Mobile Decision Support and Data Provisioning For Low Back Pain

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Mobile Decision Support

and Data Provisioning
for Low Back Pain
Simo Hosio, University of Oulu
Jaro Karppinen, The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Oulu University Hospital
Niels van Berkel, The University of Melbourne
Jonas Oppenlaender, University of Oulu
Jorge Goncalves, The University of Melbourne

The authors present Back Pain Buddy, a mobile application

offering decision support and coaching for people with
low back pain (LBP). The application takes advantage
of smartphones’ powerful capabilities and provides a
crowd-sourced decision support system for discovering
treatments and a mobile sensing solution for collecting data
about users’ activities that are crucial in LBP research.

ow Back Pain (LBP) is the leading cause of activity later, it causes more disability globally than any other
limitations and missed work throughout much medical condition.2
of the world. LBP is a complex issue, and several The rise of personal and affordable health trackers
factors contribute to the condition. LBP has no has enabled studying, tracking, and even proactively
silver bullet solution, and its global economic ramifi- improving several types of health issues. In particular,
cations and negative impact on the quality of countless the so called “medicalized smartphone”3 is revolutioniz-
lives, communities, and families is massive.1 In 1990, ing several aspects of medicine. Surprisingly, and despite
LBP ranked as the sixth most burdensome condition its massive global burden, LBP is one of the few major
in the US contributing to poor health; and two decades medical research areas where not much work has been

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34 CO M PUTE R P U B LISHED BY THE IEEE COMP UTER SOCIE T Y 0018-9162/18/$33.00 © 2018 IEEE
conducted with smartphones. Thus, This is crucial, as for-profit corpora- efforts with a collaborating medical
exploring their potential role in LBP tions are increasingly dominating the organization (Oulu University Hospi-
yields a fascinating research avenue. personal user data market and pose a tal) resulted in just a handful of LBP
Our work is highly exploratory in direct threat to science and equality patients installing the application.
nature, and our overarching aim is to (see for example the Nature News opin- This was not a sustainable long-term
build toward using people’s personal ion piece that was published in 2016).6 approach toward our goals (outlined
smartphones to address two issues spe- Indeed, we predicate our work on leg- in Figure 1).
cific to the LBP research field. First, the acy and establishing a foundation for Nevertheless, this pre-study was
lack of clear therapeutic consensus— future value creation instead of imme- encouraging because participants
despite the condition being extensively diately seeking answers to sharply for- completed self-reports about their LBP
documented—results in a plethora of mulated research questions. condition for several weeks, and we
recommended treatments, advocated The results from our user studies also collected sensor data. However,
by various clinicians, practitioners, show that the decision support system we need to offer better incentives to
and commercial operators.4 The provides value to its users and that scale up participation. To this end, we
absence of agreement makes it difficult potential Back Pain Buddy end users decided to include the decision sup-
for patients with LBP to select a treat- also thought the mobile sensing solu- port system as an added feature that
ment, especially if they lack access to tion was feasible. However, users have provides immediate value for end
healthcare (for example, due to a lower reservations regarding privacy, ethics, users, so that we could then ask them
socioeconomic status1) or turn to the and harmful commercial use of the to donate their contextual data.
Internet seeking help (for a majority of
patients5). And second, patients lack
sufficient knowledge of LBP-relevant
contextual information and lifestyle
factors (such as activity levels, physical LBP IS ONE OF THE FEW MAJOR
environment, ambient noise, and sub- MEDICAL RESEARCH AREAS WHERE NOT
jective experience of LBP).2 MUCH WORK HAS BEEN CONDUCTED
To address these issues, we pres- WITH SMARTPHONES.
ent Back Pain Buddy, which is a mobile
application that provides crowd-
sourced and trustworthy decision
support to address the first issue,
and incorporates a powerful mobile data, which all need addressing before CROWDSOURCED DECISION
sensing solution to address the sec- we can proceed to larger international SUPPORT TO DISCOVER LBP
ond issue. Back Pain Buddy is being trials. TREATMENTS
developed as a partnership among Crowdsourcing decision support via
the University of Oulu in Finland, the BACK PAIN BUDDY digital applications is a relatively young
University of Melbourne in Australia, APPLICATION but inherently powerful concept: gen-
the Finnish Institute of Occupational The application consists of two com- erally, people trust other people who
Health, and Oulu University Hospi- ponents: decision support and mobile have experienced the issue at hand.
tal. It is the end user’s entry point to a sensing. The first prototype of the Consider the influential nature of cus-
larger scheme to start collecting—for application contained only the sens- tomer reviews on Amazon, for example.
the first time—LBP-relevant contex- ing component. We quickly learned, The same principle helps to offer deci-
tual information using people’s mobile however, that it was challenging to sion support for any arbitrary multi-an-
devices in large-scale, longitudinal recruit participants to a study where swer question, as we have explored in
cohort studies. As an academic ven- they would not receive any immediate previous work.7 The decision support
ture, we aim for openness of data and value with the application but instead system we developed uses crowdsourc-
free use of the developed technologies. were “just” donating data. Our best ing to first break down a question into

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AUGUST 2018 35

Back Pain Buddy produces contextual data and provides treatment suggestions the system. To achieve this through
the app, the user defines ideal crite-
ria for a treatment using slider input
contextual data elements (Figure 2b). The interface
also contains radio buttons to choose
Back pain buddy users the source of the retrieved treatments
(experts, non-experts, combination).
1. Get support After setting the ideal criteria in the
LBP researchers
Users can request app, the decision support system
treatments to try fetches the best-matching LBP treat-
ments from the underlying knowl-
2. Learn edge base (Figure 2c).

Users learn about lifestyle

factors Mobile Sensing Component
Care personnel Smartphones have emerged as power-
ful research tools for studying human
3. Realize Nation Personalized
al + clinicians’ recommendations recommendations
behavior and conditions, thanks to
Users can contrast their their ubiquity and increasing sens-
lifestyles with recommendations.
Treatment knowledge base ing capabilities. Mobile sensing has
risen as a research domain that refers
to acquiring and understanding data
FIGURE 1. Conceptual diagram of our data exploitation plans for the Back Pain Buddy, captured using the array or onboard
which collects contextual data and provides treatment suggestions. Users get decision sensors. Due to a fragmented device
support in the form of ideal back pain treatments. They can also contrast their lifestyle (and even OS) base, this is far from triv-
characteristics to clinicians’ and government recommendations. Researchers, on the ial, however, and several mobile sens-
other hand, benefit from collecting contextual information data about the lives of peo- ing platforms have been built to ease
ple with LBP. the data harvesting and aggregation
Especially in the context of LBP,
sets of candidate answers and possible assisting users to find solutions to the accurate contextual information for
criteria that can be used to assess the question: What is a good way to treat low patients and potential patients is a
answers. Then, the crowd-users assess back pain? To this end, we redesigned key challenge to tackle.8 Back Pain
every answer in light of every criterion, the system introduced in our previous Buddy is designed to fill this gap. To
using a “goodness” scale of 1–100. The work7 into a mobile-first back-pain– do this, we make use of the AWARE
collected knowledge base encapsulates themed decision support component, mobile sensing platform,9 which is
the wisdom of the crowd that can be embeddable in a mobile application. open source, secure, and extensible.
used to compute a list of answers that We upgraded the back end to support This platform enables us to collect and
best match the user’s ideal solution to multiple knowledge sources (crowds), provide access to data on our own serv-
the question. Our previous work pro- to let end users choose if they want ers. It supports plugins, thus we can
vides more information on the concept decision support from LBP experts implement and run any custom native
and examples of different computa- (doctors, physiotherapists), other non- code—a crucial feature for our custom
tional means to obtain knowledge base experts (non-experts), or a combina- data collection needs. This also allows
decision support.7 tion of the two. the user to be in full control of what
LBP presents an excellent example The decision support interface is data is collected, as can be seen in Fig-
of a multi-answer problem that is suit- simple and only asks the user to define ure 2e. Using AWARE as a library in
able for use with our decision support her ideal back pain treatment using Back Pain Buddy, we can capture the
concept. Here, we are interested in any or all of the criteria available in following 10 types of contextual data,

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

FIGURE 2. Screenshots of the “Back Pain Buddy” mobile application. Images reflect: (a) start screen, (b) decision support system to
discover back pain treatments, (c) example list of retrieved treatments, (d) intro screen to data collection, and (e) on/off toggles to control
the collection of a given type of contextual data.

which are all identified as highly rele- ›› Medical history (records, past of a user’s activity levels to those rec-
vant to LBP research:8 treatments) ommended by the user’s personal care
provider transparently provides use-
›› Employment (documenting type Although the capabilities of mobile ful information to both parties. Yet we
of work, effects caused by LBP in sensors are improving all the time, emphasize that the user is in control:
the workplace, effects of LBP to not all of these can be harvested pas- each of the data types is an optional
employment situation) sively but require self-reporting by feature in the application, users can
›› Environment (ambient informa- the user.10 For instance, sensors are simply turn the said collection feature
tion, weather, wind, temperature) great for inferring data on environ- on or off (Figure 2e).
›› Pain characteristics (type, inten- ment or a user’s physical activity, but
sity, speed, level of recovery) self-reporting is needed for gathering STUDIES
›› Demographics (age, gender, information on LBP’s effect on work,
height, weight, country, etc.) or social and psychological conditions. Study 1: Opinions on Decision
›› Disability (type, extent) For this, AWARE provides the Expe- Support Component
›› Physical condition (current rience Sampling Method, offered via To develop the LBP knowledge base
activity levels, maintenance, a simple query builder and question- (potential treatments, criteria, and
body function) naire scheduler. Together, the 10 fac- their relations), we bootstrapped the
›› Psychological (effort of living, tors encompass a rich array of inter- system together with both clinical
feelings of loss, disempower- nal and external influences, factors experts (doctors, physiotherapists)
ment, worry) about current activities, and other and non-experts (everyone else). This
›› Social (psychosocial challenges, information that could be useful for was conducted online, using a custom
negative reactions by friends LBP research and can be used to pro- one-page Web application. On the site,
and relatives) vide coaching in the form of lifestyle users could contribute new treatments
›› Treatment (treatment burden, recommendations and encourage- and rate others’ treatment suggestions
treatments being attended to) ments. For instance, the comparison to the question: “What’s a good way to

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AUGUST 2018 37

treat low back pain?” Inputting new media profiles. As a reward, we raffled input from time to time. Another pur-
treatments was enabled by standard one $100 gift card to a health-themed pose of introducing the data types to
HTML-form input fields, and rating online market. the user was to make them think about
values happened with slider inputs Then, for the actual DSS evaluation, the concept more deeply. We reasoned
(one slider per criterion), very simi- we invited those who had contributed this would help them provide better
lar to the UI depicted in Figure 2b for data to the knowledge base to use the open-ended commentary. We also
obtaining decision support. For more now-bootstrapped decision support included items about general accept-
information on the implemented sys- system. Their task was to play with it, ability of the concept, demographic
tem, we refer the reader to our previ- get decision support, and simply see data, mobile tech savviness, past per-
ous work.11 what it could do and what thoughts sonal experience with LBP, and open-
Instead of tapping into an existing would arise when using crowdsourced ended items to provide feedback.
labor market (which would not provide knowledge on LBP. Everyone using To further stimulate participants’
us with the required expertise), as is the system was invited to complete an thinking, we adopted elements from
the case in a typical crowdsourced sys- online survey, evaluating the value the Expectation Disconfirmation The-
tem, we had to use a great deal of imag- proposition, perceived trustworthi- ory (EDT), which is used in market-
ination to reach medical doctors and ness, and overall usefulness. Second, ing sciences to predict consumer sat-
physiotherapists. We contacted a back Back Pain Buddy (the mobile applica- isfaction with future products. EDT
pain researcher (who is a senior profes- tion embedding the DSS component) has been recently extended to predict
sor at a local university hospital) who was featured for a full day at a tech- technology trust and usage contin-
was able to provide us with access to a nology fair/exhibition of a local pro- uance intentions for technological
national organization for doctors and totype “future hospital,” which was products.12 We adopted and described
physiotherapists specializing in back managed by the local university hospi- the following four factors to the
pain. Before initiating any communi- tal’s research division. There, we inter- participants.
cation to their mailing lists, we used viewed final-year medical doctors
the local collaborators to identify the and physiotherapists touring the fair 1. Ease of use: the degree to
four criteria that back pain patients as part of a course on future medical which the sensing solution will
typically find as important when look- technologies. require mental effort to use.
ing for treatments. We did not want to 2. Functionality: the degree to
have a dynamic list of criteria in the Study 2: Acceptability of which the solution will have
system, as the data collection needs Contextual Data Collection the capability, functions, or
rise linearly each time a new criterion To study the acceptability and future features needed to accomplish
is added. Nevertheless, the four most issues of the contextual data collec- its tasks.
important ones, as judged by real prac- tion component, we deployed surveys 3. Reliability: the degree to
titioners, seemed like a reasonable online to people with personal inter- which the solution will contin-
compromise. est in LBP. We mainly used the list of ually operate properly, or will
Using the email list of the national our already-devoted participants from operate in a consistent, flawless
organization, we promoted our system the previous user study. We listed the manner.
to medical doctors and physiothera- 10 contextual elements we are prepar- 4. Usefulness: the degree to
pists. Then, our local expert collabo- ing to include in our data model as a which the user trusts that the
rators curated the options into a “gold Likert-scale, requesting users to con- solution is beneficial for its
standard” LBP treatment collection, sider their willingness to donate this purpose.
and we sent this collection to the same data type for each item. Each item was
mailing list for assessment. Then, to ranked on a scale from 1 to 7 as “not at Again, the items were presented
collect non-expert knowledge on LBP, all willing” to “extremely willing.” We as a Likert-scale where each item was
the system was promoted publicly clarified in the survey that not all data ranked from 1 to 7, and 1 was equal
online in back pain–related Facebook types can be collected passively using to “not at all,” and 7 was equal to
groups and several relevant social sensors but would require manual “extremely” (for example, from “not

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at all easy to use” to “extremely easy treatments (rating it an average 4.6, used for indicating the desired criteria:
to use”). This section was also com- on a scale from 1 to 7). For an in-depth
plemented with an open-ended item look into the collected data, we ask the P11, Female, 50, Non-expert: “I
to provide feedback. Together with reader to turn to our recent conference would develop a better input mech-
information on users’ technology sav- presentation.11 We also conducted a anism than the slider. It is difficult.
viness, these items help predict issues lightweight qualitative analysis of Traditional written scale works,
in the system’s future acceptability.12 the results. First, we loaded all the as then there is no interpretation
results in to a shared Google spread- involved in giving the score.”
RESULTS sheet, in which two of the authors
reduced the resulting set to items Mobile Sensing: Generally
Active Decision Support that were deemed as useful. Then, Acceptable, but with
System: Value for All the same authors identified larger Reservations (Study 2)
Stakeholders (Study 1) common themes independently, and We collected 192 survey responses
Through the mailing lists that our col- finally again collaboratively discussed (participants’ ages ranged from 21 to
laborators gave us access to, we were to finalize the themes and the items 75 years; mean 46.1, SD = 12.2) to our
able to recruit 65 experts (37 male, 28 belonging to them. The usefulness of survey on the mobile sensing con-
female; ranging in age from 29 to 76 the system was supported by the quali- cept. Of these, 88 respondents identi-
years; M = 53.0, SD = 11.4) to contrib- tative findings: fied themselves as highly mobile tech
ute 39 back pain treatments to boot- savvy (scores 6 and 7 on a scale of 1-7
strap the decision support system. P1, Female, 34: “The clinical to the question “In your own assess-
These were curated to 12 “gold stan- care personnel get informa- ment, how familiar are you with novel
dard” expert solutions that were then tion of treatments that they do mobile technologies and their future
re-evaluated by the same expert pool. not know about, while the one potential?”). And 87 identified them-
The experts inserted 610 unique rat- with the pain learns about new selves as moderately savvy (scores
ings for the 12 treatments and four cri- options by others with pain.” 3-5); and 17 identified themselves has
teria that were already bootstrapped having as little or no savvy (scores
in the system by our collaborators. The inclusion of non-expert knowl- 1-2). We also asked about participants’
There were 288 participants (63 edge in the tool was seen as highly cru- personal experience with back pain,
male, 225 female; ranging in age from cial for the system to be interesting: and 61 identified themselves as heav-
23 to 75 years; M = 47.2, SD = 11.8) who 30 respondents found the combined ily affected by back pain, 90 as moder-
contributed to the non-expert knowl- knowledge of experts and non-experts ately affected, and 41 as having little or
edge base. This crowd had an evident to be the most interesting knowledge no back pain affectedness.
personal interest in the topic, as all but source. The same sentiment was sur- Figure 3 plots people’s willingness
18 of them had experienced back pain prisingly shared between the experts to allow data collection per each of the
in their lives. The non-expert crowd as well: contextual data elements, and their
contributed 69 new treatment ideas, enthusiasm to allow data collection
out of which 56 were valid (we fil- P19, Male, 53, Expert: “Academic in general. Below that, we plot respon-
tered out entries that were gibberish, expertise alone does not provide dent’s future expectations toward the
such as “asdf” or empty submissions). a holistic view to the situation. system’s characteristics.
Non-experts contributed 8,391 ratings It is good to understand what We observe that respondents were
for the available treatments. people in general think and how overall quite positive in allowing data
There were 46 people (9 experts, they experience the treatments collection, but that there were sig-
37 non-experts) who helped evaluate to learn new viewpoints.” nificant differences in the allowance
the actual decision support system of different data types (confirmed by
after using it to discover treatments. However, critical viewpoints were a Kruskal-Wallis Test, p<0.05). More
In general, users perceived the DSS as also brought forward, especially specifically, participants were more
highly useful in discovering back pain regarding the ambiguity of the sliders willing to donate pain characteristics

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AUGUST 2018 39

Allows data collection

Pain characteristics 20% 6% 74%
Treatment 21% 7% 72%
Environment 22% 9% 69%
Physical 23% 8% 68%
Allows in general 18% 14% 68%
Disability 24% 10% 66%
Medical history 24% 10% 65%
Employment 27% 10% 63%
Demographics 27% 13% 60%
Social 31% 10% 59%
Psychological 30% 13% 57%

100 50 0 50 100

Expected system characteristics

Easy to use 10% 9% 81%
Functional 11% 12% 77%
Technically reliable 17% 21% 62%
Useful 19% 22% 59%

100 50 0 50 100
Percentage of all responses

Likert score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

FIGURE 3. Top: data types plotted in order of willingness to donate. The arrow denotes overall acceptance of data collection. Bottom:
expected characteristics of the final deployed system. The x -axes in the plots correspond to the percentage of responses.

and treatment data than data on psy- the probed expected system charac- Some of the more optimistic com-
chological or social elements (Wil- teristics (ease of use, functionality, ments are exemplified below.
coxon Rank-Sum Test for each of the reliability, usefulness), there were
four pairs, p<0.05). Interestingly, prior statistically significant differences P12, Female, 29: “I think it’s
experiences with LBP, namely, hav- between the tech savviness cate- only great if I can help others!”
ing personally suffered from back gories, as confirmed with Kruskal-
pain, did not significantly affect data Wallis tests (p<0.05). People with low P97, Female, 39: “I’m will-
donation willingness. We discovered, tech savviness expected the future ing to help in any kind of ven-
however, that respondents’ tech sav- system to be less easy to use (average ture that aims for alleviating
viness affected the overall willingness 3.8, on a scale of 1–7) than moderately pain – and not just by giving
to donate data (the item marked with or highly tech savvy people (5.4 and more and more painkillers.”
an arrow in Figure 3). Those in the 6.1). As for functionality, the scores
low-tech-savviness category scored per savviness categories were 4.1, 5.1, Another 45 of the 192 respondents
an average of 4.3, whereas those in and 5.7 (low-moderate-high tech sav- expressed major reservations toward
the moderate category scored 4.7, and viness). Reliability scores were 3.9, the mobile sensing component that fell
those with high savviness scored 5.5. 4.6, and 5.1 (low-moderate-high) and into three main categories: the idea of
People with high savviness scored finally the usefulness of the system the collected data accidentally being
significantly higher than those with was anticipated as 4.6, 5.5, and 5.9 leaked to the wrong parties; the sys-
low or moderate savviness (Wilcoxon (low-moderate-high). tem trying to exploit the data commer-
Rank-Sum Test for both, p<0.05). The overall response provided in cially; and ethics of the data collection
Tech savviness also played a major the open-ended items toward the con- in general. The following responses
role in future expectations. In all of cept was excitement and welcoming. exemplify some of these concerns.

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P109, Male, 28: “As long as the LBP is a global problem. To this end, about activity levels. All this, natu-
data stays only within the sci- we also note that although the knowl- rally, leads to a situation where we
entific or healthcare domains, edge base collected by medical doctors must be highly attuned to data man-
I would donate my data.” should generalize relatively well out- agement issues imposed by GDPR. For
side Finland, there are a lot of ques- Back Pain Buddy, we rely on a mod-
P114, Male, 64: “Only a strictly tions about how to scale up the system ified back end of the AWARE mobile
sandboxed application has to accommodate different countries, sensing toolkit,9 an open source proj-
any chance to survive in the regions, and cultures. Here, we explore ect that has been recently updated for
future ‘cyber jungle.’” options such as prioritizing local data GDPR as well.
(national) or allowing users to filter
data by country. Limitations
ANALYSIS We also acknowledge limitations in
In Finland, it is estimated that 80–90 On the Uses of Contextual this first exploration. First, the partic-
percent of all people suffer from back Knowledge ipants in Study 1 were mostly female,
pain during their lifetimes. This high- Our initial plans to exploit the col- highlighting the challenge of stud-
lights pain’s evergreen nature as the lected contextual data span beyond ies where we simply recruit users
subject of empirical studies.1 Our just offering it to the LBP research online—there there is no easy way to
exploratory approach builds on cap- community. First, when enough data guarantee an even sample of all gen-
turing people’s contextual data and exists on a Back Pain Buddy user, we ders. Further, Study 2 participants
using that to shed more light on the can explore passive decision support were recruited mostly from the same
age-old and massively burdensome in an attempt to nudge and coach the people who participated in Study 1.
global problem of LBP. The long-term user toward healthier life choices. While this reduces the findings’ gen-
plan contributes to creating yet unfore- For instance, different countries have eralizability, we argue that most of our
seeable well-being assets that a greater differing national recommendations system’s end users are people inter-
understanding of people’s lifestyles in terms of recommended minimum ested in LBP in the first place. Recruit-
will yield. All this depends on ensuring exercise and activity levels or other ing among people who have already
the data are available and free for the optimal lifestyle choices that people expressed interest in the topic is a suit-
scientific community to study.6 should make in their life. Especially able approach in this case (indeed, the
Back Pain Buddy is our contribution with LBP, keeping users informed two studies are very different, so there
to the ongoing trend of leveraging the about the benefits regarding activity is no carryover effect).
smartphone in the health domain.3 It and keeping up a “normal” life rhythm
is a mobile end-user application that is beneficial.4 Thus, we will build an A Roadmap Toward Open
encompasses a powerful and trust- automated solution to inform users LBP Context Data
worthy decision support system. As when their activity levels drop below As our plan progresses, we continue
a component, it helps capture crucial personalized recommendations, or if to hear concerns from end users that
contextual information as an entry their activity patterns begin to decline introduce new design suggestions. For
point to a system that will provide data over time. Second, when we bring the instance, we need to emphasize the
and insights to researchers and users personal clinicians into the loop, for fact that the decision support feature
alike on a global scale. example by adding a field to the appli- is a way to discover treatment sug-
While we have a promising start, cation where the clinician would sim- gestions and is not a replacement for
questions remain. How contributions ply enter her unique identification visiting a doctor. The user is always
be rewarded? How can the quality of code to gain access to user data, we are responsible for her choices: Back Pain
incoming data be vetted? While long- able to provide patient data to the peo- Buddy simply helps to discover treat-
term field studies with real subjects ple who most need it, and care provid- ments that can then be discussed with
in their authentic everyday environ- ers can also begin adding specific rec- medical professionals. To this end, we
ments are not easy or cheap to con- ommendations based on contextual also plan to tweak the UI to subtly steer
duct, they are well worth it in this case: data, for example recommendations the user to the treatments articulated

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AUGUST 2018 41

by medical professionals and show an

additional warning dialog when the
user wishes to discover treatments ABOUT THE AUTHORS
by non-professionals. The treatment
knowledge base is indeed community- SIMO HOSIO is an adjunct professor and a member of the Center for Ubiqui-
managed, and there are always qual- tous Computing research unit at the University of Oulu, Finland. His research
ity issues involved in user-generated interests include social computing, crowdsourcing, public displays, and mobile
content. sensing. Hosio received a PhD in computer science from the University of Oulu.
However, we argue that the biggest He is a member of ACM. Contact him at
upcoming challenge is a strategic one
rather than a technical or design one. JARO KARPPINEN is a professor in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM)
We must think long term, and not at the University of Oulu, and a specialist at the Finnish Institute of Occupational
focus solely on immediate academic Health. He is also co-director of the International Spine and Pain Consortium.
output. We are actively applying fund- His research interests include environmental, metabolic, and genetic risk fac-
ing and looking for collaborators to tors of various spinal disorders and LBP; and on treatment pathways of LBP
focus on the obstacles described below. patients in occupational health care. Karppinen has an MD with a specialty in
physical and rehabilitation medicine from the University of Oulu, and a PhD in
›› Unified definitions on how to sciatica research from University of Oulu. He is a member of the International
describe the contextual data Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine and AOSpine Research Network.
elements. Building a standard Contact him at
data collection scheme/lan-
guage for storing the 10 contex- NIELS VAN BERKEL is a PhD candidate at the Interaction Design Lab at The
tual elements8 will enable other University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include ubiquitous
research units to start contribut- computing, human–computer interaction, mobile sensing, and social com-
ing data and use other platforms puting. van Berkel is a member of ACM. Contact him at niels.van@unimelb
and devices than our initial
setup (Android + AWARE).
›› Securing and designing the data JONAS OPPENLAENDER is a PhD candidate at the Center for Ubiquitous
storage/sharing facilities. As Computing research unit at the University of Oulu. His research interests
a starting point, we are using include human computation, crowdsourcing, social computing, and leverag-
the open source AWARE server, ing social machines for engaging citizens in research. Contact him at jonas
modified to our needs. Here, cru-
cial first issues to solve are how
to ensure all contributed data JORGE GONCALVES is a lecturer at the Interaction Design Lab at The Uni-
adheres to the unified definition, versity of Melbourne. His research interests include ubiquitous computing,
and how to ensure automatic human–computer interaction, crowdsourcing, public displays, and social com-
data quality checks. How can we puting. Concalves has a PhD in computer science from University of Oulu. He is
allow clinicians access to a cer- a member of ACM. Contact him at
tain individual’s data vault while
keeping it closed to the rest of
the world?
›› Passive decision support based
on sensed contextual data. We we also investigate how to best ›› Scale up, initiate meaningful
must investigate, in a series of visualize users’ activity levels collaborations. Our collabora-
studies, how to use the collected and other lifestyle ingredients in tors at the Finnish Institute of
data so that it encourages the contrast to national recommen- Occupational Health can help us
user to make better choices. Here, dations and other users. scale up the research, but before

Authorized licensed use limited to: Jyvaskylan Yliopisto. Downloaded on September 26,2023 at 05:31:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

this, we need to run additional the Privatization of Health Data,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON

studies to validate the concept

with real patients and people 7.
Nature News, vol. 535, no. 7612, 2016.
S. Hosio, et al., “Leveraging Wisdom
suffering from LBP. of the Crowd for Decision Support,”
Proc. 30th International BCS Human SUBSCRIBE
Computer Interaction Conf. (HCI), 2016, AND SUBMIT

ack Pain Buddy is a mobile article no. 38.
application for providing deci- 8. T.Y. Goh, et al., “Developing a Con-
sion support and collecting textual Model towards Understand- For more information
on paper submission,
contextual data—both recognized ing Low Back Pain,” Proc. PACIS,
featured articles, calls for
gaps in LBP research and practice. Our 2015, pp. 1-11. papers, and subscription
results show that people are willing to 9. D. Ferreira, et al., “AWARE: Mobile links visit:
donate their data, and that especially Context Instrumentation Frame-
tech-savvy individuals expect no work,” Frontiers in ICT, vol. 2, no. 6,
problems with adopting the applica- 2015, pp. 1-9.
tion. This article introduces the idea, 10. N.V. Berkel, et al., “The Experi-
communicates promising first results ence Sampling Method on Mobile
to the community, and hopes to spark Devices,” ACM Computing Surveys
interest among interested interna- (CSUR), vol. 50, no. 6, 2018, pp. 93.
tional collaborators. 11. S. Hosio, et al., “Crowdsourcing
Treatments for Low Back Pain,” Proc.
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6. J.T. Wilbanks and E.J. Topol, “Stop

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AUGUST 2018 43

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