The Concept of Music Art Activities Is Learning To Increase The Creativity of Students in Elementary Schools

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Anis Muzkiyah1

1. 2321087, PGMI Seni Musik B

Education is a person's attempt to improve their knowledge and skills so that they can live longer. A person's problem-
solving skills relate to their level of creativity. Creative learners are always looking for new ways to solve the
problems they are facing. The art of music can give learners the ability to express themselves, to build their personality
through music, making it easier for them to express their feelings. This study used a type of literature study known
as a literature review. The narrative review model identifies the researcher's writing about the research subject.
The art of music can teach discipline, tolerance, socialization, and democratic attitudes, which also have an impact
on students' feelings toward their environment. At the elementary school level, the art of music encourages students
to play and learn. One of the goals of music art education in elementary schools is to encourage learners to express
thoughts and feelings through elements of beauty such as melody, rhythm, and harmony. Music art activities give
learners the ability to think creatively and enable them to create according to their personal needs. The
development of students' creativity through musical activities is very important so that students can ultimately turn
ideas into problem solutions.

Keywords : music, creativity, learning, elementary school

by considering many factors. One of these efforts
INTRODUCTION is to concentrate on character building to develop
human resources(Nurhuda et al., 2022). Education
Education is an effort to improve the today is expected to produce human resources
knowledge and skills of individuals to maintain who have strong communication and
their lives. A person is considered educated if he collaboration skills, experts in using technology,
has forged a level and is considered to have creative and innovative thinking skills, and the
mastered a knowledge or skill. In education, an ability to solve problems(Andrian &; Rusman,
individual must have knowledge and skills that 2019). Therefore, the current curriculum applies
are by their interests and talents. There are many learning that makes students have knowledge
ways to pursue education not only through formal equipped with skills to prepare a generation that
means but also through non-formal methods such can develop and prosper the Indonesian state.
as course institutions or others. Education is very The learning process is systematic,
important to support the survival of an individual complex, and structured (Pratiwi et al., 2021).
so that they can survive outwardly and inwardly. Learning is a teaching and learning activity that
Therefore, throughout the world education is a top aims to convey knowledge from teachers or
priority that can assess the prosperity of a country. educators to students. The development of
In Indonesia itself, education has been regulated education through increasing human resources is
in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution’s fourth carried out, one of which is in educational
paragraph which indicates that the Indonesian institutions, namely schools, and colleges. This is
state has a national goal of educating the nation. because schools are effective places to carry out
At present, education does not only focus on the learning and shape student behavior to be by the
thinking ability of students but also the skills of norms of life (Dute, 2021). However, learning is
students. To strive to improve education in not only about knowledge but also about skills
Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Education that aim to hone the talents and interests, and
has several times changed the curriculum system creativity of students. Remembering students'
skills is needed
to support students' thinking skills so that they can attention to many things so that students can
determine the direction of future goals that suit easily understand tone, rhythm, and so on because
them. with music art students can develop their skills
A person's problem-solving skills are and work together.
related to the creativity of the person. Students According to (Irawana &; Desyandri,
who can think creatively will always look for 2019) The art of music can provide the ability to
many ways to solve problems related to express themselves to students who aim to
themselves. Creativity is the ability to find various develop their personality with music so that
ways of solving problems faced by students in participants will easily express their feelings. By
learning situations based on the behavior of playing an active role in music activities,
students to face unavoidable changes in the participants can develop creativity, music will
learning process of students(Teol et al., n.d.). At help shape the character of student development,
the elementary school level, students' creativity is build a sense of beauty, express expression, and
developed through fun activities that can hone train honesty, discipline, and creative thinking. In
their skills. Creative individuals or groups are addition, according to (Yuni, 2017) Character
always needed in the environment in which they development in the implementation of music
live because they can create continuous learning is by the planning that has been prepared
change(Hasanah &; Suyadi, 2020). Paying by the teacher before carrying out music learning
attention to the growth and development of activities. Character values that appear in
students of all potentials, be it the talents, character education in the implementation of
interests, and creativity of students is certainly music art learning in Class V SDN 011/XI Desa
very important so that they can grow well(HUDA Gedang Kota Sungai Full there are 14 character
&; MUNASTIWI, 2020). Preparing the potential values consisting of religious values, discipline,
of talent and creativity in students is a must that tolerance, love to reading, honesty, creativity,
needs to be considered by teachers, this is because responsibility, independence, curiosity,
knowing the potential possessed by students will democratic, hard work, respect achievements,
make it capital in navigating the flow of their life social care, and friendly/communicative.
development, including capital in determining Based on this description, it appears that
careers or finding jobs that are by their potential efforts to increase student creativity get a more
in the future(Cahyati, 2018). One way to increase important portion in learning music at school.
the creativity of students is through music and art This is the purpose of national education, which is
activities that are used for learning in a class. to form people who believe and fear God
There are various definitions of music Almighty, are ethical (civilized and culturally
including that (1) music is the sound of something minded Indonesians), have reason (advanced,
that is captured by hearing, (2) music is a work of intelligent enough, creative, innovative, and
art with all its main and supporting elements, and responsible), have social communication skills
(3) music is all sounds produced intentionally by a (orderly and law- aware, cooperative and
person or group of individuals presented as music. competitive, democratic), and have healthy bodies
From some of these definitions, music is all so that they become independent humans. So it
sounds produced by humans consciously that are can be concluded to increase the creativity of
presented as music (Irawana &; Desyandri, 2019). students, music and art activities are one of the
Music is one of the real and sound-shaped arts in effective ways that can be done in schools. Thus,
physics that has many benefits or advantages and researchers will describe the concept of music art
can stimulate the formation of human character activities to increase the creativity of students at
and ethics (Holy, 2019). Every individual has a the elementary school level.
genre of music that can show a person's
characteristics or attitudes. Using music as a
means of increasing the creativity of students is RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
one effective way because with music they can This research uses a type of literature
express themselves. This music art activity is review research with a narrative review model.
usually one of the learnings that are preferred by Narrative review Identify What researchers write
students because it is fun and does not make about something object or subject of study. The
students bored. In carrying out music art learning, purpose is to summarize the existing scientific
an educator or teacher must pay
literature and prepare reports Latest art activities, students can get to know more about
Comprehensive on related information topic their regional culture because each region has a
certain (Haryana, 2021). The research method different type of music.
used is in the form of qualitative research methods The art of music at the elementary school
with data sources used in the form of secondary level directs students in essence to play and learn.
data obtained from several international journals, The role of music education in elementary schools
articles, and previous research that have been is to develop students to be able to express
analyzed by the author related to the problems to thoughts and feelings through elements of beauty
be studied in this study. Researchers use analytical that can be in the form of melody, rhythm, and
descriptive methods by collecting, identifying, harmony(Restian et al., 2019). In the
compiling, and analyzing various data found. implementation of music art activities through
learning, there are various ways that teachers can
RESULT AND DISCUSSION do to teach music learning to students, namely by
1. Music activities at the elementary learning about information, namely music as a
school level learning tool that can help students to more easily
remember learning experiences and information,
Music art activities are fun activities that then attention, behavior, and atmosphere, namely
someone does to express or show their talents. In to increase student attention to learning that can
musical activities, a person can freely choose the create a supportive learning atmosphere and train
genre of music he likes. Music activities in students to build good community experiences,
elementary schools are usually contained in the and train and bring out personal expression in
subjects of Arts and Culture and Crafts (SBdP) students. It should also be noted that in the
which have an important role in the direct implementation of music art activities in
formation of artistic competence and talent in elementary schools, it is necessary to consider
students(Bella &; Respati, 2021). The art of music several things that can hinder the achievement of
has a very important role in the motor goals and success in the implementation of art
development of students because students have learning activities, especially music in schools,
the opportunity to hone their talents through fun namely internal factors, namely physiological and
musical activities together. At the elementary biological factors of students, then external factors
school level, music activities are carried out that affect music learning activities in schools,
simply by introducing the basics of music art to be which are related to teaching methods, the social
further developed at the junior and upper-middle environment of the community, family, and
levels. peers(UMM PGSD Team, 2017).
Music can shape the character of Music art activities have many benefits
discipline, tolerance, socialization, and democratic for students, one of which is to develop and
attitudes which include sensitivity to the improve the creativity of students. Music learning
environment towards students. It can be in schools has the aim to: (1) cultivate a certain
concluded that music education plays an level of artistic sense in each child through the
important role to help the individual development development of musical awareness, responses to
of students which will later have an impact on the music, and the ability to express himself through
growth of their mind, mind, socialization, and music, to enable a child to develop faith in the
emotions in the future(Nadia et al., 2023). With next world; (2) improve the ability to listen to
good character, students can have high creativity music through intellectual and artistic means by
so that they can face solving the problems they the culture of the nation; and 3) can be used as a
face in various ways. Music education is an stepping stone to continue studies to a higher level
educational process that can help students express of music education (Fadhilah, 2023). With this
their ideas or ideas arising from environmental goal, it is hoped that students will be able to
symptoms by using musical elements so that the participate in music and art activities with fun so
formation of a musical work cannot be separated that they can easily develop their talents.
from a sense of beauty(Irawana &; Desyandri, Music activities at the elementary level
2019). Through music activities, students are are not too complicated as at the junior and upper
guided to express their emotions through the secondary levels. In particular, the objectives of
melodies they learn during learning activities. In teaching music in elementary schools include:
addition, with music
1. Students can know the rhythm, feel rhythm closer to the musical forms of language. The
through musical experience and passion, have a music itself includes not only instruments but also
sense of rhythm motion, make rhythmic vocals. This means that when someone knows
movements, make simple rhythm patterns, and how to play music, they cannot be said to be a
read the notation of rhythm patterns correctly. musician if they do not understand vocal
2. Students can have knowledge of melody, feel techniques. Music is also the work of human
melody through musical experience and passion, creation using the medium of sound to enjoy it.
have a sense of melody motion, create simple Music comes in the form of unity of rhythm,
melodic patterns, and read melodic notation melody, harmony, form, style, and expression
correctly. (Sutikno, 2020).
3. Students can know harmony, feel harmony Since music has many creative aspects,
through knowledge and passion for music, have a increased creativity in music learning is essential
sense of harmony motion, accompany simple to achieve optimal musical knowledge,
songs with simple harmony instruments, and read comprehension, and mastery(Mirzayev, 2021).
harmony notation simply. For example, perception, visual, auditory,
4. Students can know of song form/structure anticipation, inductive-deductive thinking,
through musical experience and passion, have memory, concentration, and logic allow analogy
shadow-sensing song forms, and compose simple in music. Basic problems such as ways of thinking
songs. or "new music" that offer ways to achieve certain
5. Students can be knowledgeable about methods, and compositional goals become central
expression, feel expression through musical to musical activity. Students will practice
experience and passion, have a sense of various concentration, memory, and improvisation skills
levels of expression, and sing or play songs with a to achieve these goals. Inviting children to
high level of expression(Noviyanti et al., 2021). discover and use new musical instruments to
Thus, providing opportunities for students develop their creativity can help them make
to create music, listen, and show musical arts that music. For example, they make creative musical
suit each student personally can develop creativity instruments by using the tools that are around
in the field of music. Children's involvement in them, such as bottles, barrels, buckets, and
playing music can stimulate the senses and bamboo, and play with their creativity(Ridwan et
improve their thinking in learning. In addition, al., 2020).
simple musical instruments can make children Conventional music learning, such as only
more expressive, creative, and imaginative so that learning to sing songs from the beginning of class
music learning activities certainly cannot be to the end of the lesson or just learning music
separated from singing, playing musical theory without practicing it, will cause children to
instruments, listening to various pieces of music, be unable to understand music thoroughly, unable
and understanding material. to apply it in reality, and not discovering their
2. Creativity in Music Art Learning in musical talent and potential (Yuwono &
Elementary School Mirnawati, 2021). This also creates a difference
Learning music is one of the means for between the interests of students who use
developing student creativity through fun game elements of creativity in music learning with the
activities. Fun music art activities can stimulate interests of students who are taught with
the brain ability of learners so that they easily conventional methods. Students who use elements
create and explore themselves. Art education’s of creativity can see or think extraordinary things,
purpose is not to nurture students to become blend seemingly irrelevant information, and come
artists but to educate students to be creative. Art is up with new ideas or solutions. Students also love
a game activity, with games being able to educate having the freedom to speak.
students as best they can. Music is being able to Art education helps humans become sensitive,
express things that cannot be implemented with communicative, creative, and reflective. Thus, art
words or any other type of art. Philosophers also education serves as a vehicle for constructive
stated that music would be more capable and humanization. Sensitive means sensitive to
expressive of expressing feelings than various phenomena in human life and the
spoken/written language. This means that the environment. The ability to communicate using
form of human feeling is much symbolic language to convey feelings, thoughts,
and ideas. Reflective, which means having the
ability to see one's strengths and weaknesses.
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