Handout Causes and Solutions

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Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it
not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?


Introduction - Paraphrase
- Thesis statement
Body 1 - Topic sentence
- Supporting ideas
- Example
Body 2 - Topic sentence
- Supporting ideas
- Example
Conclusion - Summarize main ideas
- Restate your opinion

I. Introduction

Topic: Students leave high school without learning how to manage their money.
What are the reasons and solutions for this issue?

There is a common problem amongst high school graduates these days where students
are leaving school without any knowledge or skills in personal money management.
This essay will outline a number of reasons for this trend and a number of possible
solutions to help tackle the issue.

1. Paraphrase:

- It is a fact that…
- It is generally believed that….
- There is a common problem…

2. Thesis statement:

- This problem is caused by some factors, and it should be dealt with by some
effective solutions.
- There are a variety of reasons behind this phenomenon, and several solutions
should be adopted to address this problem.
- The issue stems from / results from a number of causes to which several
solutions will be proposed in this essay.

II. Body paragraphs


• (Statement) There are a number of causes of this pressing/ alarming issue… .

• Firstly, …………………
⮚ Supporting sentences (Reason/Examples / Consequences/…)
• Secondly, ……………….
⮚ Supporting sentences (Reason/Examples / Consequences/…)

• There are two primary/ some reasons for A/ why + clause

• A is ascribed / attributable / due to B
• A stems from B


• (Statement) In order to address the aforementioned issues, several actions can

be taken …
• Firstly/ The first measure would be to do st…………………
⮚ Supporting sentences (Reason/Examples / Consequences/…)
• Second/ Another efficacious way is to ……………….
⮚ Supporting sentences (Reason/Examples / Consequences/…)


- In conclusion,….

Vocabulary for Cause-Effect-Solution Essay

Các Adjectives Chỉ Mức Độ Nghiêm Trọng Của Problem Hoặc Effect

significant/ A significant/noticeable problem that many countries face today is

noticeable: quan falling birth rates
trọng, có ý nghĩa,
đáng chú ý

pressing: gây căng This is a pressing problem that needs to be dealt with urgently.

serious: nghiêm Climate change is a serious global issue that must be addressed
trọng immediately.

concerning: đáng The increase in crime rates in this area is very concerning.
quan ngại

complex: phức tạp the level of divorce is a complex issue and there is no easy solution
to it.

Các Adjectives Chỉ Mức Độ/ Tính Chất Của Solution

radical: triệt để, giải

quyết tận gốc This is a desperate situation which requires a truly radical

important/ significant/
noticeable: quan trọng, Actions to promote trade facilitation are very important/
có ý nghĩa, đáng chú ý significant/ noticeable for the relationship among countries.

fundamental: cấp thiết People have to make fundamental changes to the way of treating
their environment.

prompt: nhanh chóng

Millions of people lack health insurance, which requires prompt
actions before the situation gets worse.

drastic: quyết liệt Governments and relevant departments must take drastic
measures in order to prevent the increase in crime rates.

practical/effective: A practical/ effective solution to combat the overcrowding in

mang tính thực tế, hiệu large cities is population redistribution.

possible: khả thi Banning students from bringing mobile phones along when
going to school would be a possible solution to increase their
attention in class.

Các Verbs Nói Về Hậu Quả Problem, Đồng Nghĩa Với 'Cause (Gây Ra)'

cause + obj + to Verb The bright light caused her to blink.

bare I hope the children have not caused you too much trouble.
cause + two objects

create/ pose: tạo ra

While the use of modern technology in education has brought
about many benefits, it will also create/ pose a set of problems.

bring about: mang lại These fundamental changes will definitely bring about significant
benefits for human life.

Lead to/ result in: dẫn

đến Overpopulation would certainly lead to/ result in serious issues for
urban citizens in their daily life.

Các Verbs Nói Về Giải Pháp, Đồng Nghĩa Với 'Solve (Giải Quyết)'

solve/ resolve: giải Encouraging people to move to smaller regional towns would
quyết be the best way to solve/ resolve urban overpopulation.

deal with: đối với với

Governments should issue and implement strict laws and
regulations regarding the prevention of violent films in order to
deal with increasing crime rates.

tackle/ handle/ address/ The first step to tackle/ handle/ address/ combat fraud in
combat: xử lý, giải advertising would be to verify the content of advertisement
quyết before publishing.

take actions/ measures:

thực hiện hành động/ Parents should take actions to protect their children from
giải pháp
inappropriate films and advertisement.

find a solution to: tìm So as to find a solution to this issue, schools and educators
giải pháp cho should be more active in educating children.

respond to: đối phó với Young generations are the main force that motivates a nation
to respond to its social issues.

Các Verbs Nói Về Tác Động, Đồng Nghĩa Với 'Affect (Ảnh Hưởng)'

affect The divorce affected every aspect of her life.

What influenced you to choose a career in nursing?

impact Engineers say the new engine could impact on the way
future cars are designed.

Các Nouns Nói Về Tác Động, Đồng Nghĩa Với 'Effect (Sự Ảnh Hưởng)'

The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the

effect environment.

influence Helen has a good/bad influence on him.

impact The anti-smoking campaign had had/made quite an impact

on young people.

Các Nouns Đồng Nghĩa Với 'Solution'

We should take measures/ steps/ actions to protect the

step / measure / action environment.

remedy / solution The governments should offer/ find/ propose remedies for/
solutions to this issue.

Các Nouns Đồng Nghĩa Với 'Problem'

environmental/ethical/personal issues
issue: vấn đề
matter: vấn đề Talking about the world's problems is one thing,
but solving them is another matter

challenge: thách
thức Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest
challenges faced by scientists today.

difficulty: khó People learning a

khăn new language often encounter some difficulties at first.

obstacle: trở ngại The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.

Exercise 1:
People in many countries are spending less time with their family. What are the
reasons, and effects of this?

Exercise 2:
Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people.
Why is this the case? What can be done to attract more local people to these

Exercise 3:
Scientists predict in the near future, cars will be driven by computers, not people.
Why? Do you think it is positive or negative development?

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