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1 Vidto-~ ~ mMpA- N VISHNU TEST -5 | MODERN GURUKUL FOR CIVIL SERVICES SUBJECT: ANTHROPOLOGY TEST SERIES 2022 Name OtCandidate | NIDH\ PAt E-mail id, Er. nye RollNo. | YOULOTY ‘Mobile No. qu» Date: | 13-04-22 ‘Time Allowed: 3 HOURS. ‘Maximum Marks: 250 STRUCTION 41. Do furnish the appropriate details in the answer sheet (viz. Name, Email, Rall No., Mobile 2. All questions are compulsory. 4, The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it 4, Answers must be writen in the medium authorized in the ‘Admission Cerificate, which must be stated clearly on the ‘cover ofthis Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space limit in questions, if specified, should be adhered to, ‘0 portion of the page left blank in the Question. ‘Booklet must be clearly Struck of en en ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner Scanned By Camera Scanner Ha Write ny Ug Whi Aves) nretat tala and Christianity on inion Society? ier Wrlinclacead Ind Aion Pas Surtanate ulote EdRH dovog Haste Of 4 Lane Qt qvidances eacknaring Welton kote Roth are Nnahanve vebigiona Saye Oy) Mono thaitvt: eC vidieron. 7 Sears tate rebyien Wham -3™ taroax Wh tbe Word | hea An (nde, Lommuniher teoxep |» aot Lowe ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 6 van ~ ¥ Modoin rears of Uansgort a.) [ ad ConoreuniCaly or (eodhuvnnt ray pore - Push be borne Wncliis betes (ielarn. ni wmahvart, tilvewoy ewe i ade) » Clothing eWeunter Ry fare, Shasrcan: (\elarn') 9 Gktrty Guilty 04. (clsWianithy Food. * Blaskos Bir pus , Ra ere Cla) 9 Comsirapthion oO wore, loony Porte (chusta Shay), : Biewlutton 9) Mar ag Rajrrson of PHU _ VWdorn avd b ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner (Don't Wet any thing i this Ares) °) ae the phasesof emergence of growth of Anthropology in oe Antaopotegy tome to Indra worth the Bret. The qroest >} Prtwropotogy tndfo tom be wnderstood Sp. ttuee Stages. (g(a apeenalaD ertablishrmerd | Prdadic in INA tottlian Joray : id Pg Studies of tedton tbe 4 ethnclog: asd ethnog rapier: 3) - ect» Omailes , Daitoon%r vaste eg, rth Inelia. ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 9 Vv usin d) Write about Guha’s Classification of Indian ethnic population? Ae Bs. Guha Claws fred Indearn, poputaton ®& 1923 barxd on Sevarat Chas ackensha And % &s Connidasd te be thu mos tursked raurnt ard ptakon hu date. — Gul Clavaficabion— Bs. Bun wlour, @ he _Neqte - Duk : eg 4 wonky howd + noedkium head. G- wut, Kodars. Baniyans 61 Sout Inca Considered thar indo: cv I The Pte Rudteatoid = * ti Doren, utente Sato, , Daw Hern LolOW , Predtur ‘eect to uk Eps, tebe thes earliest TOL in yew , Au , Oblique etye4 colt Scanned By Camera Scanner 10 vey (® Mediterranean Q Palin Mediterranson Dark Kein chow, Shane Shatua be busi} YOreMen @ Tehuga ara Now erobwanr Meditewvarean - © Namoodss Srahti Miahabad upernen. Onentar / Sane os Meditteranaa och! boty au Lonvexr nB&e &- Boassly % Posto. © Nordic Qos — Gare frog Nort. Leet Twice and Peitian etenents , Tau Stedure, Nance Scanned By Camera Scanner " v usa yy the dynamicsof Caste mobility? A. Coste System Re Seen as O@ SbatiKcah Suctem including Bre Brahmivy . efaotyai Vaiiugas and Shudas. Braknew ) what do you understand b} OF Carte Mokty weyers bo movernntyt Coste ehracksscakon Scanned By Camera Scanner enlas eAs stoner tu bene nts mt (AY ie rede (ert ™y we MPRed Costas vee cveuge Valealbani gaan IM ve usoatnantajan oy Lean alton We Avs gah on (S) PeViticoat woorys Wome Le COD (a Marq po wi em Pina Prado st Ke\var te be Kahabiyas Co deber Mon f | beeen used/ tool» Livy Depesantcakon « MiNi: Srinivas Laue Was Camenpt eaors tha MUONS ¢ —_ BD OAAV KAY SAN On , Thus Varigds Yattira howe loc kn mnovensed Odony Cas pom oud tee “Me aynonsc Cnouain tea (ore 6 Etre jo yg”! a or “e on pet ng” ep gt aN. Scanned By Camera Scanner 23 See ; V sin Q.3) Write about the Linguistic Classification of indian Population? (20 marks} A- India 8s a land + nuts ole languages and a land of Curtute Kecopding bs sol) census, Indra hos 1364 motuor tonquas, Actording to Ungquabe Spuvery conduct. bby Cpaeson and CY ugger And 1927, India ha 199 languages Ad spe dialects, > Linguinbe claapicobone (according to, Qireson and Ghyq4 r families. el broadly Seite I® Aryan languages we Inde Ewepean. Oy popataton - © Divided tipo 3 Deudic and Indo Aryan Scanned By Camera Scanner 1 Sino Tibetan (nivetey eae | ~_ eo ms ‘ nhsous/1 87 my 2 Spowen ento Ase k ‘ 5 re oe Assam imolayan Daxta LLepcha titel DNidead L konnawd ~ Poor L Pahant mnishy/ Ll aoe 7. Pract - 6} Auataic branch Stycast by aa O-FBy, OF ees © Divided @nto o branch oak kh ; Mdnctar CNicbaert/ Sartthat I~ Ho Munda. co Spoken Grn thhab Sr Gab Inddev. ‘ o Some oy tae Car Aanees QL ON). tas vuy oy extin ch’ on. Scanned By Camera Scanner 25 wisi Conta Dyavidsan- Vv No: providian tn Scanned By Camera Scanner > Senorio Today 0 Some a sts Aewtra on favy, scat OF o Enqluh and Hindi 9 ves larry fra aMquager, v0) 4 “e yoees of porstarganon eee dypoee x Enalole 4 espe rally Et que. ss “he languag? d Sino tibetan aoe extncborn, many X modu gates Modern Ady Nove ravages — couples, CWlidven Spr oe by ota ‘Www.VISHNUIAS.COM Scanned By Camera Scanner 27 vs ws on Jajimani system as ni system? Examine the vie Give reasons for its decline well as exploitative system. b) what is Jajimar an egalitarian as (asmarks)- Me Jaimanft sysem explains +tre. GOUO etonomic basis 4 agrarian labor (Economic Divison OF Souehkhss ») Fr Rusa ae giver by Witham (faron) id Otor han /Karin (hent). £ Chient- Pa relabomhips . One Jajrran have velahor only one Karon from One sa Non. break Jeymnn- Coste Cound Come rebar Ot broken. Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner visi Yeckine —» Reaions {A + © Entry oy money as te 2 Aur o exchange No need fr bart) 2 Reduchon oy Cutain Octupaton @) stainien steer 4agor > No need babe a‘ 5 wns aving Stee Ubensitd Mo need Ot Potter. Communicabkon ues to Ser Stuyplus good grr. ° No more pottosing ef & ° Transport Ou adsbional Ocuspate evi ; modanigzadhion, westunizakan, Glebatuaton ert ce. “Thus , thes J jroank =e ce ey iciiun {dor Pnrvabx Trt —the Introduction & Conclusion Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner Scanned By Camera Scanner nce in the e and examine its releval Contemporary Indian vil ble examples? (20 Marks) Ao The conupt oH Dominovtt Carle YOAs given by Mes Sine fr ap & Dommant Caste Cn Rares’ published ey Ame cone Antrwoppo logis Cas Q.4) a)Define the concept ‘Dominant Cast agewith suital Accorcling © Pride: © Dominant Caste sinves, & be a_ Lomi caste must haye “Hoe fatto wing — fant mum bet tr ee ont Coste & One Geet: lov en caste Gone Ore Scanned By Camera Scanner bis dommnanw P By Regina or Jia —> Element 94. O@Pominanee fr ¢ nora. &- na Mahon s koe A adlenica bron. fore pad ove). lever alommnan 4 Dominant - arte councels In K si fea fat Apa rayhtgabion for opp uke a» ate s Curt @ Brahmin. vs Kallar Clash mr 1430 Tamil ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 2 ves — Relevane fn Conte porary © Money has goured the TW shan Corte & bg: Bar study i) (aw Op) 0s cobte d Globalse eee have factor than ediias ef wutydizaben vitlages. ~ ener One equat et Order ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner rdsunderstanding of the Indi one oF the Mest the 20% Indian bribes, ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner indian society. the study srini vin on nis 116027 ag ¢) Discuss the ve heat cial ologists examine the I! ue Pee 6 as brnived a marks) an centuu: C shybons a> rats conto aa ae syste & nae vi C —coute syst df 1 nd toy | Leet Scanned By Camera Scanner 44 view -Modemnigaton % aluoays god bee Wwesternigabon &s not aluoatys good. @ Weatermricaron volithout modunigakon (today's eS Modeinisabon ut rs a Cty dus val Avizatony = po Syslom - Must be undietstood Qs a cohole Lott Case: Scanned By Camera Scanner a hk io Pgroved. ( cann Pr ptvaegg? A by POF a His Studies sip lain toe Changrg ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner (Don't Write any thing in this Ares) Vier SECTION B Qs) Write notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10 * 5 = 50 ohn and tery? K) Islam usar Mttoduced fr India Loh Oring oy tha Detty Sattanate. Rand Jasqesr vediqon Gry te 4 (Rasy) and abag Pm Indio muUound 14s; and Mataleany - am har alisays beMeved Sr patsarchat and patiinest esters - But Se WPS Knecon to have Cettain Progromive pesdste features ro — Were bo scone & Dvorw. — More Sax4 Tox eprapetaats how Aso vectucect “tte Stettiy Scanned By Camera Scanner _ an © s000400039 | Scanned By Camera Scanner Vine b) Gender and customary law a Ae Gender &s a Seedathy usated novo ger has to Clovo norms Qs Stk be (2 “thot a Cortatn Certain Cuustonu Or by by the Gotredy » 9 el » Ruth Benedict Ss oramornt! spree ehoewea er une wor not Crete biologically J Se tad , Om ae Gime oo re f Socion behavior ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner yaa mao © Sabrimate SF o ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 6) Varna astirany y Vainedamea % tue. toads Mnskitu hone aris o tur Trad: dona da Indéant | Bowe sam, ‘ Vonaskioma ta made o% & a Vouna (Natu) = cleesta a Rndividued qualinas ba aman. b) Aeuama ua ore % tip bangin oy. eS & phe “thus, Vanes ana. (a © Follous Cute 4 o Sta. leant and dpi 8) Cie ~hie lin Orel ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 7) vm «J Vonapraate. © Moving to a forest. © Poulet aoe up m4 goutal. Ue © Sim oNo Rndub 4. Sn Kama ov Pia oO Meditaton and linn treat fa BJ Sanya one ° Oiving oh. amy Beeiostas aie mora > Contemporary relevance - Win fo Aytna, Kama more Srypoytant tan © No tear demarcabon of Staqes- 4 © Vanaprasta ard yeaa almost Vests ° beter i e oolic stturad. © Iriduas, eet ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner vee 4) lrawati Karve B — Wrowwats Kouve 0 Lonsidend te be atin Prat \ndian Woman, antaopelogist dougie, ~ aly hasd fe), te jamous Borrow. met Dhondo Keshav Brauncle_ Stup My we Fermin(st ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner fp Change WENYCLVE, fy rele ie to attain Eomow Steindard, | eB Yooman Os Loyax volves, a Rae Sn hase” be, ewerked wot /Artuepelogut By 4 tro to Seadty behaviour fee a { chur, wrouserts Kase Com be we ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner payee eee. Risto Rima — 088 dud Huoualy ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner > Rebirth 2 ones preset Lae Ps the be “a dics oy the pour bye. (Kamaphada) eT, one bas te 4pllors Drama ts a goed Up % fn the mext fanma. ° By paige 4 Rinos, qolusict 4 Dhamma, ? Can ortain monika ard be relieved his cycle pBiete — Contemgofany Relavante eo The Con oR Rina and Rebate ace ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner (oN tte. pattun @ ’ Gr three sega? popwiaton pttovos Reeve graphic transi ton. age—) - A Cartier! SU aboue 1964 o Hight bivth and Death rete — Stable peputaton growty« Reasons ~ highe Birt, — Lew We 4 Contiacep tres , NO ALOU , aay} , Childven ar labour , low Cox eLonom. 4 Lt ‘th death — Loco Prslitubbnal delivertes, No medcat advange Penchaton & Plage 1 Cho lope“ “teage 2 196)— 199) - St Popus, : lage oF —Plecon Chia Sean loco ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner » Ream, t . igs bith 20% is Ure & convatep hves , frelon od onl growth Pf 4 te ft ain eronomy entre » Low death aH be Woeone (geveanhaait contvel “| ) meat coat advan Qrteay goons) este © eg? 3 - 148)- prent — Stage % wo birth eg death ka tabyWaahon Clo sont — 0 Intioarect UPC % contenant hy sss bea of Owings Awdueners. moedicat/Advantement . ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 55 V visiny (Economie) ea ps cae more lobor& . lows Standaud op Givin ‘- Joint farnly Sq slam. — Flawed Nakonat beetele Pol Rear peGu = No eniphasi© On Soviar qactos “aoe ae Absence o Laws peputaten Emphasis On mai 4 Spinsterhood / ala abe , Nig tt ea foctde uy tala ¢ ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner Imp ortance {2 a male Child Cars No Sex epee i Hed graduates Childven try one a Sm, 3 However, ote things have bean - The Nat charg eel lA OnaL Health Seunvdey (o.019-21) has WWW SISHIMUIAS cong ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 8? ves ‘b) Discuss the view that caste is n ii Jot socialstratificati of hierarchy (1SMarks) jon but a system Ae Carte Comes frem tthe portuguese word “Catta! which means vate [breed. Caste &s genvatty Seen aa a System ; Soviae Strats Seabon. 7 Hat along cohtch so dépreutt ite (€&- Bougt , May tender, Qh Hoewtver, tierce que Some di Caste 24a Bho do Nor ae ; Stab Bahar Bac oe ‘d ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner o Attabudonal @pproach eee Caste { hieauc Indbvaun ’ = \n his works ' Hieraachle In , a ge “ hee dpe. te, FE ’ se fr the Urninda of peaple « ~- He used Stractutat Approach and a {approach te study Case” nel wee that caste existe Pr te ee a the minds Sine , he sae ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner —— Panchamas viewed and Stuchec, Introduction & Conclusion .. 2 * . ae Total i ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner WWW VISHNUIAS con ©) ertically examinethe prevalence of caste rnoes he dancer. wah aml 5 A) Coste fe a Closed, erdogamont q Soviat Staksfcahon. uohich yeahicld , Aine. Nnovernoie oh ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner 61 Vir —? Coabe Syst th Chaatvain ty © The Converted Ghuahant au eatid Rnfertorly Pr Churchus (as 0as aces by Bishop fm Tamil Mada), ° ©. They heveSepaiate Churches; Sepasate grovey 4 Separsit prat nd Sepa Attaol, Fr MO gu z ii theGoan Cathotve Chis coniideted to be nest Sttiseed i boy chistant atte. Ofer g ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner ‘Scanned By Camera Scanner

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