Creative Writing Summary of Discussions

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Imagery involves the use of descriptive 3. Abstract/Poetic Diction- This is

language to create mental images. when a writer uses words to express
something intangible, like an idea or
Types of Imagery an emotion.
1. Visual imagery Figures of Speech
2. Auditory Imagery
3. Olfactory Imagery 1. Alliteration
4. Gustatory Imagery 2. Anaphora

5. Tactile Imagery 3. Antithesis

4. Apostrophe
Diction is the careful selection of words to 5. Assonance
communicate a message or establish a 6. Euphemism
particular voice or writing style. 7. Hyperbole

Types of Diction 8. Irony

9. Litotes
1. Formal Diction- It is considered as a 10. Oxymoron
professional choice of words 11. Paradox
Jargons- Use in specific field of 12. Personification
discipline. 13. Simile
2. Informal Diction- more 14. Synecdoche
conversational and often used in 15. Understatement
narrative literature.
Colloquial- It is representing a
particular region or place or era or
Slang- can be a new word, a
shortened or modified word, or words
that take on a new meaning.


Poetry is the art of expressing oneself in verse. It uses imagery of figures of

speech to express feelings or create a mental picture or idea. The following are its

1. STRUCTURE (Line and Stanza)

Line is a unit of language into which a poem is divided while stanza is
the group of lines that develop and emphasize on idea in the poem. A
stanza can be:
Couplet - 2 lines
Triplet - 3 lines
Quatrain - 4 lines
Quintet - 5 lines
Sestet - 6 lines
Septet - 7 lines
Octet - 8 lines
Words rhyme if they sound alike. Poems often use rhymes at the end of
lines. Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes in a poem. Poets use
rhymes to add musical sound to their poems.
Mood is the feeling that a poem creates in a reader. It can be positive or
negative and can be made with the length of the verses, chosen words,
and word sounds.
Tone is the attitude a writer takes towards the subject or audience of
the poem.

Imagery is the language that appeals to the 5 senses and are considered
“word pictures”. It helps the reader to experience familiar things in a
fresher way of using the senses.



1. Prewriting/Planning
This is the stage where the writer thinks of
the possible concept or ideas. 4. Revising
2. Conceptualizing Revising literally means “to see again” not
Drafting includes composing the primary just once but multiple times.
draft of a report. 5. Publishing
3. Revitalizing Publishing involves submitting final
Once you create your draft, you need to manuscripts to editors of print and online
have some break for you to unwind your journals and magazines, newspapers, or
mind in conceptualizing. This will help you publishing companies.
to rethink and reconceptualize for a new
possible content or inputs.

Comparison and Contrast of Creative Writing and Technical Writing

Forms of a Poem Found Poem- Created through careful

selection and organization of words and
phrases from existing text.
Concrete Poem- Uses words to form
Tanaga- Is a type of Filipino Poem the shape of the subject of the poem.
which consists of four lines with seven
syllable each (7-7-7-7 syllabic verse) Lyric Poem- Usually written in first
with the AABB rhyme scheme. person point of view and expresses an
emotion to describe the scene. It does
Diona- An ancient form of poetry that is
not tell a story and are often musical.
composed of 7 syllables foe every
verse/line, 3 verses/lines for every
Narrative Poem- It tells a story, often
stanza, has a single rhyme scheme.
making voices of a narrator and
Haiku – A poem of 3 lines where the characters as well.
first is 5 syllables, the middle is 7
syllables, and the last is 5. Epic- A long narrative poem recounting
the deed of a legendary or historical
Acrostic – A poem where the first letter hero.
of each line spells a word that fits with
the theme of the poem or exposes a Limerick- Usually humorous and
deeper meaning. portrays a double-meaning message.
Composed of five lines in an AABBA
Sonnet – A short, rhyming poem of 14 rhyming pattern.


What is Prose? 1. SETTING - The time and location
- Natural speech not in rhythmic in which a story takes place is called
structure. the setting.
- Straight forward language a) place - geographical location.
- Most reflective of conversational b) time - When is the story taking
speech. place?
c) weather conditions - Is it rainy,
Types of Prose sunny, stormy, etc?
- Nonfictional Prose: mainly based d) social conditions - What is the
on fact, though it may contain daily life of the characters like?
fictional elements in certain cases. e) mood or atmosphere - What
- Fictional Prose: Imagined stories feeling is created at the beginning
like novels and stories. of the story?
- Heroic Prose: Recorded or
recounted, found in oral custom. 2. CHARACTER
Epics and Legends may be examples - The representation of a person
of this. in the story
- Prose Poetry: Poetic characteristics - Is revealed by the tone of voice
and nature. Utilizing passionate - Occasionally, it could be an
impacts and elevated symbolism. animal or object given human
However, these are written in qualities
exposition rather than section.

o Protagonist – the chief figure who

struggles against opposing forces
Elements of Fictional Prose
o Antagonist – the force, most often - is defined as the angle from which
another character, that opposes the the story is told.
protagonist a) Third Person P.O.V – The
o Dynamic Character – one whose narrator does not participate in
attitudes and values are affected by the action of the story as one
the events in the story of the characters but let us
o Flat Character – a character having know exactly what the
only a single trait or quality characters feel. (uses third
o Round Character – a multi- personal pronoun he, she, it,
dimensional or a complex character they)
o Static Character – one whose b) First Person - The story is
personality, attitudes, and beliefs told by the protagonist or one
remain fixed, no matter what kinds of of the characters who interacts
situations he encounters closely with the protagonist or
other characters (using
Characterization - The development pronouns I, me,)
of characters as done by the short story 6. THEME
writer. - It is the author's underlying meaning
or main idea that he is trying to
3. PLOT convey. The theme may be the
author's thoughts about a topic or
Kinds of Plot view of human nature.
- Linear Plot
- Modular Plot 7. TONE
- Episodic Plot - When you speak, your tone of voice
suggests your attitude.
4. CONFLICT - Tone can also mean the general
- It is the opposition of forces which emotional weather of the poem.
ties one incident to another and makes
the plot move.
Types of Conflict: DEVICES
- External - A struggle with a force It is a literary or linguistic
outside oneself. technique that produces a specific
- Internal - A struggle within oneself; effect, esp. a figure of speech,
a person must make some decision,
narrative style, or plot mechanism.
overcome pain, quiet their temper,
resist an urge, etc. Plot Device - an object, character or a
concept introduced into the story by the
Various kinds of Conflict: author to introduce its plot.
1. Man vs. Man
2. Man vs. Circumstances 1. Flashing arrow- technique used to
3. Man vs. Nature focus the reader’s, but not the
4. Man vs. Society characters’ attention on an object, or
5. Man vs. Self location.
6. Man vs. Supernatural
7. Man vs. Fate Example: The Shutter
8. Man vs. Technology A man wonders on his consistent neck
ache without knowing that he is
carrying the ghost all those times.

2. Red herring- it distracts the reader’s

attention from the plot twist. It is used
5. POINT OF VIEW to maintain tension and uncertainty.
Example: Professor Snape of Harry Example: The Christmas Carol by
Potter Charles Dickens
Ebenezer Scrooge had a series of
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's dreams which allowed him to see the
Stone, Severus Snape is a red herring, events happened in another time with
sneaky and behaving suspiciously but the help of the Christmas ghosts of the
not, eventually guilty. In fact, Snape's past, present and future and led him
chequered path through the books is to change his attitude.
littered with red herrings. Less
ambiguously, Sirius Black is painted 2. Analepsis (flashback)- prevents
as an evil character, to be feared, events from before the current time
which is undermined when he finally frame. Flashbacks are usually
meets Harry. presented as characters’ memories
and are used to explain their
3. Deathtrap- device that the villain background.
uses to try to kill the protagonist and
satisfy his own sadistic desires. Example: Titanic. The story used
Rose, the main character, to tell the
Example: Different Death scenes in events happened to Titanic.
Final Destination stories
3. Prolepsis (flash-forward)- presents
4. Reverse chronology- is a technique events that will occur in the future.
where the story begins at the end and
works back toward the beginning. Example: Final Destination seeing
what will happen in the future.
Example: The White House Story
where the story begins at the end and 4. Prophecy- is often used in science
progressed the story while taking the fiction to underline their futuristic
story backward. structures.

5. ‘In medias res’- the narrative starts in Example: Breaking Dawn’s Final
the middle of the story instead of from Rival Scene between the Volturi and
its beginning. Other events are often Bella Swan and Edward Cullen’s
introduced through a series of family. Alice who has a premonition
flashbacks. supernatural presented the prophecy,
the possible event that can be
Example: The Odyssey of Homer. happened once the action will be
The story started in the middle instead continued.
of the beginning of the story.
Flashbacks were used to introduce the 5. Foreshadowing- is a premonition,
initial events in the story. muck like a flash-forward, but only
hints at the future.
VISION - character share with the reader
visions of the past or the future to explain a
character’s motives.

Example: Toy Story 2. The use of

Buzz’s glass space helmet to ignite the
1. Dream sequence- series of dreams rocket string was foreshadowed when
which allows the character to see Buzz was accidentally burnt because
events that occur or have occurred in of the glass lens.
another time
ENDING - refers to story endings 3. Science Fiction – Story that is typically
set in the future or on other planets
1. Cliff-hanger- an abrupt ending that
leaves the plot incomplete, without 4. Mystery Fiction – a genre of literature
denouement, it often leaves characters whose stories focus on solving a crime or
in a precarious or difficult situation scenario
which hint at the possibility of a
5. Realistic Fiction – a story that seems real
or could happen in real life
2. Twist ending- is an unexpected finale 6. Horror – aims to provide eerie
that gives an entirely new vision on atmosphere and to entertain audience by
the entire plot. It is a powerful frightening and surprising them through the
technique but may leave the reader use of suspense and scary elements.
dissatisfied and frustrated. Other Fictional Genres

Example: Planet of the Apes. Twist: Adventure – story where a protagonist and
As Taylor escapes with mute other major characters are placed in a
companion challenging situations to conquer at the end.
Nova (Linda Harrison), he is stunned Folktales
to discover that he didn't land on a
distant planet, he was back on Earth, Fairy tale – uses elements of magic
centuries into the future. Fable – meant to tell a lesson or a
3. Happy ending- a finale when
everything ends in the best way for Tall tale – hyperbole which aims to
the hero. become humorous
Legend – usually deals with the
Example: Since the target audience national hero or the origin.
are the children, Disney Movies have
Happy endings. Myth – based on past events,
usually gods and goddesses
4. Deus ex machina- plot dating back to
ancient Greek theater, where the
conflict is resolve through a means
(god, or dues) that seem unrelated to
the story. This allows the author to
end the story as desired without
following the logic and continuity of
the story.

1. Fantasy – story that is imaginative but
could never really happen
2. Historical Fiction – story that takes place
in a historically accurate time and setting

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