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Desserts not Deserts

27 Sugar-free Recipé Collection for Holidays Treat

Apple Strudel
Banana Cheesecake Roll
Carrot cake
Casserole with apples
Cheesecake with Berries
Chocolate Lava Cake
Chocolate muffins
Chocolate roll with custard
Cottage Cheese Raspberry Mousse
Curd Chocolate Souffle
Curd pancakes
Kartoshka Cake
Lazy Oatmeal
Lemon cake
Oat cake
Poppy Cupcakes
Poppyseed Muffin
Raspberry tart with coconut filling
Waffles with bananas
Hello Everybody ,

If you are reading this book, you probably have the same sweet tooth I do. But we can’t eat
sweets all day and expect to stay in good shape.

Everybody knows that a lot of sugar is detrimental to us as individuals. Sugar contributes to

more than 70 illnesses—many of them dangerous and some incurable. I will give you some

Leads to addiction: An extremely high blood sugar level causes the body to overcompensate
and release a flood of enzymes that will clean up the sugar. Then the blood's sugar level gets
too low and triggers a series of symptoms such as headaches, light-headedness, among
others that normally means a need to ingest more sugar. This causes a vicious cycle of
constant desire for sweet food. A portion of sweet leads to temporary relief, but after a
while, the feeling of hunger and the need for sweet food become even more acute.

Obesity: All the carbs that we get from sugary foods are not simply discarded; they are
stored, as fat, everywhere in the body like criminal loot. This is the real source of obesity.

Contributes to Teeth Cavities: During the interaction of sugar and bacteria in the mouth, an
acid is formed, which destroys the layer of hard protection for the tooth.

It contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles, as it changes the structure of collagen and
reduces the elasticity of tissues.

It leads to a malfunction of the immune system.

Also, it violates the process of metabolism in the body which contributes to the
development of diabetes.

Who knew sweet-sweet sugar could be so evil?

But you can always substitute sugar and all products where it is found with other healthier
products and cook healthy, tasty, dietary desserts.

And this book will help you do that. Here you will find simple, proven and straightforward
recipes for delicious desserts.
In each recipe, unless otherwise indicated, I use a sweetener. Everyone has a different sweetener
and, nowadays, there are many replacements for sugar with zero calories. In addition, you may
use honey, though the calorific value will increase.

These recipes use rice flour, though you can use something else, like oat flour or corn flour. All
nuts and berries can also be substituted. You can add syrups of 0 kcal. And it is better to use diet
(natural) cacao.

You should keep watching your dish when you bake in an oven because cooking time may differ
with different ovens.

So, good luck cooking tasty dishes all day! Bon Appetit
Apple Strudel


150 grams of lavash (without yeast)

200 grams of cottage cheese (3-5%)
1 apple
30 grams of raisins (optional)
1 tablespoon of honey


Mix the cottage cheese with honey and distribute evenly on the lavash.
Spread this mix on top with the apple and raisins and dump in folded lavash, its top lubricated
with egg yolk.
Put in the oven for 15 minutes.
Banana Cheesecake Roll


2 eggs
100 grams of rice flour
150 milliliters of milk
50 milliliters of water
8 sachets of sweetener

For filling

200 grams of cottage cheese (5%)

1 big banana


Mix 2 eggs with the sweetener. Add the flour and mix well. Then add milk and water; look out
for consistency, make sure there's not too much liquid or too little so that's it's not overly thick.
Fry in a well-heated pan until you get fairly thick pancakes.

Mash the banana and add the cottage cheese, all mixed well.
Then smear the pancake with the filling and twist in a roll. Set overnight in the fridge.


100 grams of walnuts

100 grams of almonds
50 grams of cocoa powder
100 grams of coconut flakes
350 grams of dried dates, pitted
1 tablespoon of maple syrup or honey
50 grams of dark chocolate
A pinch of coarse salt (sea salt)


Place the nuts in the bowl of a food processor and grind. Add cocoa, coconut and grind again.
Pour the nut mixture into a bowl.

Put dates in a food processor and chop, add the ground nuts, honey and grind everything together
again. The mixture should be thick and clumpy.

Form a shape you desire with lay out baking paper. Fill with the mixture and press firmly to the
bottom and to the sides of the form. Then put it in the fridge for 1 hour.

Ensure the chocolate melts, pour prepared brownie, and top with a little sprinkled sea salt.
Carrot cake


2 bananas
1 egg
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 carrots
½ Zest of an orange
1 cup of oatmeal
2 tablespoons of baking powder
1/4 tablespoon of salt
Ground cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger - to taste
1/2 cup of dried fruits and nuts

For the cream and decoration

100 grams of soft cottage cheese (1%)

100 milliliters of pomegranate-flavored yogurt
Blueberries for decoration


1. Blend the bananas with a blender. Pour this blend into a suitable container, then add the egg
and olive oil and whisk until it's all smooth.

2. Grate the carrots and pour it all into the banana blend. Then add the chopped orange peels and
stir together.
3. Get your sifted flour, baking powder, spices, and prepare as normal.

4. Add the banana blend to the flour dough.

5. Get a pestle or any other suitable utensil and break the fruits and nuts before adding it to the

6. Put the dough in a baking pan, preferably silicone and bake as normal.
Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

7. For the cream, mix the cottage cheese with yogurt.

8. Cut the cake into half and cream.

9. Decorate with blueberries.


1/2 stack of semolina or 90 grams of rice flour

240 milliliters of fermented baked milk (1%)
5 eggs
1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
8 sachets of Sweetener
500 grams of cottage cheese
1½ tablespoon of baking powder
A pinch of salt


Pour the semolina and yogurt in a separate bowl, mix and allow swelling.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites until stiffness peaks.

When you are whipping the eggs, large bubbles will appear, then add sweetener and lemon juice.
Beat egg whites and put in a fridge.

Combine the cottage cheese, 5 egg yolks, salt, and baking powder. Stir with a mixer. Add
buttermilk with semolina and mix well again.

Be careful with the proteins so it’s not falling down in three steps to enter into the resulting
dough. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and place in preheated oven. Bake for 50-55 minutes
at 180 degrees.
Casserole with apples


2 eggs
400 grams of cottage cheese (1%)
200 milliliters of milk (1,5%)
70 grams of semolina
20 grams of cornstarch
2-3 big apples
8 sachets of sweetener


Mix the eggs and sweetener. Then add the cottage cheese before stirring the mixture. Add
semolina and the cornstarch to it. Stir till it's all a good mix. Cut apples. Pour the mixture into the
silicone cups, then add a layer of apples before mixing it up again. Put in the oven for 40-50
minutes at 180 degrees.
For the basics, you need to have:

160 grams of hercules oat

4 tablespoons of honey
100 milliliters of water
60 grams of oat flour

For the cream:

370-400 grams of soft cheese

250 grams of cheese mascarpone
2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
2-3 tablespoons of honey


Mix the oats and honey, and fry in olive oil until it gains a stiff consistency.

Remove from the heat and allow it to cool a little before adding the oatmeal flour and water. Mix
it well and return it back in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
After the base is ready, spread cottage cheese on it. Then put it in the fridge for 5-6 hours.
Cheesecake with Berries

500 grams of cottage cheese (5%)

3 eggs
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
8 sachets of sweetener
15 grams of gelatin
Frozen berries


Cottage cheese beat with eggs, add sweetener and starch. Mix well. Bake in the oven for 30
minutes at 180 degrees. A bag of gelatin, pour warm boiled water and leave it for 40 minutes,
then melt in a water bath and pour the berries. On the cooled cheese, pour the gelatin with water
and put it into the fridge for 2 hours.
Chocolate Lava Cake
Ice cream

Cut 3 bananas into pieces and put in the freezer for 5 hours. Then blend with a blender, and if it's
a bit difficult to beat, add some water to soften up the mash.

Chocolate Lava Cake

50 grams of dark chocolate (over 60%)

30 grams of butter
40 grams of rice flour
2 eggs
2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
5 sachets of sweetener


Whisk the eggs along with the sweetener strictly for about 3-5 minutes.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath or in the microwave until the mixture is smooth.
Stir all the time.

After that, add the chocolate to the whisked eggs. Then add the flour and cocoa as well. Mix
until smooth. Distribute the paste in silicone molds and put them in a preheated oven (180
degrees) for 5-7 minutes.

*Note: Chocolate Lava Cake tastes extremely great with ice cream.
Chocolate muffins


130 grams of oat flour

25 grams of cocoa
2 eggs
200 milliliters of yogurt (5%)
150-200 grams of cherry
Half a teaspoon of baking powder
4-5 sachets of sweetener


Mix all the liquid ingredients first. Then add the rest (except berries). Mix everything well. Fill
the silicone molds to half with the batter, then add a cherry and fill to the end. Put in the oven for
30 minutes at 180 degrees.
Chocolate roll with custard

Ingredients for rolls

2 eggs
30 grams of rice flour
10 grams of cocoa
160 milliliters of fermented baked milk
Half a tablespoon of baking powder
50 milliliters of warm water
8 sachets of Sweetener
1 teaspoon of coconut oil (or olive oil)

For the cream

150 milliliters of milk

1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon cornstarch (10g)
1 tablespoon of honey


Beat eggs with sweetener. Pour it in the buttermilk and add the baking powder, then whisk again.
Add flour, cocoa, and stir. Pour in the water and add coconut oil. Whisk and bake pancakes on a
well-heated pan.

For the cream, mix the starch with the milk, honey and the yolk and put it on medium heat. Stir
constantly; don't allow it to boil; cook until thick.
Next, spread pancakes with cream and twist into rolls. Then wrap in food film and store
overnight in the fridge.

1 banana
1 egg
200 grams of cottage cheese (2-5%)
80 grams of rice flour (oatmeal or ground oatmeal)
Half a teaspoon of baking powder
4 sachets of sweetener
Nuts to add at will


Mash the banana with a fork until there is consistency. Add egg and cottage cheese - mix well.
Add gradually to the flour and stir until the whole mixture is smooth. Add the remaining
ingredients. Sculpt the desired shape and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
Cottage Cheese Raspberry Mousse

300 grams of cottage cheese (1-5%)

100 grams of natural yogurt
15 grams of instant gelatin
100 grams of raspberries (or any berries)
Half a tablespoon of cocoa or chocolate flavor
3-4 sachets of sweetener


Soak the gelatin in water (50 ml), usually for 5-20 minutes. Mix cottage cheese, yogurt and
sweetener in a blender until a smooth batter is achieved. Add gelatin and mix well. Job done!

You can do away with the dessert. Top it all with berries or chocolate, if you're a chocolate
person. Mix well, pour into forms and put into the fridge for 2 hours or more.
The recipe is for 3 servings.

Note: This is for three servings: one serving is 160 calories (about 200 grams)
Curd Chocolate Souffle

300 grams of cottage cheese (5%)

15 grams of instant gelatin
15 grams of cocoa powder
4 sachets of sweetener


Take 15 grams of gelatin and mix with 100 milliliters of water, then stir and heat in the
microwave for 1 to 2 minutes until it’s dissolved.

In a deep bowl, mix the prepared gelatin, cottage cheese, sweetener, cocoa (hot chocolate) and
beat until it's smooth. Pour the finished mixture into silicone form or in several small pieces and
put it into the fridge for 20-30 minutes, until it's fully cured.
Curd pancakes


400 grams of cottage cheese (5%)

1 egg
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
2 tablespoons of rice flour
2 tablespoons of semolina
8 sachets of sweetener


Mix eggs with the sweetener. Add the cottage cheese and mash together with a fork. Mix until
it's a homogeneous mass. Then add semolina, starch and flour. Mix again, roll the paste into balls
and dip them in flour. Fry in a well-heated pan, greased with olive, butter, or coconut oil.

*Note: Do not blend!



300 grams of Hercules oat

10 tablespoons of liquid honey
3 tablespoons of olive oil
100 milliliters of water
40 grams of almonds
50 grams of raisins
40 grams of hazelnuts
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of nutmeg seasoning


Mix the oats, cinnamon, nutmeg with honey and olive oil. After mixing them well, add water and
mix well. Then add the dried fruit. Heat a non-stick pan and pour everything there. Fry and stir
constantly until golden brown. Once cooled, pour the milk.
Kartoshka Cake


1 egg
3 tablespoons of oatmeal, ground in a blender
3 tablespoons of skimmed milk
1 tablespoon cocoa (non-fat, natural)
Baking powder
4 sachets of sweetener


Mix everything together until it’s a homogeneous mass then bake in the microwave for about 3
minutes by which time the homogeneous mixture becomes biscuit. In the meantime, take out the
following ingredients and turn everything together in kitchenware bowl:

2 tablespoons of instant gelatin

200 milliliters skimmed milk
1 tablespoon of cocoa
3 sachets of sweetener

Take out the cake and let it cool. Remove the cup in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. Crush the
biscuit into fine crumbs and mix together with the glass of chocolate flavored milk and leave for
30 minutes to cool, warming up with a fork. Then sculpt cakes and put into the fridge for an
Lazy Oatmeal


60 grams of oat flakes

150 milliliters of fermented baked milk
Half a banana
Any berries
10 grams of walnuts


Mix oatmeal with the milk. Add berries, banana, and nuts from the front layers and leave
overnight in the fridge.
Lemon cake
Ingredients (for the base)

2 cups of rice flour

A pinch of salt
3/4 cup of coconut oil

For the filling

6 sachets of sweetener
1/2 cup of rice flour
4 Eggs
Juice of 1 lemon
Juice of 1 orange
Zest of 1 lemon
1/4 cup of water


Mix all ingredients for the base. Place on a baking sheet and bake the cake for 20 minutes at 180
Prepare the filling.

In one bowl, mix flour and sweetener in another bowl, combine the eggs, lemon juice, and
orange juice. Add lemon zest and water. Mix all carefully.
Combine the two mixtures and stir.

Pour the filling into the crust and bake for another 25 minutes, but at 150C.
For 2 cups, you will need:

5 date fruits
1 medium-sized banana
A teaspoon of peanut butter
150 milliliters of milk


Simply blend everything together in a blender until smoothness is achieved.


Ingredients for 1 serving

60 grams of oats
1 egg
One teaspoon of cocoa
10 grams of walnuts
10 grams of raisins


Heat a non-stick pan. Pour in the rolled oats and cocoa, then the whisked egg. Quickly stir well
with a spatula so that all the oatmeal is completely mixed with the egg and then fry until it is
golden brown. Pour into a bowl and add the nuts and raisins. Serve with milk.
Oat cake

Ingredients for the cake

30 grams of oat bran

2 eggs
50 grams of natural yogurt
5 grams of cocoa
1 teaspoon of baking powder
6 sachets of sweetener

For the cream

200 grams of soft cottage cheese

1 sachet of sweetener


Mix the eggs, sweetener and yogurt. Then add bran and cocoa. Add baking powder to this
mixture. Put it in the oven for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees. Mix cottage cheese and sweetener.
Once the cake is ready, wait until it cools down, cut it and coat with cream. On each layer, you
can add prunes and walnuts.


3 eggs
300 milliliters of fermented baked milk
150 grams of oat flour
8 sachets of sweetener


Firstly separate the egg yolks from the whites. Mix the egg yolks with the fermented baked milk
and flour. Whisk the whites with the sweetener until smoothness and add to the flour paste. Add
the baking powder and bake on a well-heated pan.
Poppy Cupcakes

3 eggs
4 tablespoons of fermented baked milk
4 tablespoons of rice flour
Half a tablespoon of baking powder
6 sachets of sweetener


120 milliliters of milk

4 tablespoons of poppy
3 sachets of sweetener


Pour the milk into a cooking pot and add sweetener. Turn on the heat and stir until the milk is
homogeneous with the poppy.

Dough: Mix all ingredients, except the egg whites. Separately beat egg whites to smoothness.
Then mold the dough into your desired shape. You can then fill the dough with the egg whites.
Next, fill the molds halfway and fill the poppy by a teaspoon. Pour the remaining batter and put
in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
Poppyseed Muffin


2 eggs
200 grams of cheese
35 grams of semolina
40 grams of rice flour
100 milliliters of milk
3 teaspoons of poppy seed
5 sachets of sweetener
1 teaspoon of baking powder


Crack the eggs and mix in the sweetener. Then add the cheese. Mix all until smooth. Then add
the flour, semolina, and poppy seeds – mix again. Add milk and mix again. Finish with a
teaspoon of baking powder. Pour the rich paste into silicone molds and put them in the oven at
180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.
Raspberry tart with coconut filling
For the basics

120 grams of milled oat flakes

2 egg yolks
100 grams of cottage cheese or Greek yogurt
4 sachets of sweetener

For the filling

400 milliliters of milk

2 egg yolks
30 grams of cornstarch
20 grams of coconut
100 grams of soft cottage cheese
3 sachets of sweetener

Raspberry Layer

200 grams of raspberries

10 grams of gelatin
250 milliliters of water
3 sachets of sweetener


First, prepare the base: combine all the ingredients and you should get a fairly dense dough. If
necessary, add a little ground oatmeal. Distribute in silicone foam cups formed by the bumpers.
Put in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Filling: Mix well with whisked egg yolks, milk, and starch to avoid lumps. Put on slow heat and
cook, stirring constantly until thickness. Finally, add shredded coconut, allow it to cool a little.
Add cheese to the slightly cooled cream and stir. Pour the filling into the base and leave it for
another 20-25 minutes in the oven. Allow to cool slightly.

Raspberry layer: First, prepare the jelly. Soak gelatin in 150 milliliters of water and allow it to

Cook raspberry syrup: Take a third of the raspberries, add 100 milliliters of water and sweetener.
Cook on low heat for 10 min, and then filter. Heat gelatin until it is dissolved, mix with the
syrup. Put the remaining raspberries into the filling, pour the jelly. Put in the fridge overnight.
Waffles with bananas

For 4 waffles, you need:

1 medium-sized banana
2 eggs
100 grams of oatmeal to be cooked long
2 sachets of sweetener, which you may do without


Mash the banana with a fork. Then add the egg and mix with the mash until everything is
smooth. Add the sweetener (if you want) and oatmeal. Mix in a waffle iron.
Happy cooking, chef! I very much hope this book has brought a lot of delicious goodness into
your home. If you have encountered any problem whatsoever in the book, please don't be afraid
to send an email to the following address

Although there's no absolute guarantee that your desserts will necessarily come out as intended
all the time, know that practice brings perfection. I encourage you to cook up some new joy in
your home in this festive season and beyond. Thank you for your purchase!

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