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15 MARCH 2022

Net Promoter Score

Creating a Customer Obsessed Organisation @ Kae Capital

Resolutions are
a quick outcome
of a robust

NPS - The one number you need to

With a constant endeavour to create a lasting impact, we at Kae Capital are professional
regularly capturing our “Customer’s Voice” through Net Promoter Score and relationships by
creating actionable insights to improvise and become a better version of constant
ourselves and serve you better.
In this letter, we will cover all that you need to know about the CX (Customer
Experience) Plan at Kae Capital which is outsourced to LoremInsights
Technologies to encourage anonymity and non-biased feedback.

1 2 3 Favourable
Outcomes as a
Customer’s Voice Analyse the data to Use the insights to relationship.
through NPS focussed create actionable create a Customer
survey. insights. Obsessed organisation


What is Net Promoter

Score (NPS)?
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure used to
gauge customer loyalty, satisfaction, and
enthusiasm with a company that’s calculated by
asking customers one question: “On a scale from
0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this Promoters, Detractors
product/company to a friend or colleague?” and Passives
Aggregate NPS scores help businesses improve Promoters (score of 9 and 10) represent a
upon service, customer support, delivery, etc. for company’s most enthusiastic and loyal
increased customer loyalty. customers: these people are likely to act as brand
ambassadors, enhance a brand’s reputation, and
As a business metric, NPS helps companies of all increase referral flows, helping fuel the
sizes organise around a mission-critical goal— company's growth.
increase their score by earning more enthusiastic
customers—that can be easily tracked and Detractors (score of 0 to 6, included) are
quantified over time. unlikely to recommend a company or product to
others, probably won’t stick around or repeat
“One of the most purchases, and—worse—could actively
discourage potential customers away from a
critical measures of a
performance is the Passives (score of 7 or 8) are not actively
recommending a brand, but are also unlikely to
NPS or Net Promoter damage it with negative word of mouth.
Score — this simple
metric is meant to
quickly summarise the
loyalty a brand has
with its customers.”


NET PROMOTER SCORE they are trying to determine our value as a VC. And
while we haven’t received their feedback yet, I’m
AND VENTURE CAPITAL really thankful they are doing this. It’s been a great
As we are all aware, with so much capital opportunity to stop and realize the value of asking
available to investors and entrepreneurs today, it’s your customers for feedback about what they think
becoming increasingly important for VCs to be about you. Software companies routinely do this
effective marketers (while also not sacrificing the with their customers. Why don’t we do this as
qualities that made the partners great venture firms?
entrepreneurs and attract the attractive ROI for
the investors). Most VCs simply judge themselves by picking and
choosing — and more than that, VC investors and
At Kae Capital, we’re consistently engaged in the partners judge them that way as well. While a
fundraising process — either with our portfolio critical measure, in the short term, this can be
companies or even for our own fund. In something that is incredibly difficult to determine.
participating in this process and observing this Beyond that, it doesn’t account for a lot of the
process, we’re always reminded of the value of intangible aspects of a VC — such as the value they
“references.” As part of the due diligence process, add to their investments. This necessitates a new
potential investors will usually call a handful of measure that can fill in the gaps, to which we
people you’ve worked with in the past and ask propose a psuedo-NPS where VCs can know how
them pointed questions about you. Most of the they are doing in the short term and gain a
time references are simple checks to confirm valuable feedback loop that seemingly doesn’t exist
information about someone or something. actively today.
Recently, one of our potential investors took the
time to do reference checks on us at Kae Capital. This might be especially valuable in the current
While we weren’t surprised this investor wanted social climate as well — if VCs have a low NPS, it
to do some reference calls, we were taken aback may show a lack of confidence as a brand, which
by the depth and discovery of these calls. can quickly signal to investors and companies
looking for investment about the quality of VCs on
During these reference checks, our potential deals to optimize capital deployment.
investors have been targeting our portfolio
companies, partners, co-investors, and everyone
in between. Reading between the lines, it appears

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