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G Materials
Lesson 4 @tffltffljt t f i l ) ~
O Teach/Problem Solving J
• vocabulary card: nearest thousand , • 100-pack sticky notes

poster: Hanging Out at the Mall ,
poster: Number Notes , •
(30 packs); index card
Lesson pie-symbols (CD)

workmat: 29
sticky notes

rounding tool (CD)
Lesson pie-symbols (CD)
I Learned template (CD)

workmat: 29 1
rounding tool (CD)

popcorn seeds (3/4 cup)
plastic bag •
(50 packs)
index cards
Introduce and Connect ]'
Show sticky notes are in packs of 100. Count them to 1,000; 2 ,000; and 3,000.
Number Sense
Model making sets of sticky notes (2,300; 1,500) Students explore amounts of sticky •
notes, workmat 29, and rounding tool. Point out large amounts on poster and
estimate how many; round to nearest thousand using the word "about. "
B. VOCABULARY: nearest thousand \I.mi
Show/give Concrete Connections: Put popcorn seeds in bag . Label 1,500. Write 1,0oof - ,0- 0- -
and 2,000 on index cards. Circle 2,000. Fasten left and right of seeds. .
Show Vocabulary card. Say, "This says nearest thousand. Read it." Students read .
Nearest thousand means a number in the thousands closest to a given number.
Ask, "How did we learn about thousands and rounding?" Students tell what they see on poster or w hat they
know using items explored. Say, "Tell what happens when I round to nearest thousand ." De monstrate, round-
ing 3,123 to 3,000. Say, "3,123 is about 3,000. Repeat with 3,999. Students tell what happened . ffl
Write student discussion comments on Number Notes poster to model writing about math . Wri te or :;,ttach
numbers, math symbols, words, pie-symbols, or objects. Model writing vocabulary "nearest thousa r>d. "

0 Teach

Use sticky notes, workmat 29, rounding tool, and pie-symbols to show your thinking. Cut rou.1c ing looi 1nips.
Fasten strips at 4 & ·5 and slide into horizontal strip. Secure horizontal ·strip. Draw broken number line 1,000-
2,000 by hundreds. Demonstrate each CSA level twice. Give students opportunity to try each CSA level.

Count 1,230 sticky notes. Say, 'There are 1,230 sticky notes. Are there about 1,000 or 2,000? Round 1,230 to
nearest thousand." Show 1,000 and 2,000 sticky notes on either side of 1,230 sticky notes. Say, "There are n·t
enough to be near 2,000. Round to 1,000. 1,230 is about 1,000." Repeat with 1,521 & 1,800.

Write 1,000 to 2,000 by hundreds (start at bottom left of workmat) . Show hundreds nearest 1,000 & 2,000. 3how
500 rounds up. Write 1,230. Say, "Look at hundreds to round to nearest thousand ." Point to 200 . f7ir on work- I
- I
mat. Move finger to 1,000. Say, "1 ,230 is nearest 1,000." Show on broken number line. Repeat with ; 52 1; 1,800.

Write 1,230. Show on drawn broken number line & rounding tool. Say, "Look at hundreds to round to nearest
thousand. Yellow means round down. 0, 1,2,3,4 are yellow. Green means round up. 5,6,7,8,9 are gre en." Show
hundreds strip at 2. Show thousands stay at 1. Move others to 0. Say, "1,230 is nearest 1,000." Repeat with
1,521 and 1,800.

B. TRY IT: Skill Drill Worksheet

Students round 4-digit numbers to nearest thousand by writing or choosing rounded number.
12 NO • Section A • Lesson 4
© Copyright by Ab leNet Inc. Reproduction Prohibited. fi~
~n Sensing Math

Lesson 4
Place popcorn seeds or lentils in sensory table or tub with 1/2 cup measure and large.bowl. Students esti-
mate amount of seeds in a half-cup as "about 1,000." Students measure and pour 1/2 cupfuls of seeds as
other students count... "about 1,000 ... about 2,000 .. .about 3,000" etc.

e Problem Solving
Jed had to buy "about 3,000" napkins for the company picnic. He found a carton of 2,345 napkins and a carton of
2,800 napkins. Which is nearest 3,000? Show how to solve in 3 ways using CSA materials.
Each homeroom in Edison School had a contest for most pages read in two weeks. Room A read 1,105 and
Room B read 1,500 pages. Which is nearest 2,000 pages? Students may choose materials to solve. Place CSA
materials and index cards on table . Draw broken number line with hundreds from 1,000 to 2,000.

Students count sticky notes to match 1,000 pages, then 105 pages. Ask, "Which is 1,105 nearest - 1,000 or
2,000?" Show place on number line. Say "1 ,105 is closer to 1,000." Say, "Round to nearest thousand ." Write
choices on cards : 1,000, 1,105 notes, 2,000. Students choose . Repeat with 1,500.
A Students write 1,000 to 2,000 by hundreds on workmat 29. Read the numbers. Students find hundreds place
in 1,105 and on workmat. Ask, "Which is nearest thousand?" Students answer and check on broken number
line. Repeat with 1,500. Students answer and record 1,000 and 2,000. Challenge: 2,564.
A Students move numbers on rounding tool to match first number and choose the nearest thousand. Students
write the original number and rounded number. Students ~epeat with 1,500. Students choose number to
record solution to problem. Challenge: Round to nearest thousand - 2,564; 5,369; 3,768
C . TRY MORE : Problem Solving Worksheet
Students round numbers and write or choose number.
D. PROVE IT: Ask Students
"What can you tell me about rounding to the nearest thousand?"
"How did you solve the problem?" Students answer the questions.
"Show where you got the answer."
"Show what helped you get the answer." Students answer the questions.

A "Show which part proves the answer."

.._.,"- "Why did you choose this to solve the problem?" Students answer the questions. J I!
1 Ii

'l . ] : ~ ~:ARNED •
Students write or demonstrate each answer to the questions on mat. Provide tools and manipu !a tives used in lesson.
~ ,,,_ See "I Learned" template for appropriate level.

~ J
Ask "What have you learned?" Students write using numbers, math symbols, words , pie-symbols, or obJects

to describe what.they have learned. Students write the vocabulary word .

NO • Section A • Lesson 4 13
© Copyc;ght by AbleNel too. Repcod,choo Pm h;b;ted.

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