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Studentûs Book

Àπ—ß ◊Õ‡√’¬π √“¬«‘™“æ◊Èπ∞“π ¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ… ™™ÿ¥ Projects: Play & Learn
™—È—πª√–∂¡»÷°…“ªïª∑’Ë 1
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ISBN 978-974-01-9645-7

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Projects: Play & Learn ª√–°Õ∫¥â«¬ Àπ—ß Õ◊ ‡√’¬π ·∫∫ΩñΩ°À—¥ §§Ÿ¡à Õ§√Ÿ
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CD-ROM) ·≈–‡«Á∫‰´μå www.plearnenglish.com ‡æ◊ËÕ„ÀâÀºŸâ‡√’¬π¡’§«“¡ “¡“√∂„π°“√„™â‡∑§‚π‚≈¬
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(𓬙‘π¿—∑√ ¿¿Ÿ¡‘√—μπ)
23 ∏—𫓧¡ 2552

1 Myself 2

2 My Family 14

3 My Friends 26
4 My Food 38

5 My Things 50

6 My Animals 62
— ©∫—∫À≈—° Ÿμ√ æÿ∑∏»—°√“™ 2551
— ´’¥√Õ¡
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Project 1A: My Name
1. Sing ùHello, Hiû. Listen, sing and act out. 1 / C D - R OM songs

Hello, hello, hello.

Hello, hello, hello.
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
Hello, I’m Andy.
Hi, I’m Anna.
Hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello.
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
I ’m happy. And you?
I’m happy too.

2. Play ùHello, Hiû. Play the CD 1. Pass puppets. When music stops, say...
Hello, hello, hello.

1 = TTrackk ∑’Ë 1 ¢Õß CD‡ ¬ß

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h ûûs BBookk
songs = ‡æ≈ß„μâμÀ«¢â— Õ songs ¢Õß CD-ROM¿“æ·≈–‡ ’¬ß ∑’Ë·π∫∑⓬ Studentûs Book
2 CD - R O M
3. Sing ùThe Alphabet Songû. Listen, sing and act out. 2 / C D - R OM songs

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z.

Now I know my ABC,

Next time won’t you sing
with me?

4. Make ùMy Nameû.
from teacher.
Get your nam
Colour it.

Use your fingers. Clean your hands.

Use it.

5. Show your feelings about Project 1A. Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 1B: My A-Ant Book
1. Chant ùSit in a Circleû. Listen, say the chant and act out. 3 / C D - R OM chants

Sit, , sit,

Sit in a circle.

Stand, , stand,

Stand in a circle.

Walk, , walk,

Walk in a circle.

Run, , run,

Run in a circle.

2. Play ùA around Usû. Use Activities 1-2 in your Activity Book.

Play the CD 3. Walk around the table. When chant stops, trace ùA/aû.

3. Make ùMy A-Ant Bookû.
Jump and colour an A .
Draw your ùA/aû.

/aû and vote.

Show your ùA
My A

Make ùMy A-Ant Bookû.

Find more words with ùA/aû.

4. Show your feelings about Project 1B. Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 1C: My H-Hello Book
1. Listen to ùThe Hungry Antû. Then act out the story. 4

I’m hungry.

ant apple

Hello, Ant.
Help! Help!

I’m happy.

2. Play ùWalk the Appleû. Draw an apple and finger race in teams.


3. Make ùMy H-Hello Bookû. Draw your ùH/hû.
Make an ùH/hû.

Show your ùH/hû and vote.

My H

Make ùMy H-Hello Bookû. Find more words with ùH/hû.

Then do Activities 3-4 in your Activity Book.

4. Show your feelings about Project 1C. Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 1D: My I-I ce-cream Book
1. Chant ùLook in the Bookû. Listen, say the chant and act out. /5
C D - R OM chants

Look, look, look,

Look in the book.
Find, find, find,
Find the ‘I’.

Trace, trace, trace,

Trace the ‘I’.

I ice cream.

2. Play ùI around Usû. Use Activities 5-6 in your Activity Book.

Play the CD 5. Walk around the table. When chant stops, trace ùI/iû.

3. Make ùMy I-Ice-cream Bookû.
Make an ùI/iû. Spell ùHiû.

Show your ùI /iû and vote.

My I

Make ùMy I-Ice-cream Bookû. Find more words with ùI /iû.

4. Show your feelings about Project 1D. Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 1E: My Feelings
1. Listen to ùAngry Andyû. Then act out the story. 6 / C D - R OM stories
Hello, I’m Andy.

Miaow...! 3.
2. I’m angry!

I’m O.K.
I’m angry too!

4. 5.
6. I’m happy too.

I’m happy.

2. Make ùMy Feelings Facesû.

Colour and draw . Glue on stick. Use it.

Project 1F: Look at Me
1. Think back. Point and say the words that start the same. C D - R OM games
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Hh I’m _ungry.

I i
1 2 3 4
_’m O.K.

2. Read and match. Point and say. C D - R OM games

1 1
apple Hello.
2 2
ant Help!

3 3 _____
angry I’m Anna.

4 4 ____
ice cream I’m happy.

3. Do Activities 7-10. Then make ùMy Picture Dictionaryû in your Activity Book.
4. IT time. Find the letters that spell your name. Point and copy.

5. Hooray! Put work on board. Vote for your friends.

Mook (¡ÿ

Happy Girl


Helpful Boy

6. Make ùMy English Fileû. Find a folder or box. Then colour and write.


Project 2A: My Family Tree (1)
1. Chant ùWhoûs This?û Listen, say the chant and act out. 7 / C D - R OM chants

Who’s this? My daddy.

Who’s this? My mummy.

Who’s this? Me!

Who’s this?
My daddy.

Who’s this?
My mummy.

Who’s this? Doggy!


2. Make ùMy Family Treeû (1).
daddy, mummy and you.

a guessing game.
Who’s this?

My mummy.

Play and co
l ect your p
Who’s this?

Show your family tre


My daddy.

3. Show your feelings about Project 2A. Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 2B: My Family Tree (2)
1. Play ùD around Usû. Play the CD 2. Run to ùDû when music stops
and say...

Then do Activities 1-2 in your Activity Book.

2. Make ùMy Family Treeû (2).
Trace and colour
Activity 3 in your
Activity Book.
Make a ùD/dû.

Spell ùDAD/dadû.

Then spell ùHAD/hadû.

Put words on your family tree and say...

This is my dad.

Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 2C: My Family Tree (3))
1. Play ùM around Usû. Play the CD 2. Run to ùMû when music stops
and say...

Then do Activities 4-5 in your Activity Book.

2. Make ùMy Family Treeû (3).
Trace and colour Activity 6 in your
Make an ùM/mû. Activity Book.

Spell ùMUM/mumû.

Then spell ùHUM/humû.

Put word on your family tree and say...

This is my mum.

Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 2D: My Family Tree (4)
1. Sing ùTen Little Brother Boys and Sister Girlsû.
Listen, sing and act out. 8 / C D - R OM songs

One little, two little, three little brothers,

Four little, five little, six little brothers,


Seven little, eight little, nine little brothers,

Ten little brother boys.

One little, two little, three little sisters,...

...Ten little sister girls.

Then do Activities 7-8 in your Activity Book.

2. Play ùNumber Chainû. Do Activity 9 in your Activity Book.
Then whisper Choose
a number. the number
you hear.

3. Make ùMy Family Treeû (4).

Draw a sister and a brother.

Play and collect your pictures.

Who’s this?

Tell how many brothers and sisters (0 -10).

My sister.

I have one sister

and two brothers.

4. Show your feelings about Project 2D. Point and say...

Iûm happy. Iûm O.K. Iûm angry.

Project 2E: My Family Tree (5)
1. Make ùMy Family Treeû (5).
Make a ùBû for ùMy B-Brother Bookû. Use your hands.

Do Activities 10-12 in your Activity Book. Put word on your family tree.
This is my

2. Play ùWalk the Beeû.

Draw a bee and finger race in teams.


Project 2F: My Family Tree (6)6)
1. Make ùMy Family Treeû (6).
Make an ùSû for ùMy S-Sister Bookû. Do Activities 13-14 in your Activity Book.

Make your ùD-Dadû, ùM-Mumû,

Put word on your family tree. ùB-Brotherû and ùS-Sisterû Books.

2. Play ùWalk the Snakeû.

Draw a snake and finger race in teams.


Project 2G: Look at Me
1. Think back. Point and say the words that start the same. C D - R OM games
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

2. Read and match. Point and say. C D - R OM games
1 _____
mummy 1

sister Who ’s this?

brother 2 _____
3 Me.

3. Do Activities 15 -16. Then make ùMy Picture Dictionaryû in your Activity Book.
4. IT time. What are these in Thai? Listen to the English. Point and repeat. 9

1. computer

2. disk drive
3. keyboard

4. mouse
5. printer

5. Hooray! Put work on board. Vote for your friends.

Art (Õ“√åμ)


Bo (‚∫«å)


6. Look at ùMy English Fileû. KKeep all your work here.

Project 3A: My T-Tall Chart
1. Listen to ùThe Tall Giraffesû. Then act out the story. 10

Hello, 2
I’m Maxi Mouse. Hi, I’m Mini Mouse.
Who’s that?

That’s my friend,
Daddy Giraffe.
Oooh, he’s tall.
And who’s that?

That’s my friend,
Mummy Giraffe.

she’s tall too.

26 Are you tall ?

2. Make ùMy T-Tall Chartû.
How tall are you? How many string beans? Make your ùT-Tall Chartû.
Use string beans.

string beans (about 4 feet)

string beans (about 6 feet)

Mark your height. Right or wrong guess?

1 Write the date
How tall
am I ? 02/08/1
0 3’ 2
and your height.
2 ”

3 feet.

Do Activities 1-2 in
your Activity Book.
3. Show your feelings. Point and answer.
Do you like Project 3A?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 3B: My F-Friend Book
1. Sing ùTen Little Good Friends Nowû. Listen, sing and act out. /
C D - R OM songs

One little, two little,

three little good friends,

Four little, five little,

six little good friends,

Seven little, eight little,

nine little good friends,

Ten little good friends now.

Good boy!

2. Make ùMy F-Friend Bookû.
Draw a friend. .
Ask friends to guess
Who’s that?

Is it Fon?

Bookû. Find more words with ùF/fû.

Make ùMy F-Friend

Do Activities 3-4 in your Activity Book.

3. Show your feelings. Point and answer.
Do you like Project 3B?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 3C: My R-Red Book
1. Listen to ùFinnie the Fishû. Then act out and answer. 12 / C D - R OM stories
Finnie the Fish has four friends

red fish, yellow fish, blue fish, and white fish.

Red fish likes to run

run. Yellow fish likes to sing


Blue fish likes to help. W fish likes to win!

30 Do you like blue fish? Why or why not?
2. Play ùTouch Something Red/Yellow/Blue/Whiteû. Take turns to say...
Touch something red !

3. Make ùMy R-Red Bookû. Find more words with ùR/rû.

Do Activities 5-7 in your Activity Book.

4. Show your feelings. Point and answer.
Do you like Project 3C?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 3D: My W-Weight Chart
1. Listen to ùThe Big Elephantsû. Then act out and answer. 13

Maxi, who’s that?


That’s my friend, 3
Daddy Elephant.
Oooh, he’s big.
And who’s that?

That’s my friend,
Mummy Elephant.

Oooh, she’s big too.

32 Are you big ?

2. Make ùMy W-Weight Chartû.
How many watermelons ? igh the watermelon.
How heavy are you? We

watermelons (about 16 kil

watermelons (about 20 kil

Weigh yourself.
Right or wrong guess? Write your weight.

I am 02/08/10 3’ 2”
19 kgs.

19 kilos.

Do Activity 8
in your Activity

3. Show your feelings. Point and answer.

Do you like Project 3D?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 3E: My Colour Book
Mix two colours below and say the chant.
14 / C D - R OM chants

Red, purple, blue.

I like you.

Red, orange, yellow.

Is that so?

Yellow, green, blue.

I like you.

Red, pink, white.

Hold me tight.

2. Play ùTouch Something Green/Purple/Orange/Pinkû.
Take turns to say... Touch something green !

3. Make ùMy Colour Bookû. Find same colour pictures. Cut and paste.

4. Show your feelings. Point and answer.

Do you like Project 3E?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 3F: Look at Me
1. Think back. Point and say the words that start the same.

2. Read and match. Point and say.




3. Do Activities 9-16. Then make ùMy Picture Dictionaryû in your Activity Book.
2. Make ùMy O-Orange Bookû.
Find out. Line up and mark.
Draw an orang Guess how ma Like Like Donût like
e. friends like/don ny a lot a little at all
oranges. ût like Guess 5 9 7
Find out
a liokte
Gues Like
s a little Donû
Find at at llike
out l

Make ùMy O-Orange Bookû. Find words with ùO/oû.

Do Activity 1 in your Activity Book.

3. Show your feelings. Point and answer.

Do you like Project 4B?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 4C: My Food Poster
1. Chant ùI Like Thisû. Look, listen and say the chant. 18 / C D - R OM chants

I like this.

I like that.

I like ish.

So does the cat.

I like chicken.

I like pork.

I like beef.

So does the dog.

2. Make ùMy Food Posterû and ùMy V-Vitamin Bookû.
Draw 1 fruit and 1 meat.ur elbow or left hand.
Use yo
Play a guessing game.

What’s this?


ake ùM y Food Posterû and

ùMy V-Vitamin Bookû.
I’m an orange.
I have vitamin C.

Do Activity 2 in your Activity Book.

3. Show your feelings. Point and answer.
Do you like Project 4C?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 4D: My Y-Yes Book
1. Listen to ùDo You Want Lettuce?û Then act out and answer. 19 /
1 stories
Do you want lettuce?
C D - R OM

Yes, please. 3

Yes, please. 5
6 Onion?
No, thank you.

1. bread 2. ham 3. lettuce 4. tomato 5. onion

Look at the dog, the pig, the cat,

the elephant, the cow
and the chicken.
Do they like lettuce,
tomato, or onion?
Guess. And you?
Listen, point and
repeat 1-5. 20

2. Make ùMy Y-Yes Bookû, ùMy N-No Bookû and ùMy L-Lettuce Bookû.
Draw a vegetable. Use your left hand or elbow.
Play a guessing game.

What’s this?


Make ùMy Y-Yes Bookû, ùMy N-No Bookû

and ùMy L-Lettuce Bookû.

Do Activities 3-6 in your Activity Book.

3. Show your feelings. Point and answer.
Do you like Project 4D?

No, not at all. Yes, a little. Yes, a lot.

Project 4E: My Birthday Party
1. Sing ùHereûs a Cup Cake for Youû. Listen, sing and act out. 21 /
C D - R OM songs

Here’s a cup
p cake for you.

Here’s a cup
p cake for you.

1 cup cake Here’s a cup cake, dear (Anna).

Here’s a cup cake for you.

(Then change 1 to 2 , 3 and 4 .)

2 banana
3 watermelon

6 jam and bread

4 sandwich

Listen, point and repeat 1-8. 22

2. Sing ùHereûs some Fried Rice for Youû. Listen, sing and act out. /
C D - R OM

Here’s some f
fried rice for you.
Here’s some f
fried rice for you.
Here’s some f
fried rice, dear (Anna).
Here’s some f
fried rice for you.
(Then change 5 to 6 , 7 and 8 .)

Do Activities 7-8 in your Activity Book.

5 fried rice

8 milk
7 water
Then have a birthday party !
Project 4F: Look at Me
1. Think back. Point and say the words that start the same. C D - R OM games
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

L l
2. Read and match. Point and say. C D - R OM games
1 2
cup cake 1 What ’s this? ___ ___
yellow banana 3 4
____ ___
Do you want an orange?
Yes, please.
fried rice 3
5 ___ 6____
4 Happy birthday!
jam and bread Thank you.

3. Do Activities 9-14. Then make ùMy Picture Dictionaryû in your Activity Book.
4. IT time. Point and say the numbers. Then listen and repeat the words. 24

1. calculator
2. minus

3. p

4. equal

5. Hooray! Put work on board. Vote for your friends.

Baker (‡∫‡°Õ√)

Healthy Boy


Clean Girl

6. Look at ùMy English Fileû. KKeep your work in order here.

Project 5A: My K-Kite Book
1. Chant ùRed, Blue, Green, Yellow Kitesû. Listen, point and say
the chant. 25 / C D - R OM chants

Red, blue, green, yellow kites.

One, two, three, four, five.
Six, seven, eight, nine kites.
Here’s a kite.
There’s a kite.
Everywhere’s a kite!

2. Play ùThis is My Blue Kiteû. Draw and colour a kite. Mix cards face down.
Then find your card and say...
This is my blue kite.

Do Activities 1-2 in your Activity Book.

3. Make ùMy K-Kite Bookû.
Draw a K . Use a ruler.

e ùMy K-Kite Bookû. Find more words with ùK/kû.


4. Show your feelings about Project 5A. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 5B: My P-Pencil Book
1. Listen to ùThe Pencil and the Eraserû (1). Then act out the story.
26 / C D - R OM stories

I am a pencil.
I can write.

I am a ruler.
I cannot write.

I can write everything.
It’s dirty!
I can write everywhere.

What happens next? Guess.

2. Make ùMy P-Pencil Bookû.
Draw a P .

Use a ruler.

Make ùMy P-Pencil Bookû. Find more words with ùP/pû.

Then do Activities
3-4 in your Activity

3. Show your feelings about Project 5B. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 5C: My E-Eraser Book
1. Listen to ùThe Pencil and the Eraserû (2). Check your guess and
act out the story. 27 / C D - R OM stories
Please erase it.

I am an eraser.
I can erase everything.

Thank you very much.

You’re very helpful!

Look! It’s clean.

Then do Activities 5-6 in your Activity Book.

2. Make ùMy E-Eraser Bookû.
Draw an E .

Use a ruler.

Make ùMy E-Eraser Bookû. Find more words with ùE/eû.

Then do Activities
7-8 in your Activity

3. Show your feelings about Project 5C. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 5D: My G-Game Book
1. Play ùA Snake Gameû. Take turns to throw a coin and say the words.
(Head = , tail = ).

Throw a coin.
Start! I’ve got ‘tail’...
I say ‘cup cake’.

I win!


Then do Activities 9-10 in your Activity Book.

2. Make ùMy G-Game Bookû.
Draw a .

Draw things
and numbers.

Make ùMy G-Game Bookû. Find more words with ùG/gû.

Play your game

as on page 56.

3. Show your feelings about Project 5D. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 5E: A Christmas Tree
1. Sing ùWe Wish You a Merry Christmasû and ùHappy New Year
Listen, say the words ( 1 - 11 ). Then listen to the songs, sing and
act out. 28 - 29 / C D - R OM songs
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year.
1 kite

2 plane

Happy New Year to you.

Happy New Year to you. 11 car
Here’s a pink kite.
Here’s a pink kite.
Here’s a pink kite for you! 10 pen
3 robot (Then change 1 to 2 - 11 .)

9 bag

6 game 8 book
4 teddy 5 doll 7 ball

What do you do at Christmas and New Year in Thailand?
2. Make ùA Christmas Treeû.
Draw, colour and cut a Christmas tree.

Stick things on.

Hang in your classroom at Christmas.

Then do Activity 11 in your

Activity Book. 30
3. Show your feelings about Project 5E. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 5F: Look at Me
1. Think back. Point and say the words that start the same. C D - R OM games

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

2. Read and match. Point and say. C D - R OM games
game I am a pencil. ______

I can write.
eraser 2
_______ 3
Merry Christmas!
pink pen Merry Christmas!
4 _____ ____
4 Happy New Year!
green kite Happy New Year!

3. Do Activities 12-13. Then make ùMy Picture Dictionaryû in your Activity Book.
4. IT time. What are the buttons for? Listen and repeat. 31
1. TV/television

2. volume
3. channel
4. power 5. on/off

5. Hooray! Put work on board. Vote for your friends.


Tidy Girl


6. Look at ùMy English Fileû. KKeep your work in order here.

Project 6A: My Q-Quack Book
1. Sing ùOld MacDonald Had a Farmû. Listen, sing and act out. 32 /
C D - R OM
Old MacDonald had a farm,
E, I, E, I, O.
And on his farm he had some ducks,
E, I, E, I, O.
With a quack, quack here,
And a quack, quack there,
Here a quack,
There a quack,
Everywhere a quack, quack.
§ÿ≥쓇≈’È¬ß —μ«å ‰«â¡“°¡“¬
E, I, E, I, O.
‡ªì¥πâÕ¬Ê ‡¥‘πæ≈“ß√âÕ߇æ≈߉ª...

Quack, quack!

2. Make ùMy Q-Quack Bookû.
Make a ùQ/qû.

Use your fingers.

Make ùMy Q-Quack Bookû. Find more words with ùQ/qû.

Then do Activities
1-5 in your Activity

3. Show your feelings about Project 6A. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 6B: My U-Ugly Duckling Book
1. Listen to ùThe Ugly Ducklingû (1). Then act out the story. 33 /
C D - R OM stories

I’m yellow.
I’m beautiful.

I’m grey.
I’m ugly! Ugly, But I love you.
ugly, ugly!

What happens next? Guess.

2. Make ùMy U-Ugly Duckling Bookû.
Use your fingers.
Make a ùU/uû.

Make ùMy U-Ugly Duckling Bookû. Find more words with ùU/

Then do Activity 6 in your Activity Book.

3. Show your feelings about Project 6B. Point and say...

It’s fun. not fun.

Project 6C: My Animal Book
1. Listen to ùThe Ugly Ducklingû (2). Then act out the story. 34 / C D - R OM stories

Yes, you can swim.

I can swim.

You’re a swan!
You’re beautiful!

66 Who do you like in this story? Why?

2. Play ùWho am I ?û Take turns to act, say, and guess.
I can fly.
I can swim.

3. Make ùMy Animal Bookû. Do Activities 7-11 in your Activity Book.

4. Show your feelings about Project 6C. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 6D: My Animal-X Book
1. Sing ùOld MacDonald Had a Farmû. Listen, sing and act out. 32 /
C D - R OM

Old MacDonald had a farm,

E, I, E, I, O.

And on his farm he had some pigs,

E, I, E, I, O...

2. Play ùAnimal-Xû. Play the CD 32 . Walk around the table.

When music stops, draw ùAnimal-Xû.

3. Make ùMy Animal-X Bookû.
Sing toto ùAnimal -Xû.

And on his farm he had some X, ...

Make ùMy Animal - X Bookû. Find more words with ùX/xû.

Then do Activity 12 in your Activity Book.

4. Show your feelings about Project 6D. Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 6E: My Z-Zoo Book
1. Chant ùThereûs a Little Zooû. Listen, say the chant and act out. /
C D - R OM

There’s a little zoo

on the big, big tree,
Blue birds, yellow birds,
squirrels, and me.
Butterflies, butterflies,
ants, and bees,
There’s a little zoo
on the big, big tree.

Do Activity 13 in your Activity Book.

2. Make ùMy Z-Zoo Bookû.
Look and draw animal

Make ùMy Z-Zoo Bookû.

Count the animals you see.

Then do Activities 14-15 in your

Activity Book.
Point and say...

It’s fun. It’s O.K. It’s not fun.

Project 6F: Look at Me
1. Sing ùThe Alphabet Songû. Listen, point and sing. 2/ C D - R OM songs

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z.

Now I know my ABC,

Next time won’t you sing
with me?

2. Play ùAlphabet Squaresû. Use Activity 16 in your Activity Book.
Listen to teacherûs codes (FO,GO,...). Colour the squares.

Then do Activities 17-18 and make ùMy Picture Dictionaryû in your Activity Book.
3. Hooray! Put work on board. Vote for your friends.
Kim (°‘‘È¡)

Good Speaker
Mol (¡≈)

Animal Lover

4. Look at ùMy English Fileû. Show your best work.

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Mrs. Nicole Lasas
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Tom White

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Nicole Lasas, Tom White
Rachel Fleury, Glen Fleury
Joshua Fleury, Carissa Fleury
Emily Morris, Rena Fowles
Paul West, Adam West
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