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Medium lens, There is no spatial distortion, but the depth of field isn’t that good.

There is more depth of field as the exaggerated depth of field which gives makes the viewers eyes more
active as the viewer can see more of the scene. It also allows the actors to walk around more freely.
There is more of a space distortion, and there is an exaggerated depth as the lens distorts the shot in a
curve which is most extreme along the edges.

Telephoto lens can only focus on one frame of reference, so it usually has a blurry background. It is best
used for narrowing the viewers attention. It can also shift the viewers attention.
Zoom makes all objects larger or smaller at a steady rate despite the distance.

A pan is a shot that move in a swivel

a tracking shot moves in a set of wheels. Because tracking shots needs rails, the shot is very properly
staged and the scene is very composed

The handheld shot is held by a person, and because of that the shot shakes a lot which makes a
nervousness feeling in the shot.
A stedicam shot givesthe smoothness of a tracking shot, with the freedom of the handheld shot/

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