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Traffic Flow and Analysis of Roads including Queuing Analysis and

Level of Service Assessment

I. Introduction
II. Traffic Flow
III. Time- Space Diagram
IV. Traffic Flow Analysis
i. Traffic Volume
ii. Traffic Density
iii. Traffic Speed
a) Time mean speed
b) Space mean speed
iv. Traffic Distribution
V. Queuing Analysis
i. Queue Length
ii. Queue Duration
VI. Level of Service (LOS) Assessment
i. LOS Criteria
ii. LOS Analysis
iii. Applications of LOS Assessment
VII. Conclusion

I. Introduction

Traffic flow analysis, queuing analysis, and level of service

assessment are critical components of transportation planning and
management. This report aims to provide an in-depth understanding of
these aspects by examining real-world examples and their implications
for road networks. By analyzing traffic patterns, queuing behavior, and
level of service, transportation authorities can make informed decisions to
improve traffic efficiency and alleviate congestion.

II. Traffic Flow

Traffic flow theory involves the development of mathematical

relationships among the primary elements of a traffic stream: flow,
density, and speed. These relationships help the traffic engineer in
planning, designing, and evaluating the effectiveness of implementing
traffic engineering measures on a highway system. Traffic flow theory is
used in design to determine adequate lane lengths for storing left turn
vehicles on separate left-turn lanes, the average delay at intersections and
freeway ramp merging areas, and changes in the level of freeway
performance due to the installation of improved vehicular control devices
on ramps.
III. Time - Space Diagram

The time-space diagram serves as a useful device for defining the

elements of traffic flow. The time - space diagram is a graph that
describes the relationship between the location of vehicles in a traffic
stream and the time as the vehicles progress along the highway.

Figure 1. Time -Space Diagram of Vehicle Trajectories

IV. Traffic Flow Analysis

Traffic flow analysis involves studying various parameters, including

traffic volume, speed, density, and distribution. Let's explore each aspect
further and provide examples to illustrate their significance.

i. Traffic Volume

Traffic volume refers to the number of vehicles passing through a

specific location or road segment within a given time period. It is
typically measured as vehicles per hour (vph) or vehicles per day
(vpd). Traffic volume analysis helps in understanding the demand on
the road network and identifying peak traffic periods.
By analyzing traffic volume data, authorities can identify
congested areas and peak hours, which allows them to allocate
resources effectively and plan for infrastructure improvements. This
may involve widening roads, constructing additional lanes, or
implementing traffic management strategies to accommodate the
traffic demand.
For example, Using automated vehicle counting systems,
transportation authorities collected traffic volume data on a major
highway during morning and evening rush hours. The analysis
revealed that traffic volume significantly increased during these
periods, leading to congestion and delays. This information helped
authorities plan for infrastructure improvements, such as widening the
highway or implementing high- occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes to
accommodate the peak traffic demand.

Flow (q) is the equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles pass a

point on a highway during a time period less than 1 hour. It can be
determined by:

ii. Traffic Density

Traffic density refers to the number of vehicles occupying a

specific length of road at a given time. It is typically measured as
vehicles per unit length, such as vehicles per kilometer. Traffic
density analysis helps in identifying areas prone to congestion and
understanding the overall capacity of the road network.
By analyzing traffic density, authorities can identify areas where
the road capacity is being exceeded, leading to congestion and
reduced traffic flow. This information is valuable for capacity
planning, as it helps in identifying the need for infrastructure
improvements, such as widening roads, constructing additional lanes,
or implementing traffic management strategies to mitigate congestion.
For example, Transportation authorities used data collected from
loop detectors embedded in the pavement to analyze traffic density on
a major highway during different time periods. The analysis revealed
that the traffic density reached its maximum during the evening rush
hour at a specific bottleneck section. Based on this information,
authorities implemented strategies such as dynamic message signs
and ramp metering to manage the traffic density and reduce
congestion at that location.
Density (k), sometimes referred to as concentration, is the number
of vehicles travelling over a unit length of highway at an instant time.
The unit length is usually 1 mile (mi) thereby making vehicles per
mile (veh/mi) the unit of density.

iii. Traffic Speed

Traffic speed analysis involves measuring the average speed at

which vehicles are traveling within a road network. It helps in
assessing the efficiency of traffic flow and identifying areas where
speed limits may need adjustment or where congestion is affecting
travel times.
Analyzing traffic speed data helps authorities understand the
actual travel speeds compared to posted speed limits. If the average
speed is significantly lower than the posted limit, it indicates
congestion or other factors affecting traffic flow. In such cases,
authorities may consider adjusting speed limits, implementing traffic
calming measures, or optimizing signal timings to improve traffic
flow and enhance safety.
Traffic speed calculates the rate at which vehicles travel along
the roadway.
a. Time mean speed
Time mean speed - is the arithmetic mean of the speeds of
vehicles passing a point on a highway during an interval of time. The
time mean speed is calculated by:

b. Space mean speed

Space mean speed - is the distance traveled divided by an
average travel time, whereas the time-mean speed is an average of
individual vehicle speeds.

The time mean speed is higher than the space mean speed. The
difference between these speeds tends to decrease as the absolute values
of speeds increase. It has been shown from field data that the relationship
between time mean speed and space mean speed can be given as:
iv. Traffic Distribution

Traffic distribution analysis focuses on understanding how

vehicles are distributed across different lanes, routes, or intersections
within a road network. It helps in optimizing signal timings, lane
configurations, and route planning to improve traffic flow and balance
traffic distribution.
Analyzing traffic distribution allows authorities to identify
imbalances in traffic patterns. For example, if one lane or route is
significantly more congested than others, it may indicate the need for
lane reallocation, signal timing adjustments, or route optimization. By
optimizing traffic distribution, authorities can improve the overall
efficiency of the road network and reduce congestion.

Five vehicles, as shown in the figure below, are traveling at constant
speeds on section of 230m length. Assuming that all vehicles have a same
length of 4m and if speeds and clear spacing between vehicles are as
shown in the figure, estimate the following:

a. Average space mean speed;

b. Average time mean speed; and
c. Traffic density

V. Queuing Analysis

Queuing analysis focuses on assessing the length and duration of

queues formed by vehicles at intersections, toll booths, or congested
areas. It helps determine the extent of delays and congestion
experienced by motorists, enabling transportation authorities to
implement appropriate measures to mitigate congestion.

 Queue Length
 Queue Duration

i. Queue Length

Queue length analysis involves measuring the distance

occupied by vehicles waiting in a queue. It helps in determining
the severity of congestion and assists in optimizing traffic signal
timings, lane capacities, and intersection designs.
By measuring the queue length, authorities can identify
locations where queues regularly form and extend beyond the
available storage capacity. This indicates congestion and can
result in vehicles spilling back onto the main road, leading to
reduced traffic flow and delays. Understanding queue lengths
allows authorities to make informed decisions about infrastructure
improvements, such as extending storage areas, adding turning
lanes, or optimizing signal timings, to accommodate the queue
lengths and alleviate congestion.

ii. Queue Duration

Queue duration analysis focuses on measuring the time

vehicles spend waiting in a queue. It helps in identifying
bottlenecks, delays, and inefficiencies in traffic flow.
By analyzing queue durations, authorities can identify areas
where delays are occurring and evaluate the impact on overall
traffic flow. If vehicles spend excessive time waiting in queues, it
can indicate congestion or capacity issues that need to be
addressed. Based on queue duration analysis, authorities can
implement strategies to minimize delays, such as optimizing
signal timings, improving intersection designs, or implementing
traffic management measures like ramp metering systems. These
measures aim to reduce queue durations and improve the overall
flow of traffic.
VI. Level of Service (LOS) Assessment
Level of Service (LOS) assessment categorizes road segments or
intersections based on the quality of traffic flow. It provides a
standardized metric to evaluate the performance of a road network,
helping authorities prioritize improvement projects and monitor the
impact of changes.

i. LOS Criteria

LOS assessment utilizes predefined criteria to assign grades that

represent different levels of congestion, delay, and operating
conditions. The specific criteria may vary based on the type of road or
intersection being evaluated. Generally, the criteria consider factors
such as traffic volume, speed, density, queue lengths, and travel time.
The LOS grades typically range from A (excellent) to F (failure),
with intermediate grades such as B, C, D, and E representing varying
degrees of congestion and delay. The criteria are designed to capture
the operational characteristics and user experience, enabling
authorities to assess the efficiency of the road network.

ii. LOS Analysis

LOS analysis involves collecting and analyzing traffic data to

determine the current level of service for road segments, intersections,
or entire corridors. The data may include traffic volume counts, speed
measurements, queue lengths, travel time data, or any other relevant
By conducting LOS analysis, transportation authorities can
identify areas with poor LOS, where congestion and delays are
prevalent. This information helps prioritize improvement projects,
allocate resources effectively, and monitor the impact of changes
made to the road network.

iii. Application of LOS Assessment

LOS assessment has numerous applications in transportation

planning and management:

1. Infrastructure Planning: By conducting LOS assessments,

authorities can identify areas with poor LOS and
prioritize infrastructure improvements, such as road
widening, intersection upgrades, or adding turning

2. Traffic Signal Optimization: LOS assessment helps optimize

traffic signal timings to improve traffic flow and
reduce delays at intersections experiencing congestion.

3. Corridor Planning: By assessing the LOS of an entire

corridor, authorities can identify bottlenecks,
implement capacity improvements, or explore
alternative routes to enhance traffic flow.

4. Performance Monitoring: Regular LOS assessments enable

authorities to monitor the impact of changes made to
the road network, measure the effectiveness of
implemented strategies, and make data-driven
decisions for future planning.

5. Public Information: LOS assessment provides a standardized

metric to communicate the quality of service to the
public, helping road users understand the expected
level of congestion and delays on different road
segments or intersections.

VII. Conclusion
Traffic flow analysis, queuing analysis, and level of service
assessment provide valuable insights for transportation planning and
management. By examining real-world examples and understanding the
implications of these analyses, authorities can make informed decisions to
optimize road networks, reduce congestion, and improve the overall
commuting experience. Continuous monitoring, data collection, and
evaluation are essential for effective traffic management and maintaining
efficient traffic flow in the long term.

Team Members:

Palomar, Van Enrich

Paculanang, Rowelyn
Perez, Gliezelle Charis
Planca, Veline

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