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Smart Case for Smartphone with Solar Charging and Induction Charging


The authors of this article propose a significant improvement of the high-end cell phones that have
inductive charging, in this way, it will not be necessary of an outlet, by means of a smart case with
different loads, available on the market, introducing an innovative technology in the transmission of
energy by induction and receiving photovoltaic cells through a solar panel induction and the reception
of photovoltaic cells by means of a solar panel. In order to solve or provide a solution to the current
problem of people having to rely on a plug and a charger, an innovative technology is introduced plug
and a charger, we delve into the creation of a Smart Case that can be charged by photovoltaic cells
(Solar Panel) photovoltaic cells (Solar Panel) and at the same time charging by induction
(Electromagnetic Coils). This article highlights the importance of storing enough energy in the Solar
Panel so that it can supply and convert the amount of energy that is needed. The necessary amount to
the transmitting inductor by generating a magnetic field with the receiving inductor magnetic field
with the receiver inductor (Iphone). For this purpose, it is proposed to perform charging by
photovoltaic cells and induction charging taking into account the current and voltage regulators.


The design of this prototype will be developed based on the different problems generated by the
lack of battery that Smartphones have. The manufacturers have evolved in their batteries, charging
system, performance and processor, to have more autonomy, however, this is not autonomous of a
charger; making that when the battery level decreases, a charger and therefore a plug is sought.
Currently there is a big problem with charging cell phones when you leave the house for a long
time and do not get a charging point. There are many establishments with outlets to connect the cell
phone, but unfortunately many are disabled or not functional by constant use, so there are
recommendations or practices that each user should implement the use of these, so an innovative
technology is introduced in the transmission of energy by induction and reception of photovoltaic cells
through a solar panel.[1]

In order to solve or provide a solution to the current problem of people having to rely on a plug and
a charger, we delve into the creation of a Smart Case that can have a charge by photovoltaic cells and
in turn charge by induction, taking into account the current regulators simulations and then prototypes
will be made to obtain accurate information to be able to store enough energy in the Solar Panel so
that it can supply and convert the necessary amount to the transmitter inductor generating a magnetic
field with the receiver inductor magnetic field with the receiver inductor.[2]

This way we will be able to have the economic cost of this implementation that we want to we
want to do, taking into account the contribution it will make to the society, technology, social
perspective and to the environment, since it consumes renewable energy.

With this new implementation that will bring to trade, industry and manufacturers, we will be able
to This problem, which is vital for everyone nowadays, can be eliminated, since a Smartphone has
become our computer. Smartphone has become our laptop computer.

Induction, which is a process of charging an object without contact, i.e., by means of an electrically
charged body that is electrically electrically charged body that can attract another electrically charged
body that can attract another body another body. This allows it to be a process by which electric fields
are generated.

The solar generators are basically composed of one or more photovoltaic modules, a structure, a
battery bank, a battery bank, a battery bank, a battery bank, a battery bank, a battery bank, a battery
bank and a battery bank. a battery bank, a charge regulator, and possibly a direct current inverter or
direct current or alternating current inverter. direct current or alternating current inverter. This allows
us to generate great energy and money savings, in addition to contributing favorably to the
environment, by contributing favorably to the environment by not using the traditional energy

The methodology chosen for the execution of the project is an experimental research, since the
context in which the problem or need is developed is observed. experimental, since the context in
which the problem or need is developed is observed, in this case, the analysis to obtain information of
those cell phones that have the required characteristics, in order to develop the required
characteristics, to be able to develop the adaptation of electromagnetic coils and the electromagnetic
coils and transformation of stored energy by solar panel. Variables constant, with quantitative
experiments that prove the operation of the same.

Within the methodology, there is the partial management from the beginning to carry out the
proposal of the Smart Case for Smartphone. Smart Case proposal for Smartphone, that is to say, a
beginning in which the proposal is the proposal, the market is analyzed, the demand of the society,
and a problem that seeks a solution. a solution. A quantitative planning, designs and simulations of
control of converters in the required software, studies required software converters, implementation
studies of voltage and voltage regulators, performance analysis of the voltage and voltage regulators,
analysis of controller operation, assessment of possible costs, calculations of the same, feasibility to
enter the implementation phase of the project, budgeting costs to be implemented, testing of
prototypes with converters, regulators, solar panels and coils, regulators, solar panels and
electromagnetic coils, in practice and physics with trial and error. trial and error. Finally, the closing
phase of the project or proposal already implemented, the results obtained from the circuit results
obtained from the coupled circuit in the case.

Total coordination of the execution of the project for a correct prototype under simulations of the

The methodology of this project consists of:

- Collection of theoretical data, circuit reports with primary and secondary sources, test background of
DC-DC converters and DCAC converters.

- Step-by-step organization of circuit simulations, development and practical and physical practical
and physical implementation with trial and error.
- Obtaining theoretical results, and practical results, based on mathematical models, fundamental
electronic mathematical models, fundamental analysis of electronics, control, and power.

- Approximate simulations and comparisons with results obtained on an experimental bench.

experimental bench. Figure 1

Figure 1. Simulation of wireless power transfer using proteus.


This design and development will be carried out under analytical tests, tests in simulations and on
practical benches. and in practical benches, making a concertive analysis of the theoretical and
practical progress of the Smart Case for Smartphone. Based on the impact introduced to the
innovation of the market, with the market, with the storage of a primary source, voltage and current
tests, MOC303M, MOC303M , MC34063 voltage regulators, resistor verification (10Ω, 3.3kΩ,330Ω,
100Ω), capacitors (1µF at 10v, 100µF at 16v, 470µF at 16v), verification of collector coils and of
electromagnetic collector and transmitter coils with the Smartphone. Coupling the circuit in the Smart
Case, after performing charge and discharge tests, trial and error, peak voltage and voltage tests, peak
voltage and voltage drop tests, verification of converters and storage in the battery bank and storage in
the battery bank and solar panel.
This design contains solar cells, in charge of collecting solar and/or artificial light, and
transforming it into electrical energy. transform it into electrical energy, it will also have an induction
or electromagnetic charging system. electromagnetic, consists of generating a magnetic field between
the base or charging support (transmitter) that is connected to the (transmitter) that is connected to the
electric current using a coil converting it into high frequency alternating current, and between the
other coil that is connected to the case (receiver). The case will have two alternatives that will
generate electrical energy to never run out of charge in a mobile device. never run out of charge in a
mobile device. This in order to give a new contribution to society, technology, social and cultural

The flow chart of the project is shown below, representing in this way the phases or execution that
is being developed in response to the problem exposed above, i.e., the lack of battery that cell phones
have and make them depend on an electrical outlet depend on a power outlet. Figure 2.

Within the methodology of the project highlights the work done in previous projects of the group
that have achieved under the approval of Professor Alexander Gomez Bello, engineer and Professor of
Mechatronics Engineering at ECCI University, based on the triggering, activation of voltage and
current of SCRs and TRIACs, another project was the development, simulation, and practice of the
Controlled Rectifier its characteristic curve and its signal on the load. The research and trajectory
process will be followed to implement a Smart Case, with results under the background of the
research. Case, with the results under the above background, with technical and practical capabilities
that can be achieved through the working group. Both the support staff and the undergraduate students
are able to contribute knowledge to support the project. With the support and backing of Ecci
University, in the counterpart of the results of the project, this refers to the equipment needed for this
project, the support personnel, tools and materials to be used.

Figure 2. Wireless Solar Power Transfer Block Diagram


Throughout the development of this project, factors corresponding to the environmental impact
will be analyzed, the positive and negative effects of the research. Positive effects to the
environmental impact of the project are identified, referring to the energy savings, since having the
Smart Case placed in the smart cell phone, it will not differ in having a normal case or with current. In
addition, it is environmentally friendly, since it consumes renewable energy, reducing by 70% the
amount of energy consumption is 70% lower than the current level by having solar
panels that store solar energy. The use of a solar panel charging system is a great advantage, since the
sun provides an inexhaustible energy source, and the installations for its use do not pollute the
atmosphere, do not produce greenhouse gases and do not pollute the water. In addition, it does not
produce noise pollution, since its generation is silent. Another advantage is its wide availability, since
even in remote places, which may be difficult to access to obtain energy from other sources, it is
always possible to count on solar energy solar energy. Likewise, its installations can be small or large,
suitable for supplying the domestic needs of an urban or isolated dwelling, as well as for large-scale
generation plants.

It also has a very positive environmental impact as it not only consuming this Smart Case
renewable energy, but also has a saving of current and voltage, since by converting solar energy DC-
DC and DC-AC to obtain induction charging, you are saving and avoiding connecting it to an
electrical outlet. It is estimated that 75% of this reduction can be achieved through these through these
energy and electrification technologies. Helping to reduce the negative impact of global electricity

Another environmental benefit that the Smart Case brings is extending the life of your
conventional USB charging connector. Therefore, we hope that this project will become the basis for
the use of clean energy in the country for cell phone charging.

It is expected to develop a complete analysis and a validation of the results obtained from the
simulations of a solar panel, with the Matlab/Simulink tool, to perform a series of measurements of
the power generated by the solar panel, under different conditions of radiation and operating
temperature; then perform a simulation to see the behavior of the panel using a mathematical model
and the model of this established by Simulink; finally, an analysis of the approximation of each one of
the simulations with the real data will be performed analysis of the approximation of each of the
simulations with the real data. To realize an electrical scheme in Proteus to make a connection with
Matlab and the other components that interfere in the development of the project and thus to realize a
prototype with the corrections of errors generated during the simulation.

Figure 3. Simulation and analysis

A possible timetable for achieving satisfactory results is as follows

- Study possible alternatives for the use of solar panels.

- Investigation of the functioning of the panel and electronic elements for the charger.

- Prototype design. Cost verification and redesign of the prototype. Assembly of the solar panel with
the housing.

- Development of software and proteus program for development.

- Unification and synchronization of the software with the prototype.

- Final coupling of the software and the prototype.

- Implementation of the complete system.

- Error verification, monitoring, calibration and system operation.

The chronogram of the stages that are handled in the distribution of responsibilities is shown.
responsibilities, these are, as shown in table 1 and 2.
Table 1. month and day

Table 2. expected Schedule

This project can have the following expected impacts:

1. Completed undergraduate thesis.

2. National exhibition showing the developed project.

3. Increased competitiveness of the Smart Case for Smartphone.

4. Consolidation of international and national projects at regional and university level.


5. Opens the possibility of opening new research or new project proposals.

6. To have the Smart Case in physical form to be able to commercialize it, to present it as an I+D+i
project, to open the possibility of patenting it, and to evidence a growth rate of the produc

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