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Study Questions 2

• Now that you are a private pilot what are you allowed to do?

• What reimbursement can you receive for a charitable flight?

• How many hours does a private pilot need to act as PIC of a flight for a Charitable, Community, or

Nonprofit event?

• What situation must you receive payment as a private pilot?

• Can you demonstrate an aircraft in flight to a prospective buyer? How many hours does that require?

• When can you receive compensation in connection with a business or employer?

• During flight with passengers, what are you required to pay?

• Can you use your own aircraft to assist in search and location operations? Can you receive

reimbursement for that?

• What experience requirements must be met to obtain a private pilot helicopter rating? (61.109 (c))

• What eligibility requirements must be met? (61.103)

• How do you know if you are night recent? (61.57 (b))

• Your friend wants to go for a ride in the helicopter but you haven’t flown for the last 6 months. What

must you do? (61.57 (a))

• How often is a flight review required? Can this checkride serve as your flight review? How often in a

Robinson is one required? Over/under 200 hours? What must a flight review consist of? What about

in a Robinson?

• What class medical do you have and how long is it valid? What does your class medical authorize you

to do? (61.23)

• Are you required to log all flight time? What flight time must you log? How must you log this in your

log book? When can you log pilot in command time? (61.51 (c), (b), (e))

• What documents are you required to have readily available when operating and aircraft? (61.3)

• What are the required inspections to be airworthy? (100pastvalt)

• What documents are required in the aircraft to be airworthy? (arow)

• Where must the airworthiness certificate be located? (In plain view, on the passenger side near the

seat or pedals in R22)

• How long is registration valid? (3 years from the expiration date of the previous certificate)

• Where are operating limitations located?

• Who is responsible for remaining withing the operating limitations markings and placards of the POH?

• What is Vne up to 3000’ DA?

• Where is Vne above 3000’ DA found?

• What is the maximum power off rotor speed limitation?

• What does the low RPM warning light and horn turn on?

• Max Cylinder Head Temp?

• Max Oil Temp?

• Max Oil Pressure during flight?

• During start and warm up?

• Max Gross Weight?

• Minimum Gross Weight?

• Max weight per seat including baggage?

• Max baggage per seat

• Minimum solo weight with baggage with doors on?

• Can you do aerobatic flight with passengers?

• Is flight with the governor off allowed?

• In the R22 can you fly in winds exceeding 25 knots?

• Maximum operating DA?

• Is the aircraft airworthy if its missing a placard? (91.9)

• What equipment does the far require? (CAMAFOOTS)

• What equipment does the POH require? (CROCAAWG)

• Where is the datum line in the R22?

• What additional equipment is required at night?

• What is an MEL?

• How is one obtained?

• How is it different from and MMEL?

• How do you determine equipment requirements without and MEL?

• What warrants a special flight permit and how do you obtain one?

• What are ADs?

• What preventative maintenance can be performed by the pilot? (POH 8-3)

• What are service bulletins?

• What must be documented when preventative maintenance has been performed? (POH 8-4)

• Weather charts valid time, how often issued, what information?

• You are to perform a cross country flight from Kona to Honolulu. You will make your first stop in

Waimea and your second stop in Maui. Which airport in Maui will you choose and why? Intended

departure time is 1 hour from now. What information are you looking at to find conditions at each

airport? What information are you assessing to determine conditions between each airport? How

and why will you decide whether or not it is safe for you as a private pilot to complete this flight?

• For the same XC you have (x) baggage, (y) cargo, and (z) passengers. Can we make the flight? How do

we alter the flight to complete it? Fuel? Baggage? Cargo? How will this effect out OGE/IGE


• What chart would you use to plan a cross country flight in Hawaii? How long is it valid for? Do you

currently have a chart in your possession? Is it valid?

• How should one pass over power lines and what advice could you give to them?

• What is an appropriate altitude to pass over obstructions? What obstructions do you think require

more altitude clearance than others?

• Cloud clearance and visibility requirements for different airspaces?

• What check points would you choose to travel from Kona to Waimea, and approximately what

distance from each other do you as a private pilot feel equipped to handle?

• What are NOTAMs?

• What important information about the flight can the PCS give you? How long is it valid for?

• Now that you are a private pilot would you fly in class A? Why or why not?

• I have a helicopter whose ceiling is 30,000’ DA. I want you to fly my helicopter from Kona to Hilo over

Mauna Kea at 19,000’. I’ll send a car to pick you up and we’ll go out for dinner in Hilo after as a thank

you. You get to log the time, valuable turbine at that, and the pro rata share is coincidentally

inexpensive. Can you do it?

• You’re over Kiholo bay at 20,000’. What airspace are you in?

• Who can operate in class B airspace?

• Do you need a clearance to enter class B?

• Do you need a clearance to enter class C airspace?

• When has two way radio communications been established?

• What if a class C airspace says, “Helicopter 7 miles to the south standby?” Can you enter?

• How about if they say, “Helicopter ‘N8379Z’ stand by?”

• What if your radio fails in either situation?

• What appropriate action would you take?

• What happens if a radio fails and two way radio communications have not been established in class D


• You’re over Kiholo bay at 1500’. What airspace are you in? Why?

• What is class E?

• Is it controlled? Can it be? Under what conditions is a class E airspace normally controlled?

• You’re over Kiholo bay at 500’. What airspace are you in? Why?

• Alert, MOA, Restricted, Prohibited, Controlled firing, TFR airspace?

• What is the purpose of the MAP chart?

• Does this mean more power is unavailable at 3000’ and +20ºC?

• Whose job is it to abide by the limitation?

• When operating in a condition that may be above the full throttle line, what will indicate

your power limit?

• At 6000’ and 0ºC in a Beta what are you MAP limitations?

• What is the danger in using 5 minute takeoff power for excessive periods of time?

• What is the purpose of the Vne Chart?

• Why 102 knots?

• Why is there no flight in this “no flight” section?

• What other reason do you think the Vne chart may have been put in place?

• Some early helicopter could hover, but when they would transition to forward flight they would roll.

What was the cause of this?

• What is dissymmetry of lift?

• How does the aircraft compensate for dissymmetry of lift?

• You’ve been traveling at high speed and you begin the aircraft beings to pitch up and roll left. What

may be occurring?

• What is retreating blade stall?

• What is the corrective action for retreating blade stall?

• What is the purpose of the height velocity diagram and what does it illustrate?

• What are 3 types of LTE?

• Under what conditions would each occur?

• What corrective action should be taken?

• What model engine is in the R22 Beta?

• How much BHP does it have?

• What is derated?

• Why is the aircraft derated?

• What is torque?

• How does torque impact the helicopter?

• How do we compensate for torque?

• What kind of main rotor system is on the R22? Blades?

• What is underslung?

• What type of tail rotor is on the R22?

• What is the advantage of the delta III hinge?

• How does R22 compensate for hard landings?

• Briefly explain the fuel system?

• What are approved fuel grades?

• What oil should be used in the R22?

• What about a new engine?

• What purpose does the mineral oil serve?

• How long should it be used?

• Briefly explain the electrical system?

• How many volts and amps is the batter? The alternator?

• On what principal does the pitot-static system operate?

• What instruments operate on the pitot-static system?

• You inadvertently encounter icing conditions. How will each instrument be effected if the pitot tube

freezes? The static port? Both?

• What is carb icing?

• How can carb icing occur?

• What is the difference between carb icing that occurs when the CAT gauge is in the yellow arc and

when less than 18” of manifold pressure is applied?

• Under what conditions should carb heat be applied?

• What function does the transponder serve?

• Is it required?

• What are the different kinds of hypoxia?

• Briefly explain each one?

• What type of hypoxia is caused by carbon monoxide poisoning?

• What should you do if someone appears to be hyperventilating?

• What is hyperventilation?

• The volcano has been very active and there has been a lot of vog in the air the past few days. It has

congested you and you find yourself with a lot of sinus pressure? Should you fly? What could occur?

• What is and how does spatial disorientation occur?

• What systems does the body rely on to orientate itself in space?

• You take your mother for her first helicopter ride. She has a history of getting sea sick and vomiting on

roller coasters. You look over and see she is becoming pale in the face. What should you do?

• What is carbon monoxide poisoning and how can it occur?

• How can stress and fatigue affect you and how should it be handled?

• How does dehydration occur? How can it be avoided? What problems can dehydration cause?

• How many hours should you wait to fly after consuming alcohol?

• What if you have a hangover?

• Should you fly if you have been taking prescription pain medication for a broken finger?

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