Nonprofit Employee Performance Evaluation

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Employee Performance Evaluation

Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

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Employee Performance Evaluation

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Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

How To Complete The Employee Performance Evaluation


To complete this Employee Performance Evaluation, please set aside at least 90 minutes
with each employee. Prepare to complete the evaluation by reviewing the employee's job
description alongside notes from their last review. As well as noting any progress towards
goals and reflecting deeply on areas you think are essential to discuss.


Lead the evaluation by providing employees with your undivided attention- especially as they
share their answers. Ensure to make only relevant notes throughout.


Prepare your notes into concise feedback in this document. Ensure to share with other
leadership and management. Then provide a copy to the employee, and file it in your
organisation's documents for future reference.


1. Achievement of Goals from last review period.

2. Challenges
3. Goals
4. Professional and personal development
5. Additional notes
6. Performance Improvement Plan
7. Development Plan
8. Summary of Employee Performance Evaluation

Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

1. Achievement of Goals from last review period.

What do you see as highlights and accomplishments from this past year?

2. Challenges

What has been challenging or has not worked well?

3. Goals

What do you see as the organisation’s/and your own key goals for the coming year?

Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

4. Professional and personal development

What are you thinking about your career goals, job satisfaction, and work-life balance? What
are your plans for continuing to develop professionally?

5. Additional Notes

What else would you like to comment on (overall organisation, leadership, collaboration,
concerns, anything)?

Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

6. Performance Improvement Plan

Outline specific areas where the leader needs to improve. Ensure to include ways they can
optimise their performance to reach higher levels.

Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

7. Development Plan

Create a brief outline of the training or development leaders need to take to enhance their
contribution to the organisation and its mission. Ensure to note actions that the Board can
take to help to support them.

Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

Summary of Employee Performance Evaluation

What impressed you the most about [Employee’s] performance this year?
Is there anything you’d like to specifically praise?

Did you have any concerns regarding [Employee’s] performance this year?

Do you have any recommendations for [Employee]] to support their continued

professional development?

What should be priority areas for the [Employee] over the next year?

Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.
Employee Performance Evaluation

Do you have any additional comments regarding [Employee] that have a bearing on this

End of Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation Completed by:

Date Complete: DD / MM / YYYY
Review Date: DD / MM / YYYY

Signed: [Electronic signature]


Copyright © 2022 AMC Governance Solutions Ltd.

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