – Question & Answer
Q1. How can you verify that the conditional offer has been issued to the successful
Q2. What is expected of the probationary officer after the offer is issued to him/her?

Activity 2.2 - Scenario

Learners are required to perform the following tasks in their groups:
1. Prepare a checklist for conditional offer requirements to be met by the probationary officer.
2. Use the checklist to confirm that the requirements are met by the probationary officer.
3. Complete the Oath Form.
Members of the group can alternatively act as observers while the others are carrying out this
task and will be required to give their comments on how the process went, immediately
following the exercise.

Topic 3: Approval for Recruitment of

Probation officer
Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to obtain the necessary approvals and
facilitate the recruitment of probationary officer to the public service and ensure that
orientation to the organization is carried out for new recruit.
Activity 3.1 – Questioning – written/oral
1. Why is it important for the probationary officer to provide all the documents required
for the conditional offer?
2. Who approves the appointment & recruitment of the probationary officer?

3. What is orientation into the organisation and what will it cover as the content to give
the new recruit?

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Topic 4: PS induction training (on boarding)

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate the probationary officer to
attend PS induction training, prepare and conduct job orientation and receive applications for

Activity 4.1 – Questioning – written/oral & Scenario

1. How would you organise for induction of probationary officers?

2. Who do you contact?

3. Who gives approvals?

4. Who conducts the actual induction training?
5. When receiving applications for permanency from probationary officers what steps are
you required to take?
Activity 4.2 - Scenario:
Prepare and carry out a job orientation for your newly recruited staff who is an office driver.

Topic 5: Conduct staff appraisal

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to carry out an accurate analysis of the
probationary officer’s performance appraisal and obtain the supervisor’s views on the
officer’s performance at regular intervals.
Activity 5.1 – Scenario and Questioning – written/oral
Assuming you are an HR Officer (recruitment) at your respective workplace, answer the
following question:
1. When analysing the staff performance appraisal of probationary officers, there are
different sections to the form itself. Please name each section and clearly state what
each of these sections address?

2. How should we interpret the results from the SPA exercise?

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Topic 6: Process application for permanency

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to process the application for
Permanency, advise Probationary Officer of decision and process the officer’s
Superannuation Fund Contribution.
Activity 6.1 – Questioning written/oral
1. Identify and explain the steps involved in processing applications for permanent
appointment of probationary officers.

2. What methods are used to advise probationary officers of their permanency status?
Identify and discuss.

3. What forms are required to be completed and by whom, so that the officer’s
superannuation fund contributions are processed?

Module 2: Business Process 4.2:

Resignations or termination of Probation
Entitlements Termination
Notice of Seperation of a
on Records Mgt
Resignation Advice Probationary
Resignation Officer
Source: GO4 & Business Process 4.2

Topic 1: Resignations of Probationary

Officer (Notice to resign)
Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to provide the notice of resignation
from probation officer, receive and sought clearance from Agency Head to effect resignation
and once a decision is made by the Agency Head inform the officer concerned of this
Activity 1.1. – Scenario
As a HR officer you are tasked to write an inter-office memo after receiving a resignation
letter from a probationary staff.
How do you go about it?

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Topic 2: Issue notice of resignation

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate the approved resignation
request by completing Form PAT 4.13 and having it endorsed by Agency Head.
Activity 2.1. – Scenario
The Agency Head has accepted the letter of resignation from a Probationary Officer and has
instructed you to process the exit of the officer.
How do you go about it?

Topic 3: Issue of Notice of Termination

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate the termination of
probationary officer upon confirmation of unsatisfactory SPA issuing 7 days’ notice and fill
out separation advice to pay out Money In Lieu Of Leave (MILOL).
Activity 3.1 – Scenario
After assessing a subordinates SPA, you have found out that his/ her performance was
What should you do?
Why should you give seven days’ notice to a non-performing officer?

Topic 4: Entitlements on separation

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate the resignation if accepted
by Agency Head or termination of probationary officer upon confirmation of unsatisfactory
SPA issuing 7 days’ notice and fill out separation advice to pay out Money In Lieu Of Leave
Activity 4.1. – Scenario
Leading on from Scenario 9.1 above, to complete the exit of the officer what form should you
complete to effect the separation as it has been endorsed by the agency Head?

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Module 3: Business Process 4.3: Transfers

of Probation Officers
Notification of Internal Excess and
Promotion Promotion & Unttached Redeployment
and Transfer Transfer Officer
Source: GO4 & Business Process 4.3

Topic 1: Transfers of Probationary Officers

(Notification of promotion and transfer)
Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to confirm that the hiring department
has sought approval from the employees’ current department and that Notice of Acceptance
to release the officer has been given, including transfer of Personnel Files to the new
department and also confirm that processing of all salary benefits have been completed.
Activity 1.1. – Scenario
As a HR officer you are tasked to fill out all the forms necessary for transfer notification and
effecting of internal transfers.
How do you go about it?
Activity 1.2. – Questioning
1. Who do you seek clearance from, for the potential and qualified officer’s
2. Who does the salary adjustments?

Module 4: Records Management

Learning Outcome:
The learner should be able to manage and maintain records in relation to the appointment and
permanency, resignation or termination and promotion and transfers of probationary officers
in the PNG Public Service.

Activity 12.1 – Scenario

Your HR manager has tasked you to update the establishment register – occupancy position.
Explain this process in your own words.
Activity 12.2 – Questioning written/oral
1. What is the importance of records keeping in any organisation?
2. Who is responsible in making sure that proper records are kept in an agency?

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Assessment Activity: Workplace Assessment Project

This assessment project is to be given at the end of the module.

Review the operation of your agency’s implementation of the Business Processes 4.1, 4.2 and
4.3, relating to appointing of probationary officers to permanency, transfers, resignation and
termination of probationary officers.
a) For each step, describe how it’s done in your organisation and whether it is consistent
with the steps described in the business process.

b) Document your observation, attaching evidences (photocopies of sample completed

documents etc.) to verify that processes are being adhered to or not.

c) Identify improvements and suggest appropriate changes where required

d) Outline how you will implement the changes identified if any?

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Module Guide

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Facilitate resignation, promotions,

transfers, and retirements of permanent
Module Overview
This module covers the processing and facilitation of permanent officer’s employment within
the public service including promotions, transfers, resignation, retirements and terminations
and update and maintain HR records of identified officers. The elements of the module are:

 Business Process 4.2: Resignations of Permanent Officers

 Business Process 4.3: Transfers of Permanent Officers
 Business Process 4.4.1: Age Retirement
 Business Process 4.4.2: Retirement on Medical Grounds
Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this module the learner will be able to acquire skills, knowledge and
attitudes to manage and administer the HR processes of permanent officer’s employment in
relation to promotion and transfer, facilitate resignation and retirement of permanent officers
and update and maintain relevant records.
Delivery Strategies
The strategies that will be used in the delivery of this program will include face-to-face with
classroom delivery, class-based projects, simulated wok activities and question and answer,
workplace delivery and blended approaches of delivery. The module is mostly HR Business
Process-oriented and therefore most of the delivery will be activity-based.
Topics to be covered
The following topics will be covered in this module:

1. Notice to resign
2. Separation Advice
3. Entitlements on Resignation
4. Notification of promotion and transfer
5. Internal departmental transfer
6. Excess and unattached officer
7. Redeployment
8. Update Records and file documents
9. Age retirement – categorization and notification
10. Calculation
11. Funding and Processing payments
12. Exiting
13. Retirement on Medical Grounds – Request
14. Medical opinions
15. Consultation
16. Determination of sick leave credits and commencement of sick leave
17. Calculation of final entitlements
18. Funding and payments
19. Establishing exiting officers

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Assessment Strategies
The assessment strategy is aimed to assess the competency level of all learners taking this
unit. It involves group work activities, question and answer, simulation of workplace,
scenario/role-plays, case studies and presentations by the learners during this training. The
assessment activities will take place on an on-going basis during the training. Some
summative and formative assessments will be used, but this should be limited to assessing of

Where possible the module will apply an integrated or holistic approach to assessment of
learners so that repetitive assessment activities are minimised. The normal reporting
procedures for assessment results, which says that assessment results must be available two
weeks after completion of training will apply. Communication of assessment results will be
done through the facilitator of each module and through student administration for the overall
assessment results and transcript.

Assessment Activity
Activity: GO 4.2 activities are in the following Activity Workbook

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Work Book

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Facilitate promotions, transfers,

resignation, retirements and terminations of
permanent officers
Module Overview
This module covers the processing and facilitation of permanent officer’s employment within
the public service including promotions, transfers, resignation, retirements and update and
maintenance of HR records of identified officers.
Learning Outcome:
By the end of this session the learner will be able to acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes to
manage and administer the HR processes relating to officer’s employment situation regarding
promotion and transfer, resignation, retirements and termination of employment of permanent
officers and update and maintain relevant records under General Order 4 and Business
Processes 4.2, 4.3, 4.4.1 and 4.4.2.

Module 4.2.1: Resignation of Permanent Officer

Termination of
Notice of Seperation Entitlements
a Permanent Records Mgt
Resignation Advice on Resignation
Source: GO4 & Business Process 4.2

Topic 1: Resignations of Permanent Officer (Notice to

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to provide the notice of resignation
from permanent officer, receive and sought clearance from Agency Head to effect resignation
and once a decision is made by the Agency Head inform the officer concerned of this
Activity 1.1. - Scenario
As a HR officer you are tasked to write an inter-office memo after receiving a resignation
letter from a probationary staff.
How do you go about it?

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Topic 2: Issue notice of resignation

(Separation Advice)
Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate the approved resignation
request by completing Form PAT 4.13 and having it endorsed by Agency Head.
Activity 2.1. – Scenario
The Agency Head has accepted the letter of resignation from a Probationary Officer and has
instructed you to process the exit of the officer.
How do you go about it?

Topic 3: Entitlements on Separation

Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to facilitate the resignation if accepted
by Agency Head issuing 14 days’ notice and fill out separation advice to pay out Money In-
Lieu of Leave (MILOL).
Activity 3.1. – Scenario
To finalise the exit of the officer what form should you complete to effect the separation as it
has been endorsed by the agency Head?
Identify it, then correctly fill out the Form.

Module 4.2.2: Transfers of Permanent

Notification of Internal Excess and
Promotion Promotion & Unttached Redeployment
and Transfer Transfer Officer
Source: GO4 & Business Process 4.3

Topic 1: Transfers of Permanent Officers

(Notification of promotion and transfer)
Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to confirm that the hiring department
has sought approval from the employees’ current department and that Notice of Acceptance
to release the officer has been given, including transfer of Personnel Files to the new
department and also confirm that processing of all salary benefits have been completed.

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Activity 1.1. – Scenario

As a HR officer you are tasked to fill out all the forms necessary for transfer notification and
effecting of internal transfers. How do you go about it?

Topic 2: Internal Promotion and Transfer

Activity 2.1. - Scenario
As a HR officer you are tasked to fill out all necessary forms needed for the department’s
internal transfer.

Topic 3: Excess/Unattached Officer

Activity 3.1. – Scenario
Your HR manager has tasked you to go through the establishment register to
1. identify the excess and unattached officers
2. identify substantively vacant & funded positions

Activity 3.2 – Questioning

1. Who do we seek clearance for the potential and qualified officer’s deployment?
2. Who does the salary adjustments?

Topic 4: Redeployment
Activity 4.1. – Questioning

1. What is the importance of conducting analysis of vacant positions?

2. Who conducts the analysis of the vacant positions?
Module 4.2.3: Retirement (Age)
This topic provides the required processes and necessary documentation to facilitate and
administer both ‘age retirement’ and ‘retirement on medical grounds’ of officers within the
Public Service. It involves two business processes as given above BP4.4.1 and 4.4.2. The
delivery strategy to employ is Face to Face training through Case Studies and short Tests.
Business Process 4.4.1: Age Retirement

Categorisation & Funding & Records

Calculations Exiting
Notification Payments Management

Source: GO4 & Business Process 4.4.1

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Topic 1: Categorization and Notification

Activity 1.1: - Questioning
1. What are the different Retirement categories? Name them
2. Explain two of the Retirement categories in your own words

Activity 1.2: - Scenario

Prepare notices to inform officers who have not volunteered for Retirement in their age

Topic 2: Calculation
Activity 2.1. – Scenario
As a HR officer you are tasked to fill out all necessary forms needed for the officer’s
calculations for the final entitlements
1. Update history cards & File Records Including those on closed Files for affected
2. Complete Form PAT 4.12 and Sign off on Forms for Calculation
3. checks & validate calculations
4. Retirement Benefits Calculation Forms and Sign-Off On Calculation Sheets is Edited
and completed Forms are Checked and certified

Topic 3: Funding and Payments

Activity 3.1. - Scenario
Your HR manager has tasked you to prepare notices and issue for the Summary of
Calculations, Deeds of Release and calculation information sheets to the officer who signed
the Deed of Release in Acceptance of Payments. Perform these tasks as directed correctly and
in the correct sequence.

Topic 4: Exiting
Activity 4.1. – Questioning
1. What is the importance of de-orientation and counselling for exiting officers?
2. Who conducts these programs?
Activity 4.2. – Scenario
You are tasked by your HR manager to:
1. Ensure that the Salary History Cards and Beneficiary Forms of officers and the
Separation Advice have been completed and photocopied
2. Ensure that the farewell ceremony and Issuing the Certificate(s) of Service organised.

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Module 4.2.4: Retirement (Medical Grounds)

Business Process 4.4.2: Retirement on Medical Grounds

Request on
Medical Sick Leave Calculatio Funding &
Medical Consultation Exiting
Opinion Credits ns Payments
Source: GO4 & Business Process 4.4.2

Topic 1: Request on Medical Grounds

Activity 3.1. – Questioning
1. Who approves the sick officer’s letter to be handed over to Department head?
2. What is the role of the HR branch in this matter?

Topic 2: Medical Opinion

Activity 2.1. – Scenario
As a HR officer you are tasked to write letters to nominated medical Practitioners for
investigation of an officer seeking retirement due to medical grounds.
1. How many medical Practitioners will you write to?
Explain the process in your own words

Topic 3: Consultation
Activity 3.1. – Scenario
The medical report is in favour of the early retirement on medical grounds.
1. What is the next step?

Topic 4: Sick Leave Credits

Activity 4.1. – Questioning
1. How do you confirm the sick leave credits?
2. What else is approved at the date he/she commences the sick leave
3. What history is updated to determine the amount of sick leave credits accumulated

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Topic 5: Calculation of Final Entitlements

Activity 5.1. – Scenario
As a HR officer you are tasked to fill out all necessary forms needed for the officer’s
calculations for the final entitlements
1. Update history cards & File Records Including those on closed Files for affected
2. Complete Form PAT 4.12 and Sign off on Forms for Calculation
3. Checks & validate calculations
4. Retirement Benefits Calculation Forms and Sign-Off On Calculation Sheets are edited
and completed Forms are Checked and certified

Topic 6: Funding and Payments

Activity 6.1. - Scenario 1
You as the HR manager you are tasked to write to treasury for funding. What would you do?
Activity 6.2. - Scenario 2
You are also tasked to prepare notices of summary calculations and Deed of Releases

Topic 7: Exiting
Activity 7.1. - Scenario
You have a number of officers on approved retirement and retrenchment. Write down the
procedure and explain
Activity 7.2. - Questioning
1. Who signs the Deed of Releases?
2. Who organises the farewell party?

Workplace Assessment Project

This assessment project is to be given at the end of the module.
Review the operation of your agency’s implementation of the Business Processes 4.2, 4.3 and
4.4, relating to permanent officer’s resignation, promotion and transfer and retirement.
a) For each step, describe how it’s done in your organization and whether it is consistent
with the steps described in the business process.
b) Document your observation, attaching evidences (photocopies of sample completed
documents etc.) to verify that processes are being adhered to or not.
c) Identify improvements and suggest appropriate changes where required
d) Outline how you will implement the changes identified if any?

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Module. 4. Facilitate Appointments and

Termination of Department Heads and
Provincial Administrators. (GO8)
Topic 1: Facilitate advertisement, profiling
and pre-selection
A position is declared vacant to commence the Advertisement of the Departmental Head or
Provincial Administrator position. A position becomes vacant after the incumbent’s term
expires or as a result of an NEC Direction for revocation of an appointment based on
disciplinary reasons, poor performance, or natural attrition.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:-
Facilitate advertisement, profiling & pre-selection of applicants for Departmental Heads
and the Provincial Administrators following the procedures and the processes from
declaration of the vacancy, advertising the position of the Departmental Head and
Provincial Administrator, summary profiling and pre-selection for a preferred shortlist of
not less than 3 and not more than 5 to be submitted to PSC for their independent

Overview of Business Process

State Solicitor
Advertisement in the Profiling of NEC deliberation &
Pre-selection PSC Consultation issues clearance
Media applicants decision
on contract

Activity 1.1
(Refer to Assessment guide)
Scenario 3 and Questions
PEC Adjudication

The DPM-Chaired Pre-Selection Committee has shortlisted 3 candidates in rank order and
sends the Pre-Selection Report to the Chairman of the PEC to complete the adjudication.

1) Describe the adjudication process?

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Topic 2: Facilitate appointment

This process is undertaken by Department of Personnel Management after receiving the
feedback on consultations from the relevant stakeholders such as PSC, PEC, portfolio
Minister and Boards. DPM prepares the NEC Statutory Business paper for NEC deliberation
and recommendation to the Head of State to make the appointment.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to: -
Facilitate appointment and identify the processes from facilitating the Pre-selection
Committee’s shortlist in rank order and sent to PSC for their independent assessment and
recommendation of a shortlist of candidates in order of preference to be sent to NEC for
deliberation and confirmation of the PA’s and D/Head’s appointment.

NOTE: (Refer to overview process from topic 1)

Activity 2.1 Scenario and Questions

1. What is the difference between the Departmental Heads and Provincial

Administrators submission of shortlisted applicants to NEC?
2. Who considers the most appropriate candidate for appointment?

Scenario 1

The Milne Bay PEC have completed the adjudication and endorsed 3 candidates in order of
preference and recommended the list to the Minister for Public Service to prepare an NEC
Submission for the substantive appointment for the position of Milne Bay Provincial

1) What advice would you as the MBPA HR provide to your Administration about the
NEC process?
Scenario 2

The PEC has completed the adjudication for a Provincial Administrator position and
recommends 3 candidates in order of preference to NEC for appointment. Imagine that you
are the Executive Manager for Executive Search & Appointments and that you are
responsible for preparing a Statutory Business Paper for NEC deliberation and consideration.
1) What information would you provide in the Statutory Business Paper?

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Topic 3: Issue clearance on Contract by

State Solicitor
Legal clearance of all contracts of employment by the State Solicitor is of paramount importance as
this confirms that the successful candidate was selected based on the merit based process and provides
the legal basis for the payment of the benefits to the appointee.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:-
Coordinate the legal clearance of the contract by State Solicitor and the process of the
contract being signed and witnessed by the Head of State. The successful applicant is then
advised of the execution of the contract and the filing away of the signed contract for safe

NOTE: (Refer to overview process from topic 1)

Activity 3.1 Scenario and Questions


The NEC have endorsed the appointment of Mr. Umai Bada as the Milne Bay Provincial
Administrator for a period of 4 years. A contract of employment must be drawn up to
implement this decision by the Senior Executive Contract Administration Officer:

1)What are the critical information you will require to draw up the contract?
2)What Regulation is this appointment made under?
3)What information is required for the legal clearance to be completed?
4)What are the three processes of issuing legal clearance on contract?

Topic 4: Facilitate Acting Appointments

There are two instances were an appointment of an acting agency head can be made:

• As a result of temporary vacancy where the incumbent goes on approved leave, travel,
•As a result of expiry of the incumbent’s contract, revocation of appointment due to
disciplinary reasons, poor performance, reaching compulsory retirement age, etc.

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Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:-
Facilitate acting appointments and the process of identifying the candidate for the position
of Provincial Administrator and the D/Head.
Overview Process
DPM Secretary
Identify Recommend recommends Minister PS
Instrument is Instrument is Acting Agency
candidates for suitable suitable advised Head of
signed gazetted Head is
the position candidates candidate to PS State
Minister appointed

Activity 4.1

Discuss in groups and list down some reasons for an acting appointment for the D/heads
and PA’s positions?

1.What is the main process in facilitating the acting appointments?

Scenario and Questions

Your Departmental head has been granted approval to proceed on a two-week
compassionate leave and as the HR Manager, you have to advise your portfolio Minister to
comply with the Regulations on temporary acting appointment.

1.Discuss in groups the minimum acceptable specifications for an acting appointment

that you must satisfy and report back to the whole group.
2.Quote the PSMA reference and the correct Section of the Regulation that is
applicable for this acting appointment.

Topic 5: Identify & Execute Discipline

Suspension for Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators comes into effect due to
Allegations of Misconduct or Maladministration.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:-
Identify and execute discipline of the Provincial Administrator or D/Head from informing
the incumbent to respond to the allegations to publishing the Instrument in the Government
Overview Process
PSC consulted on Report to NEC
Written Report to Instrument
Respond to Allegations the results & seeks for Deliberation Instrument Instrument
NEC to suspend drafted by
allegations Investigated legal opinion and decision signed Gazetted

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Activity 5.1 Scenario and Questions


1. Who institutes the discipline process?

2. What are some of the disciplinary offences?


A certain PA of a province has been found to have a case to answer in relation to allegations
of misconduct that were levelled against him while in office. Write down the steps in
getting his suspension notice served on him.

Topic 6: Facilitate Revocations

The Contract provides for termination of a Departmental Head's services "in the best
interest of Papua New Guinea" as determined by the National Executive Council, as
advised by the Minister for Public Service, in accordance with a recommendation from the
Public Service Commission.

The National Executive Council may on the advice of the Provincial Executive Council
revoke the appointment of a Provincial Administrator, in the interest of the State, having
consulted the Public Service Commission and secured a recommendation to that effect. The
Minister for Public Service shall ensure that proper advice is provided to the National
Executive Council.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:-
Facilitate revocations and the process of conducting investigation of the Provincial
Administrator or D/Head to paying the final entitlements.
Overview Process
Request for Establish NEC Decision Instrument Instrument Instrument
revocation prima facie deliberates made drafted by FLC signed Gazetted Entitlements

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Activity 6.1 Group discussion

In groups write down the steps of executing revocations for Provincial Administrators and
D/Heads. You may draw from Regulation 7 of 2003.

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Module 5. Contracts for Senior Officers

Appointed to Senior Positions. (GO9)
Module Overview
This module on “Contracts for Senior Officers Appointment to Senior Positions” covers
the processes involved in the administration of senior officers’ contract for Senior
Officers. It concentrates on Human Resources business processes in the Public Sector
environment. The process commences when Section 41 Delegate prepares Form SOC9.1
(Designated Senior Management positions under part XI Initial Contract & Contract
Renewal) for an officer after the completion of the recruitment & selection process.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, the learners should be able to:

1. Describe the process involved in the development of initial contract

for senior officers appointed to management positions
2. Outline the steps involved in contract variations for the existing
contracted Senior Officers
3. Describe the process involved in reviewing existing contracts of
Senior Officers
4. Outline the process involved in the discipline of Senior Officers on
5. Describe the processes involved in terminating Contracts for Senior

Delivery Strategies
The delivery of this module will be based on face to face interaction and classroom delivery, and
assigned tasks based on individual and group activities with questions and answers. The module is
mostly HR Business Process-oriented and therefore most of the delivery will be activity-

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Topics to be Covered
The topics in this module are:
1. Initial Employment Contract for Senior Officers
2. Contract Variation for Senior Officers
3. Contract Review of Senior Officers
4. Discipline of Officers on Contract, and
5. Termination of Senior Officers on Contract.

Assessment Strategies
A set of questions to answer, and a scenario to demonstrate learner’s application of the
process. These will be assessed at the actual delivery in the training room or given as a take-
home assignment. The unit will be assessed during the workshop and immediately after the
unit is completed. The assessment will be based on the evidence demonstrated through the
filling of the relevant contract forms.

How will the assessment decision be communicated to the learner and other stakeholders?
Through a summative assessment from the learner(s) during the period of learning
Assessment Activities
Activity 1.1 Learners are required to read through General Order 9 and Business Process 9.1
and in groups, are required to discuss the scenario and answer the questions provided.
Activity 1.2 Leaners are required to read through General Order 9 and Business Process 9.1
and individually given a task to do based on the scenario.
Assessment Activities 1&2 This activity will require learners to read General Orders 9 and
Business Process 9.1 and in groups answer the scenario questions and individually given a
take away home assignment to do.
Activity 2.1 Learners are required to read through General Order 9 and Business Process 9.2
and in groups are required to discuss the scenario and answer the questions
Activity 3.1 Learners are required to read through General Order 9 and Business Process 9.3
and in groups are required to discuss the scenario and answer the questions.
Assessment Activities 3 This activity will require learners to read General Orders 9.3 and
Business Process 9.3 and individually answer the scenario questions provided.
Activity 4.1 Learners are required to read through General Order 9 and Business Process 9.4
and in groups answer related questions
Assessment Activities 4: This activity will require learners to read General Order 9.4 and
Business Process 9.4 and individually answer the scenario questions provided.
Activity 5.1 Learners are required to read through General Order 9 and Business Process 9.5
and in groups answer related questions.
Assessment Activities 5: This activity will require learners to read General Order 9.4 and
Business Process 9.5 and individually answer the scenario questions provided.

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Work Book

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Topic 1: Initial Contracts of Senior Officers

Initial Contracts are developed for senior officers who are appointed to management positions
specified in Sections 40 to 43 of Public Services (Management) (Amendment) Act 2020, and the
PS General Order 9, Schedule 9.1. The process starts with the filling of Form SOC 9.1 and
Declaration of the Vacant Position and ends with updating of records and Filing in Senior Officer’s
personal file. (Refer to Business Process 9.1)

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Identify who declares that the senior management position is vacant

• Outline the specifications of a contract for a senior officer
• Describe contents of Form SOC 9.1
• Prepare Cover Letter for DPM Secretary or Section 41 Delegate.
of Senior Drawing of Offer & Acceptance
Consultation Update &
Management Contract Consideration & Signing
Source: PS HR Business Process 9.1

The Business Process illustrated in the flow chart relates to the drafting of the initial contract of the
senior management position. It begins straight after the recruitment and selection process when
Section 41 Delegate prepares Form SOC.9. The process continues right through to the acceptance and
signing of the contract up to records update and filling.

Activity 1

(Refer to Assessment guide for your assessment activity)

Key Learning Points

Declaration of a senior position involves

• Preparation of Forms SOC 9.1

• Declaration of Senior Officer as substantively occupying a Senior Management Position.
• Drafting of Contract
• Consultation between Agency and DPM for confirmation of the employment contract
• Offering of Contracts to the Appointed Officer for comments considering of comments
from the Officer
• Updating of Records and Filing in the Staff Personal File

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Topic 2: Contract Variation for Senior


This topic covers the processes involved in implementing “variation” for contracts of senior
public servants appointed to a management position in the Government agency or statutory
authorities. The process is derived from the Public Service HR Business Process Number 9.2
on Contract Variation of Senior Officers.
Variation only occurs when there is an existing employment contract. Variation is required on
an existing contract when a senior Officer on Contract is either promoted to “another – higher
contract” or demoted to “another – lesser contract” position. This HR function is covered for
in Business Process 9.2 on “Contract Variation – Senior Officers.”

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module you will be able to:
• Describe steps in BP 9.2 on “Notice to Vary & Acceptance”.
• Incorporate Variation into existing employment Contract
• Complete Form SOC 9.1 and indicate “Variation”
• Outline activities involved in Consultation regarding Contract Variation.
• Identify Responsible Officers or Bodies for different activities in Contract Variation


Source: PS HR Business Process 9.2

Notice to Update
Incorporation Contract Offer &
Vary & Consultation Records
of Variation Drafting Acceptance
Acceptance & Filing
The diagram shown in Figure 2 illustrates the process involved in Contracts Variation for Senior Officers

The process starts with “Notice to Vary and Acceptance and ends with Updating of Records and
Filing. (Refer to Business Process 9.2)

Activity 2
(Refer to Assessment guide for your assessment activity)

Key Learning Points

Contract Variation of a senior officer involves

 Preparation of Forms SOC 9.1 and indication “Variation”  Filling in Forms RS 3.10, RS
3.11and RS 3.12 Drafting of Contract to incorporate variation.
 Drafting of Contract

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 Consultation between Agency and DPM for confirmation of variation of the employment
 Offering of Contracts to the Appointed Officer for comments considering of comments
from the Officer
 Updating of Records and Filing in the Staff Personal File

Topic 3: Review Contracts for Senior



This topic covers the process involved in the Review of Contracts for senior public servants appointed
to management positions in the Government agency or statutory authorities. This process is derived
from the Public Service HR Business Process Number 9.3 on Contract Review – Senior Officers.
Review of Contracts occurs when there is an existing employment contract is about to expire. This
HR function “Review of Contract” is covered for in Business Process 9.3 on “Contract Review –
Senior Officers.” The process starts with “Notification of Expiry of Contract” and ends with
Updating of Records and Filing. Refer to Business Process 9.3 in your resource material.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Describe steps in BP 9.3 on “Contract Review Committee Deliberation”.

 Describe the role of Contract Review Committees
 Fill in or describe the purposes Forms SOC 9.5, STD 5.1, OD 2.7,and SOC 9.4
 Outline the steps involved in getting the Departmental Head’s Endorsement.
 Outline the steps the HR Officer has to take when notifying the Officer of Contract
 Outline Officers/bodies responsible for compliance checks and what their tasks are in this
part of the process?


Expiry of Committee Compliance Contract Sign
Endorsement Notification Update
Contract Deliberation Checks Drafts Contract
& Filing
Source: PS HR Business Process 9.3
The diagram in Figure 3 illustrates the process involved in Contracts Review for Senior Officers.

Activity 3.

(Refer to Assessment guide for your assessment activity)

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Key Learning Points

Business Process on Contract Renews for Senior Officers involves:

• Officers that have contracts expiring should be notified at least three months in advance
• Contract Review Committee deliberate on existing contract to determine whether it should
be or not be renewed.
• Departmental head will or will not endorse the Committees decision after consulting Section 41
• The Officer is notified of the Decision
• Compliance checks are then carried out and contract draft is issued to Officer after receiving
from DPM.
• Comments are received and final draft produced for signing.

Topic 4: Disciplining of Senior Officers on

Employment Contract
This topic covers the process involved in dealing with Senior Officers on Contract in the
Government agency or statutory authorities. This process is derived from the Public
Service HR Business Process Number 9.4 on “Discipline – Senior Officers.”
Discipline of Senior Officers on Contract when an offence is committed by a senior officer on
contract. This HR function “Discipline of Senior Officers” is covered for in Business Process 9.4
on “Discipline of Senior Officers.” The process starts with “committal of an offence” and ends
with Updating of Records and Filing. Refer to Business Process 9.4 in your resource material.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Describe steps in BP 9.4 on “Discipline – Senior Officers”.

 Interpret Form SOC 9.2, SOC 9.3, SOC 9.4a, SOC 9.4b, and SOC 9.4c.
 Draft Suspension on Form SOC 9.2
 Identify Responsible Officers or Bodies for different activities in the discipline process.


Committal Internal Charges Response Punishment Records &
Investigation Investigation Decision
of Offence Filing
& Suspension

Figure 4 below illustrates the process involved in Disciplining of Senior Officers. Source: PS
HR BP9.4

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Activity 4

(Refer to Assessment guide for your assessment activity)

Key Learning Points

The Public Services (Management) Act exempts senior officers on contract from the provisions of
Part XIV of the Act itself, covering the discipline of public servants. Each contract contains a
disciplinary procedure, which, together with the definition of acceptable work performance, and
grounds for termination for Cause binds the Parties.

The Disciplinary Procedure requires that for serious offences relating to breach of contract and
termination for Cause, the Senior Officer shall be formally charged and suspended from duty by his or
her Departmental Head, and shall be given the opportunity to reply to the charges prior to a decision
being taken.

Prior to terminating a contract prematurely, consultation should be held with the Department of
Personnel Management to ensure that the termination is made lawfully. Therefore, a Departmental
Head shall exercise the power to terminate a contract prematurely on any grounds, in consultation
with the Secretary, Department of Personnel Management, and in accordance with the advice of the
Contractual Delegate pursuant to General Order 9.10.

Topic 5: Termination – Senior Officers

This topic covers the process involved in dealing with “termination” of employment contract of
Senior Officers on Contract in the Government agency or statutory authorities. This process is derived
from the Public Service HR Business Process Number 9.5 on “Termination – Senior Officers.”

Termination of Senior Officers’ Contract occurs when either one of the parties (employed senior
officer or the employer) expresses the interest to terminate the contract. This process comes into
effect when the employment contract is still active. This HR function “Termination of Contract” is
covered for in Business Process 9.5 on “Termination – Senior Officers.” The process starts with
“expression of interest to terminate

contract” and ends with Updating of Records and Filing. Refer to Business Process 9.5 in your
resource material.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Describe steps in BP 9.5 on “Termination of employment contract for Senior Officers”.

 Define what is meant by “expression of interest to terminate contract”
 Interpret Form SOC 9.4 and SOC 9.5.
 Identify Responsible Officers or Bodies for different activities in the contract termination

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Intention to Calculation Filing & Record

of Final Notification Exiting
Terminate Entitlements Keeping

The diagram in Figure 5 illustrates the process involved in Disciplining of Senior Officers
Source: PS HR Business Process 9.4

Activity 5

(Refer to Assessment guide for your assessment activity)

Key Learning Points

• Standard contracts are of three years’ duration and will terminate 3 months after the expiry
of the contract. However, a contract may be terminated by either Party at any time in
accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
• A Senior Officer can be terminated by Resignation or a change or proposed change to the
Constitution of Papua New Guinea; or in the best interest of Papua New Guinea; or in the
event of a redundancy or force major situation; or for cause or death in which reasons for
termination shall be given in writing to the Senior Officer and final termination shall be
effected by the departmental head or provincial administrator.
• Upon termination of the Contract at any time, unless the Contract specifically provides
otherwise, following termination of notice period, the Senior Officer's employment in the
Public Service will cease. In this event, the appropriate termination benefits, subject to any
penalties shall become payable to the Senior Officer, including payment in lieu of notice if

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Module 6. Administer Short Term National

Contracts. (GO 10)

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Module 7. Facilitate Employment of Non-

Citizens. (GO11)
Facilitating recruitment for Non-Citizens and volunteers involves the process of recruitment,
renewal, administering variation, discipline and termination. Employment of Non-Citizens is
dealt with by General Order 11 and Public Service HR Business Process 11.1 to 11.5.

This topic covers the competencies required for facilitating recruitment for Non-Citizen
Employees and Volunteers according to Business Process 11.1
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this topic, the learner will be able to:

 Facilitate Recruitment of Non-Citizens Employees and Volunteer

 Facilitate for Renewal of Non-Citizens Employment Contract
 Administer Variation of Non-Citizens Contract
 Administer Discipline of Non-Citizens
 Administer Termination of Non-Citizens Contracts
There are key points to facilitating the recruitment of Non-Citizens in the Public Service that
you need to be familiar with. You will find these in Business process 11 attached to this
module. Do the activity below using the Public Service General Orders, PS HR Business
Process 11 and Public Employment (non-citizen) Act as references.

Activity 1 Group Discussion and Scenario (Q&A)

Read through Business process 11.1 and answer the following questions. Discuss your
answers in class:
1.1 Who has the approving authority for recruitment of Non-Citizen Employees?

1.2 What is the main pre-requisite for the employment of NCE?

1.3 What is the standard period for the engagement of NCE?

1.4 What are the major categories of NCEs?

1.5 Your agency has established that there is no skilled national to do a job as demonstrated
through local recruitment drives and the agency is looking at recruiting overseas. Give a brief
explanation of the process involved in Establishing the Need for Non-Citizen Employees?

1.6 Explain the importance and purpose of a localisation plan?

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1.7 Upon acceptance of the contractual offer which DPM has vetted, the candidate notifies
the agency and provides all documentation required for the engagement. Name all the

1.8 The NCE has accepted the offer, and is still in his country of origin. Describe the
arrangements involved in facilitating his travel into the country and commencement.

Topic 2: Facilitate Renewal of Non-

Citizens Employment Contract

Facilitating renewal of non-citizens Employment Contract involves the process of identifying
the need to renew contract and ends with records being updated and filing done.

Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this topic you will be able to execute the steps taken in renewing a non-
citizens employment contract in accordance with the Public Employment (Non-Citizen) Act,
as outlined in Non-Citizen Contracts of Employment and General Order 11.
Business Process 11.2 outlines the steps to take when facilitating for Renewal of Non-
Citizens Contract. It comprises of seven (7) steps as shown in the diagram below.

Need to Work
Offer for Payroll Records &
renew Notification Contracting Permit &
Renewal Action Filing
contract Visa

Activity 2: Group Activity

(Refer to Assessment Guide for your assessment activity)

Topic 3: Administer Variation of Non-

Citizens Contract
It is not the policy of Government to promote and transfer non-citizen contract officers during
the currency of a contract, other than in the interest of the State where-in Variation Of
Contract Occurs where it can be demonstrated by the employing Department that the
promotion and/or transfer will clearly aid more effective training and more speedy and
efficient localization.

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Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to carry out the steps involved in
variation of Non-Citizens Contract in accordance with General Order 11 and the Public
Service HR Business.
Business Process 11.3 outlines the steps to take when facilitating for Renewal of Non-
Citizens Contract. It comprises of six (6) steps as shown in the diagram below.

Notice to Vary Incorporation Signing in Update records

Consultation Drafting
& Acceptance of Variation Acceptance & filing

Activity 3

(Refer to Assessment Guide for your assessment activity)

Topic 4: Administer Discipline of Non-


The Disciplinary Procedure requires that serious offences relating to breach of contract and
termination for Cause, the NCE shall be formally charged and suspended from duty by his or
her Departmental Head, and shall be given the for opportunity to reply to the charges prior to
a decision being taken. It comprises of eight (8) steps as shown in the diagram below.
Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to carry out the steps involved in
discipline of Non-Citizens in accordance with General Order 11 and the Public Service HR
Business Process 11.4 outlines the Discipline for Non-citizens and is conducted under
General Order 11 and the Terms & conditions of employment.

Committal of
Suspension Investigation Charges Response Decision Punishment Records & Filing

Activity 4

(Refer to Assessment Guide for your assessment activity)

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Topic 5: Administer Termination of

Non-Citizens Contracts

The employment under this contract may be terminated by either the Secretary DPM or the
Employee each giving to the other at least 3 months’ notice in writing; or by Secretary DPM
by giving to the employee no less than 3 months’ notice in writing and paying the employee’s
salary and other emoluments calculated up to the expiration of 3 months after giving of such
notice in which event the employment shall terminate on the date stipulated in such notice; or
by Secretary DPM without allowing any period of notice or making any payment in lieu of
notice should the Secretary DPM terminate the employment for Cause under the T&C.
Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this topic the learner will be able to carry out the steps involved in
termination of Non-Citizens in accordance with General Order 11 and the Public Service HR
Business Process 11.5 outlines the steps to take when Administering Termination of Non-
Citizens Contract. It comprises of six (6) steps as shown in the diagram below.
Calulation of
Intention to Travel Record Update &
Final Notification Exiting
Terminate Arrangement Filing

Activity 5

(Refer to Assessment Guide for your assessment activity)

Key Learning Points

 The Engagement of Non-Citizens is governed under the provisions of the Public
Employment(Non-Citizen) Act in which the Secretary for the Department is the sole
authority for decisions relating to the employment of Non-Citizens

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Module 8. Administer Engagement of

Consultants. (GO12)
The engagement of consultants is governed by the provisions of the Public Finances
(Management) Act, and the Consultancy Steering Committee established under the
Regulations for that Act where the Chairpersonship of the Committee is placed under the
Department of Personnel Management (DPM).

In the event where an Agency Head identifies a need for specialists to be employed for a
project or for staff development purposes, over and above the Public Service ceiling per
under General Orders 2 and 3, then a submission is to be made to Secretary
DPM/Chairperson CSC justifying the need as specified under General Order 12.2 (a) to (g).
In such situations the engagement of consultant services need to be considered.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
 Know the procedures for the engagement of Consultants;
 Be aware of the roles and responsibilities of the Consultancy Steering Committee; and
 Promptly report on a Consultant’s performance when requested to do so.

Procedures for the engagement of Consultants

An Agency Head is allowed to approve Consultancy Agreements/Contracts of up to
K500,000 per annum.
It is illegal to split Consultancy Agreements/Contracts into different timeframes to reduce the
value of the Contract/Agreement. Contracts exceeding K500,000 need to be tendered through
the normal public procurement process (i.e. through the National Procurement Commission -

All Consultancy Agreements/Contracts in the Public Service are subject to Legal Clearance
from Office of the State Solicitor. The Chairperson of the Consultancy Steering Committee
(CSC) will seek legal clearance from the State Solicitor’s Office on behalf of the
Agency/Department wishing to engage a Consultant.

The Consultant must NOT be engaged, until after legal clearance is sought from and granted
by Office of the State Solicitor. Any consultancy services provided prior to the granting of
legal clearance is null and void, and should not be paid for by the engaging

It is important to always give first priority to National (Citizen) Consultants before engaging
non-citizen consultants.

The request for Entry Visa or Visa Extension (for non-citizen consultants) to the Chief
Migration Officer (PNGICA) is lodged only after legal clearance is granted. The legally

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cleared Consultancy Contract will also serve as the consultant’s Work Permit (hence there is
no need to obtain a work permit from Department of Labour & Industrial Relations).

Work Permit is applicable only when non-citizens are engaged by business (income
generating) arms of either the National Government, Provincial or Local Level Governments.

All consultancy agreements should be lodged in the prescribed format (containing a cover
page, a content page and a signature page).

A CLAUSE in the Consultancy Contract/Agreement MUST provide for the training of an

understudy – usually a staff member of the employing Agency/Department (i.e., the
Contract must have a training plan). The understudy is to take over the project/program when
the consultant leaves at the end of the Consultancy Period – which is usually a year.

Attachments/Schedules to the Consultancy Contract/Agreement should be as follows:

1. Consultant’s personal resume (CV);

2. Terms of Reference (TOR);
3. Reporting Arrangements; and
4. Consultancy Fee Payment Schedule(s) of Payment (usually 20% at signing
of Contract and last 10% after final consultancy report is received).

Source of Funding
CSC nor DPM approves or seek funds on behalf of employing government agencies for the
engagement and payment of consultants. The employing state agency must have budgetary
provision(s) for the engagement of consultants under Item 141 before seeking to actually
engage a consultant. In succeeding years, in many cases, funding for the engagement of
consultants is supported by development partners as part of Government’s reform and
efficiency programs.

Report on the Consultant’s Performance

Consistent with GO 12.18 the Chairperson CSC may require an Agency/Departmental Head
to submit a Report on the performance of the consultant and the work undertaken and/or
completed during the consultancy period. Any future engagement will depend upon CSC’s
assessment of this Report. Thus, it is sensible to attach consultancy reports when applying for
contract extensions.
Overview of the process to Engage a Consultant
Need for Prepare Identify Approval Legal File
Develop detail Consultan by Agency
Vetting clearance Signed
TOR by CSC by State Contract
ts estimates ts Head Solicitor ation

Activity 1

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(Refer to Assessment Guide for your assessment activity)

Key Learning Points

A. The engagement of consultants depends:
 When there is a need for specialised skills and know how;
 Unexpected workload as a result of policy directives;
 No suitable qualified and experience public servants;
 No suitable qualified and experience Non-citizens

B. Agencies engaging a Consultant must have funds available under Item 141, hence;
 Proposed within K500,000 approved by Consultancy Steering Committee
 Proposed above K500,000 will comply with CSTB procedures under the Public
Finance (Management) Act

C. Consultants are engaged for the duration of 3 to 12 months; further extension is

approved by seeking legal clearance from the State Solicitor’s Office.

D. Consultancy Steering Committee facilitates the engagement of consultants by:

 seeking legal clearance from the State Solicitor’s Office;
 ensuring that the terms of reference (TOR) of consultancy agreement are in
E. Consultants performance are reported to the CSC for extension of contracts or future
engagement with the respective agency.

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Module 9. Engaging in Business Activities

Outside of the Public Service Employment
and Other Important Provisions Governing
Conduct. (GO20)
Module Overview
This module is about, how to normalize or make it become normal every-day
business, the GESI Values and Principles through a system or process in the
Public Service and it should form an integral part of a process through
mainstreaming it in the workplace using the HR functions such as Recruitment
and Selections, Contract Administration, Staff Development and Training,
Industrial Relations, etc., so that, GESI values and principles can be reflected.
This can result in the changes of institutional cultures, budgeting and resource
allocations and decision-making at all levels. This module will enable the
implementation of the GESI Policy in a more effective and practical way.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the module, the learner will be able to describe: -
 What is GESI mainstreaming?
 The importance of GESI Mainstreaming
 How GESI Mainstreaming is undertaken
 Identify and explain the GESI Values and Principles and how to stream-line them into
the systems and processes according to Business Process 20.1

Delivery Strategies
The strategies that will be used in the delivery of this program will include face-to-face with
classroom delivery, class-based projects, case studies, pre and post course question and
answer, workplace delivery and blended approaches of delivery. The module is mostly HR
Business Process-oriented and therefore most of the delivery will be activity-based.

Topics to be covered
The following topics are covered in this module:
 Facilitate for GESI mainstreaming in a workplace

Assessment Strategies
The assessment strategy is aimed at assessing the competency level of all learners taking this
module. It involves group activities, questions and answers, role-plays of workplace
scenarios, and presentations by the learners during this training. The assessment activities
will take place

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progressively during the training. Some summative and formative assessments will be used,
but this should be limited to assessing of the theory.
Where possible the module will apply an integrated or holistic approach to the assessment of
learners so that repetitive assessment activities are minimised. The normal reporting
procedures for assessment results, which says that assessment results must be available two
(2) weeks after completion of the training. Communication of the overall assessment results
will be done through the facilitator of each module and through Student Administration for
the overall assessment results.

Assessment Activities
Activity 1.1 Definition of Terms, Leadership Values and GESI
This activity will be done in groups followed by relevant questions to be answered. Learners
will be required to read pages 3 – 7 of the National Public Service GESI Policy. Random
group selections by the facilitator for group presentations.
Activity 1.2 General Order 20 – where the GESI Policy was extracted and made a stand-
alone policy
Learners are required to read General Order 20 and provide answers to general questions
provided by the facilitator. Random group selections by the facilitator for group
Activity 1.3 Leadership and GESI Values and Principles
Activity 1.4 Business Process 20.1
This activity will be done in groups followed by relevant questions to be answered. Learners
will be required to read Business Process 20.1, pages 28 – 33 of the Public Service GESI
Policy and page 9 of the National Public Service GESI Toolkit. Random group selections by
the facilitator for group presentations.
Activity 1.5 Case Study Scenarios
This activity will be done in groups followed by relevant questions to be answered. Learners
will be required to read page 40 of the National Public Service GESI Policy and the pages 5 –
8 of the National Public Service GESI Toolkit.
This activity will have Case Study Scenarios provided by the facilitator for group discussions
followed by questions that need to be answered. Learners will be required to read General
Order 20 and Business Process 20.1, pages 11 to 19 and 41 to 43 of the National Public
Service GESI Toolkit to understand the process and any flow charts in order to answer the
relevant questions.

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Work Book

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1. Facilitate a GESI Mainstreaming

This topic will cover information on how to mainstream the National Public Service GESI
Policy into a business procedure or system in a workplace to normalize it into every day work
place requirement within organisations particularly in the areas of implementation like
service delivery or decision-making.

Learning Outcome
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to describe: -
• What is GESI Mainstreaming and its importance.
• Identify and explain the GESI Values and Principles and how to stream-line them into
the systems and processes according to the Business Process 20.1
• How to facilitate a GESI Mainstreaming Case in a work place?

What is Mainstreaming?
 Gender mainstreaming is a central strategy for advancing gender equality and equity.
It refers to the consistent use of a gender perspective at all stages of the development
and implementation of policies, plans, programs and projects.
 It is about ensuring that a gender perspective informs the development of such
initiatives at all stages and in every aspect of the decision-making process.
 It is about analyzing all Government policies and practices to examine the differential
impact they have on men and women.
 It is a process of including GESI principles as part of an internal and external business
process in a workplace.

Importance of Mainstreaming
• Make GESI Values and Principles a part of the Business Process and an integral part
of a process.
• Gender Mainstreaming can also change institutional cultures, budgeting and resource
• Make implementation of the National PS GESI Policy more effective and practical.

GESI Principles
 Gender Equity – refers to being fair, giving opportunity to men and women to
participate fully and equally in employment and other opportunities.

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 Social Inclusion – ensuring socially excluded people have equal conditions for
realizing their full human rights and potential to contribute to all areas of development
and to benefit from the results.

GESI Values
• Honesty – Behaviour that is consistent with the principles of fairness and
• Integrity – steadfast adherence to moral and ethical principles in private and public
life, in a manner that role models respect, trust and a sense of dependability.
• Accountability – taking ownership for one’s own actions and accepting responsibility
for the actions of individuals, groups and the organizations that are represented.
• Respect – An intrinsic human trait that promotes a positive, consensus-based and
relationship focused collaboration between individuals, communities and
organizations, emphasizing a positive regard for the rule of law in the workplace and
all other environments.
• Wisdom – A capacity for a deeper level of understanding of issues involving
discernment, intuition, experience and maturity; and the ability to inspire and
encourage action to over-come challenges for the advancement and for all people in
accordance with the GESI principles and practices
• Responsibility – Accepting stewardship for the people and the country; being guided
by conscience; actively making choices for the greater good; considering the
implications of decisions and dealing with their consequences and developing
capacity in others.

It is through these values that the public servant will be able to: -
• Role Model ethical behaviour
• Lead with personal drive, commitment and resilience
• Provide strategic direction
• Promote change and innovation
• Communicate with influence and political awareness
• Build collaborative partnerships
• Build staff capacity and commitment
• Plan and monitor work tasks for goal achievement
• Promote effective and efficient service delivery
• Support institutional strengthening

Characteristics of aspiring to create a conducive work culture and ethic include: -

 Fair and participative decision making

 Freedom from bias
 Transparent processes
 Reasonable adjustments to remove barriers to employment
 Engaged employees performing to their full potential
 Respectful communication

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 Demonstrated, more democratic leadership

Activity 1.1
(Refer to Assessment Guide for your assessment activity)

Activity 1.2
Read General Order 20 and answer the question provided below.
a) Make a list of all the cross-cutting issues contained in General Order 20.

GESI Mainstreaming process overview

Apply GESI
Identify systems & Monitoring &
principles & values Implementation
processes Evaluation
as a test

Activity 1.3 Scenario 1

Activity 1.3 will be used as an example before participants attempt a similar
activity. This activity requires participants to work in groups. You are to firstly
read Scenario 1 and discuss the process involved in order to fully appreciate
and understand how GESI Mainstreaming takes place when dealing with a
GESI matter/situation. Bear in mind that this particular Business Process
involves asking a lot of questions to get the desired answers/options.
Once you are satisfied and have understood the steps involved in your groups
read through Scenario 2 and using the Process Flow Chart above, the Business
Process and General Order 20.1, carefully answer the questions for Scenario 2.
You are required to explain to the rest of the class on how you facilitated a
GESI Mainstreaming application/situation.

Mr Black has been acting on a certain position for the past two (2) years. He later applied for
the same position that he had been acting on however, during the department’s selection and
appointment exercise, Mr Black was not appointed to that position although he had produced
tangible results and there was evidence of high performance as per his Staff Performance
Appraisal. Moreover, the Divisional Head had recommended in writing to award that position
to someone else.
After making every effort to understand the issue at hand and how it is affecting the
employee and the organization, you have made written statements to assist you to process the
situation. For instance, does Mr Black’s organisation have appropriate means to address the
issue at hand in terms of Workplace policies/legislations, rules and regulations (e.g. business
processes or systems)?

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As the HR Manager/GESI Officer, how would you handle this matter and what steps would
you take to utilize the mainstreaming process to check the correctness of the application of
the required process (Natural Justice) or the principles and values of the GESI Policy in this

1. Is the system or process internal or external?

2. Which system or process is responsible for this type of a complaint?
3. What are the steps involved in addressing this complaint?
3.1 Identify the issue at hand?

3.2 Identify how it affects the employee and the employer?

3.3 Identify if the employer has an obligation to address the issue at hand with a workplace
policy/legislation, rules and regulations.

3.4 Identify how the business process will be used to resolve the issue?

4. How can you prioritize these steps to ensure that your time spent is worth-while and you
should only attend to what is within your scope of work?
5: How do you test for GESI compliance on the system or process that you have identified?

6: Which part of the GESI process will you use?

7: Explain how you will implement the selected process?
8: How do you Monitor and Evaluate the complaint?
9: Identify the internal or external process or system that could be used for M&E purposes?
10: What would be your recommendation as a way forward into the future with such cases?

Activity 1.4 Scenario 2

The wife of a male Public Servant confronts a female workmate of her husband whom she
has been suspecting of having an affair with her husband. This wife charges at the female
officer and there’s a big fight between these two (2) women and both women getting hurt and
bleeding. As it turns out some people in the public intervene and take them to the local Police
Station nearby. Because the two (2) women are still arguing and noisily entering the office of
the female Police Woman who is in-charge of the Family & Sexual Violence Unit (FSVU),
they are ordered to leave that office immediately and continue solving their problem outside.
The Police Woman made no attempt to attend to them.

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After making every effort to understand this issue at hand and how it is affecting the Public
Servant Employee and her organization, you have made written statements to assist you to

process this situation. For instance, is the organisation obligated to address this issue at hand
in terms of Workplace policies/legislations (e.g. which business processes or systems).
As the HR Manager/GESI Officer, how would you handle this matter and what steps would
you take to utilize the mainstreaming process to check the correctness of the application of
the required process (Natural Justice) or the principles and values of the GESI Policy in this
1. Is the system or process internal or external?
2. Which system or process is responsible for this type of a complaint?

3. What are the steps involved in addressing this complaint?

4. How can you prioritize these steps to ensure that your time spent is worth-while and you
should only attend to what is within your scope of work?
5. How do you test for GESI compliance on the system or process that you have identified?
6. Which part of the GESI process will you use?
7. Explain how you will implement the selected process?
8. How do you Monitor and Evaluate this complaint?
9. Identify the internal or external process or system that could be used for M&E purposes?
10. What would be your recommendation as a way forward into the future with such cases?

Assessment Task Activity 1.5

This Activity will be done individually as a take home assignment and will be used to
assess your knowledge of the Business Process 20.1 Read the following statements
provided below with reference to General Orders 20.52 – 20.85 and select one situation
from the list provided at (a – i). Analyse the situation you have selected carefully. The
facilitator must ensure that the list is fully exhausted.
Using the process flow chart as a guide, identify the appropriate step in which the
situation can be tested and explain how it can be dealt with if it occurred in your

Key Learning Points

 GESI Mainstreaming Process
 GESI Values and Principles

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MODULE 20.2: Manage Business

Activities outside the Public Service and
Other Important Provisions


Version 1 Agnes Tamate

Version 2 Edited Henry Kiumo

Version 3 Edited Agnes Tamate

Version 4 – Removal of assessable tasks Janet David/Rebecca Gonapa

and placed in Assessment Guide

© Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, repackaged, stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means whatsoever without the
prior permission of the copyright owner. Apply in writing to:

Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance

P.O.BOX 1216

First published August 2019.

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Module Guide

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Manage Business Activities outside the

Public Service and Other Important
Module Overview
This module provides information on Engagement in Business Activities outside the Public
Service and also highlights other Important Provisions for the purpose of controlling the
behaviour of officers, for cost saving, for assessing breaches of General Orders and judging
any improper conduct of officers. The module outlines competencies required to facilitate
Business Activities outside the Public Service as well as how to deal with Other Important

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the module, the learner will be able to:-
 Explain what Engaging in Business Activities outside the Public Service is and what
are Other Important Provisions.
 Facilitate a request for a public servant who wishes to engage in a business activity
outside the public service according to Business Process 20.2

Delivery Strategies
The strategies that will be used in the delivery of this program will include face-to-face with
classroom delivery, class-based projects, simulated work activities and question and answer,
workplace delivery and blended approaches of delivery. The module is mostly HR Business
Process-oriented and therefore most of the delivery will be activity-based.

Topics to be covered
By the end of the session, the learner will be able to describe:
 The process involved in facilitating a public servant’s request to engage in a Business
Activity outside the Public Service and/or Other Important Provisions specified in
General Order 20.4 to General Order 20.51.

Assessment Strategies
The assessment strategy is aimed to assess the competency level of all learners taking this
module. It involves group work activities, question and answer, simulation of workplace,
scenario/role-plays, case studies and presentations by the learners during this training. The
assessment activities will take place on an on-going basis during the training. Some
summative and formative assessments will be used, but this should be limited to assessing of
knowledge. Where possible the module will apply an integrated or holistic approach to
assessment of learners so that repetitive assessment activities are minimised. The normal
reporting procedures for assessment results, which says that assessment results must be
available two weeks after completion of training will apply. Communication of assessment

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results will be done through the facilitator of each module and through student administration
for the overall assessment results

Assessment Activities
Activity 1.1 Learners are required to read through General Order 20.9 to 20.22 and Business
Process 20.2 and in groups discuss and answer questions relating to the two scenarios
Activity 1.2 This activity will require learners to read General Orders 20.23 to 20.51 and
after group discussions answer the questions provided.

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Work Book

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Facilitate a request for public servants

wanting to engage in a Business Activity
outside the Public Service and Other
Important Provisions
This topic will cover Engagement in Business Activities outside the Public Service and Other
Important Provisions for the purpose of controlling behaviour of officers, cost saving,
assessing breaches of General Orders and for judging any improper conduct of officers. The
topic will also cover how a request for this engagement can be facilitated.

Learning Outcome
By the end of this session, the learner will be able to:

 Explain what engaging in business activities outside the public service and other
important provisions is all about and how to facilitate requests specific to this GO.

Process Overview
Agency Head
Request received Prepare File
Assess Request &/or Secretary Advise Officer
by HR recommendation documentation
DPM decision

Activity 1.1
(Refer to Assessment Guide for your assessment activity)

Activity 1.2
Discuss the following questions in groups and provide your answers
in class. This activity will require you to read and understand other
important provisions governing conduct stated in General Order 20.23
to 20.51.

Question 1

Draft a process chart indicating the steps involved in applying for release to participate in
electoral activities.
Question 2

Explain the levels of compassionate financial assistance provided to the officer on duty
outside PNG and who should grant approval to this request?
Question 3

List the type of services to which deductions can be made to an officer’s pay and explain why
the officer’s consent must be sought?

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Question 4

How does an officer assume a Breadwinner status and what is he/she eligible for?
Question 5

Officers have certain rights to other entitlements if/when their spouses transfer to other
locations or are away on approved long term training. Provide details of these entitlements
and how/whether these movements or broken periods affect their service?

Key Learning Points

 Engagement in Outside Business Activities
 Resignation to contest in the elections

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Module 10. Manage Personal Records.

Topic 1: Create Files for New Employees
Three hard copy files are to be created on the date of commencement of a new recruit. These
are the Personnel File, Discipline File and Training File. All files must be created using a
standard Personnel File format, customised with the Department name, available from the
Government printing office. Form PRM 23.1 provides a list of what personnel data should be
collected and stored and which are all confidential.

All information relating to employment of an employee should be readily accessible to assist

informed decision making on human resource management matters.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to:
 Know the importance of creating personnel record files
 Know how to create a personnel file for new employees

Overview of Business Process 23.1 Creation of Personnel Files

Business Process 23.1 outlines the steps to take when creating personnel files for new hires. It
comprises of six (6) steps as shown in the diagram below.
Documentation Add folio Create file
forwarded to numbers to Movement Put File
Create Files documents
Records documentat Card or File Away
into files
Managerment ion Register

The process begins when documents of new hires are forwarded to the Records Management
Office for filing and ends with newly created files being stored away in a safe place.

Activity 23.1 Scenario

Below is a workplace scenario which you will do to give you practise in creating a new file.
Refer to Business Process 23.1 and answer the following questions.

After a recent recruitment exercise in your agency, the documents of 12 new hires on grades
10, and 14 positions are forwarded to you as the Records Manager. Upon receiving the
documents, you action them. After two years of their permanency, they have absorbed into
the agency and are working well. Two have gone for studies overseas and upon their return
were promoted to senior roles as Manager Policy and Research and Manager Database

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Using the scenario given, list the steps involved in creating a file for new hires in your

Key Learning Points

 Three hard copy files must be created for new hires; - Personnel File, Disciplinary File &
Training File.
 Add folio numbers at the top right hand corner of the page to every documents filed in the
 Maximum number of folios should not exceed 200 pages. Additional files created should
be marked part two beginning with folio number 201.
 Personnel File – is created when an individual commences employment with the National
Public Service. All categories of employees including short or long term etc. must have a
personnel file created on the commencement of employee.
 File movement card indicates the location of where the file is stored, when it is stored, the
action officer who last worked on the file and stored it safely away.

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Topic 2: Manage Personnel Files

Managing personnel files involves sorting of documents, storing documents in a safe place,
maintaining documents well, retrieving, disposing documents and updating file movement

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to:
 Manage personnel files in your agency
 Know how to sort, maintain and update files regularly

Overview of Business Process 23.2 Manage Personnel Files

Business Process 23.2 describes how files should be managed in records management
module. Shown below are the steps involved in managing personnel files.
Documentation Update File
forwarded to Movement
Sort and Files documentation Put File away
Records Card on File
on files
Managerment Register

Activity 23.2: Record and Update the File Movement Card

Refer to the relevant steps in Business Process 23.2 and answer the following questions. A
copy of a training file is provided to assist you with this activity.
1. a) Three (3) employees, Smiley Green, Joy Blue, and Pretty Pink have undergone a two
weeks training at PNGNRI and received Certificates in Research Method (I). After
completion of the training, the 3 forwarded the training reports and copies of their
certificates to the HR Manager who then forwards the documentation to you. What do
you do as a training officer/records officer to maintain an up-to-date file management?
And how do you do it?

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(b) Smiley Green after a month wrote to the HR Manager to access his training file to do
a photocopy of his training report and was granted the access. As a training
officer/records officer, what would you do.

Assessment Activities
Submit workplace project on BP23.1 & 23. 2 for your assessment.

Key Learning Points

 Records are Personnel File, Training File & Disciplinary File. Other Employee Records
maintained in the Human Resource Management area should apply the same procedure
when managing employees training, discipline and other related employee records.
 Variation of Records – variations to folios contained within a hard copy file (including
authorised removal of information from a file) may only be undertaken by the HR
Manager or Corporate Services Manager or delegate and must be done in accordance with
the provisions contained within General Orders 23.
 General Orders 23 covers the management of personnel records such as Personal, Payroll
and Employment records for individual officers of the National Public Service.
 Business Process 23.2 describes how to manage personnel records for new employees of
the Public Service.

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