Sweeney Todd SE Vocal Score

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Musical Numbers ACTI 2. The Ballad of Sweeney Todd. 3. No Place Like London 5. The Worst Pies In London 7. My Friends 8. Green Finch and Linnet Bird 3. Ah, Miss.. 10. Johanna (Part 1). 11. Johanna (Part 1). 12, Pirell’s Miracle El 13, Pirell’s Entrance 14, The Contest... 15, Ballad of Sweeney To 16. Wait. 17. Pirell’s Death... 19. The Bollad of Sweeney Todd. 21. Kiss Me (Part 1). 22. Ladies in Their Sensitivities . 23, Kiss Me (Part I). 25. Pretty Women (Part 1) 26. Pretty Women (Part fl)... 27. Epiphany... 28. A Little Priest oe 19 wn222 pose d29 1233 1245 1249, 1256 263 acT It 29. God, That's Good! 30, Johanna (Act I! Seq 31. After Johanna (Act Il Sequence). 32. By The Sea (ntr0) eovsvn-w 33, By The Sea (Part I) 34, By The Seo (Part Il). | 35. Wigmoker Sequence . 36. The Letter. 360. The Letter (Alternate Version) 38. Not While I’m Around . | 40. Parlour Songs (Part |) 41. Parlour Songs (Port Ii). 42, Parlour Songs (Part Ill) 43. Fogg’s Asylum. 4a, Fogg's Passacagiia... 44, City On Fir@..vo 45. Searching (Part |) . 46. Searching (Part Ii). 47. Judge's Return .. 48. Final Scene (Part |) 49. Final Scene (Part Ii). 50. Final Scene (Part It!) 283 310 ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! ition The Ballad of Sweeney Todd Misterioso, con moto (J. = 124) fi ea 3 | __ Cass ox Baritone” SS ; a a tend the tale of | Swee-ney Todd. His skin was pale and his eye was odd, He shaved the fa-ces of gen+fle-men Who nev-er there-af - ter were heard of a-gain—__ He trod a path that few have trod, Did — Swee - ney Todd, The #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd —142— ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition 2nd MAN (Feno®): 24 (lst MAN) 25 28 5 a i De-mon Bar-ber of Het Street. He ‘Kept a shop in Lon-don Town, of | fan-cy clients and good se-nown, And what if none of their souls were saved? They went to their Mak-er im - 2 “6 “5 fs] \ pec - ea bly shaved—— By Sweeney, by Swee-ney Todd, ‘The 5 52 53 6 * De - mon Bar-ber Of Fleet Street. #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd ‘SOPRANOS: mare. Swing your TENORS: yar BASSES! swing your Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition =143~ m+ zor wide, Swe + ney, Swee - ney, Hold it to the skies! #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd 144 — ‘Sweeney Tadd Schoo! Edition Free - ly flows the blood of those who (TENORS) Free - AR = (BASSES) Free mor - al - ize. moral - ize. needs were few, his room was bare: A #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition (Grd MAN) 4th MAN (Bass): 1 Jav-a-bo and a fan-cy chair, A & Ada a TENOR: 59 mug of suds and a Ieath - er stop, An a-pron, a tow-el, a 2 WOMEN (Mezzos): neat - ness he de - serwes a nod, Does ‘Swee - ney Todd, The In-con-spic-u-ous Swee-ney was, Quickand qui-etand clean’e__ was. #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd ¢ 146 — ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition ie Back of his smile, un-der his word, Swee-ney heard mu-sic that 109 no-bo-dy heard, Swee-ney pon-dered and Swee-ney_ planned, 42 us. Like a—sper-fect_ ma - chine — planned. ‘TENORS: Me 18 ve ‘Swee-ney was smooth, BARITONES: Swee-ney was sub-tle, Swee-ney would blink and Swee-ney was smooth, Swee-ney was sub-tle, Swee-ney would blink and BASSES: ‘Swee-ney was smooth, Swee-ney was sub-tle, Swee-ney would blink and "7 18 19 rats would scut-tl, In - con - spic-u-ous Swee - mey—— was, rats would scut-tle, Swee-ney was smooth, Swee-ney was sub-tle, rats would scut-tle, In = con - spic-u-ous wee - mney was, #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —147— ALTOS: 20 12 te Swee-ney was smooth, me iD Quick and qui-etand like a _per-fect_ma- chine ‘e was, was BARL: Sweeney would blink and rats would scut-fle, In = con-sple-u-ous BASSES: —= ‘Quick and qui-etand clean ‘e___ was. Swee-- ney! SOPRANOS: Sweeney was smooth, Sweeneywas sub-tle, ‘Sweeneywas subtle, Swee-ney would blink and aS Clean ‘e was, was Quick’ like 2 per-fectma- and qui-et and —=| team ‘e was,— was Swee = neyt Keen ‘e was, was-— #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd 148 ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition (SOPRANOS) 128 Swee-ney would blink and rats would seut-tle. (atros) ———— 9 Swee - ney! Swee - neyt ‘Swe - ney! chine ‘e was was Swee - ney! ‘Swe = ney! (BASSES) —==— Swee = ney! Swee - ney! ‘Swe - ney! Swee - ney! Swee = #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd FE ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Editon —149— (SOPRANOS) 132 ney! (ALTOS) ey! BARITONES) neyt | (BASSES) ney! Topp: (Rising from a grave) At - fend the tale of | Swee - ney Toda. 1 tend the tale of Swee-ney Todd, #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd 150 — ‘sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 148 us (CHORUS) \ 445 «ropp) served a dark and a vengeful God. 140 180 venge-ful God. frat hap-pened then... well, that’s the play, And he would-m’t want us to give it away, Not Swee - ney, #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition —151— (CHORUS) 160 Swee = ney Todd n (TODD) if we ‘Swee - ney Todd, The [ea] De-mon Bar-ber 3f Fleet De-mon Bar-ber of Fleet Street! #2—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd agate ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition No Place Like London Largo (J = 80) A sal i ANTHONY: oe T have sailed the world, be-held its won - ders. From the crese. Dar - den-elles to the moun-tains of Pe-ru, But there's no place dike Lon - dont—— 1 feel home a-gain. T could hear the ci-ty bells xing, what - f, 4 ev-er I would do. No, there's no... TODD: K 'No, there's no place like London. #3No Place Like London Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —183— You are young. Life has been w 18 Wy kind to you. You will Itishere we go our several ways, Farewell, Anthony, I will not soon forget the good ship “Bountiful” nor the young man who saved my life. = 2 ea a ANTHONY: There's no cause to thank me for that, sir. It would hhave been a poor Christian indeed who'd have spotted you pitching and tossing on that raft and not given the alarm. a 3 ES a roz8 B (A Beggar Woman appecrs) Piu mosso (J [@] BEGGAR woman: Alms. Alms... For a On a mis - ‘ra - ble tony drops a coin in (Leers at kim) (he dnihony dr er bol) ayy s chil = ty mom-ing. Thank you, siz, thank you. #3No Place Like London 154 — Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (ded) (BEGGAR WOMAN) 3 3 ‘Ow wouldyou like a lit-te muff, dear, A lit-tle jig jig, A little “Ow would you like a Ht-tle kiss, dear? TM be your girlfriend. You won't do 36 a bounce a-roundthe bush? Would-n’t you like to pushme _pars-ley? You looks to bet - ter on thedocks, Would-n't you like to take me dancin’ And be my ft 3% Ed me, dear, like you got plen - ty there to pusht boy = filend And buy me Tots. of pret = ty frocks? ‘Tempo primo (2. =.) (erns to Todd, pathetically) = woman. Wot'sgotwan-det-in’ wits. Hey, don't I know you, Mis-ert a tempo TODD: (Tirning away) Must you glare at (Lap) mevonnt niet BH fs [i 2X's ‘Then ‘ow would you like to split me “Then ‘ow would you like a lit - tle ‘TODD: Off, I said! To the devil with you! (The Beggar Woman scuttles awey.) “ a e muff, Mis-ter, We'll go jig, jig A lit te kiss dear, IU be your — girl- friend you won't do. "If Desired, Use Alternate Lyrics #3—No Place Like London (BEGGAR WOMAN) (Exiting) 7 Disappears) Alms! Alms! For a pit-i-ful wo-man..— ANTHONY: Pardon me, st, but there’s no need to fear the likes of her. She was only a half-crazed beggar woman. London's full of them. EJ 2 E & bi TODD: Ibeg your indulgence, boy. My mind is far from easy, for in these once-famillar streets feel the chill of ghostly shadows everywhere. Forgive me. a tempo ANTHONY: There's nothing to forgive. TODD: Farewell, Anthony. ANTHONY: Mr. Todd, before we part TODD: (Fiercely) What is it? 1 o a ANTHONY: Ihave honored my promise never to question you. Whatever brought you to that sorry shipwrecks your affaiz. And yet, during those many weeks of the voyage home, [have come to think of you as friend and, if trouble lies ahead for you in London... if you need help~ or money— 4 #3—No Place Like London ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition =156— Poco rubato, largo af 1 SSS ES Toop: There's a hole in the world like a great black SS = E SSS SS S| Ss pit, And the ver-min of the world in-hab-it it, And its mor-als are-n’t 204 a SS SS 28 SS ee worth what a pig could spit, And it goes by the name of Lon-don. At the top of the hole sit the priv-‘leged few, Mak-ing mock of the ver-min in the low-er zoo, Tum-ing beau-ty in-to filth and rit. a tempo greed. 1, too, have sailed the world and seen its won - ders, For the cruel - ty of -men is as #3—No Place Like London Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition «ropp) an 22 28 won-drous as Pe-ru, But there’s no place like Lon- don! Meno mosso en 215 a a bar-ber and his wife, And she was beau - ti- ful, — X foolish bar-ber and his wife. She was his vir - tu-ous,—— #3No Place Like London —158— ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition ‘That she was oth-er man who saw & pious val-ture of the law, Who with a ‘ges-ture of his claw Re-movedthe _bar-ber from his plate, ‘Then there was noth-ing but to wait, crese. And she would fall, So soft, 50 #3—No Place Like London Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition «ropD) young, So lost and ob, so beau - t-full_ poco rall, 2 ms Oh, that was a tempo many years a- go. I doubt if an - y + one would know. Now leave me, Anthony, [beg of you. ‘There's somewhere I must go, something I must find out. 250 5 255 tH +#3—No Place Like London 160 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition : Anthony exits in one direction, Todd starts off in another, muttering to himself. Topp: Safety 1 = (last time) E There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, And it's mor- als are - n't worth what a pig could spit,And the ver-min of the world in-hab-it it. Segue #3—No Place Like London ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition —161— The Worst Pies In London ‘Mrs. Lovett does not notice Todd until his shadow passes across her. ‘She looks tp, knife in air, and soreams, freezing him in his tracks. MRS. LOVETT: A customer! Allegretto agitato (J = 112) : 2] mrs. over ee cE SSS SS SSS Wail! What's your rush? What's your hur-ry? You gave me such a (Wipes her hands (on her apron) fright, I thought you was a ghost! Half-a min-ute, can‘t-cher? (Pushes Todd ‘onto a stool) Sil Sit ye down! Sit! AM I meant is that have-n’t seen a cus-tom-er for weeks, Did you come here for a (Toit (rs, Lovett flicks grins) ‘ust from apie) pie, sit Do for-give me if me #5—The Worst Pies In London —162— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition ‘(Plucks some- fie fitig ofa) ae SS SS == head's a lit - te vague, Ugh! What is that? Bat youd (Drops ton tha flear)”—_(Stompeon it) J aad fhink we had the plague from the way that peo ple (Pcs at some. thing on the (Spotsit (Smacks i with et) roving) ‘er ha) keep a- void-ing.. No, you don’t! Heav -en knows I (Looks at (Wipes ton 0 her hand) her apron) ty, sit. Yich! But there's no - one comes? in (Blows aust off the pie as she n i srge to hid rit. e-ven 0 in-hale. Tek Right you are, six, would you (od nods ; and grunts) 1» Poco rit. Like a drop of ale? Mind you, I can hard-ly blamethem, 1s Meno mosso, sempre rubato ,, i ‘These are prob-a-bly the worst pies in Lon-don, #5—The Worst Pies In London ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —163— 47 IRS. LOVETT) 7 fa [lmow why no-bod-y cares to takethem. I shouldknow, 1 a 2 2 make them, But good? No, The worst pies in Lon-don. Lon- don. B-ven that’s po-lite. The worst pies in (Todd bites into the pie) take a bil dis - If you doubt it, that just gust-ing? You have to con - cede it Its noth - ing but (Gives him ale) worst pies in Lon-don. ‘And no won des, with the price of #5—The Worst Pies In London, 164 — ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition ‘Tempo I° (Slams a amp of dough on the sg(MRS. LOVETT) counter and begins pounding i) SSS] eS Ss Mest what it is Grunt) when you get it (grunt) Nev - er (runt) thought Vd live to see the day men-‘d think it was a Treat find - ing poor runt) an i- mals Grunt) wot are dy-ing in thestreet. Mrs. Moo-ney has a pie shop, Does a bus-‘ness but I Late-ly all her neigh- bers’ cats have dis - ap-peared. Have to hand it to her #5—The Worst Pies In London ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition 165 — (MRS. LOVETT (pate the dough (quent) Wot alls (grat) en > fer ty 7 ‘Gont) Pop-ping pussies in- 10 (Pounds he dough) eee rar ae ae nough to make you sick. And Vm telling you, them pus -sy-cats is quick. No de-ny~ing, times is Meno mossg, sempre rubato st hard, sir, B-ven hard-er than the worst pies in 55 (As Tod gamely tries another mouthfil) London. ‘On-ly lard and noth-ing more, IS 4#5__The Worst Pies In London 166 — ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition (MRS, LOVETT) A 57 5 o Lon-don.. ‘Tempo 1° (Deliberate) ‘that just re - volt-ing? AIL greas-y Tooks like it's molt-ing and tastes. like. a tempo, molto espressivo os a % n hard. Well, pi-ty With worst pies in #5—The Worst Pies In London ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —167— Poor Thing MRS, LOVETT: (Notices Todd having diffi with his Spitit out, dear. Goon. On the floor. There's worse ‘than that down there, (Sighs, as Todd spits the pie out) That's my boy. ‘TODD: Isn't that a room up there over the shop? TODD: (continuing as distant chimes sound) ‘MRS. LOVETT: Up there? Oh, no one ‘If times are so hard, why don’t you rent it ‘will go near it. People think it's haunted. ‘out? That should bring in something. ‘You see ~ years ago, something happened up there. Something not very nice Larghetto (J = 50) Chimes 1 2 Molto rubato beau - ti- ful ‘A pro- per at = fot with R knife—— But they trans - ‘A tempo, delicato (J=4.) “ fal (Sigis) port-ed him for life. And he was beau - ti-ful.. #6—Poor Thing 168 ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition Safety Barker, his name was — Benjamin Barker. jg MRS.LOVETT) 5 ag (ast time) He had this (A pretty young girl, Barker's wife, appears inthe empty upstairs room, dancing her household chores) 20 a 2 wife, you see Pret-ty lit-tle thing. ly lit-tle 28 nit had her chance for the world on a _ string. 2 9 30 31 se 39 Pa Poor thing, ———___ Poor thing. (Judge Turpin and his obsequious assistant, the Beudle, ‘approach the house, gazing up lecherously atthe wife. She remains demure, sewing.) wo 1» Gl 20 2 There were these two, you see; Want-ed her like mad, Piu mosso (in 1) “0 a 42 + 1 One of ‘em a judge, one of ‘em his bea- dle. Ev-'ry day they'd nudge and they'd whee-dle. #6—Poor Thing Sweeney Todd School Eaition 169 — (MRS. LOVETT) Still she would-n’t budgefrom her nee-dle Too bad, Pure thing. (is the shadows ofthe stage, people appear dimly Bt [B5])_—_They-wear formal clothes and the masks of eninals and demons.) 95 97 So they mere-ly shipped the poor light-er off south, they did. (Barker's fe takes an imaginary baby rom an imaginary ot and ston the loom, ceding to ad ebsasegy nn ness ae * a +00 101 Leav-ing her with noth-ing but’ grief and a year-old kid. 02 10 108 105 Did she use her head ev-en then? Oh no, — God.for- bid! intake 105 To108 109 i) a 12, ofbreath) Poor fool. Ah, butthere was worseyetto come. Hooh! Poor (The shadowy figures start 0 come together) wm 3 a7 He. 129 thing. Well, we #6—Poor Thing —170— ‘Sweeney Todd School Ealtfon Moderato cantabile, (J= 4.) (The Bene reappears, mimes solicitously for the wife to come down, She does.) (urs. LOVETD) 125 7) Bea - dle calls.on her, all polite, Poor thing Poor vr 120 +20 thing The judge, he tells her, is all contrite. He 190 191 192 blames him-self for her dread-ful plight. She must come straight to his Cc ; house to-night, Poor thing, poor thing. (The shadowy figures have assembled. ‘They are dancing a stow minuet as the Meno mosso - Minuet Beadle leads the wife through ther.) 189) Aempe 4 4 uae course, when she goes there, Poor thing, poor thing, They're hav - in this ball all im masks, _____ There's #6—Poor Thing Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (URS. LOVETT) (The wife los around dezadly, mimes drinking champagne.) fi 8 10 noone sheknows there, Poor deat, poor thing, She 181 wand-ers tor-men-ted and drinks, Poor thing. The judge has re -pent-ed, she thinks, Poor thing = “Oh, where is Judge Tur- pin?” she asks. (The Judge appears and tars of is mask revealing himself. The wife screams ashe reaches for her. ‘She struggles wildly as the Beadle nurs her tote floor, He holds her there asthe Judge ravishes her while the masked dancers pirouette around thems.) 157 180 not $0 con-trite! She wasn’t no match for such craft, you see, And #6—Poor Thing —172— ‘Sweeney Todd School Edltion (MRS. LOVETT) ee 15 ev = ‘ry - one thought it so drol._________ ‘They all of ‘em stood there and Iaughed, you see, Poor accel. poco a poco i m ww soul! Poor thing! ‘TODD: (With a wild shout) Would :n0 one have mercy on her? ra 1 (TODD screams) +#6—Poor Thing ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edltion My Friends i (Toda picks up a small razor, fondles it) ‘MRS. LOVETT: My, them handles is chased silver, ain't they? TODD: Silver, yes. Safety DD: 3) ast time) Misterioso (J = 100) » 4 These are my See this one shine, Piu mosso a inthe light, My— friend, My faith fal (He holds tke "zor ths enn) rit. [is]@ tempo 8 10 Speak to my, friend. Whis-per, Yl lis-ten.—__ know, I know. You've been locked out of sight all these years, like me, my +#7-—My Friends Ri —14— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Ealtion Piu mosso friend.__________ Well, I've come home. to find you wait ing. Home______________ and we're to. - geth- ex— rit, And we'lldo wonders, Won't we? 7 a tempo gg MRS.LOVETE: — (Caressing Tod gently) Tm your friend, TODD: (Picking up @ larger razor.) You there, «my friend, If you on-ly knew, Mis-ter Todd. Come, let me hold you. Now, with a #7—My Friends Sweeney Todd Schoo! Elton (RS. Lovet) a Ooh, Mis - ter Al-ways had a fond-ness for you, I did. = friend. Nev-er you fear, #7—My Friends —176— ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition (MRS. LOVETT) You can move in ter Todd. here, Mi opp) Splen-dors you mow —splen- dors you My Iuck-y Till now your mine!Don’ttheyshine _beaw-ti-ful! 47-—My Friends ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 8* | (MRS. LOVETT) good e-nough for me, (ropp) __ Eriends, you shall drip «ropp) rit, a You'll soon drip —_pre-cious— A tempo sempre dolce 6 TODD: My right arm is complete again! aD Meno mosso, ben marcato [20] WOMEN: aft BARITONES: @- BASSES: if you high, #7—My Friends 178 — Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (BASSES) Swe - ney. Hear it sing - ing, “Yea” —_ Sink it in the ro - sy of | righ- teous-ness. of righ- feous-ness. skin of —_High-teous-ness. #7-—My Friends ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition es BEADLE: L®. His voice was soft, his man-ner mild. 99 4WOMEN: 100 He sel-domlaughedbuthe of -tensmiled. 105 1BASS: 10s He'd seenhowciveil-ized men be-have. He nev-er for-got and he nev-er for-gave, Not Swee - ney, Not ‘Swee-ney Todd, ‘The De-mon Bar-ber | (ight comes up on fudge Terpin’s mansion. A Bird Seller enters, carrying smal bids in wicker engs. Johanna, a young girl with long blonde har, ‘appears at an upper level ofthe mansion and stands dsconsolate) 2 wt 4 #7-—My Friends —180— ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition Green Finch and Linnet Bird JOHANNA: (To Bird Seller) And how are they today? : Hungry es always, Miss Johanna, aaa nadine el (He lifts the cages up to her) Ad Jib. Repeat 3 Ad lib. 2 —————— a tempo JOHANNA: Green finch and lin-net bird, night-in-gale, black-bird, How is it you sing? How can you ju - bi-late, sit-ting inca - ges, a a] Nev-er tak- ing wing? Out - side the sky waits, poco rit. a tempo 1 10 beck-on-ing, beck-on-ing, Just be-yond the bars. poco accel. How can you re-main, star: at the rain, mad-dened by the #8—Green Finch and Linnet Bird ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition GOHANNA) 1s, poco rit. fz Green finch and lin net bird, night-in-gale, black - bird, How is it you sing?. gg €ON poco moto ‘Whence comes this mel - 0 = dy con-stant-ly flow - ing? Is it re-joic-ing or —mere-ly hal-lo-ing? Are you dis-cuss-ing or poco rit. fl fuss-ing or simp - ly dream - ing? #8—Green Finch and Linnet Bird VY —182— ‘Sweeney Tedd Schoo! Edition UGE ANNAY poco rit, a tempo we A tempo i: crow - ing? Are you scream ~ ing?. Ring - dove and rob - in - et, is it for wa - ges, Sing-ing to be sold?—_—___ Have you de-cid-ed it’s (Anthony enters, Instantly ke: fd stands transfixed by her ba a“ ® saf-er in ca-ges, Sing- ing when you're told? Piu mosso ten. My cage has man-y rooms, dam-ask and dark. Nothing there sings, not ev-en my lark, Larks nev-er will, you know, when they're captive, poco rit. 5 Teach me to be more ad - ap- tive. Ab, #8—Green Finch and Linnet Bird Sweeney Todd Schoo! Ealtion poco rit, _A tempo, tranquillo bt) s ; : = SS Se eae Segue as one +#8—Green Finch and Linnet Bird —184— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Ah, Miss ‘Con moto, poco rubato (J = 80) anton] ‘ 1 2 (Gazing at Johanna) Ihave sailed the world, be-held its won-ders From the pearls of Spain to the rurbies of Ti-bet, But not even in Ton-don.—shave Teen such a rit. wwon ~ der. la - ay (S] atempo = > “4 ———S=> , —— =i x Fe 2 Fo SS SS Look at me, look at me miss, oh look at me please oh, Fav-or me, fav-or me, with your glance, Ab, miss, What do you, what do you see off there in those trees ch, #9—Ah, Miss ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Won't you give, won't you give me a Kearn-ey's Lane lies the Ab, miss, est won-der yet? Look at you, look at you pale and iv-or-y - skinned oh, Look at you Iook-ing so sad, 50 Not to re-treat to the dark- ness back of your win - dow, Not tll you, not till you look down #9—Ah, Miss —186— ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition ©) joanna: : black - bird, Look at Teach me how to sing. IE I can-not fy. (heir eyes meet. They gaze at each oer for a moment.) 1 9 rat BEGGAR WOMAN; __(Gabbing Antiony from a garbage heap) —= SS ——) Alms! Alms! For a miss. ble anna, fightened, lips bck inside the house. The Begger Woman trusts her boul E 2 —— eS, SS] SSS wo - man. Beg your par - don, its at Anthony, who hestity drops a coin into i, there turns back to discover Johanna gone) a E you, sit. Thank yer, thank yer kind - ly... #9—Ah, Miss ‘Sweeney Tedd School Edition BEGGAR WOMAN: Leering at him) —3— = Hey! Hoy! Sail-or boy! Want it snug - ly har - bored? “Hey! Hoy! Sait-or boy! Look - in’ pret - ty chip ~ pert dock it straight, I see it lists to star-boardt be your mate and you can be my skipper! (Op-en me gate, but Make us a date, TI Vamp * If Desired, Use Alternate Lyrics #9—Ah, Miss 188 ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Eaition Johanna (Part 1) Johanna reappears atthe window. Anthony hl the cage up asa present, beckoning her down. She hesitates, smiles, nods, disappears into the house. He waits. Shyly, almost ‘furtvely, she slips out ofthe door and stands ‘here. He moves toward her, holding out the cage. Slowly her hand goes out toward him. ANTHONY: Tranuillo (J = 66) vamp 4 Papa 3 ‘ feel you, Jo - han - may 1 feet you. T was half con-vinced Wd wale - on Ls “ Es = z = SS o eee = sat - © = nowgh = to dream___ you. en, Jo - han - mat Hap-pi-ly, I was mis-tak - #10—Johanna (Part 1) ‘Sweeney Todd School Eton 12 (ANTHONY) fa ani Ti steal you, Jo - han = na Wi (They are 50 absorbed with eack other that they fl to notice the ‘approach of Judge Turpin and eee) i ul steal Youn JUDGE: (Shouting) Johanna! Johannal JOHANNA: Oh dear! (Forgetting the birdoage, ‘he scurries tothe house) . JUDGE: (Glaring at Anthony) If see your face . again on this or any other neighbor street, you'll rue the day you were bom. Is that plain enough Speaking fr you? ANTHONY: But, siz. swear there was nothing in my heart... 3 20 «. but the most respectful sentiments of JUDGE: (Tp Beaile) Dispose of him. (He strides toward the house.) (The Beni opens the onge doo, takes the bird BEADLE: Get the gist of it friend? ‘Out orings its neck and ten tosses it cesy.) Next time itll be your neck. ‘he steris aftr the judge and Johanca.) a 1 28 i Segue as one #10—Johanna (Part |) ~190— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Johanna (Part II) Maestoso (J = 66) + Dialog) 2 L ANTHONY: mm steal you, Jo - han = na, TH steal , Con poco moto ‘i 1 1" you. Do they think thet walls can hide. Sweet -ly bur - ied in your —_yel/- low hair, #11—Johanna (Part II) ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 191 (ANTHONY) feel yo, Jo - han = mn one day 1H steal you. Till Ym with you then, I'm with you there, Sweet-ly bur-ied in your yellow hair. (Ge throws te cage say, pick wp his uel bng, and ran off. The lights fae) s A 2 = 2 © Segue #11—Johanna (Part tl) —192— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir Brightly (J = 132) L4istesso tempo (J=4.) 7| TOBIAS: (ast ie) La- dies and gen - de- ment (He beats the drum entiusastically) e ° 10 1 May Ihave your at - ten-tion, per-lease?. \ Do you wake ev-/zy morm-ing in shame and des-pair To dis - 8 16 wz 1 cov-er your pil-low is cov-ered with hair Wot ought not to be there? Well, ies and gen-tle-men, From mow on you can _wak-en with ease. #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition =193— You need nev-er a-gain have a = wor-ry or care, I will a 20 Ey show you a mir-a-de — mar-vel- ous rare. 1 Gen-tle-men, you are a - bout to see some-thing that (A.woman in the crowd giro vith horror) a rose from the dead... (Reessuringly) Listesso tempo # 8 1 "Twas Pi-rel-li's Mir - a-cle E-lix-er, ‘That's what did the trick, sir, ‘True, six, true. Was it quick, sik? -‘Did_it' in a tick, six, #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir 194 Sweeney Todd School Edition (TOBIAS) A ‘a E Just like an e-lix-er ought to do. How a-bout a bot-tle, mis-ter? ———————— 1 On - ly costs a pen - ny, = guar - an - (TOBIAS) (He proffers bottles of the elixir to the crowd) * proffe of — o - SS teed. Go a- head and tug six, 4 Ist MAN: i op ra 2: 7 Pen- ny buys a bot ~~ tle, 1 dont a+ head, siz, hard - ex Pen - ny for a bot - He, is itt #12—Pirell’s Miracle Elixir ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Ist Man, who's bal ercroptasy —SUPPIng the st Man, a's bald and pouring a drop on is head) Does Pi-rel-l’s stim - u-late the growth, sir? You can have my oath, six, (ist MAN) got gg. (Cemtly applying the It Man's hand othe wet spot.) ‘se Stim -u-lat-in’, i'n’ it? Soom you'll have to thin it once a week, _Pen-ny buys a bot-tle guar-an - ‘Ow a-bouta sam ple? Haveyou ev-ersmelledaclean - er Ast WOMAN: (To 3rd Man) well. 2nd MAN‘(Tp 2nd Women) Pen nybuys abot - tle, mightas #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixi ar, 196 — ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition (To 1st Man) e4 (TOBIAS) smell? ‘That's e- nough, siz, (ast WOMAN) crime they + chins clog 2nd WOMAN: Pen - ny buys a bot - tle, does it? [=] cromasy Gent - ly dab it, Gets to be ahab-it, Soon there'll be e-iough, sir, (1st WOMAN) pave-ments? (2nd WOMAN) hell? (Points toa long-haired man a oI aeeaano hair like Shel-ly's? See that chap with some - bo-dy can grab it. #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (ToBIAS) You can tell ‘e's used Pi-rel-li's! Let me have a bot-tle. Make that (Loudly, to Mrs. Lovett) Go ahead and feel, mum. ‘MRS. LOVETT: Are we stand - ing near an 0 = _——pen (opp) stench? ‘Ist WOMAN: How a- bout a #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir 198 ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition : (Handing Todd a bote for inspection) gq, (T03rd Wome) = Pi-rel-li's Ab-so-lute-ly real, mum. Buy (MRS. LOVETT) (Toa man in the crowd) trench? Par-don me, aw fal «ropp) siz, what's that Mustbestand - ing 2nd WOMAN: (ist WOMAN) Har - ry. Nothsingworkson Har - ry, dear, bye-bye. 3rd WOMAN: _~ Ym just passving by. ¢ (2nd MAN) ‘st MAN: 2nd MAN: beer? You know a pub? There's one close by. 3rd MAN: on (TOBIAS) Mir - ace E-lixeiz An - y-thing wot's slick, sis, soon sprouts curls. st! When they see how thick, sit, You can have your pick, si, #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition e (TOBIAS) (To 4th Woman) of the girls! Want to buy a bot - tle, mis - sus? Topp: Pen-ny forabot- te, MRS. LOVETT: Haveyou ev - ersmelled a clean-er Smelis like - phew! (Handing the bottle back distastefully) Smells like piss, Pro-pa-gates the hair, siz He says it smellslike 4th MAN; 3rd MAN: (To 2rd Man) Whatwas that? #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir —200— ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition 2 (TOBIAS) smell? How a+ bout a sam-ple? © How a-bout asam ple,mis-ter? (MRS. LOVETT) Would-n’t touch it if (opp) Looks like piss. ‘This is piss, Piss with (@nd MAN) piss. Wot - cher think? 2nd WOMAN & 5th MAN: Says itsmelislikepiss or some thing. 90 «ropp) ink. WOMEN: Let me smell that bot - He, = T don’t want no MEN: Let me smell that bot - fle. I don't want no #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (Trying to calm the crowd) 31 (TOBIAS) aurs. tovern N&* & mind that mad - man, mis What does that Give ‘em back’ their mon - ey! Give us back our mon - ey! #12—Pirell’s Miracle Elixir —202— Sweeney Tedd Schoo! Edition 0s TOBIAS: Let Pi-rel-l’s (uns. LOVETT) Where is this Pi-rel-1i? (ropp) Where is this Pi-rel-li? (WOMEN) Yeah, where (MEN) Yeah, where is this Pi = rel-li? ac - ti- vate your roots, sir. TODD: Keep it off your boots, six, Eats right through! crown: Goand get Pi-rel-lil (roBIas) e get Pirel-li‘s! Use a bot-tle of it! — Ta-dies seem to love 00 100 #12—Pirelli's Miracle ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —203— MRS. LOVETT: ot (Opt Boa) 12 1 PW Flies do, tool (The crowd laughs uproariously) 1 cRowD: Hand the blood-y mon-ey o-verl sqgTOBIAS: 108 See Pi-rel-li's Mir - a-cle B-lix-ie Hand the blood-y mon-ey o-ver! grow a it~ tle wick, si, then some fuzz, The Pi-rel-lis soon “Il make it thick, si, Like a good e-lix-ir al-ways does. Trust Pisrel-Ii's! If your hair is sick, siz Fix it ina nlek, sin 412—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir —204— ‘sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 133 | (TOBIAS) Don’t look grim. Just Pi-rel-li's Mir-a-cle Blix - ix That-/l do the trick, sir! What a- bout the mon - ey? (TOBIAS) 18 40 If you've got a Kick, sist _ Pe SOPRANOS: What a- bout the mon - ey? ALTOS: a= bout the mon - ey? TENORS: Yeah, BASSES: Yeah, #12—Pirelli's Miracle Elixir Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition where is this Pi - rel - UP Go and get Pi- rel - lit BASSES: Tell it to the mix-er of the SOPRANOS: What a-bout our mon - ey? What a-bout it? ALTOS: What a-bout our mon - cy? What a-bout it? What a-bout our mon - ey? Go and get Pi-rel - lit BASSES: What a-bout our mon - ey? Go and get Pi-rel - if #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir — 206 — ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition (TOBIAS) “5 It you've SOPRANOS: a a Where is this, «Pi - rel - i? (Pirelli bursts through the curtain flamboyantly The crowd falls silent, stunned.) ‘7 (ropIAs) [i Segue Talk te him! #12—Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir . ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition —207— Pirelli’s Entrance Moderato, con molto rubato tsa prea rae ei fo eae 1_________ am A-dl-f me rel - fi, Da king of da bar - bers, Da bar - ber of accel. Kings, E—buon—gior = m0, Good day. 1 (Fe does) L——_______ Da co fa-mous Pi - rl- i, I wish-a to ten, as know a who has-a da mere - a to say___My e-lix-ir is Dictated piss! Who says this? #13Pirell’s Entrance — 208 — Sweeney Todd School Edition The Contest PIRELLE: Ready! TODD: Ready! BEADLE: The fastest, smoothest shave is the winner. (He blows his whistle) Agitato (J = 144) A 4 L ‘gtenso tempo (J=4.) 2 PIRELLE: (last time) 10 " Now ‘si-gnor-i-ni, si - gnor-i, we mix-a da lath~er, but first-a you gath-er a-round, Si-gnor - i-ni, si-gnor - i,you look-ing a man who have (Lathering his man) w had - ada glo-ry to shave-a da Pope! Mis-ter Swee-ney who-ev-er-I (To the customer, ashe accidentally laters his nose) 18 19 beg - 2 your par-don-‘Il_ prob - a-bly say it was on-ly a car-din-al. #14—The Contest : ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —209 ~ (Finishes lathering the man) (Exchanges his brush or a razor) ‘toa 21 (PIRELLD) 22 Nope! Tt was-a da Pope! To shave-a da (Shaves his man, with flourishes « flourishes) i. tue, Topatt-a itn Bee Fie Retcedy pce Andnot-a 6 accel. poco a poco 2° 50 mute, For if-ayou slip, you nick da skin, you clipa da chin, yourip-a da ‘id strops his razor slowly and PURELLE deliberately, disconcerting Pirelli (Getting the crowd's and drawing the crowd's attention. attention back) 59 en lip a bit, and dat’s-a da drut! ‘To shave-a da st inf espress. face Or e-ven apart Wid-out it-a_—_ smart (Gesturing to Tobias, who pulls down an elaborate anatomical chart ofthe head) ten. hear It take-a da art. = show you chart’ «I stud - y-a #14—The Contest —20— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition eo (@PIRELL ae ot Actin ot soy snp ora, RUbat 1 sensi start - ing in my yout! To cut - ada Poiana (Gaining confidence a tempo e_Ag he sees Tadd co far behind) ca hai, To trim a da Beard, "To make-a da bris- tle clean like a ten. whis-tle, Dis is fom ear-ly in-fan-cy da tal-ent give to me by mf 7 God! Itake +a da skill, Wake - a da ten. n a 73 brains, ‘It take-ada will, To take-ada_—_pains,____. It take-a da pace, It take - ‘Todd, with a few de strokes, lathes an shaves his man, and 78 signals the Beadle BEADLE: The win-ner is ‘Toda! #14—The Contest ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 2 Ballad of Sweeney Todd TODD: (Expressionless) You will be welcome, Beadle Bamford, and T guarantee to give you, without a penny’s charge, the closest shave you will ever know. (Mrs. Lovett takes Todd's arm and starts with him offsiage as the scene Dlacks out, The factory whistle blasts.) Allegretto (J. = 132) (As theo ds) 4 TH] soto pass: Swee-ney pon-dered and Swee-ney planned, SOLO BARE 5 1 Like a per-fect ma - chine ‘e planned, —_Barb- ing the hook, SOLO BASS: SOLO TENOR: 8 ° 0 Bait. 1g the trap, Set-ting it out for the Bea-dle to snap. SOPR. & TENOR: Sly - ly court-ed ‘im, Swe - ney did, Set a sort of a scene ‘e did, — Lay-ing the trail, Show-ing the traces, #15—Ballad of Sweeney Todd —212— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 2 SOPR. & 2 TENORS: 3 WOMEN: ki 10 Let-ting it lead to high-er pla-ces. Swe - ney pon-dered and (@BARIS), 7 Laying the trail, Swee - ney planned, Like a _per-fect ma - chine ‘e planned, Show-ing the tra-ces, Let-ting itJead to high-er places, (@WoMEN) —~ , 2 By Sly - ly court-ed ‘im, ‘TENORS: Swee - ney did, Swe 7 Lay-ing the trail, Show-ing the tra-ces, _Let-ting it lead to BARIS, BASSES: Sly + ly court-ed ‘im, Swee - ney did. Set it like a ma- #15—Ballad of Sweeney Todd Sweeney Todd School Edition —23— (WOMEN) (TENORS) high + er pla = ces. Swee - ARIS, BASSES) ‘chine, a sort of a scene ‘e did, Did Swee - ney, Segue #15—Ballad of Sweeney Todd = 24 ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Wait (2) BEGGAR Woman: E : : Alms... alms. for a mis-‘ra-ble., (Toa generous passerby) Thank yer. (Ske suffls to Mis, Lovett) 2 2 “ 1 Ei BEGGAR WOMAN: Not just a penny, lear? Or a pie? ‘One of them pies that gives the stomach cramps to half siesete Eeneighod ond? (dusting ig MRS. LOVETR Off Off wih you Come on, dear Have «heart, dear that'll make your teeth chatter! 5 1 6 . Harp BEGGAR WOMAN: Stuck up thing! You and you: sire! ad your fancy a8! (peGcaR WOMAN) (Shugting off into the wings) z Alms. alms. for ‘She exits, Mrs, Lovett rings the bell to indicate her approach and starts climbing the stairs carrying the chair. At the sound of the bell, Todd becomes alert and snatches up the razor. ss > 0 2 pie a des-per- ate wo-man.. #16—Wait Sweeney Todd School Edition 15 — ‘4s Mrs, Lovett appears, Todd relaxes somewhat. Mrs. Lovett is now very proprietary towards im. MRS. LOVETT: (Pubting the chair down) Wsnot much of acheic but itl do till you get your fancy new one. 7 6 10 B Ik was me poor Albert's chais, it was. Satin it all day long, he dic, after his leg gave out from the TODD: Why doesn't the Beadle dtopsy. (Surveying the room) Kinda bare, isw'tit? «=< come? “Before the week is out Inever did like a bare room. Ol, well we'll find that’s what he said. ‘some nice little knickknacks. a at 2 2 MRS. LOVETT: And who says the week's out yet? Its only Tuesday. id continues pacins sigepeaa necee aan 1 Adagio espress., non rubato (J = 112) MRS.LOVETT og i: Fas-y now.— Hush, love, hush, Don't dis-tress_—your-self, What's your rush?__—Keep your thoughts—_-—‘Nice and lush. ‘Toda keeps pacing, a met ee Wait, Hush, love, hush,— #16—Wait —216— Sweeney Todd School Edition Think it through. Once it bub + bles, then what's to do? ‘Todd grows enlmer. Mrs. Lovet looks around the room, 2 2 “ Watch it close Let it brew. Wit ors. LOVETD fl a. & Tve been think-ing, flow-ers, May-be dai-sies___To bright-en up theroom Don’tyouthinksome flow-ers,._Pret-ty Todd doesn't respond. sa daisies, Might re-lieve the gloom? Ab, fi Ey 55 6 : Wait, love, wait. MRS. LOVETT: Can't you think of nothin’ else? Always broodin’ away on yer ‘wrongs what happened heaven knows how many years ago~ (Todd turns away violentty with a hiss) a 2 ao HE oy 2 q Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —217— [5] (mrs. Lovern) Slow, love, slow. — Time's so fast“ Nowgoesquick - ly. See, now it's past! Soon will come,— Soon will last (MRS, LOVETT) Th grows cam again ™ 2 acti s| plan the plan? ‘Tadd sits quietly. ‘Mrs. Lovett looks around the room again. 2 All good things come to those who can Wait. Gil-ly flow-ers may - be, ‘stead of dai-sies... ar I don't know, though, What do you think? 3 oy Tit #16—Wait —218— Sweeney Todd School Edition Pirelli’s Death (J.=100) PIRELLE: 1 (astily, asi paramo} ; You tink - a you — smart? You fool -ish - a toe are ee ee ten. if or set SS, . = ‘Toad knocks the razor out of his hand and, in a protracted struggle, starts to strangle him. stan’? You like-a my plan? POBIAS: (Downstairs, aware of tis) Oh, gad he's gotan appointment wit Nain! #17—Pirelii’s Death ‘Sweeney Todd School Eaition 29 — The Ballad of Sweeney Todd ‘Three tenors enter and sing. Andante con moto (J. = 132) Play 2X’s TENOR I: Z 1 wa His hands were quick, his It stung a lit-tle but TENOR: And those who thought him a sim - ple clod Were re-con-sid-er-ing un-der the sod, TENOR III: , Con - l #19—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd —220— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 29 TENOR I: From Swee-ney Todd, TENOR II: From Swee-ney Todd, (TENOR I) signed there with a From Swee-ney Todd, (TENOR M 2 aie Ee ‘The De-mon Bar-ber of Fleet Street. [se]crenor See your a+ zor gleam, Swee - ney, (TENOR 1) Swe - néy, See your ra + zor gleam, ‘Swee - ney, #19—The Baliad of Sweeney Todd Sweeney Todd School Edltion ~21— 2%6(TENOR D Feel how well (TENOR I) fits Feel how well it fits. Feel, (TENOR OD fits, Tt floats a - cross the throats of Lights Back out on the singers and came up om judge Terpin in {ull panoply of wig, robe, efc. He is about to convict a young boy. JUDGE: This is the fourth time, sr, that you have been brought before this bench. (Seene continues) 4s 1 hyp = 0 - cites, 1 hyp = 0 = crites, #19—The Ballad of Sweeney Todd Bee ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Kiss Me (Part I Allegretto ma non troppo (J = 120) st tpt 2 E oe 3 JOHANNA: (Not listening to him) TI swal - low —_poi-son on plan, 1 have a +#21—Kiss Me (Part I) ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition ~223— (JOHANNA) 5 ‘Oh, dear, was that a noise? I think T heard a noise. (ANTHONY) plan. It could-n't be, He's in court, he’s in court to - day. plant : eee ——S SSS = SS Still, that was a noise, Was-n’t that a noise? You must have heard that... ‘mp (Styly) P wt On, Kiss mel Ah, miss... (Pacing again) (HANNA) mf he should = mar-ry me © Mon - day, #21—Kiss Me (Part I) —224— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition ORANNA) a SSS =z = What will 1 doe die of griet : (ANTHONY) [= & == mf We fy wo - a na — SSS SSS 3 ‘Tis Fi - day, vir-tual-ly Sam ~ day, = = = 2 night a ——- SSS SS o : 7 Seer What can we do with time s0._brief? + = = EG SSS SSS We fy “to (Covering Anthony's mouth) ret as =I ——— —— Be-hind the cur- tain, quick! T think I heard a click, fey Mitel = == o To - night It was a gate, Is the gate. We don't have a gate. night! Ws mot a gate. There's no #21—Kiss Me (Part |) Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 225 — |) GOHANNA) Still, there was a... Wait! There’s an-oth- er click, You must have heard that... (ANTHONY) gate, Youdon’thave agate. ‘If you'don - ly _lis - fen, miss, And Kiss me! Kiss met The plan is made, So kiss me. = fom ST ORs Be not a+ fraid, = To - night E #21—Kiss Me (Part I) 226 ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition cantabile ag JOHANNA) Jove you e-venas I saw you, E-venas it did not mat-ter that T (ANTHONY) steal you, Jo - han : did not know your name. na, TI steal you, zs _ (ANTHONY) Its me —-you'll~—smar-ry on = Mon - day, a (GOHANNA) i = x = 2 - J+ 2 : ‘That's what you'll do! St. Dun - stan’s, be with you noon. +#21—Kiss Me (Part !) Sweeney Todd School Edition —227— (OHANNA) 2 you were. (ANTHONY) Ah, miss, I feared you'd nev-er come, That you'd been called a-way, mar-ry me, mar - ry me, miss, Oh mar-ry me ‘Mon - day! That you'd been killed, had the plague, were in debt-or's jail, Fa-vor me, fa ~ vor me with your hand. Prom = ise, ‘Tram-pled by a horse, gone to sea _a-gain, ar-rest-ed by the.. mar - ry me, mar-ry me, Please, oh mar-ry me — Mon - day #21—Kiss Me (Part 1) 228 ~ ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition es JOHANNA) Ss (ANTHONY) Of course. You're sure? He takes her in his arms and they fall back onto the couct. x» Aa = = + 2 a= 6 6 = = Kiss met Kiss mew. oh, sit 1 shall. Segue #21—Kiss Me (Part |) ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —229— Ladies in Their Sen ivities Allegretto grazioso (J = 144) EAS 1 : 4 Recorder (80a) peparety bi use me, my lord, May I re-quest, my lord, Per - mis-sion, my lord, to speak? For - give me if T sug - gest, my lord, You're look-ing less than your _best, my lord, There’s powder up-on your vest, my lord, And stub - ble up - on your cheek. And #22—Ladies in Their Set ~230— Sweeney Todd School Edition JUDGE: Perhaps if she greets me ‘cordially upon my return, I should sive her a small gift. 19 (BEADLE) 2 aA L E la - dies, my lord, are weak. Larghetto (J = 80) When a gii!’s—_e-mer - gent, Prob - ably. ifs ur = gent You de-fer— fo her gen - ti -i-ty— my lord. % ‘ Per-son-al_ dis - or - der can-not be—__ig-nored, = = Giv-en their genteel pro - cliv - i- ties #22—Ladies in Their Sensitivities ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition ~ 231 34 (BEADLE) Mean-ing no of -fense, it hap-pens theyre -sents it, JUDGE: Stubble, you say? Perhaps at times Tama lttie overhasty with my morning ablutions. inl a E (@] Tempo primo E La-dies in their sen - si - tiv i-ties my Jord, Fret, not, though, my lord, I Know a place, my lord, A eee bar-ber, my lord, of skill, ‘Thus armed with a shay-en ee face, my lord, Some eau de co-logne to brace my lord, And musk fo en-hance the chase, my lord, You'll —daz-zle the girl un - #22—Ladies in Their Sensitivities —232—~ ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition | (BEADLE) — s bows to oyourev + ty vit JUDGE: That may well be so. (THEY have reached the JUDGE'S house) E « 1 « Segue ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition Kiss Me (Part II) Lights upon fohanna’s rom. Jona and Antony vse from the couch disheveled Allegro (J = 132) A 1 ‘BEADLE: RT The name is 1 ANTHONY: We'd best not wait un - til © Mon - day. (BEADLE) JUDGE: Todd, eh? Toda, _ JOHANNA: Six, I con-cur, and fal-ly, too, Tt is - wt right, We'd best be mar-ried on Sun-day. Swee-ney Tedd, (JOHANNA) = = ———————————————————| G —— SSS Sat - ur - day, si, would «al - 50 dou. anf (ANTHONY) —————————————————————————————— ————— 5 eo = 7 . #23—Kiss Me (Part I!) 234 ‘Sweeney Tedd Schoo! Edition yj, & JOHANNA Eee tt SSS © aye + I think {heard a noise, 1 mean an oth - er noise. (ANTHONY) Lpotgt 5 = i = G z SS : f= night, Fear not Like Oh, nev - er mind, just 2 noise, just an- oth - er noise, what? You must-n't mind, It’s a Some-thing in the street, I'm a sil - ly it-te nin - ny nod-dle, noise, Just an - oth-er noise, Some-thing in the street, you sil = ly. a (Falling into his arms) = Kiss me! #23—Kiss Me (Part Il) ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 235 — (QOHANNA) What shall I wear? I dare-n’t pack. (ANTHONY) We'll go to Par-is on Mon-day. Weill ride a : fc - 12 What will I care what things = Then sail to = cule, TI need my ret - i= cule, Til take my ret - Spain, ‘Why take your ret - i- cule? We'll buy a #23—Kiss Me (Part Il) —236— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition ta DOHANNA) o You must-n't think me a fool, But my ret - (ANTHONY) [—— ol # ————— Kl — SSS 2 ret = i cule Yd nev-er think you a fool, but a nev - er leaves my side, It’s the on-ly thing my moth-er gave me... ret = i-cule.. Leave “it all a-side and be-gin a-gain and... (JOHANNA) ‘The name is Todar. 423—Kiss Me (Part II) Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —237— (ANTHONY) place where (BEADLE) Swee - ney gupem Swee - ney mel We have a place where we can go to-night! I mel We have a place where we can go to-night! I Swee - ney meld eaeteeceeceatestea Swee - ney #23-—Kiss Me (Part tI) —238— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (OHANNA) loved you e-ven as 1 saw you, E-ven as it does not mat-ter that I (ANTHONY) e-ven as I saw you, E-ven as it did _not mat-ter that I Da ‘Todd. Toda. Toda. name, si, B= ven Swee - ney Toda. #23—Kiss Me (Part II) inna ‘Sweeney Todd School Eaition GOHANNA) 2 2» saw you, E-ven as it does not mat-ter that I (ANTHONY) han - na! Jo - Jo - (PEABLD ‘Todd —___ guocy ~~ > 5 Todd. a still don’tknow your name. ‘Toda? ‘Toda, eh? +#23Kiss Me (Part II) —240— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Ealtion f&] JOHANNA) —— = o Yo mar - ry An tho- ny Sun - day! 4, (ANTHONY : rete eee An-tho- ny Sun - day! That's what TH do, ‘That's what youl — do, Pray lead the #23—Kiss Me (Part Il) ‘Swreeney Todd Schoo! Edition 2 come for you (BEADLE) way. Just as —~you #23—Kiss Me (Part Il) 242 — ‘Sweeney Tadd Schoo! Edition (OHANNA) ss =o. aie SSS SSS + I feared you'd nev-er come, That you'd been called a-way, Mar - ry me, mar- ry me, miss, Oh mar-ry me Sun - day! (BEADLE) pti op : When a girl's gupcE) Se SS say. That you'd been killed, had the plague, were in debt-or's jal, Fa-vor me, fa - vor me with your hand! Prom - ise, Prob - a - bly —__ its ur gent. #23—Kiss Me (Part Il) Sweeney Todd School Edition (OHANNa) a Tram-pled by a horse, gone to sea _a-gain, Ar-rest-ed by the. (ANTHONY) > mar + ry me, mar-ry me, That you'll m: (BEADLE) “ry me, E-nough of all this... La- dies in their sen - si . Anthony crushes Johanna to him. They kiss. Anthony and Johanna sink onto the couch, embracing. 2 20 0 Sen-st + fi vi-ties. +#23—Kiss Me (Part Il) —244— Sweeney Teed School Editon Opt. repeat 4 QOHANNA) oh, si (ANTHONY) (BEADLE) quper Toda... #23—Kiss Me (Part II) ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition Pretty Women (Part I) ‘ay Ido for you, sir? A stylish trimming of the hair? Allegretto grazioso (J = 144) E You see, si, a man in - fat-u- ate with love, Her ar - dent and = ea = ger slave, So fetch the po - made and pum - ice stone, And 2 lend me a more se - due = tive tome, A a first, sir, 1 think. a #25—Pretty Women (Part |) — 246 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition a tempo 7 1 TODD: gupcE) shave. clos "- est eos oe gave. (sa ih sla optional oa) : 3 - yuDGE: Bum - bum-bum-bum-bum-bum - ba - da-dum-bum-bum (etc) Whistles (optional) Whistles (optional) Has #25—Pretty Women (Part I) ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Editon 247 = = JUDGE: You are in a metry mood today, Mi, Todd. opp) —= a. 36 37 Sung your de-light, si, catch-ing fi - re from one man to the ‘Tis tme, sir, love can still in - spi- re the blood to pound, The heat leap_—high - cx, What «ropp) £ What more can man re- qui-re? gupcE) more can man re-qui-re than love, sir? +#25—Pretty Women (Part |) 248 ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (opp) love, sit gupcE) What, sir? Ah, yes, wo-men. [He lathers the Judge's face and trops the razor. 53 5 ‘wo-men. ey guDGE) Bum - bum - bum - bum - bim - bum 8 sr opp) ss Whistles (optional) (ete) ee ba > da~dum - bim - bum Ve Vv 7 ‘Tedd puts the razor down, tits the Jade 's head back ard closes the Judge's eyes, then stands back to survey him, 6s aD hie CU OO oO TT #25—Pretty Women (Part |) ‘Sweeney Todd School Editon — 149 — Pretty Women (Part Il) TODD: (To the razor) B 4 Now then, my friend, 16. wv 18 ee : Now to your pur-pose. Pa-tience, en - joy i, Re- tk = oen (Opens his eyes suddenty) Make (Nodding) a ro My — lord. 3 haste and if we wed, youll be com-mend-ed, sit (ropy) 3, 2. —— 24 7 And who may it be said is your in-tend-ed, six? gupcE) _ — My #26—Pretty Women (Part Il) — 250 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 5 26 6 (Todd freezes) JUDGE: And pretty as a rosebud. Tol DD: As pretty as her mother? qupce) ward, Liistesso tempo (J = 72) non rubato TODD: (Shaving him) Pret -ty wo-men..— Pte Sip - ping cof - fee, Pretty wo-men—— are a won-den—— he # = ——— ¥ ———_—__—_—— | Pret - ty wo- men! site # = 2 Pa , Sit-ting in the — win-dow or Stand-ing on the— #26—Pretty Women (Part It) Sweeney Todd School Edition —251— (ropp) 28 stair, Some-thing in them cheers the ait. {opp Pret - ty women Sil- hou - ett ed... Stay with - in you. Glane = ings Stay for - ev = er... Breathing Hight - ly..— #26—Pretty Women (Part il) = 252— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (ropp) Pret - ty wo-men,——. Pretty wo- men! Blow - ing out their can - dies. Comb - ing out their hair, then they Ieave. Eo ven when they #26—Pretty Women (Part I!) ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition 2533 D) ef FORD), reave, uD) optigna Son eave you and van-ish, they some-how can still re- main there with you, There swith you. Ah, ( y ys wo- men at their mir - rors, Pret - ty wo - men—— their gar ~ dens, e writ - ing, weath - er watch - ing, flow - er pick - ing—— +#26—Pretty Women (Part I!) —254— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (ropD) How they make quDGE) How they make a man sing_ Proof of ‘heaven as your're liv - ing Pret-ty wo-men— sir, pet - ty wo - men, Yes, pret - ty wo - men, sit, Pret = ty wo - men, ‘Todd raises his arm in a huge arc and is about to slice the razor across the Judge's throat when Anthony bursts in #26—Pretty Women (Part II) Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 255 — «ropp) 8. ~ pret = ty women, sis, pret = ty wo- men (J =120) ‘Tod stops in mid-stroke. ‘The Judge whirs around in his char 75, ANTHONY: Jo - han - na mar-sles me Sun = day! 4 i ON epee =— —= ( Ee —-— - = 4 =e = eo = Ev-‘ty-things set, we sdeave. = to-night! Well be in Par-is by | Mon - day, ‘The Judge jumps up, spilling the basin and knocking the razor from Todd's hand, Out of that heart - less ty = rants sight. #26—Pretty Women (Part Il) ease ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition piphany (cuz) TODD: MRS. LOVETT: Out, Leay, out! All this sunning and shouting. What is it now, dear? MRS. LOVETT: I saw them Furioso (J = 132) om vamp both running down the street,, 1 last tine) 1 = e 4 x ‘ ES 2 1 and then... E MRS. LOVETT: There, there, dear. Don’t fret. 1 had him! — His throat was bare be-neath my hand... opp , > z No, I had him! His throat was MRS. LOVETT: Easy now.— Hush, love, hush.— there and he'll nev-er come a+ #27—Epiphany ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 257 — 42 MRS. LOVETT) cronp) Wiss your— rash? When? Why did 1 wait? You told me to wail Now he'll nev - er come 2 - There’s a hole in the worldlike a greatblackpit,And its, mo - als aren't worth what a pig could spit, And the ver-min of the world in- hab - it it. But not for [z] Meno mosso (J = 120) E long! They #27—Epiphany —258— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition all de - serve to Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why: Be-cause in two kinds of men, and on - ly two ‘There's the one stay- ing put in his pro - per place And the one with his foot in the oth - er one’s face. Look at (eS fe : S me, Mrs, Lov - ett, look at yout No, we #27—£piphany ~ Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition all de - serve to diel 26 u Slash : lives of the wick - ed should bew. made brief! For the ‘ nev - er hug my gil, fo—sme, Finished! #27-—Epiphany — 260 — Sweeney Todd School Edition Slash «ropD) ia All right! You, six, How a-bout a shave? Slash Come and vis -it your good friend Swee - ney! You, siz, too, sit, Wel-come to the gravel I will have Cantabile Et sa 53 ven - gence, 1 will have sal- va = tion! Who, sie? You, sir? No ome in the chair, come on! Come ont Swee-ney’s wait -ing! I want you bleed-erst #27—Epiphany ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 261 = You, sil An-y-bo-dyt_—Gen-tle-men, now don't be shy! Not Cantabile 0 1 one = mann, Nor fen men, Nora hun - dred can a= —suage = me, 1 will x Moderato alla marcia (J = 80) 1 - : have yout And will get him back © e- ven ashe goats. ‘In the mean-time Il prac-tice on Jess hon-or-a-ble throats. And my #27—Epiphany —262— Sweeney Todd School Edition «ropp) (senile tet — nev - er see my gill a - gain, But the work waits, ima - Be live at last, And I'm fall of joy! #27—Epiphany ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Ealtion —263— [28] A Little Priest Shame? Rubato MRS. LOVETT: mee 1 a Seems a down - right shame, Seems an aw - ful waste. Such a nice plump ten, k ; frame wot's-‘is-name has. had. has... nor it can't be w traced. Bus -/ness needs a ditt. 8 @ 15 Debis to be 8 = rasedn Think of it as (Todd is staring 4 6 dim. 7 into space) (gee eS ane ae oe tui, asa gift. IF you get my deiftu. No?.. A #28—A Little Priest — 264 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (She sighs) (MRS. LOVETT) Non rubato (J, = 60) sae ® Seems an aw = ful waste. oco accel, 2 1 2 Pom 1 mean, with the price of (), =66) 2 x“ 2 meat what it is, When you get it, If you get it. (Tos chuckles) 28 2 erese, Good, you got it Take, for in - stance, pie shop. Bus-/ness nev - er bet-ter, useing on-ly pus-sy-cats and toast, #28—A Little Priest Sweeney Todd Schoo! Esition 5 (MIRS.LOVETT) 55 Now a pus-sy’s good for may-be six or sev-en at the most. And I'm sure they can’t com~pare as far as OMRs. Lover accel. poco a poco mp ‘Mis.— Lov-ett, What a charm-ing —_no-tion, Em-i-nent-ly prac-t- cal and yet ap - pro- pri- ate, as al ways. (ropp) 8 mo 7 Ms. Lov-et, How I did with - out you #28—A Little Priest = 266 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Elton 72) (ms. Lovern) Think 2 - bout itt all these years, Tl nev + er know. How de - accel. poco a poco ® Lots of oth - er gen - tle - men - ‘soon be Tec = ta ble! com-ing for a shave. Won't they? ae Think of Al-so un-de - tect - a-ble, How ral. choice! How rare! For #28—A Little Priest ‘Sweeney Todd School Edition 267 — (J, = 66) opp) er E E what's the sound of the world out — there? or (MRS.LOVETT) gg a a What, Mis-ter Todd, what,Mis-terTodd, what is that sound? «ropp) ()) Those crunch - ing mois-es per - vad-ing the ait? Yes, Mis-ter Todd, Yes, Mis-ter Todd, Yes, all a - round... Is man de - vo-ur-ing man, my dear, And #28—A Little Priest 268 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (Ms. LoverT) 7 8 0 2 who are we to de - ny it in here?___ TODD: These are desperate times, Mrs. Lovett, and desperate measures are called for, MRS. LOVETT (aolding out a pie to Todd): Here we are, hot from the oven. 5 0 2; ce _// QRS, LOVETT) TODD: y What is that? Have a lite priest. Is it real - ly #28—A Little Priest ‘Sweeney Todd School Ealtion — 269 — ‘good? Then a-gain, they don’t com-mit sins of the flesh, So it’s pret-ty fresh, Aw-ful lot of fat. Have-n't you got No, you see, the po- et or some-thing like that? #28—A Little Priest —270— Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (MRS. LOVETD) 7 18 19 120 trou - ble with po - et is, How do you know it's de~ ceased? Try the priest, MRS. LOVETT: Safety (Offering another pie) 28 Law-yer’s rath - er Order dne-hng If its fora price. (MRS. LOVETT) bh, 135: 198 1st 138 else, though, to fol-low, Since noone should —swal-Iow it #28—A Little Priest ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Ealtion ae 199 (MRS.LOVETT) 140 Well then, ‘if you're ‘An-y-thing that’s lean. 19 (MRS.LOVETT) sae 145 146 Brit - ish and loy-al, You might en-joy Roy - al Ma - An-y-way lit’s lean. 50 ist 182 Though, of course, “it tastes. of wher - ev - er it’s (TODD) yoy, (Po ooks past her at an imaginary oven) Is that (MRS. LOVETT) 188 155 157 180 Mer = cy sq - oe on the ff =e? #28—A Little Priest —272— ‘Sweeney Tedd Schoo! Edition (MRS. LOVETD. no, siz, look dos = er YouTl no - tice it's a tempo 169 Looks thick - er——-more like vie - an (MRS. LOVETT) 107 1 has to be gro-cer, it's green. im 3 7 nf E ; his - to - ry of the world, my _—_ oven Save a lot of graves, Do a lot of rel - a-tives #28—A Little Priest ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition ~273— 182 | CMRS.LOVETT) sas 84 185 108 Is those be - low serv-ing those up a - bove, 197 (MRS.LOVETT) 465 100 Ev-‘1y-bo-dy shaves, So there should be plen-ty of How grat - i - ing for once to know That those a = bove will serve those down be - low! those a - bove will serve those down be - low! 428—A Little Priest 27h Sweeney Todd School Edition MRS. LOVET ToD) Nove let's see.. We've got tinker Something pinker ‘TODD: MRS. LOVETT. Something subtler. Locksmith? MRS. LOVER Vamp (alt shuns, dfstd) —(Ofering emote pie) boty 5 210 Eee = zi 2 *e Fed Atempo Love-ly bit “of May-be for a lark, bi 2i¢__ (MRS. LOVETT) 218 then 2+ in ches sweep you 28 cd ci cheap And you like “it dark. ‘Try the fin - an - cien.. Peak of his ca - *Pronounced “Clark” #28—A Little Priest ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 5 — That looks pret - ty rank 224 225 208 No, it’s bank cash Nev-er real “ly sold. May-be Tit fas old. opp) ee =e SSS Have you ane QMRS.LOVETT) 232 Bea - dle? = (MRS. LOVETT) bad till you smell it’ and no - tice how #28—A Little Priest —276— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Eaton (ns. LOVETD 238 E MRS. LOVETT: (Offering another pie) Now this may be litte stringy, but then of course, it's fiddle player. hee 4 ee ee TODD: This isn’t fiddle player. I's piccolo player: MRS. LOVETT: How can youtell? TODD: It’s piping hot. 268 4 Safety Topp: 2 1 seag (st tered his - to - sy of the world, my —_ sweet. MRS, LOVETT: ze ™P & Oh, Mis-ter Todd, Ooh, Mis - ter Todd, What does it #28—A Little Priest ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Fdtion 277 — 252 y 4 (MRS.LOVETT) 253 256 258 258 Is who gets eat-en and who gets to eat, b esr (MRS.LOVETT) as 280 And, Mis-ter Todd, too, Mis ter "Todd, Who gets to 250 1p (MRS. LOVETT) a5) pz 269 2 But for - t« - nately its al - so clear That = bo- dy goes down well with beer. go ev = ‘ty - bo-dy goes down well with t= 4 #28—A Little Priest —278— Swreeney Todd School Edition MRS. LOVETT: Since marine doesn’t appeal to you, how about rear admiral. TODD: Too salty. I prefer general. zs 5 Va > MRS. Lovery mone, 1 (Ofer sat cA th Atempo What is that? fop. in-est 8 AR shop. &r we tire Bie shep-herd’s pie pep-pered with ac - tu-al_ shepherd on 5 top. And I've just be - gun. Here's the pol (Toda refuses it) 204 25 200 fi - cian, So oll-y its served with a doi ~ ly. Not zor 28 200 00 bein Topp: (Todd shakes his head) “imp (As she looks at him guizicaly) Pot it on a bun. Well, you nev - er #28—A Little Priest ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —279— (MRS, LOVETT) 00 oe 904 on af ‘Thy the (opp) know if ifs go - ing to run, cler- gy is real - ly too coarse and too meal - ly. ‘That's com - pact ‘Yes, and #28—A Little Priest — 280 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Eaition (ron) al - ways ar - ives ov-er - done. cab fs ‘MRS. LOVETT: Walt! True, we don'thave judge-- yet but would you settle for the next best thing? a Safety (last time) = 1 8 1 Pa come a-gain when you have judge on the — men-u.. E char - i - ty towards the world, my pet. MRS.LOVETT: 394 Yes, yes, I know, my —_ove.. (ropp) take the cus to-mers thal we can get. #28—A Little Priest Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 281 — well not dis - great from small. No, 3 350 asi MRS.LOVETT: 35 Mean-ing an - y - one, welll serve an - y - one, Mean-ing an + y- one, 289, And to an-y - one at #28—A Little Priest — 282 — “Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition ACH ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition God, That's Good (cue - Blackout) Moderato (J .= 132) La - dies and gen - tle - men! May I have your at - ten-tion, per-lease?- nos-trils a-quiv-er and ting-ling as well At that de-li-cate Ius-cious am - ‘bro-si- al smell? tell, well, Ladies and gen - tle - men, +#29—God, That’s Good eee Sweeney Tedd School Edition (TOBIAS) That a-ro-ma en - rich~ing the breeze Is Vike noth - ing com-pared to its sue - cu - lent source, As the gour-mets a-mong you will tell you, of course.. La-dies and gen-tle-men, you can’t im-a-gine the rap-ture in store 1 ag indicating the pie shop) a] — L‘istesso tempo (He beats his drum) 35 1 Tost at Just in-side of this door! ‘There you'll sam - ple — : : ‘Mrs.— Lov-ett’s meat pies, Sa-vor-y and sweet pies, 3 you'll see. #29—God, That's Good Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 285 — You who eat pies, Mrs. Lov-ett’s meat pies E 48 Conjure up the treat pies used to bel E 4g IStMAN: © - ver here, boy, How a - bout some ALL WOMEN: Tell me, are they fla - vor - some? They ale? Let me have an = oth - ex, lad - diet cronias) Fr Could we have ie Could we have some ser ~ vice, wai = #29—God, That’s Good — 286 — Sweeney Todd School Eaition (TOBIAS) ‘Thrup - pence. here, boy? God, that’s good. (TENORS) What about that pie, bay? BARIS, BASSES: Yes, what a- bout that pie, boy? MRS. LOVETT: a (Rings bell twice) gen - tle - men. ‘Thrup - pence a meat pie? (TENORS) ov Tell me, are they ten - der? GARIS,BASSES) ema. are # oe eS SSS Where's the ale T asked = you for, boy? #29—God, That’s Good Sweeney Todd School Edition She enters the garden with a & gus. toverny 8 of Pies, intiates customer To - by! (roBras) Com - ingt ‘Scuse me, Quick, now! Right, mumt : “ (Cicking thei finger) sopranos: f' = ALTOS: Gog thavs a good! TENORS: f° ‘BASSES: God, that’s good! Serves pies, collects money, addresses different patrons with equal insincerity, MRS. LOVETT: so oo Nice to see you, dear - ie. © How have you been keep - ing? (indicates a customer) Cox, me bones is wea - sy! To- by! One for the gen-tle-man... #29—God, That's Good — 288 — ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 53 | 4 QIRS. LOVETT) sr 2 (oe a ies 7 oF Hear the bird - ies cheep - ing, Helps to keep it (ndicates the Beggar Woman) n 3 3 cheer ~ y. To = by! Throw the old woman out! BASSES: God, that’s sgooat ‘Tobias shoos the Beggar Woman axoay, but she soon returns, sniffing. (MRS, LOVETT) 18 70 n ~cy What's your plea-sure, dear - ie? No, we don’t cut sli - ces. Indicates the drunken man) a Cor, me eyes is blear - To - by! None for the gen tle-man.. T could up me pi - ces, im a lit-te lear - y. 4#29—God, That’s Good Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 289 — eo MRS. LOVETT) 3 Bus - ‘ness could - n't be bet = BASSES: God, that’s good! Liistesso tempo (MRS. LOVETT) (Tb customer) (To Tobias) | | —_ TODD: (Leaning out ofthe window) Pest! Pest! ¥ Yes, what, love? Quick, -— though the trade is bl But it’s Psst! #29—God, That's Good —290-— ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition prob -a- bly al - read - y down the block. It - “Il Tye been wait - ing all day. #29—God, That's Good Sweeney Todd School Ealtion —21 (MRS. LOVETT) 100 beer and stop wor - ry - in’, «ropp) But it. should have been here by More hot pies! | (ropp) You'll come back when it comes? (Moving back to the garden) and cus - to - mers tru - ly are getting un - eu - ly #29—God, That's Good —292— Siweeney Todd Schoo! Elion Listesso tempo 08 (MRS, LOVETT) 105 107 ZF What's you plea-sure, dear ie? Oops! I beg your par - don! Just me hands is smear - y., ‘To by! Run for the gen-tle-man! ee 3 Don't you love a gar - den? AL = ways makes me tear - Must be one 9 them for - eign ers.. SOPRANOS: Werk A AA AOA AA ALTOS: God, that's AK A a ‘vaNORS: f° BASSES: ‘God, that’s good! That is de - i - cious! 124 ken bring a crate down the street fz] aes ‘Worker bring, tow the street. [e= What's my se + ret? Frank - ly, dear— for - +#29—God, That's Good ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition 293 (MRS. LOVETT) 135 give my can-dor~ Fam - ‘ly se + cret, All ~ to do with herbs. ‘Things like be - ing Care - ful with your X cor i+ an-der. That's what makes the gra vy _grand-er! SOPRANOS. > = ne ‘ALTOS: ‘More hot rouse] BASSES: More hot _piest ‘More hott More _ pies! L'istesso tempo (MRS. LOVETT) (Tp a customer) 142 (To Tobias) 7a Ex - cnse me. Dear, see to the cus-to-mers, TODD: (Tp Mrs. Lovett) Pest! Psst! #29—God, That’s Good —294— ‘Sweeney Todd School Eiition } (Rs. LOVETD a_( Tod) us What now, love? Quek, though, the trade is Hii, (opp) Past! But its here! Com - ing up the stair! ue (Holds usp the tray) this Jot as they're still pret - ty hot And "then I a - bout to be 0- pened Or don't you care? #29—God, That's Good Sweeney Tedd Schoo! Edltfon 295 (MRS, LOVETT) ro be therel I will be there! But theyll But we have to pre ~ pare! errant (Adaressing a customer) nev-er be sold if 1 let ‘em get cold, Oh, and Liistesso tempo He] (Toone particular customer) 151 153, In-ci-dent-‘ly, dear - ie, You know Mrs Moo - ney. 155 186 wg re Gales have been so drear-y— To - byt Poor thing is pen-ni-loss. (To Tobins, indicating the Beggar Woman) (To the same customer) 18 189 190 ‘61 What a-bout that loon - y? Look - in’ sort of beer = y.. [i 162 3 On, well, got her come - up - pamce And 0 #29—God, That’s Good — 296 Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition (MRS. LOVETT) 105 cd So she should! SOPRANOS: \ ‘ALTOS: God, TeNons: BASSES: God, that’s good That Have you li-cious ev - er fas - ted smell such pies Good!... 2 Oh omy God What more That's pies Goodl... #29—God, That’s Good ‘Sweeney Todd Schoo! Edition —297— [iz] Vistesso tempo rey sivoon with admiration atthe new cain, peers at nt ages ot cnet cit ochih ge vex _(WRS.LOVERD - ( ropp) ea as pes T 7 chair? You tell me where is there a seat can half com-pete with oe 7 this par tic-u-lar thing! T have a few. minor ad-just-ments #29—God, That’s Good

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