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Homebrew 5e races

Races of Mystara............................................................................................................................3
Official 5e races..........................................................................................................................3
Hin Halfling.................................................................................................................................3
Rockborn Dwarf..........................................................................................................................4
Shadow Elf..................................................................................................................................4
Races of the Planes.........................................................................................................................6
Planar Half-Elf.............................................................................................................................6
Planar Human.............................................................................................................................6
Rogue Modron............................................................................................................................6
Races of Ravenloft..........................................................................................................................6
Races of Greyhawk
Snow Elf

Races of Mystara

Hin Halfling



The rakasta are a prolific and diverse race

Bellayne on Mystara proper, and Myoshima, roaming the world of Mystara




Rockborn Dwarf
The Resilience of Stone

The dwarves of Mystara, often called Rockborn dwarves, all came from the same source: the
mountains of Rockhome. They claim that Kagyar -their patron Immortal- created them circa BC
1800, and they have since spread throughout the continent of Brun. Some have even sailed
across the sea and made their homes in the land of the now sunken continent of Alphatia. They
are known for their craftsmanship and resilience to magic.

Rockborn Dwarf Traits

The rockborn dwarves share the common traits of dwarves as stated in the Player’s Handbook
with the following adjustments and racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Magic Resilience. You have advantage on all saving throws versus magic.
Arcane Restriction. You cannot cast arcane magic, nor use magical items casting arcane spells.
You cannot select the bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard classes, nor select any archetype that
would allow you to cast arcane spells.

Shadow Elf
Guided by Rafiel

When the Great Rain of Fire destroyed Blackmoor, surviving elves took refuge deep below the
surface in the caverns beneath the Broken Lands. There they found the 14 verses of the Refuge
of Stone, written by the immortal Rafiel, a set of rules which governs their lifestyle, promising
them protection and a great and bountiful future. There they founded the City of Stars from
which their underground nation would thrive. At war with their surface elves cousins, they
conquered the surface elven kingdom of Alfheim in 1006 AC and renamed it Aengmor. A splinter
group of shadow elves, the Schattenalfen, rule a nation in Mystara’s Hollow World and are
devoted to the immortal Atzenteotl.

Shadow Elf Traits

The shadow elves share the common traits of elves as stated in the Player’s Handbook with the
following adjustments and racial traits.

Size. Shadow elves tend to be slightly smaller in size than their surface cousins. They are
extremely pale, with an alabaster-white skin, white or light blond hair, and clear-colored eyes,
typically a sparkling blue or grey. They have larger ears than surface elves and rely heavily on
their hearing to navigate in the dark caverns they call home.
Alignment. Shadow elves can be of any alignment though tend toward lawful alignments. They
are not inherently evil though may be perceived as such by surfacers. This is more a byproduct
of their xenophobic and isolationist tendencies and beliefs than willful cruelty. The
Schattenalfen of the Hollow World are however significantly more vicious and tend toward evil
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Superior Hearing. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on your
hearing sense.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks
that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is
in direct sunlight.
Shadow Elf Magic. You know the Dancing Lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast
the Silent Image spell once per day. When you reach 5 th level, you can also cast the Invisibility
spell once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Shadow Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, light
crossbow, and heavy crossbow.

Races of the Planes
Planar Half-Elf
Planar Human
Rogue Modron

Races of Ravenloft
Caliban Traits

Ability Score Increase.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

A human variant, the half-vistana, also known as giomorgo, is the product of the forbidden love
between a vistana and a non-vistana. They possess a small fraction of their vistana parent's
mystical powers, but this sometime comes at a cost to their sanity.

Half-Vistana Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. A half-vistana reaches adulthood in its late teens and lives less than a century.
Alignment. The half-vistana can be of any alignment.
Size. In size and shape, a half-Vistana appears almost identical to the average human. The
giomorgo are easily mistaken for true Vistani. They have dark complexions, ranging from a rich
olive to a dusky tan. Their hair is always dark, more often black than brown, as are their eyes. A
giomorgo's features are always hawklike and angular. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Lunatio. The lunatio, or Moon Madness, is a condition which affects half-Vistani during the three
nights of the full moon. During this period, a giomorgo cannot prepare spells or heal naturally,
and must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw each night or run wild under the night sky.
Self-Reliant. Shun by both Vistani and non-Vistani communities alike, you grew up as a loner
and learned to rely on yourself. You are proficient with the Survival skill.
Vistani Blood. Regardless of how well disguised you may be, the Vistani will always recognize
you for what you are. At the same time, you can make use of any magical items solely usable by
the Vistani themselves.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Patterna and one extra language of your choice.
Subrace. The Vistani are seperated in 7 different tribes: Canjar, Corvara, Equaar, Kamii, Naiat,
Vastraka, and Zarovan. Your tribal ancestry will define what special trait you possess.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Arcane Tutelage. The Vistani of the Canjar tribe are fascinated by magic and this trait passed on
to you. You received formal tutelage in the arcane arts. You are proficient in the Arcana skill and
have advantage on checks to recall lore about spells or magical items.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Scoundrel. Jack of all trades, but master of none. The Corvara tribe certainly played its part in
the reputation of Vistani as thieves and con artists. Their roguish behavior was innately passed
on to you. You are proficient with both the thieves' tools and the forgery kit.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Superior Horse Trainer. Horses raised and trained by the Equaar Vistani tribe are known
throughout the Lands of the Mists to be the best. You inherited the affinity of your vistana
parent for horses and wild animals. You are proficient with the Animal Handling check,
furthermore you have advantage on all Animal Handling checks involving horses.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Dedicated Crafter. The Kamii of the Kaldresh tasque are skillful smiths and artisans. You
inherited the natural talent of your vistana parent for crafting. You are proficient with the
artisan's tool of your choice and have double proficiency bonus applying to skill checks made
with the chosen tool.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Virtuoso. The natural grace and talent for the arts of the Naiat Vistani tribe flows in your blood.
You are proficient with either the Calligrapher's supplies, the Painter's supplies, or a musical
instrument, and have double proficiency bonus applying to skill checks made with the chosen
supplies or instrument.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Healer's Lore. The Vistani of the Vastraka tribe are expert healers and herbalists. Some of their
knowledge was passed on to you. You are proficient with the herbalism kit or healer's kit and
have double proficiency bonus applying to skill checks made with the chosen kit.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Drifter in Time. A closely guarded secret of the Zarovan tribe is that they partially live outside of
linear time. While this quality does not apply to a half-vistana scion of Zarovan blood, it was
noted that they sometime appear out of sync with the present moment themselves. Absent-
minded and slow to react one-moment, to anticipating other's actions before they occurred at
others. When rolling for initiative, start by rolling a d10. On a roll of 9 or 10, you have advantage
on your initiative check and on all saving throws during the encounter. On a roll of 1, you have
disadvantage on your initiative check and cannot use your reaction during the encounter.

A rarer kind of half-vistana, the giamarga, is the product of a union between an elf and a vistana.
Such half-elf uses the standard traits of half-elves, gaining the Lunatio, Self-Reliant and Vistani
Blood traits, and replacing the Skill Versatility traits with the special feature tied to the vistana
parent’s tribe.

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