A Project Proposal

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Magsayo, Williann Mae C.

Destajo, Kristine Joy V.
Casamayor, Franzchel S.
Baid, Lojaine C.
Martos, Roshell C.
Viadnes, Carrissa A.

Ma’am Jacqueline Francisco


June 05, 2023
Waste Management: W.A.R 3


The procedures and actions necessary to manage garbage from its creation to its
ultimate disposal are referred to as waste management or waste disposal. This covers
waste collection, transportation, treatment and disposal as well as the oversight and
control of the waste management procedure. Waste can be solid, liquid or gaseous and
each type is managed and disposed of in a different way. Waste management
encompasses all waste categories, including radioactive, organic, household, and
biological wastes. Waste occasionally poses a risk to human health. The entire waste
management process is linked to health problems.
The handling of solid waste can cause health problems directly, while the
consumption of water, soil and food can cause them indirectly. Human activity, such as
the mining and processing of basic resources, produces waste. Trash management is to
lessen the negative consequences of trash on the environment and human health.
There are differences in waste management procedures between developed and
developing countries, urban and rural regions, residential and commercial sectors and
even within the same country.
Although effective waste management is crucial for creating sustainable and livable
communities, many developing nations and cities still struggle with it. We aim to
produce this project to reduce the dangerous effects of such waste on the environment
and human health. Municipal solid waste, which is produced by commercial, industrial
and residential activities, makes up a significant portion of waste management, and the
goal here is to lessen the hazardous impacts of such garbage.
We need to engage the production industry and support them in developing products
that are optimally recyclable to the greatest extent possible once consumers decide to
generate their end-of-life products as waste. Improving the collection, processing and
treatment of recyclables and waste is important, but it is not sufficient. This advocacy
effort is focused on spreading awareness of correct and improper solid waste
management, the 3Rs, and the tragedy that will result from people continuing to
discard trash wherever they choose. Reducing, reusing and recycling or the 3R concept,
is becoming widely acknowledged as a fundamental guiding principle for implementing
effective waste management solutions.
Even with flawless software implementation, this strategy will only allow for
enhancements up to a certain extent. By implementing useful additional and sustainable
material flow loops that aid in reducing resource consumption and emissions along the
value chain of primary resource extraction and processing, we can continue to improve
the situation until this point, at which time we will become trapped and unable to do so.
We must be very conscious of the following things as we take steps to reach a goal.


To protect the well-being of living things. Everyone deserves to live a healthy
lifestyle throughout the life but this is only possible if there is a clean and safe
environment for everyone to live. As everyone may know, garbage is one of the big
source of pollution these days and it is something that we shouldn’t easily ignore.
Second is to reduce waste production. Ensuring proper garbage management methods
aids in the reduction of scrap formation. Because by doing this it teaches you to
minimize, recycle and reuse as much as possible. Reducing wastes reduces the costs
associated with its disposal. Also, is to lessen the impacts of pollution. Reducing the
negative effects of garbage on pollution is another goal. When food scraps are left in
open spaces, they will begin to degrade and release poisonous methane. This strong
methane gas causes pollution that results in global warming. Therefore, by learning the
proper garbage processing produces, you can reduce the impact of pollution.


Waste disposal has significant environmental consequences and can lead to
catastrophic difficulties. An effective waste management system can lead to the
availability of valuable resources for reuse. It is essential to the environment to reduce,
reuse, and recycle your garbage. One of the most significant aspects of waste
minimization is waste reduction. Avoiding the wasteful use of resources means fewer
wastes to handle. Waste reduction aims to remove garbage before it is produced. The
next most cost-effective method of reducing waste is to reuse garbage in its original
form. Reusing an item prevents it from being thrown away and ending up in a landfill.
It also means you don't have to buy a new product, which saves energy and resources
that would have been needed to produce the new product. Recycling other items such
as tires, batteries, plastics, and so on minimizes pollution. Recycling must be
encouraged and implemented at all levels of society in order to reduce trash.

Activity Strategies Date of Person Budget

Implementation Responsible
Clean – up Implementing May – June, 2023 Organization Php 1,000.00
drive, along this every end officers and
with the of the month. volunteers,
different and us the
organizations researchers.
inside the
The 3Rs in Spreading May – June, 2023 Organization Php 1,500.00
collaboration awareness officers and
with the Yes – about this volunteers,
O, Siga and through any and us the
SSG. social medial researchers.
platforms and
even inside the
school campus
Using of Using one of a May – June, 2023 STEM students Php 500.00
renewable robotics from and
resources such their researchers.
as robotics, researches
which is in which is a
collaboration good factor to
with the Grade the
12 STEM environment.
Total Ph 3000.00


Budget Line Item Description Amount Needed Proposed

Bond paper
Printing Fee
Date: June 06, 2023

To: All the students from grade 7,8,9,10,11&12.

From: Williann Mae C. Magsayo

Subject: Waste Management or Waste Disposal

As a fellow student leader, it has come to my attention that many students are
not following the proper waste disposal. In terms with the throwing of garbage, it can
always be seen anywhere inside a school campus and even outside. This
memorandum is created to propose a project proposal that could help the
segregating of such wastes.
Wastes can be seen all over, but with simple help we can lessen it. Properly
disposing of waste and segregating them is a good thing, by separating
biodegradable and non-biodegradable, additionally the reduce, reuse and recycling
of trashes.
With this, it does not only help the environment but can also help our health
protected against hazards and issues coming from the trashes. In each one’s hands,
success will surely come.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

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