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Praise and gratitude for the blessing of God Almighty for His grace and gifts so that the paper
entitled "Karate" is to increase insight and deepening about karate in world sports.

This paper was made with the aim of fulfilling the task of applying English from Mr. Jeki
Haryanto, S.Si., M.Pd. in the field of English language application studies. In addition, the
preparation of this paper aims to add insight to the reader about the karate style in order to be
able to explore learning in the world of sports.

We express our gratitude to Mr. Jeki Haryanto, S.Si., M.Pd. as an English application subject
teacher. Thanks to this assignment, we can add to our knowledge regarding the given topic.
We also express our deepest gratitude to all those who helped in the preparation of this paper.

We realize that in the preparation and writing there are still many mistakes. We therefore
apologize for the errors and imperfections that readers find in this paper. We also expect
criticism and suggestions from readers if they find errors in this paper.

Padang 26 October 2022

Group 9


PREFACE ................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................
A. Bacground....................................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation .................................................................................... 1
C. Purpose of The Paper .................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II THEORY............................................................................................ 2
A. Defenition of Karate .................................................................................... 2
B. The First Development of the Entry of Karate to Indonesia ................... 2
C. Basic Karate Techniques ............................................................................. 3
1. Kihon Movement or Basic Movement ................................................... 3
2. Kata Movement or Kick ......................................................................... 3
3. Kumite Movement or Combat ............................................................... 4
4. Gestures or Kicks .................................................................................... 4
5. Uke or Parry/Dodge Gerakan ................................................................ 4
6. Movement of Nage Waza or slamming ................................................. 4
D. Rules of Karate Competition ...................................................................... 4
1. Karate Field Rules ................................................................................. 5
2. Karate Referee Rules ............................................................................. 5
3. Karate Jury Rules .................................................................................. 5
4. Rules of the Karate Equipment Used................................................... 6
E. Karate Competition Class ........................................................................... 6
1. Early Age ................................................................................................ 6
2. Pre Beginner ........................................................................................... 6
3. Junior ...................................................................................................... 7
4. Under 21 ................................................................................................. 7
5. Seniors ..................................................................................................... 7
F. Indonesian Karate Athletes at National Level .......................................... 7
1. Elementary Level Karate Branch ........................................................ 8
2. Middle School Karate Branch .............................................................. 8

BAB III CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION ............................................ 8
A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 8
B. Recomendation ............................................................................................... 8

A. Background
Karate as a martial art as well as as a means and infrastructure to improve physical
fitness as a whole. Karate has long been known as a martial art without the use of weapons
in Karate. Karate martial arts can try to control one's emotions, and educate someone to be
brave, disciplined and able to make good decisions. In addition, the sport of karate also
conveys talent and interest as well as an achievement sport that is competed both regionally
and internationally. Karate-Do is a very noble Budo or martial art.
KarateDo is like sharp objects or strong drugs, if used incorrectly it will cause disaster
or disaster, but if used properly it will be very useful. Therefore someone who really
practices Karate will not easily get lost in a fight because he is aware that one attack can
cause harm and even death to his opponent. Therefore, it is to be used for members who
follow Karate martial arts so that they do not use these karate techniques. This is in
accordance with the philosophy of karate, which is very polite and respectful and humble
and not arrogant.

B. Formulation of The Problem

1. What is karate?
2. The development of the entry of karate into Indonesia?
3. What are the basic techniques of karate?
4. What rules and regulations are there in the sport of karate during matches?
5. What classes are there in the karate competition?
6. Who are the Indonesian athletes who have reached the international level?

C. Purpose of The Paper

From the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this paper is formulated
as follows:
1. Knowing the meaning of rubber and when karate was formed.
2. Knowing when the formation or development of karate in Indonesia.
3. Knowing the basic techniques of karate.
4. Knowing what the rules of karate at the world and in Indonesia are in competing.
5. Know what the classes are in karate competitions.
6. Knowing karate athletes who have reached the international level.
A. Defenition of Karate

Karate is a martial art originating from Japan. This martial art is slightly influenced by
the Chinese martial art, Kempo. Karate was brought into Japan via Okinawa and began to
develop in the Ryukyu Islands. This martial art was first called "Tote" which means like
"Chinese Boxing" was first introduced to Japanese citizens in 1916 by Gichin Fukanosi.

B. The First Development of the Entry of Karate to Indonesia

The development of rubber in Indonesia from an Indonesian student who has completed
his studies in Japan named Bbaud A.D. Adikusumo in 1964. He is a karateka who received
a black belt from M. Nakayama, JKA. He started teaching karate. In 1967 he met with two
Indonesian students who had also completed their studies from Japan, namely Sabeth
Mukhsin and Anton Lesiangi. In 1970, Sabeth Mukhsin along with Baud A.D. Adikusumo
and Anton Lesiangi founded PORKI (Indonesian Karate Sports Association) which later
changed its name to FORKI (Indonesian Karate Sports Federation). At that time Sabeth
Mukhsin had received a 3rd DAN level from the JKA (Japan Karate Association) which
was the highest DAN in Indonesia at that time, Anton Lesiangi (AND 1 JKA) and Baud
A.D. Adikusumo (AND 1 JKA).
Sabeth Mukhsin, Anton Lesiangi and Baud A.D. Adikusumo finally established a
Karate Education Institute called INKAI (Institut Karate-Do Indonesia) in 1971 which is
known as the first College (Educational Institution) in Indonesia. A few years later Baud
A.D. Adikusumo founded the Karate Do Institute (INKADO) and Anton Lesiangi founded
the Lemkari College (Indonesian Karate-Do Institute), which in the decade of 2005 due to
internal affairs many Lemkari members left and was fired who later founded INKANAS
(National Karate-do Institute) which is an amalgamation of from the MKC (Medan Karate
club) college.

From there developed what is called another Karate School, namely Wado under the
tutelage of Wado-ryu Karate-Do Indonesia (WADOKAI) which was founded by C.A. The
Park and Kushin-ryu Matsuzaki Karate-Do Indonesia (KKI) founded by Matsuzaki Horyu.
In addition, it is also known that Setyo Haryono and several other figures carried the Goju-
ryu school. Nardi T. Nirwanto with several other figures brought the Kyokushin school. The
Shito-ryu sect also grew in Indonesia under the schools of GABDIKA Shitoryu (with the
character Dr. Markus Basuki) and SHINDOKA (with the character Bert Lengkong). In
addition to the schools originating from Japan above, there are also several styles of Karate
in Indonesia which were developed by the sons of the Indonesian people themselves, so that
they became independent and not bound by the rules of the Hombu Dojo (Central Dojo) in
In 1972, 25 Karate colleges in Indonesia, both originating from Japan and those
developed in Indonesia itself (independently), agreed to join FORKI (Federation of
Indonesian Karate-Do Sports), which is now the representative of WKF (World Karate
Federation) for Indonesia. Under FORKI's guidance, Indonesian Karateka can compete in
international forums, especially those sponsored by KONI. In 1985 there was a riot in the
FORKI organizational body, and a new Karate sports parent organization emerged called
PKSI (Indonesian Karate Association) which used a Sports Branch organization system that
had a standard curriculum without adhering to the Karate School. In 2000, PKSI changed
its name to FKTI (Federation of Traditional Indonesian Karate). Until now in Indonesia
there are 2 Main Organizations of Karate Sports, namely FORKI (which adheres to the
Stream Karate Sports Branch) and FKTI (which adheres to Non-School Karate Sports). .

C. Basic Karate Techniques

There are several basic karate techniques, namely;
1. Kihon Movement or Basic Movement
The basic technique that must be mastered first is Kihon. In the principle of the
game of karate says "no kata and Kumite movements without Kihon". That means this
movement is very important to master. Because, if a karate player can master Kihon
well, it means that his karate game is correct.

2. Kata Movement or Kick

Kata is the character of every type of karate sport. Kata contains several fighting
principles as well as the secret techniques of each style of karate. In his movement, Kata

has philosophies of life. Each word has a different meaning, difficulty level, rhythm
and breathing.

3. Kumite Movement or Combat

Kumite or hand meeting is a fighting technique in karate. Kumite consists of
several groups, but for Kumite that is often used in matches, it is known as Shiai
Kumite. Kumite has several levels, namely gohon kumite, kihon ippon kumite, jiyu
ippon kumite, and jiyu kumite.Gerakan Dachi atau Kuda-Kuda
The stance or dachi is a basic movement used to punch, kick, or parry. All
movements must begin with the correct stance. Of course, the movement of the horses
also has various types, for example Shinzen-tai, Zenkutsu-dachi, Kokutsu-dachi. Zuki
or punches are usually done using the two front knuckles and are often referred to as
siken or front fists. This technique is quite famous from the sport of karate. Zuki is often
used because it is quite efficient, fast, and also powerful. Examples of Zuki's
movements include Oi-zuki-chudan, Agi-zuki, and Choku-zuki.

4. Gestures or Kicks
It's the same with kicking in all types of martial arts. In the sport of Karate itself
also has several types and relies heavily on flexibility and good standing. The types of
Geri that you should know include Mae geri, Usiro geri, Kaege, Kekomi, and Yoko

5. Uke or Parry/Dodge Gerakan

In the technique of parry or evasion it is used for self-defense or avoiding when
getting an attack from the opponent. If this technique is applied correctly, you can
prevent further attacks from your opponent. Examples of the Uke movement include
Gedan barai, Jodan age-uke, and Chudan ude-uke.

6. Movement of Nage Waza or slamming

Nage Waza or slams are as important as stances, punches, kicks, and also parries
in the sport of karate. This technique can be used when the distance between your
opponent and you is not that far. Some throw techniques that you should know include
fumi kiri, udewa, and unshu geri.

D. Rules of Karate Competition
1. Karate Field Rules

When holding a karate match, the field used must also have rules. The field must
be a mat with a flat shape and must be safe from the risk of danger if the participant falls.
The sizes of the required karate courts are;
a. Mattress length: 10 m
b. Mattress width: 10 m
c. Mattress height: 1 m
d. Material or materials: Eva sponge equipped with good density.
2. Karate Referee Rules
As stipulated in FORKI DIY in 2015, there are important tasks of karate that
need to be carried out according to the rules that have been agreed upon. The duties of
a karate referee when leading a karate match are:
a. Lead the start of the karate match event and end it.
b. Postpone a match that is already in progress if there is something urgent.
c. Assessing participants who have competed according to what the jury has decided.
d. Stop the karate competition if there is a participant who is seriously injured or sick.
e. However, the termination of this match can be done if it has been agreed by the jogai
or the jury and after the jury has given a score for the kick that has been taken
f. by one of the karate participants.
g. The right to issue warnings or decisions based on the results of the jury's discussion.
h. Deciding the match has a draw.
i. Announce who is the winner of the results of the matches that have been run.

3. Karate Jury Rules

Similar to other sports competitions, karate also has a jury who determines who
the winner in the match is based on the results of the assessment. In the karate rules,

there are several judges who will judge the course of the match. The judges are divided
into 4 categories including:
a. Shunshin: A judge whose job it is to preside over a karate match.
b. Tatami manager: A judge with the task of supervising the match from start to finish.
c. Fukushin: Judges who play an important role in helping referees make important
decisions during matches.
d. Kansa: Judges who serve as verifiers. His job is to check whether the karateka has
brought all the equipment required for the match.

4. Rules of the Karate Equipment Used

The last karate rule is that every participant who competes must be equipped
with some important equipment to protect himself. Personal equipment is important so
that participants are protected from various things that harm them. The equipment that
must be used is:
a. Complete karateka uniform from top to pants and belt.
b. Body protector that serves to protect the body.
c. Face mask that functions as head protection.
d. Shin guards play a role in protecting the participant's shins.
e. Hand protector as a hand protector.
f. Gumshield to protect teeth.

E. Karate Competition Class

1. Early Age
Early age classes are for karateka aged 8-9 years with a maximum birth of
August 1st. In this early age class, there are individual male/female words, male
individual kumite, and female individual kumite. Men's individual kumite is divided into
3 classes, namely the -25 kg, -30 kg, and +30 kg classes. Meanwhile, women's individual
kumite is divided into 2 classes, namely the 25 kg and +25 kg classes.

2. Pre Beginner
Next, there is a pre-beginner class. This class is 10-11 years old with a maximum
birth of August 1st. For this class there are individual male/female kata, male individual
kumite, and female individual kumite. Men's individual kumite is divided into 3 classes,

namely -30 kg.-35 kg, and + 35 kg. As for the women's individual kumite includes
classes -30 kg.-35 kg. and +35 kg.

3. Junior
The junior class has an age of 16-17 years with a maximum birth of August 1st.
In this junior class, there are individual male/female words, male/female team cadets
and juniors aged 14-17 years, male individual kumite, and individual female kumite. For
men's individual kumite there are classes -55 kg.-61 kg. -68 kg -76 kg, and +76 kg.
Meanwhile, for women's individual kumite, there are classes - 48 kg - 53 kg. -59 kg.
+59 kg.

4. Under 21
This class consists of karateka aged 18-20 years whose maximum birthday is
August 1st. In this under 21 class, there are individual male/female words, male
individual kumite, and female individual kumite. For men's individual kumite there are
classes - 68 kg, -78 kg and +78 kg. Meanwhile, women's individual kumite is divided
into 3 classes, namely class-53 kg, 60 kg, and +60 kg.

5. Seniors
This senior class has an age of over 20 years. In this senior class there are
individual male/female words, male/female team words under 21 and seniors aged 18-
>20 years, male individual kumite, and individual female kumite. For men's individual
kumite there are classes -55 kg, kg, -67 kg, -75 kg, -84 kg, and +84 kg. As for the
women's individual kumite, there are -50 kg and -55 kg classes. -61 kg. -68 kg, and +68

F. Indonesian Karate Athletes at National Level

The following is a list of the National Student Sports Olympiad winners (Nanang
Masyahri, 2021)
1. Elementary Level Karate Branch
a. Women Category:
1) The Champion Nayaka Kanza Raviq from SDN Rejomulyo
2) The Second Champion Kayra Maysha Devi from SDN Bandar Lor 2, serta
3) The Third Champion Aruna Sachi Aksata Raviq from SDN Rejomulyo.

b. Man Category:
1) The Champion Muhammad Haydar Adzkri from SD Islam Al Huda 2,
2) The Second Champion Erlangga Banyu Bhumi Prasetyo, serta
3) The Third Champion Fefby Febryan.
2. Middle School Karate Branch
a. Women Category :
1) The Champion Naila Amalia F from SMPN 1 Kediri,
2) The Second Champion Ula Sania Prestanti from SMPN 1 Kediri, dan
3) The Third Champion Novaria from SMPN 3 Kediri.
b. Man Category:
1) The Champion Andrea Alriski W from SMPN 3 Kediri,
2) The Second Champion Tio from SMPN 3 Kediri, dan
3) The Third Champion Panji Wahyu Satria from SMPN 2 Kediri.

A. Conclusion
Karate is a martial art originating from Japan. This martial art is slightly influenced
by the Chinese martial art, Kempo. Karate was brought into Japan via Okinawa and began
to develop in the Ryukyu Islands. This martial art was first called "Tote" which means like
"Chinese Boxing" was first introduced to Japanese citizens in 1916 by Gichin Fukanosi.
The development of rubber in Indonesia from an Indonesian student who has
completed his studies in Japan named Bbaud A.D. Adikusumo in 1964. He is a karateka
who received a black belt from M. Nakayama, JKA. He started teaching karate. In 1967 he
met with two Indonesian students who had also completed their studies from Japan, namely
Sabeth Mukhsin and Anton Lesiangi. In 1970, Sabeth Mukhsin along with Baud A.D.

B. Recommendation
Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this proposal, of course,
there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because it lacks of the knowledge and
the reference. Author much hope dear readers, providing constructive criticism and
suggestions for the perfect proposal to the author in the writing of the proposal in the next
opportunities. Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear readers
in general. Such review this time, may be useful for you and also inspire.

Nanang Masyhari. 2022. Ini Daftar Juara Karate dan Pencak Silat Olimpiade Olah Raga
Siswa Nasional 2022 Kota Kediri.
Diakses pada tanggal 01 November 2022, Pukul 21.39 WIB
Hidayati 2021. Skorpedia: Sejarah Karate di Indonesia, Sebuah
Perjalanan dari Negeri Sakura.
indonesia-sebuah-perjalanan-dari-negeri-sakura. Diakses pada tanggal 26 oktober
2022, pukul 20. 22 WIB.
an_karate. Diakeses pada tanggal 26 oktober 2022, pukul 20.02 WIB 2022. Tinggkat kelas kompetitif pada karate.

Note: Actually there are 3 photos but, with the same style, and work on each task.


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