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New VEPT Opinion (2.8.


Computers (agree)

The first computers were very large and some were as big as several rooms. Over time,
the technology improved and computers became smaller. Now, personal computers are
everywhere. They are supposed to improve the quality of our lives, but they have not made life
Computers waste a lot of time. Computers are machines, and machines often break. There
are many stories about people who have wasted example, one woman bought a computer, and
after she turned it on it did not work. She spent a week talking on the phone with someone from
customer support and was still not able to successfully set up the computer. She eventually
returned to the store. In another story, a graduate student at a major university lost a year’s worth
of research because his computer stopped working. He had to start his research project all over
again. Having a computer means losing time when they break.
Computers also hurt relationships between people. It is important to build strong
relationships with family and friends. However, people often sit in front of their computers.
Instead of being with their family and friends. On computers, there is always another email to
answer, another website to read or another online game to play. Before computers, families
would talk and play games as a group for an entire evening. Now, a family can be in the same
house without talking to one another. This can damage relationships between people.
Computers are in more places than ever before. Computers are getting smaller and easier
to carry around. We will see more and more computers as technology improves. Despite what
many people think, they do not make life better. Udemy link To record and check the files. to check the internet speed. for typing practice. VEPT CDT link To practice your
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Zoos (agree)

Over the past several years, the number of people visiting zoos in the United States,
Australia, and England has reached record levels. Zoos attract a lot of tourists and families. But
they are not the best place for animals to live.
A zoo can provide only limited space for each animal. Some bears for example have only
ten metres of walking space at a zoo, but in their natural home, bears can walk for long distances.
Many zoos keep big cats in very small spaces compared to their natural environments. In a zoo,
they cannot move enough to stay active and strong. Also, birds are often kept in small spaces
where they must walk from branch to branch instead of flying. Having too little space to live in
can be bad for the animals’ minds and bodies.
It is also important to understand that zoos can be harmful and even deadly for some
animals. Animals from different regions or areas live very close together. They can get stick
because they are not used to each other. People can also hurt animals by giving them food that
they are not supposed to eat. Animals can get sick when humans throw waste in their living
space. For example, some animals think plastic bottles are food and they hurt themselves trying
to eat the plastic. So it is not always the case that animals are safer in zoos than they are in their
natural homes.
Many people visit zoos every year. They think it is a fun activity for families. But they
should think about the poor living conditions of the animals in zoos. When it comes time to plan
an activity with your family, zoos are not the best choice.
Teenagers (agree)

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Some teenagers work
after school. Other teenagers work on the weekend. Others work during school breaks Schools
teach students a lot, but having a job can help students in ways that schools cannot. All teenagers
should work while they are in school.
Teenagers who have jobs as students can learn about different job fields. If a student
wants to become a doctor, he or she can learn what it is like to work in a hospital. A student who
likes children can help at a school. Students will get very useful experiences. Such experiences
make it easier for students to decide what kind of job they should look for when they graduate. In
some cases, teenagers may learn that certain jobs are not right for them. It is important for
teenagers to learn about a variety of jobs.
Students who work also, learn how to manage their own money. Many teenagers depend
on their parents for everything. If parents give teenagers money, then teenagers will get used to
receiving money easily. By working hard for their own money, teenagers learn its value. They
also learn how to make the most of their money when choosing what to buy. Understanding how
to manage money is a useful skill for teenagers to learn.
A job may take time away from students’ studies, but it will also teach them a lot about
different job fields and managing money. A part time job provides students with experiences and
skills that cannot be taught in school.

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