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Test bank for E-Marketing, 6/E 6th Edition : 0132147556

Test bank for E-Marketing, 6/E 6th Edition :


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Multiple Choice

1. According to the text, _____ percent of US consumers use the internet.

a. 50
b. 60
c. 76
d. 90
(c; Difficult; LO1; Analytic Skills)

2. What is the main reason for which consumers do not use the Internet?
a. social
b. political
c. technological
d. all of the above
(d; Easy; LO2; Analytic Skills)

3. _____ is a basic marketing concept that refers to the act of obtaining a valued object from
someone by offering something in return.
a. Commerce
b. Barter
c. Exchange
d. Promotion
(c; Difficult; LO2; Analytic Skills)

4. Which of the following is a tool that companies can use to send data to customers?
a. voice mail
b. fax machine
c. smartphone
d. all of the above
(d; Moderate; LO2; Analytic Skills)

5. _____ is the idea that there is infinite information, but the demand for it is limited by
human capacity.
a. Attention economy
b. Bunkering
c. Time poverty
d. Multiple channel shopping
(a; Difficult; LO2; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

6. According to the text, some research shows that online shoppers tend to be more _____
oriented than ______ oriented.
a. time; experience
b. goal; experience
c. experience; time
d. experience; goal
(b; Difficult; LO1; Analytic Skills)

7. Which of the following constitutes the cost of a consumer’s resources for exchange?
a. money
b. energy
c. time
d. all of the above
(d; Easy; LO2; Analytic Skills)

8. One of the alternatives to credit card payments on the internet mentioned in the text is
a. trade
b. smart card
c. phone card
d. cash
(b; Moderate; LO2; Analytic Skills)

9. Because time poverty is a problem for today’s consumers, they want _____.
a. bunkering
b. appropriate benefits for the time they spend online
c. more multimedia on Web sites
d. less expensive dial-up connections
(b; Moderate; LO3; Analytic Skills)

10. Aside from bookmarks and browser favorites, internet consumers can use _____ to bring
them directly specific information, news reports, or promoted specials.
a. tweebs
b. tracking software
c. cookies
d. social networking widgets
(d; Difficult; LO2; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

11. Which of the following is not identified as one of the five major activities that consumers
do as they spend time online?
a. Connect
b. Create
c. Transform
d. Trade
(d; Moderate; LO2; Analytic Skills)

12. The text gives several reasons for the probable increase in U.S. adoption of broadband in
the near future. Which of the following is not one of the reasons given?
a. most television is now transmitted digitally
b. devices such as DVRs allow TV programs to be delivered on demand
c. broadband will be required for employees to work from home
d. broadband services are increasingly offered by cable companies
(c; Easy; LO1; Analytic Skills)

13. According to the text, _____ of US television viewers still watch live television, thus being
exposed to commercials, while about _____ of viewers using DVRs fast-forward through
a. 60%; 90%
b. 65%; 70%
c. 95%; 70%
d. 95%; 50%
(c; Difficult; LO1; Analytic Skills)

14. High bandwidth allows consumers to enjoy which of the following services?
a. phone calls delivered over the Internet
b. delivery of music and movies over the Web
c. real-time virtual reality
d. all of the above
(d; Easy; LO1; Analytic Skills)

15. Which of the following strategies have been implemented to deal with a mixed bandwith
audience for a web site?
a. design for the slowest user
b. design for the fastest user
c. design fast and slow versions of the site
d. all of the above
(d; Moderate; LO2; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

16. One way for marketers to watch the trends of internet users is to _____.
a. monitor RSS feeds
b. monitor search terms entered at Google, Yahoo!, and other search engines/directories
c. measure the use of chat rooms
d. all of the above
(b; Difficult; LO2; Analytic Skills)

17. DSL technology is a method for _____,

a. transmitting wireless data
b. providing video on demand
c. transmitting data at high speed over phone lines
d. connecting high speed cable modems
(c; Difficult; LO2; Analytic Skills)

18. Which of the following is not one of the social/cultural trends that have impacted online
a. Information overload
b. Time poverty
c. Work at home
d. None of the above
(d; Easy; LO2; Analytic Skills)

19. Strategies to deal with users with mixed bandwidths include all the following except
a. design for the slowest user
b. use text only Websites
c. design for the fastest user
d. create fast and slow versions of the Web site
(b; Difficult; LO2; Analytic Skills)

20. Online oxygen is a term coined by www.trendwatching.com which refers to _____.

a. empowering customers
b. multitasking on the internet
c. addictive nature and qualities of the internet
d. instant messaging
(c; Difficult; LO2; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


21. According to the text, net evaders represent 8% of Internet nonusers who don’t find the
Internet to be of especially necessary use.
a. True
b. False
(a; Easy; LO1; Analytic Skills)

22. In order for e-marketers to create effective marketing strategies it is important to

understand only what motivates consumers to buy in the short run.
a. True
b. False
(b; Moderate; LO4; Analytic Skills)

23. The Internet has moved from a utility to a novelty.

a. True
b. False
(b; Easy; LO4; Analytic Skills)

24. Most online shoppers have either a price or quality orientation.

a. True
b. False
(b; Difficult; LO3; Analytic Skills)

25. Consumers apply psychic resources when Web pages are difficult to comprehend.
a. True
b. False
(a; Difficult; LO3; Analytic Skills)

26. Unfortunately, over half of online shopping carts are abandoned.

a. True
b. False
(a; Easy; LO1; Analytic Skills)

27. Streaming media causes fewer consumers to have access to online entertainment.
a. True
b. False
(b; Difficult; LO1; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

28. Few Internet users currently seek information online prior to buying products, although
this segment holds huge growth potential.
a. True
b. False
(b; Difficult; LO1; Analytic Skills)

29. The most dramatic increase in online trade over the past two years has been in travel
a. True
b. False
(b; Easy; LO1; Analytic Skills)

30. Telmatics is an online translation system for converting Web sites into multiple
a. True
b. False
(b; Easy; LO2; Analytic Skills)

31. The “killer app” for the global internet is e-mail.

a. True
b. False
(a; Easy; LO2; Analytic Skills)

32. The “killer app” among all media is television.

a. True
b. False
(a; Easy; LO2; Analytic Skills)

33. According to the text, the truly unconnected represent the 10% of Internet nonusers who
earn low incomes and have little formal education.
a. True
b. False
(b; Easy; LO1; Analytic Skills)

34. According to the text, the truly unconnected represent the nearly 70% of Internet nonusers
who earn low incomes and have little formal education.
a. True
b. False
(a; Easy; LO1; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Essay Questions

35. What are the main social/cultural trends that have impacted online exchange?
▪ Information Overload – the Internet has brought us more data and information
then we can handle. Negative views on spam and advertising on the Web
▪ Time Poverty – Internet users as a rule have less and less time to spend on any
activity. We don’t want to waste time on the Internet with slow transaction
processing or jumping from page to page to complete a transaction.
▪ Home and Work – the Internet has lowered the barrier between work and home.
We are always connected to our work. More work is done at home and more
personal affairs such as shopping and travel arrangements are done at work
▪ Anywhere, Anytime convenience – We want to shop and complete transactions
24/7. We expect all operations on the Internet to be available at our convenience.
▪ Online Oxygen- Some users have become addicted to the Internet.
▪ Self Service- We expect a fairly low level of service on the Internet and in exchange
we expect low prices. As consumer we are empowered to get information,
purchase and track our purchases.
▪ Sophisticated Consumers – Consumers have control through information and the
transparency of pricing.
▪ Privacy and Security – We expect our information to remain private and that there
are safeguards for children.
▪ Online Crime – Consumers are concerned about Fraud and viruses on the Internet
(Moderate; LO2; Analytic Skills)

36. What resources must consumers use in exchange for the benefits of the Internet?
▪ Monetary Costs
▪ Time Costs
▪ Energy and Psychic Costs
(Easy; LO2; Analytic Skills)

37. What types of exchange outcomes do you personally seek online?

▪ Connection
▪ Enjoyment
▪ Learning
▪ Trade
(Easy; LO4; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Test bank for E-Marketing, 6/E 6th Edition : 0132147556

38. What are the individual characteristics that differentiate Internet users from non-users
and high users from low users?
▪ Demographics – Age, income, education, ethnicity, gender, and family lifecycle
▪ Positive attitude towards technology
▪ Online skill and experience
▪ Online shoppers more goal oriented than experience oriented
(Difficult; LO3; Analytic Skills)

39. From the individual consumer perspective what two technological developments affect
online consumer behavior today?
▪ High speed broadband connections – Broadband users have access to more games,
multimedia, video, music
▪ Receiving Appliance Convergence – Internet is available on computers, PDA’s,
mobile phones, Interactive TV and voice mail.
(Moderate, LO2; Analytic Skills)

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

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