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REVIEWER – The Journey of Israel

1. Pharaoh is a type Satan.

2. Gilgal simply means the circumcision of the heart.
3. Israel coming out of Egypt signifies being born-again.
4. Water baptism is represented by Red Sea.
5. Mount Sinai is symbolic of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
6. Egypt is a picture of the sinful world.
7. Inheriting Mount Zion is coming to full maturity.
8. Crossing of the Jordan River is entering the crucified life.
9. Wilderness represents trials and testing.
10. Marah connotes disappointment.
11. Crossing of the Jordan River speaks of Christian dying to self.
12. God will not do a “short cut” but He may do a (perfect work / quick work).
13. When Israel crossed the Jordan, the water was cut off at a city called
(Dan / Zarephath / Adam.”)
14. Amalek was the grandson of Esau and therefore speaks of carnality / birthright / trouble).
15. Joshua was first mentioned on the occasion of the war with the (Amorites/Amalekites/Horites).
16. The Hebrew nation began with (Adam/Abraham/Moses).
17. The Passover Lamb in Exodus 12 points to (Jesus/Joshua/John the Baptist).
18. It took Israel more about (2 / 400 / 200) years to journey from Egypt to Kadesh Barnea.
19. Moses, Joshua, and David were a type of (good leaders / our Lord Jesus).
20. Moses died of (sickness / natural death).
21. God chose Moses while at (Pharaoh’s Palace/the backside of the desert/when he killed the Egyptian).
22. In the (Promised Land / Egypt /wilderness), God dealt with Israel’s enemies with themselves.
23. Moses’ parents hid him for three months because of their (fear of Pharaoh / faith in God).
24. The Lord sent the 10 plagues in order to judge (Israel / Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt).
25. David reigned as king of the tribe of Judah in (Rehoboth /Hebron / Jerusalem) for 7 ½ years.
26. Israel crossed the Jordan at (summer / flood time).
27. The purpose of studying the Journey of Israel is to give us a (vision / training / character).
28. Pharaoh’s court symbolizes the place of (obedience / secular training /humbling).
29. God requires our (100% / 99% / 52%) attention before He speaks to us.
30. Every child of God will go through the (grace / obedience / vision).
31. Moses’ life can be divided into three equal segments of (40 / 70 5) years.
32. God’s work is done God’s way through God’s (grace / obedience / vision).
33. Moses learned (humility / character / faithfulness) during the time He was taking care of Jethro’s flock.
34. Jethro’s counsel to Moses has to do with the principle of (training / faithfulness / delegation).
35. What qualifies a man to fulfill ministry is not only his ability but also his (character / vision / training).
36. The three segments of the journey corresponds to the three states of
(faithfulness / Christian growth / obedience).

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