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1. Define the expression “to alter manners”.

2. Define the expression “to keep body and soul together”.

3. Define the expression “a dim recollection”.
4. Define the word “confide”.
5. Define the expression “a rough tongue”.
6. Name at least 3 good characteristics of a person and define them.
7. Name at least 3 traits of character you detest and state the reasons.
8. Name at least 3 bad characteristics of a person and define them.
9. Define the expression “nature conservation”.
10. Name the major environmental issues confronting humanity today.
11.Which environmental cause is the most destroying today
12. On what basis should the “man –nature” relationship function
13.Define the word “pollution”.
14. Name the major environmental issues confronting humanity today.
15. Define the expression “nature conservation”.
16. Define the expression “natural resources” and list them.
17. Define the expression “environmental destruction”.
18. Recall the definition of the expression “a lame duck”.
19. Recall the definition of the word combination “there is no room for”.
20. Recall the definition of the word combination “to be in leaf”.
21. Recall the definition of the word combination “to take smb. In from head to heel”.
22. Define the expression “to have a mind to keep track of”.
23. Define the expression “the apple of one’s eye”.
24. Define the expression “a dim recollection”.
25. Define the expression “to alter manners”.
26. Define the expression “to keep body and soul together”.
27. Define the expression “a dim recollection”.
28. Define the word “confide”.
29. Define the expression “a rough tongue”.
30. Define the expression “the apple of one’s eye”.

1. Develop the situation: An acquaintance of yours is asking you for a piece of advice, which you hesitate to
2. Assess the following situation: “I am not as enthusiastic about people as you are. I do not take people for
what they look and sound. I try to size them up according to their deeds.”
3. Develop the situation: You are late for a house-warming party. Apologize to the hostess using essential
vocabulary of Unit Seven.
4. Use the following outline to describe your own chief characteristics: appearance, background, likes and
dislikes, character, temperament
5. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: I shan’t touch upon the subject unless …
6. Develop the situation: Social network sites (like Facebook) are becoming more and more popular. Do you
see social networking as a positive or negative thing? Why? If all social networking sites were shut down
forever, how would your life be affected?
7. Translate the following into Russian: Doubtless he realized that something was in the wind, but I did not
think it necessary to make him fully into my confidence.
8. Develop the situation: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” is a popular saying. Describe a time
when you spent a lot of time preparing for a project, job, or performance.
9. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: With her close – cropped hair she …
10. Interpret the message of the story “The Happy Man”.
11. Translate the following into Russian: Miller was not a very good driver really. He went in fits and starts as if
he could not make up his mind where he was going.
12. Develop the situation: very often some little things make us change our opinion of a person for the worse…..
13. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: It’s not always easy to teach children to read.
Some children have special …
14. Predict the consequences of global warming.
15. Translate the following into Russian: He had to make sure that she would not be likely to confide the whole
story to Gervase, which she might do.
16. Summarize your ideas concerning happiness and being happy.
17. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: With so many other things to occupy my mind, I
had not given Wilson …
Use verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs from Units Seven and Eight to describe a person you know and
18. Translate the following into Russian: Turning towards her he saw a glimmer of understanding come into her
eyes, and he quickly smiled to give her confidence
19. Write an essay on the topic: “The people we choose”
20. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: We thought we knew Italian having studied it
from books, but we had some difficulty …
21. Demonstrate your presentation on: psychological types suitable for work in different trades.
22. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: I know that he’s sorry about what happened, but
I am none …
23. Use speech patterns of Units 7-8 to describe your attitude towards the idea of happiness.
24. Translate the following into Russian: Mr. Pyne, what I am about to tell you is in the strictest confidence!
25. Illustrate the fallowing proverb: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
26. Translate the following into Russian: Turning towards her he saw a glimmer of understanding come into her
eyes, and he quickly smiled to give her confidence
27. Write an essay on the topic: “The people we choose”
28. sky, it was …
29. Develop the situation: One complaint many students have is that they don’t have enough control over their
own education. If you could teach a new class not normally taught in schools, what would it be? What would
this class teach and how would the students be graded?How would you convince the teachers and director that
students need this class?
30. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: I think it only fair to tell you a good painting
when …
31. Develop the situation: “Fortune favors the bold”
32. Translate the following into Russian: Kayerts was moved almost to tears by Wallace’s kindness. He would,
he said, by doing his best, try to justify his confidence.
33. Contribute your own way of presenting the following project: Man and Nature
34. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: I don’t know the rules, but I think it’s …
35. Develop the situation: You are late for a house-warming party. Apologize to the hostess using essential
vocabulary of Unit Seven.
36. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: The two old gentlemen were obviously
displeased with the interruption. They gave us a …
37. Contribute your own way of presenting the following project: Destruction of wildlife.
38. Translate the following into Russian: There was just awkward embarrassment in not knowing how to react
to such a curious outbreak.
39. Contribute the ending of the situation applying the appropriate forms of the the verbs “concern”,
40. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: I’m not sure of the meaning of the term,
perhaps it’s …
41. Demonstrate your presentation on: The essential factors that help to build a person’s character: background
and environment, educational possibilities, cultural standards.
42. Translate the following into Russian: “death is nothing to be afraid of,” he said, “I think about it every day
of my life.” “You are very odd,” she said.
43. Develop the situation: Social network sites (like Facebook) are becoming more and more popular. Do you
see social networking as a positive or negative thing? Why? If all social networking sites were shut down
forever, how would your life be affected?
44. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: With her close – cropped hair she …
45. Develop the situation: the role of mass media in environmental protection.
46. Translate the following into Russian: Doubtless he realized that something was in the wind, but I did not
think it necessary to make him fully into my confidence.
47. Develop the situation: Everyone likes to relax in different ways. Some people even have a special place that
only they know about. What special place do you like to go to for relaxation? What does it look like? What do
you do there?
48. Develop the situation: An acquaintance of yours is asking you for a piece of advice, which you hesitate to
49. Assess the following situation: “I am not as enthusiastic about people as you are. I do not take people for
what they look and sound. I try to size them up according to their deeds.”
50. Develop the situation: You are late for a house-warming party. Apologize to the hostess using essential
vocabulary of Unit Seven. Use the following outline to describe your own chief characteristics: appearance,
background, likes and dislikes, character, temperament
51. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: I shan’t touch upon the subject unless …
52. Develop the situation: Social network sites (like Facebook) are becoming more and more popular. 53. Do
you see social networking as a positive or negative thing? Why? If all social networking sites were shut down
forever, how would your life be affected?
45. Translate the following into Russian: Doubtless he realized that something was in the wind, but I did not
think it necessary to make him fully into my confidence.
55. Develop the situation: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” is a popular saying.
56. Describe a time when you spent a lot of time preparing for a project, job, or performance.
57. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: With her close – cropped hair she …
58. Interpret the message of the story “The Happy Man”.
59. Complete the following sentence using the Speech Patterns: I shan’t be free till July 1, I have ...
60.Extend the idea in the situation: Everybody is talking about pollution. Pollution is what happens when things
we eat, the place we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories.

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