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Evaluation of a Point-of-Care System for Quantitative Determination of

Troponin T and Myoglobin

Article in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine · July 2000

DOI: 10.1515/CCLM.2000.083 · Source: PubMed


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14 authors, including:

Gundars Rasmanis Paul O Collinson

Karolinska University Hospital St George's, University of London


Anton N. Laggner Rainer Zerback

Medical University of Vienna Roche


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Clin Chem Lab Med 2000; 38(6):567–574 © 2000 by Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York

Evaluation of a Point-of-Care System for Quantitative

Determination of Troponin T and Myoglobin

Margit Müller-Bardorff1, Christer Sylvén2, Gundars nificant analytical interference was detected for any of
Rasmanis2, Bo Jørgensen3, Paul O. Collinson4, Ulla the assays in investigations with biotin (up to 100
Waldenhofer5, Michael M. Hirschl5, Anton N. µg/l), hemoglobin (up to 0.125 mmol/l), hematocrit (26
Laggner5, Willie Gerhardt6, Gerd Hafner7, Irene to 52%), bilirubin (up to 340 µmol/l), triglycerides (up
Labaere8, Robert Leinberger8, Rainer Zerback8 and to 5.0 mmol/l), and 18 standard drugs.
Hugo A. Katus1 With the Cardiac Reader reliable quantitative results
can be easily obtained for both cardiac markers. The
Medizinische Klinik II, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck,
system is, therefore, particularly suitable for use in
Lübeck, Germany
2 Department of Cardiology, Huddinge Hospital, Huddinge, emergency rooms, coronary care units and small hos-
Sweden pitals.
3 Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Ålborg Hospital,
Key words: Troponin T; Myoglobin; Cardiac enzymes;
Ålborg, Denmark
4 Point-of-care testing; Myocardial infarction; Unstable
Department of Pathology, Mayday University Hospital,
London, United Kingdom angina pectoris.
Notfallaufnahme, Allgemeines Krankenhaus – Universitäts- Abbreviations: cTnT cardiac troponin T; sTnT skeletal
kliniken, Wien, Austria troponin T.
6 Department of Clinical Chemistry, Helsingborg Hospital,

Helsingborg, Sweden
7 Institut für Klinische Chemie, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univer-

sität, Mainz, Germany Introduction

Evaluation Department Patient Care, Roche Diagnostics
GmbH, Mannheim, Germany The value of the determination of cardiac troponin T
(cTnT) for diagnosis, risk stratification and therapeutic
and clinical decision-making in patients with acute
We present the results of a multicenter evaluation of a coronary syndromes has been demonstrated in many
new point-of-care system (Cardiac Reader) for the retrospective and prospective studies (1–3). Due to its
quantitative determination of cardiac troponin T (CAR- high early sensitivity, myoglobin complements mea-
DIAC T Quantitative test) and myoglobin (CARDIAC M surement of troponinT with the ability for exclusion di-
test) in whole blood samples. agnosis of acute myocardial infarction (4–10), the diag-
The Cardiac Reader is a CCD camera that optically nosis of reinfarction (11) and assessment of
reads the immunochemical test strips. The measuring reperfusion in thrombolysis (12–18).
range is 0.1 to 3 µg/l for CARDIAC T Quantitative and Since its introduction in 1994, a rapid bedside test al-
30 to 700 µg/l for CARDIAC M. Both tests are calibrated lows quick and simple qualitative determination of
by the manufacturer. The reaction times of the tests cTnT. Over three generations of the test, the detection
are 12 or 8 minutes, respectively. limit has improved from the original 0.3µg/l (19–21) to
Method comparisons were performed with 281 he- 0.2µg/l in the second generation (22, 23) and finally to
parinized blood samples from patients with suspected 0.1µg/l in the third (24, 25). At the same time, cross-re-
acute coronary syndromes. The results obtained with activity with skeletal troponinT (sTnT) has been elimi-
CARDIAC T Quantitative showed a good agreement nated by replacement of one of the antibodies (25).
compared with cardiac troponin T ELISA (r = 0.89; y = Comparative studies have shown this test to be suffi-
0.93x + 0.02). The method comparison between CAR- ciently robust to be used by clinic staff outside a labo-
DIAC M and Tina-quant Myoglobin also showed a good ratory environment, delivering results of comparable
agreement between both assays (r = 0.98; y = 0.92x + analytical quality (25, 26).
1.6). Test lot-to-lot comparisons yielded differences of Similarly, there is a rapid qualitative test for early de-
2% and 6% for CARDIACT Quantitative and of 0 to 11% terminations of myoglobin (27).
for CARDIACM. However, purely qualitative determinations of tro-
The within-run imprecision with blood samples and poninT and myoglobin limit their range of appli-
control materials was acceptable for CARDIAC T Quan- cations. In the case of troponin T, although triage is
titative (CV 10 to 15%) and good for CARDIAC M (CV 5 possible on the basis of qualitative results alone, a
to 10%). The between-instrument CV was below 7% quantitative prognostic assessment of cardiac risk
for CARDIACT Quantitative and below 5% for CAR- (28–30) or a decision for a certain therapy can only be
DIACM. made if the exact troponinT concentration is known
The cross-reactivity of CARDIAC T Quantitative with (31, 32, Ohman, personal communication). For myo-
skeletal troponin T was approximately 0.003%. No sig- globin, a quantitative value is almost indispensable,
568 Müller-Bardorff et al.: Point-of-care-system for troponin T and myoglobin

since it is only through an evaluation of its release ki- Calibration of the Cardiac Reader
netics that a reliable infarct diagnosis can be made (5, CARDIACM was calibrated identically as CARDIACT Quantita-
8–10, 33, 34). Release kinetics are also required for as- tive. Parallel samples of heparinized blood and serum were
sessment of reperfusion. collected from over a hundred patients with suspected acute
We have therefore developed a system, based on the coronary syndromes. Heparinized blood samples were used
existing troponinT rapid test, that permits a quantita- to determine the reflectance with CARDIACM, and serum
tive determination of troponin T. A completely new samples to measure the myoglobin concentration with Tina-
quantitative myoglobin test was also developed for quant Myoglobin (Roche Diagnostics)1. The resulting pairs of
this system. We describe the operating principle of this values were used to calibrate this lot of CARDIACM by regres-
sion analysis. This lot served as a master lot for calibrating fur-
new system for rapid determination of troponinT and
ther lots. Using this master lot, and a new lot to be calibrated,
myoglobin in heparinized blood and present the results
measurements were taken on 18blood samples spiked with
of a multicenter evaluation. various concentrations of myoglobin. The concentrations ob-
tained with the master lot served as target concentrations for
the new lot; the corresponding reflectance values were ob-
Materials and Methods tained directly from measurements. The resulting pairs of val-
ues (target concentration/reflectance) were then used to es-
Test principle of the Cardiac Reader tablish the calibration curve for the new lot of CARDIACM.
The Cardiac Reader (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Ger- The lot-specific calibration curve is communicated to the
many) is a system for quantitative bedside determinations of reader via a code chip. The agreement of code and test strip is
checked by the bar code (Figure 1) on the bottom of the test
myoglobin (CARDIACM) and troponinT (CARDIACT Quantita-
tive). The chemical reaction principle of the test strips has strip.
been described previously (20, 21). The Cardiac Reader is a
Imprecision and between-instrument variability
camera with a charged coupled device that optically records
the reflectance signal from the detection zone of the immuno- Investigations of within-series imprecision and of inter-in-
chemical test strips (Figure1). Signal and control lines are strument variability were carried out on heparinized blood
identified by a pattern recognition algorithm. The intensity of samples collected from healthy volunteers and spiked with
the signal line is proportional to the concentration of the ana- troponin T-containing sera or purified myoglobin and with
lytes troponin T and myoglobin. The optical signal is con- control material (controls of the Cardiac Reader system and
verted into concentration via a lot-specific calibration curve calibrators of the reference methods). Hematocrit of all spiked
(see below), which is stored in a code chip. samples was readjusted to the initial value of the original
The tests require a 150µl sample of heparinized blood and donor blood sample. Each sample was measured 10times at
the reaction times are approximately 8min for myoglobin and 20different instruments using one lot. For each series (n = 10)
approximately 12min for troponinT determination. at each instrument, mean value and coefficient of variation
For CARDIACT Quantitative the quantitative measurement (CV) were calculated. The CVs for the within-series impreci-
range is 0.1 to 3µg/l troponin T; the display shows values be- sion given in the result section were calculated as mean val-
low 0.05µg/l as “negative”, values between 0.05 and 0.1µg/l ues of the 20 CVs with 20 instruments. The between-instru-
as “low”, and values above 3.0µg/l as “high”. For CARDIAC ment CVs were calculated as the CVs of the serial mean values
M, the quantitative measurement range is from 30 to 700µg/l from 20 instruments. Serial measurements were done by one
myoglobin; values below this range are displayed as “nega- laboratory technician.
tive” and values above as “high”.
Method comparisons

Method comparisons were done at seven centers using alto-

gether 281 sets of heparinized blood and serum samples col-
lected in parallel from unselected patients with suspected acute
coronary syndromes. Patients with recent cardiac surgery or
other type of interventional therapy, patients with renal and/or
skeletal disease or injury were not excluded. Multiple specimen
collection per patient was possible. We compared CARDIAC T
Quantitative (lot 226003) with cTnT ELISA (Enzymun-Test Tro-
ponin T, Roche Diagnostics)1 on multiple ES300 instruments
(Roche Diagnostics) in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-
structions, using a cut-off value of 0.1 µg/l (35).
We compared CARDIACM (lot226012-20) with Tina-quant
Myoglobin (Roche Diagnostics) on multiple Hitachi instru-
ments (Roche Diagnostics). The reference range is <69µg/l
(36) and a cut-off of 70µg/l was used in the evaluations.
Lot numbers in use for troponin T on the ES 300 analyzer
and myoglobin on the Hitachi were the same for all seven
centers contributing to the multicenter study.
Fig. 1 Test principle of Cardiac Reader.
Daily quality control

The quality control of CARDIAC T Quantitative and CARDIAC

1 M comprised a daily single determination of both CARDIAC
Tina-quant and Enzymun-Test are trademarks of a member
of the Roche group. control troponin T level 1 and 2 or both CARDIAC control myo-
Müller-Bardorff et al.: Point-of-care-system for troponin T and myoglobin 569

Tab. 1 Results of lot-to-lot comparisons.

Test Lot vs. Lot Regression equation r N Range of values (µg/l)

CARDIAC TQuantitative 226003 226005 y = 1.05x 0.93 50 0.1–2.2

226003 226013 y = 1.03x–0.01 0.92 57 0.1–2.8
226003 226014 y = 0.97x–0.01 0.96 73 0.1–2.5
226003 226026 y = 0.94x–0.01 0.96 148 0.1–3.0
226003 226031 y = 1.02x 0.97 227 0.1–3.0
CARDIAC M 226007 226008 y = 1.00x+1.0 0.98 359 30–660
226012–20 226009 y = 1.11x–1.0 0.99 142 30–540
226012–20 226012–30 y = 1.00x–2.0 0.97 176 30–660

Tab. 2 Cardiac reader. Interference studies.

Cardiac troponin T [µg/l] Myoglobin [µg/l]

Interferent 0 0.1–0.2 1 40–50 80–150 300–500

Skeletal troponin T (µg/l)

0 (reference) negative 100 100 n.d. n.d. n.d.
500 negative 110 109 n.d. n.d. n.d.
1000 negative 125 128 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Biotin (µg/l)
0 (reference) negative 100 100 100 100 100
2 negative 96 94 93 75 99
100 negative 87 61 98 66 91
Hemoglobin (mmol/l)
0 (reference) negative 100 100 100 100 100
0.075 negative 94 99 105 99 94
0.125 negative 100 98 n.d. 100 97
Bilirubin (µmol/l)
0 (reference) negative 100 100 100 n.d. 100
170 negative 104 104 100 n.d. 96
340 negative 89 105 100 n.d. 89
Triglycerides (mmol/l)
<0.8–3.5 (reference) negative 100 100 100 100 100
3.5–5.0 negative 93–110 91–100 95–100 132–133 85–109
Sample volume (µl)
135 negative 94 90 95 91 91
150 (reference) negative 100 100 100 100 100
165 negative 107 113 103 105 108

n.d. = not determined. Concentration given as final sample concentration. The percentage
recovery compared to reference is shown.

globin level 1 and 2 (Roche Diagnostics), respectively, at each solution (for final concentrations see Table2; for concentra-
center. The quality control of cTnT ELISA and Tina-quant myo- tions of the drugs see Table 3 and ref. 37) and with a human
globinwas performed at each center with the respective pack- serum sample containing troponinT in a high concentration.
age controls. The influence of triglycerides was investigated using human
lipemic serum samples spiked with troponinT sera. To deter -
Lot-to-lot comparison mine the influence of hematocrit, samples collected from pa-
tients with coronary artery disease were used. Volume depen-
To check the reproducibility of the calibration, five lots of CAR-
dence was investigated using heparinized blood samples
DIACM (226007, 226008, 226009, 2260012-20, 2260012-30)
from healthy donors spiked with a human serum sample con-
and six lots of CARDIACT Quantitative (226003, 226005,
taining troponinT in a high concentration.
226013, 226014, 226026, 226031) were investigated using
Cross-reactivity of CARDIACT Quantitative with sTnT was
fresh heparinized blood collected from patients with sus-
calculated according to the following formula:
pected acute coronary syndromes. The numbers of samples
are listed in Table1. recovered sTnT concentration
—————————————— x 100%
original sTnT concentration
Interference studies
Comparisons of recoveries in the hematocrit study were per-
To check for interfering factors, heparinized blood or plasma formed by a h-test according to Kruskal-Wallis with a level of
was spiked with potential interfering substances (sTnT), bi- significance of p < 0.05.
otin, hemoglobin, bilirubin, 18standard drugs) from a stock
570 Müller-Bardorff et al.: Point-of-care-system for troponin T and myoglobin

Tab. 3 Cardiac reader. Influence of drugs. Results

Analyte Within-series imprecision

Cardiac troponin T Myoglobin
[µg/l] [µg/l] The within-series CV (Figure 2) was 5 to 10% for CAR-
DIACM and 10 to 15% for CARDIACT Quantitative. This
Drug 0 0.2–0.4 50–80 140–200 imprecision is observed both with blood and with con-
trol materials and is fairly constant regardless of the
No drug (reference) negative 100 100 100 concentration of the analyte.
Acetaminophen (mg/l)
20 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Between-instrument variability
200 negative 100 101 108
Acetylcysteine (mg/l) The between-instrument CV for CARDIACM was 5 to
30 n.d. n.d. 110 105 10% in the concentration range below 100 µg/l and 2
150 negative 104 123 118 to 3% in the range above 100 µg/l. For CARDIAC T
Acetylsalicylic acid (mg/l)
Quantitative the between-instrument CV was 4 to 9%
300 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
(Figure 3).
1000 negative 100 106 101
Ampicillin (mg/l)
200 n.d. 88 n.d. n.d. Accuracy in the method comparison
1000 negative 126 103 101
Both Cardiac Reader methods were in good agreement
Ascorbic acid (mg/l)
with the laboratory methods.
30 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
300 negative 111 96 91
Figure 4 shows the combined method comparison of
Calcium dobesilate (mg/l) all centers between CARDIACM and Tina-quant Myo-
20 n.d. 95 n.d. n.d. globin. This shows that CARDIACM was calibrated cor-
200 negative 119 102 101 rectly, as the results obtained are 8% lower relative to
Cefoxitin (mg/l) the reference and calibration method when the whole
250 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. test range is regarded.
2500 negative 109 97 89
Cyclosporine (mg/l)
1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
5 negative 100 100 98
Heparin (U/l)
10 n.d. n.d. 92 98
5000 negative 93 86 101
Ibuprofen (mg/l)
50 n.d. 93 n.d. n.d.
500 negative 126 106 97
Intralipid (mg/l)
2000 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
10000 negative 100 99 99
Levodopa (mg/l)
4 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
20 negative 99 106 94
Methyldopa (mg/l)
2 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
20 negative 103 100 91
Metronidazole (mg/l)
10 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
200 negative 102 99 95
Phenylbutazone (mg/l)
100 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
400 negative 101 99 92
Rifampicin (mg/l)
20 n.d. 107 n.d. n.d.
60 negative 77 107 104
Tetracycline (mg/l)
10 n.d. 92 n.d. n.d.
50 negative 125 98 97
Theophylline (mg/l)
10 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
100 negative 103 100 94

n.d. = not determined. Concentrations given as final sample Fig. 2 Within-series imprecision of CARDIAC M(a) and CAR-
concentration. The percentage recovery compared to refer- DIAC T Quantitative (b). j blood samples, m controls, n = 10
ence is shown. replicates.
Müller-Bardorff et al.: Point-of-care-system for troponin T and myoglobin 571

Fig. 5 Multicenter method comparison of CARDIAC T Quan-

titative vs. cTnT ELISA. y= 0.93x + 0.02; r = 0.89. HVB = he-
parinized venous blood.

ELISA using the clinical cut-off of 0.1 µg/l, there was a

99% concordance (278 of 281 values). The three dis-
crepant values were (CARDIACT Quantitative [µg/l] /
cTnT ELISA [µg/l]): negative/0.12; 0.14/0.08; 0.14/0.09.
Fig. 3 Between-instrument imprecision of CARDIAC M (a) The same analysis was performed for myoglobin; the
and CARDIAC TQuantitative (b). j blood samples, m controls, patients were subdivided into two groups by the cut-off
n = 20 instruments. level of 70 µg/l for myoglobin. Again, there was a good
concordance of the values received with CARDIAC M
when compared with those of the Tina-quant Myoglo-
bin method (94%; 264 of 281 values). Ten of the 17 dis-
crepant paired values were between 60 and 80 µg/l, 4
between 50 and 90µg/l.

Daily quality control

The results of the daily quality control are listed in
Table 4. With CARDIAC M and CARDIAC T Quantitative,
slightly poorer recovery and imprecision were observed
from “day-to-day” than “within” series, which may be
attributable to daily variations in reconstitution of the
controls. The values obtained with the reference meth-
ods show the variation to be within the target ranges.

Lot-to-lot variability
In lot-to-lot comparisons, the lots of CARDIACT Quan-
titative investigated showed good agreement with one
another, as did the lots of CARDIACM (Table1). For
Fig. 4 Multicenter method comparison of CARDIAC M vs. CARDIACT Quantitative, the correlation coefficients r
Tina-quant Myoglobin. y= 0.92x + 1.6; r = 0.98. HVB = he- were between 0.92 and 0.97 and the accuracy differ-
parinized venous blood. ences were between –6% and +5%. CARDIAC M
showed correlation coefficients between 0.97 and 0.99
with accuracy differences ranging from 0% to +11%.
The same analysis for CARDIACT Quantitative with
the cTnTELISA reference method showed a bias of 7%
for the whole test range (Figure 5).
When the results obtained with CARDIACT Quantita- In investigations with biotin (up to 100 µg/l), hemoglo-
tive were compared with the reference method cTnT bin (up to 2000 mg/l), bilirubin (up to 200 mg/l), and
572 Müller-Bardorff et al.: Point-of-care-system for troponin T and myoglobin

Tab. 4 Summary of the results of the daily quality control in the multicenter evaluation.

Target value (µg/l) Mean day-to-day imprecision Median day-to-day recovery

(range) (CV in %) (range) (%)

CARDIAC T Quantitative Negative All negative Negative

0.37 16.5 (9.5–23.7) 88 (61–101)
CARDIAC M 94 7.7 (5.9–10.2) 98 (87–107)
431 8.7 (7.5–10.4) 91 (85–103)
Enzymun troponin T 0.00 – –
3.16 6.1 (3.1–11.1) 103 (97–109)
Tina-quant Myoglobin 53 3.4 (0.0–6.2) 100 (98–101)
260 2.2 (0.8–3.4) 99 (99–101)

Tab. 5 The effect of the hematocrit on the relative recovery such as troponin T rather than simple ruling in or out of
of the troponin T concentration (cTnT ELISA) by CARDIAC T myocardial infarction based on classic WHO criteria.
Quantitative and of the myoglobin concentration (Tina-quant A crucial point for the clinical utility of a marker is the
Myoglobin) by CARDIAC M. time from the first investigation of the patient and
blood sampling until the time a result is available
Hematocrit (%) CARDIAC T CARDIAC M
which is then used for clinical and therapeutic decision-
making by the physician. In this setting, point-of-care
Recovery (%) n Recovery (%) n systems will offer a more rapid result.
It is now possible to test highly specific troponin T
25–34 98 22 103 14 and the early marker myoglobin quantitatively with a
35–44 94 132 106 66 turnaround time of less than 15 minutes at the bedside.
45–54 87 40 106 12 No significant analytical interference was found
when various standard drugs, triglycerides, bilirubin
The medians for different hematocrit ranges are shown. and biotin were tested. Underdosing or overdosing a
blood sample by 15 µl (standard volume 150 µl) influ-
enced the test result by no more than 10%. The cross-
triglycerides (up to 5000 mg/l), no significant analytical reactivity with skeletal troponin T was calculated to be
interference was detected, i.e. all deviations from ex- approximately 0.003%. No significant correlation was
pected values were ≤ 10%. Overdosing or underdosing found between the hematocrit and the concentration-
by 15µl affected the test result by no more than 10% dependent recovery with both quantitative bedside as-
(Table2). says.
Appreciable cross-reactivity with sTnT was only ob- Addition of all the errors (imprecision, lot-to-lot vari-
served at concentrations from 1000µg/l. Cross-reactiv- ability, accuracy in the method comparison) yielded a
ity was, therefore, calculated to be approximately total error range of ±25% for CARDIACT Quantitative
0.003% (Table2). and ±30% for CARDIACM. The variation of a test result
Various standard drugs did not influence the recov- is of most importance in the range near the cut-off
ery with CARDIACT Quantitative and CARDIACM by level. At the cut-off for troponinT (0.1µg/l), CARDIAC T
more than 26% when toxic concentrations of the drugs Quantitative, therefore, has a maximum range of varia-
were used, and by no more than 12% when therapeutic tion between 0.075 and 0.125µg/l, after taking into ac-
concentrations were used (Table 3). count the differences between lots and the comparison
No significant correlation was found between hema- with the reference method. At the cut-off for myoglobin
tocrit and the recovery of the reference method con- (70µg/l), CARDIACM has a calculated maximum range
centrations by the Cardiac Reader tests (CARDIAC T of variation from 49 to 91µg/l. However, in serial mea-
Quantitative: r = 0.12, CARDIACM: r = –0.05). The surements with CARDIACM, which is the primary need
slightly lower recovery with CARDIAC M at higher for a quantitative myoglobin value, only imprecision
hematocrits is not significant (p > 0.05) in the h-test ac- remains as a source of variation, so that the total error
cording to Kruskal-Wallis (Table 5). range diminished to ±15% (59 to 81µg/l at the cut-off).
When using the clinical cut-off of 0.1 µg/l, there were
only 1% discordant results between CARDIACT Quan-
Discussion titative and the reference method cTnT ELISA. Compar-
ing the two myoglobin tests with the cut-off level of 70
Newer cardiac markers like the troponins have con- µg/l, we found 6% discordant results. These discrepan-
tributed substantially to the diagnostic workup of pa- cies of 1% with troponin T and 6% with myoglobin are
tients with suspected myocardial infarction. Risk strati- probably caused by imprecision of both the tested
fication of patients with unstable angina and suspected method and the reference method.
minor myocardial damage is possible with a marker The Cardiac Reader was designed to allow a rapid
Müller-Bardorff et al.: Point-of-care-system for troponin T and myoglobin 573

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