The Lancet - School Reopening Without Robust COVID-19 Mitigation Risks Accelerating The Pandemic

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School reopening November, 2020 (when schools this time, teaching staff were at
were open),8,9 suggest that opening higher risk of infection. Recent school
without robust all schools now without robust outbreaks in northern Italy, where the Published Online
COVID-19 mitigation mitigatory measures in place will B.1.1.7 variant is prevalent, are also March 10, 2021
risks accelerating the probably lead to Rt rising above 1 in concerning.12 S0140-6736(21)00622-X
almost all scenarios. Modelling data Although COVID-19 is unlikely
pandemic by the University of Warwick and to cause severe disease in children,
For estimates of the prevalence
Imperial College London10 suggest estimates of the prevalence of long
of long COVID symptoms see
On Feb 22, 2021, the UK Government that at least 30 000 more deaths COVID symptoms based on the ONS
announced that schools in England from COVID-19 are estimated under Infection Survey suggest that 13% of populationandcommunity/
would fully reopen on March 8, 2021. the proposed reopening scenarios. children aged 2–10 year and 15% of
While returning to school as soon as Throughout February, 2021,11 despite those aged 12–16 years have at least updatedestimatesofthepreva
possible is imperative for the education, fewer students being in school at one persistent symptom 5 weeks after lenceoflongcovidsymptoms
social development, and mental and
physical welfare of children, not enough
has been done to make schools safer for Panel: Recommendations
students and staff.1 Without additional Physical distancing Ventilation and face coverings
mitigations, increases in transmission General Ventilation
are likely, this time with more infectious • Traffic light system of risk • Open windows and doors
and possibly more virulent variants, • Use remote or blended learning to • Teach outdoors (or in large halls)
resulting in further lockdowns, school reduce footfall wherever possible
closures, and absenteeism. Even when During travel • Use CO2 monitors to assess air quality
schools were supposed to be fully • Keep travel bubbles constant • Install High Efficiency Particulate Air
open, at points of high community • Stagger start and finish times filters with air cleaning devices
transmission, 22% of secondary school • Avoid mixing (eg, at school gates) • All physical education outdoors
children were not attending due to self- • Open windows and wear masks on • No high-risk lessons (eg, singing, brass
isolation.2 In some areas, attendance transport or wind instruments), except remotely
was as low as 61%.3 In classrooms Face coverings
Arguments that schools do not • Keep bubble size small • Encourage children aged 5 years or
contribute to community transmission • Reduce movement among bubbles older to use a mask (with exemptions)
and that the overall risk to children • Deploy additional staff to reduce • Teach correct mask fitting and use
from COVID-19 is very small have class sizes • Remove masks only when outdoors
meant that mitigations in schools • Use large spaces (eg, halls) or eating
have received low priority. Yet the • Quarantine applies to whole • Consider transparent face coverings
evidence cited for these arguments bubbles to improve communication
• Safe disposal or washing of masks
has serious limitations. 4,5 Primary
Protections for students and staff
and secondary school closures have Hand and surface hygiene Support children and families
been associated with substantial • Provide hand washing stations and Support blended and remote learning
reductions over time in the effective hand sanitisers • Allow optional remote learning
reproduction number (Rt) across • Wash hands regularly and at key • Support remote learning with
many countries (including England) points (eg, after using the toilet) technologies, funding, practical
and time periods.6,7 In contrast, data support, and skills training
Vaccination • Provide for safe delivery or pick-up of
from the Office for National Statistics’
• Account for exposure alongside age free school meals
(ONS) 2020 COVID-19 Infection and disease-related risk in vaccine For the COVID-19 Infection
Survey show that the prevalence • Ensure safeguarding of at-risk children
prioritisation Survey see https://www.ons.
of infection among children aged • Prioritising school staff reduces Address the harms of educational disruption
2–10 years (2%) and 11–16 years (3%) educational disruption due to staff • Support with isolation
rose above the prevalence for all other illness • Record educational disruption coronaviruscovid19infection
age groups before the 2020 Christmas alongside grades surveydata
Testing • Provide mental health support to
break (appendix p 4). Both modelling See Online for appendix
• Do not assume tests are children
and real-world data in preprint Submissions should be
100% accurate • Enhanced skills provision made via our electronic
showing rising cases in regions where • Testing complements other
the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant was (eg, summer schools) submission system at
measures rather than replacing them
prevalent during the lockdown in thelancet/ Published online March 10, 2021 1


testing positive. Given uncertainty USA (KAP); Department of Mathematics, University 12 Skytg24. Variante Covid, Corzano: focolaio in
of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (SDR); Institute for paese, chiuse le scuole. Feb 3, 2021.
around the long-term health effects
Advanced Study, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ,
of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it would USA (SDR); University of St Andrews, Edinburgh, UK variante-covid-corzano-brescia (accessed
be unwise to let the virus circulate in (SR); Department of Psychiatry, University of March 4, 2021).
13 Lessler J, Grabowski MK, Grantz KH, et al.
children, with consequent risk to their Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (HZ)
Household COVID-19 risk and in-person
families. Reopening fully in the setting 1 Department for Education. Schools schooling. MedRxiv 2021; published online
coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance. March 1.
of high community transmission February, 2021. https://assets.publishing. 02.27.21252597 (preprint).
without appropriate safeguards risks
depriving many children of education Schools_coronavirus_operational_guidance.
and social interaction again, worsening pdf (accessed March 4, 2021).
existing inequalities. By contributing 2 Department for Education. Week 47 2020.
Attendance in education and early years
to high community transmission, it settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19)
also provides fertile ground for virus outbreak. Nov 24, 2020. https://explore-
evolution and new variants. statistics/attendance-in-education-and-early-
Multi-layered mitigations can years-settings-during-the-coronavirus-covid-
substantially reduce the risk of 19-outbreak/2020-week-47 (accessed
March 9, 2021).
transmission within schools and 3 Jeffreys B. More children in England missing
into households.13 In the panel we school over Covid-19. Oct 27, 2020. https://
summarise a set of recommendations (accessed March 9, 2021).
For the CDC’s guidelines for that are in line with guidelines from 4 Hyde Z. COVID‐19, children and schools:
reopening schools see https:// the US Centers for Disease Control overlooked and at risk. Med J Aust 2021; 214: 190–91.e1.
and Prevention (CDC) and practised 5 Hyde Z. Difference in SARS-CoV-2 attack rate
childcare/index.html in many countries to reduce the between children and adults may reflect bias.
risk of transmission in schools and Clin Infect Dis 2021; published online Feb 26.
mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on 6 Haug N, Geyrhofer L, Londei A, et al. Ranking
children and families. A detailed set of the effectiveness of worldwide COVID-19
government interventions. Nat Hum Behav
recommendations and an infographic 2020; 4: 1303–12.
are provided in the appendix. Making 7 Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.
schools safer goes hand in hand with Children’s Task and Finish Group: update to
4th Nov 2020 paper on children, schools and
reducing community transmission and transmission. Dec 17, 2020. https://assets.
is essential to allow schools to safely
reopen and remain open. file/948617/s0998-tfc-update-to-4-
NAA and PR were involved in SARS-CoV-2 saliva november-2020-paper-on-children-schools-
testing pilots in Southampton supported by the transmission.pdf (accessed March 4, 2021).
Department of Health and Social Care. NAA 8 Volz E, Mishra S, Chand M, et al. Transmission
experienced Long COVID symptoms. MM, SM, and of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England:
SR are members of Independent SAGE. All other insights from linking epidemiological and
authors declare no competing interests. genetic data. MedRxiv 2021; published online
Jan 4.
*Deepti Gurdasani, *Nisreen A Alwan, 10.1101/2020.12.30.20249034v2 (preprint).
9 Munday JD, Jarvis CI, Gimma A, et al.
Trisha Greenhalgh, Zoë Hyde, Estimating the impact of reopening schools on
Luke Johnson, Martin McKee, the reproduction number 2 of SARS-CoV-2 in
Susan Michie, Kimberly A Prather, England, using weekly contact survey data.
CMMID 2021; published online Feb 15.
Sarah D Rasmussen, Stephen Reicher,
Paul Roderick, Hisham Ziauddeen comix-schools.html (preprint).; 10 Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on
Modelling, Operational sub-group. Summary of further modelling. Feb 17, 2021. https://
William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary
University of London, London E1 4NS, UK (DG); uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/
School of Primary Care, Population Sciences and file/963565/S1130_SPI-M-O_Summary_of_
Medical Education, University of Southampton,
(accessed March 4, 2021).
Southampton, UK (NAA, LJ, PR); Nuffield
11 Riley S, Walters CE, Wang H, et al. REACT-1
Department of Primary Care Health Sciences,
round 9 final report: continued but slowing
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (TG); University of decline of prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 during
Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia (ZH); London national lockdown in England in
School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK February 2021. MedRxiv 2021; published online
(MM); University College London, London, UK (SM); March 6.
University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, 2021.03.03.21252856 (preprint).

2 Published online March 10, 2021

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