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This book has 7 chapters, the first one was about the young king.

His father took

him away and let him in the forest. Then his dad was so old that he needed someone
to became king after him so he send servants back to the forest for him. He
believed that he was son of a poor man but he was son of an old king. Servants took
him to the palace and he saw his new clothes he was so excited about it. He slept
in that palace and he had 3 dreams, the first one was about people that were making
his new coat made of gold. People were cloth makers, little kids were working with
them because they needed money for food.
Then he had a second dream. It was set in the same scenario but they were on a boat
and they were tied to people next to them. The youngest was tied to a rock and
seamen threw him into water for him to find pearls.
And after that he had third and the last dream it was about men that were working
in a dry river and they were looking for jewels for new kings crown. Next morning
he wont take that cloth so he became king in his in his old cloth.

Second chapter was about one dwarf. He was at palace on birthday party of
Infantha.He was short, he had long arms and he was kind of ugly. He was dancing at
her birthday everyone laughed at him and he laughed too because he thought that was
fun and they were enjoying it then everyone left and he appeared in room full of
mirrors and he saw how ugly he was and he started crying because he understood that
they were laughing at him because he was ugly and his heart just broke.

Third chapter was about the statue of happy prince. That statue was golden and one
day a strange bird sat on it and he almost fell asleep and then a big water drop
dropped on him, It was the statue, the statue cried and that bird was confused. The
bird and statue started heping everyone bird took from statue always something
because he said to so he took eye and gave it to someone that needed it. Bird took
almost everything and he had to fly away because winter was coming but statue said
to stay with him because it is blind bird stayed and then the bird was so weak that
he died on statue's foot and staue's heart broke because he loved him.

the fourth chapter was about the fisherman and his soul. He fell in love with
mermaid and he wanted to marry her and he needed his soul to leave him so he came
to a witch and she said taht if he dance with her she will make the soul go away so
his soul left he was happy and then his soul came and he took it back because the
soul talked about so many beautiful things and that soul maked him to do horrible
things and he couldn't lest it so he was sad.

the fifth was about nightingale and rose

Nightingale said to a student that she would dance with him if he brings her a red
rose. He was sad because he didn't have red rose in his garden nightingale heard
him and started talking about true love and said that she doesn't have red rose
and she sent him to her brother he said that he can make red rose if he'll sing her
so he sung him so many times he brought her the rose and she didn't appreciate
that so he was sad again and he was angry so he threw that rose away.

sixth was about star child

woodcutter found him in the forest he took him and he was so bad he was definitely
not a good day old woman came to their town and he was bullying her and she
said that it was his mother so he did not believed her and he became ugly so he
tried to found her again until one day someone found him and they took him as
slave. he was coming every day to forest to find gold for his employer he couldn't
find it but he found rabbit stuck so he helped him and the rabbit helped him back.
he always found the gold with rabbits help and ewery time he was going back he saw
poor man so he gave him the gold and he was hit by the employe one day he found his
mother in that town because people said that he is king and he said that he can't
be because he was bad on his mother and she appeared and said that she is queen so
he became king.
seventh was about the selfish giant
Giant had big garden and kids was playing on his garden and he didn't liked it so
he built bid wall all over his garden so no kids could play there and the garden
became uglier so he took down that wall and he played with the kids on had
one tree but the little one couldn't reach the top so he helped him and that kid
didn't came back after that day so the giant was sad about it because he was his
favourite. winter came and trees were all in snow but one was golden with beautiful
fruits and under that tree was his favourite kid so he was happy again and that's
the end.

It was really good book

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