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In this chapter, the findings of the study were

presented, analysed, and interpreted base from this sequence

of the problem stated in Chapter 1.

On the Profile of the Respondents

Table 2 represents the profile of the respondent, which

are the following variables: age and sex.


Profile of the Respondents

Variables Frequency Percentage

(n=179) (%)
Male 74 41.3
Female 105 58.7
Variables Min Max
Mean SD
AGE 17 20
17.88 0.784

Table 2 displays the result of the sex profile of the

respondents, majority of them were female who got the

highest frequency count of 105 and percentage value of 58.7

and male respondents of 74 who got the lowest percentage

value of 41.3.

However, on the age profile of the respondents has a

minimum age of 17 years old and maximum of 20 years old, the

mean value of 17.88 and standard deviation of 0.784.

On the Pre-test scores and Post-test Scores of the

Respondents Prior to Exposing them to Different Teaching


Table 3 below represented the Pre-test scores and Post-

test Scores of the respondents prior to exposing them to

different teaching method.

Table 3a


Variable Min Max Mean SD Interpretation

(%) (%) (%)
(OBJECTIVES) 64 98 81.42 7.406 Satisfactory/

Post test 82 100 91.89 4.828 Very

(OBJECTIVES) Satisfactory/
(ESSAY) 60 100 84.98 11.982 Satisfactory/

Post test 68 100 90.93 9.609 Very

(ESSAY) Satisfactory/
Transmuted Value Interpretations Parameter

60-74 Did Not Meet Expectation Very Low

75-79 Fair Low
80-89 Satisfactory Average
90-95 Very Satisfactory High
96-100 Excellent Very High

Table 3a shows the results on the pretest and post-test

towards student-centered approach, hence, on the objective

type of experiment pre-test grade got maximum rating of 98%

and minimum of 64%, which was determined their overall mean

of only 81.42% and standard deviation of 7.406. Thus, the

results interpreted as “satisfactory” and “average” level on

the parameter. On the essay type of experiment, pretest got

a maximum grade of 100% and minimum grades of 60% having a

mean grade of 84.98% lied on “satisfactory” and “average”

level on the set parameter.

Furthermore, on the post test results after the

application of student-centered approach, on the objective

type, they got a maximum rating of 100% and minimum of 82%

having a mean value of 91.89% with standard deviation of

4.828 which is almost 10% of the rating difference from the

pre-test, thus, the results interpreted as “very

satisfactory” and “high” on the level of parameter. Lastly,

the post test results on the essay type of test, they got a

maximum grade of 100% and minimum grades of 68% has a mean

value of 90.93% with standard deviation of 9.609 interpreted

as “very satisfactory” and “High” on the level of parameter.

(insert additional thoughts and citations)

Table 3b


Variable Min Max Mean SD Interpretation

(%) (%) (%)
(OBJECTIVES) 66 92 76.49 6.174 Fair/Low

Post test 66 93 79.89 5.505 Fair/Low


Pre-test 60 100 78.07 11.971 Fair/Low


Post test 60 100 84.27 12.088 Satisfactory/

(ESSAY) Average
Transmuted Value Interpretations Parameter

60-74 Did Not Meet Expectation Very Low

75-79 Fair Low
80-89 Satisfactory Average
90-95 Very Satisfactory High
96-100 Excellent Very High

Table 3b displays the pretest and post-test towards

teacher-centered approach experiment, thus, on the objective

type of experiment pre-test grade got maximum rating of 92%

and minimum of 66%, which was determined their overall mean

of only 76.49% and standard deviation of 6.174. Thus, the

results interpreted as “fair” and “low” level on the

parameter. On the essay type of experiment, pretest got a

maximum grade of 100% and minimum grades of 60% having a

mean grade of 78.07% lied on “Fair” and “Low” level on the

set parameter.

Additionally, on the post test results after the

application of teacher-centered approach, on the objective

type, they got a maximum rating of 93% and minimum of 66%

having a mean value of 79.89% with standard deviation of

5.505 which is almost 4% of the rating difference from the

pre-test, thus, the results interpreted as “Fair” and “Low”

on the level of parameter. Lastly, the post test results on

the essay type of test, they got a maximum grade of 100% and

minimum grades of 60% has a mean value of 84.27% with

standard deviation of 12.088 interpreted as “satisfactory”

and “Average” on the level of parameter.

(insert additional thoughts and citations)

On the Significant difference between the pretest and the

post test scores of the student-centered approach and the

teacher-centered approach.

Table 5 represented the significant difference between

the pretest and the post test scores of the student-centered

approach and the teacher-centered approach.

Table 5a


PRETEST Student-Centered Approach Teacher-Centered Approach

t- D r Deg. t- D r Deg.
value value
Student- 0.0026 Sig. +0.628 S/H
Centered ** - - - -
Teacher 0.0024 Sig. +0.515 M/S
Centered - - - - **

**t-values < 0.05 is significant


Ranges r Degree/strength of
± 1.00 Perfect relationship
± 0.80 ¿ 0.99 Very strong/very high
± 0.60 ¿ 0.79 Strong/high
± 0.40 ¿ 0.59 Moderate/substantial
± 0.20 ¿ 0.39 Weak/small
± 0.01¿ 0.19 Almost negligible to slight
0.0 No correlation

Table 5a determined the significant difference of the

pre-test and post results of student-centered approach and

teacher-centered approach based on the two types of tests.

It was revealed that pretest had significant difference to

the post test on the objective type of test with a t- value

of 0.0026 with r coefficient of +0.628 interpreted as strong

and high degree of relationship and it was rejected the null


Additionally, on the teacher-centered approach it was

determined that has a significant difference with t value of

0.0024 and r coefficient +0.515 lied on moderate and

substantial degree of relationship, hence, it was rejected

the null hypothesis.

Hence, the t-values that less than 0.05 will be

determined as significant otherwise is none significant.

Insert additional thoughts and citations….

Table 5b


PRETEST Student-Centered Approach Teacher-Centered Approach

t- D r Deg. t- D r Deg.
value value
Student- 0.0010 Sig. +0.446 M/S
Centered ** - - - -
Teacher 0.002 Sig. +0.318 W/S
Centered - - - - **

**t-values < 0.05 is significant


Ranges r Degree/strength of
± 1.00 Perfect relationship
± 0.80 ¿ 0.99 Very strong/very high
± 0.60 ¿ 0.79 Strong/high
± 0.40 ¿ 0.59 Moderate/substantial
± 0.20 ¿ 0.39 Weak/small
± 0.01¿ 0.19 Almost negligible to slight
0.0 No correlation

Table 5b determined the significant difference of the

pre-test and post results of student-centered approach and

teacher-centered approach based on the two types of tests.

It was then found out that pretest had significant

difference to the post test on the essay type of test with a

t-value of 0.0010 with r coefficient of +0.446 interpreted

as moderate and substantial degree of relationship and it

was rejected the null hypothesis.

Lastly, on the teacher-centered approach it was

observed that has a significant difference with t value of

0.002 and r coefficient +0.318 lied on the weak and small

degree of relationship, hence, it was rejected the null


Insert additional thoughts and citations….

On the Significant Correlation between the Post Test scores

of the Student-Centered Approach and the Post Test Scores on

Teacher-Centered Approach.

Table 6 represented the significant correlation between

the post test scores of the student-centered approach and

the post test scores on teacher-centered approach.

Table 6

Significant Correlation on Student-Centered Approach and

Teacher-Centered Approach of Post Test Results

Student- Teacher-Centered Approach

Approach Objectives Essay
t- D r Deg. t- D r Deg.
value value
Objec- 0.016 Sig. +0.652 S/H
tives ** - - - -
Essay 0.028 Sig. +0.615 S/H
- - - - **
**t-values < 0.05 is significant


Ranges r Degree/strength of
± 1.00 Perfect relationship
± 0.80 ¿ 0.99 Very strong/very high
± 0.60 ¿ 0.79 Strong/high
± 0.40 ¿ 0.59 Moderate/substantial
± 0.20 ¿ 0.39 Weak/small
± 0.01¿ 0.19 Almost negligible to slight
0.0 No correlation

Revealed on Table 7 the significant correlation between

the post test of student-centered approach and teacher-

centered approach application during the experiment. Based

on the objective type of test resulted with t value of 0.016

and determined with +0.652 r coefficient which is strong and

high on the degree of relationship. It was then rejected the

null hypothesis.

On the other hand, the essay type of test flaunted with

significant correlation on the student-centered and teacher

centered approach with t value of 0.028 and r coefficient of

+0.615 has strong and high degree of relationship and it was

rejected the null hypothesis.

(insert additional thoughts and citations..)


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