7 - English - 2021

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Roll No : _____________________

Name : _____________________
ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2020-21 Class : _____________________
Question Paper: Class VII
Section : _____________________
Subject : English
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Time Allowed: 30 Minutes Marks : 20
Note: All parts in Section ‘A’ are to be answered on the question paper itself and attached
with the answer book. Deletion / Overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.
Q-1 Choice of correct answers should be indicated by writing A/B/C/D in the boxes:

(i) The poem ‘The Listener’ is written by________________.

(A) T.S. Eliot (B) Walter de la Mare
(C) Mary Robinson (D) Robert William Service
(ii) A/An_____________ noun is the name of quality, a feeling, or a state.
(A) Collective (B) Proper
(C) Common (D) Abstract
(iii) A pun is a play on ___________.
(A) Personification (B) Alliteration
(C) Words (D) Adverb
(iv) The word “zwieback” means__________________.
(A) Deceit (B) Confused
(C) Very ugly (D) Toasted

Page 1 of 3 (English-VI)
(v) Because of the rain, the match was postponed. Which phrase can replace
the underline word?
(A) Put off (B) Put across
(C) Put in (D) Put up
(vi) Which word in the below given choices, can complete the well-known
expression as fit as a _____________.
(A) Steady (B) Gold
(C) Fiddle (D) Snail
(vii) Eventually is an example of _____________________:
(A) Adjective (B) Adverb
(C) Noun (D) Verb
(viii) William Shakespeare wrote about ____________________ plays.
(A) 36 (B) 37
(C) 38 (D) 39
(ix) When similar sounds are repeated in a line of poetry or prose ,we call
it a/an ________________________.
(A) Personification (B) Simile
(C) Repetition (D) Alliteration
(x) The abbreviation for the word assistant is _____________________.
(A) Astt. (B) Asstt.
(C) Asst. (D) Ast.
(xi) The word pensive means _______________.
(A) Merry (B) Lively
(C) Thoughtful (D) Alone
(xii) On the most ordinary and common nights, the city has the appearance of a
(A) Celebration (B) moonlit mugs
(C) Festive illumination (D) Lightning lamps
(xiii) When inanimate and abstract things are referred to as if they were human
beings, this figure of speech is called a/an ______________.
(A) Alliteration (B) Personification
(C) Repetition (D) Simile

Page 2 of 3 (English-VI)
(xiv) The Hitch -Hiker is s short story written by _____________________.
(A) R.I. Stevenson (B) E.M. Foster
(C) Anne Sewell (D) Roald Dahl
(xv) She sang yesterday. The underlined word is a/an __________.
(A) Adverb (B) Noun
(C) Adjective (D) Verb
(xvi) “What conquest brings him home?” Who says these words?
(A) Marullus (B) Cassius
(C) Flavius (D) Brutus
(xvii) The play Julius Caesar was written by __________________.
(A) William Wordsworth (B) William Shakespeare
(C) Roald Dahl (D) Charles Dicken
(xviii) Restating the text by using the other words is called __________.
(A) Making (B) Text
(C) Paraphrasing (D) Reference
(xix) The __________________ is a mark (;) to show a break in a sentence.
(A) Colon (B) Full stop
(C) Comma (D) Semicolon
(xx) The police man was as mean as devil. The underlined part of the
sentence is called a/an ______________.
(A) Alliteration (B) Personification
(C) Alliteration (D) Simile

For Examiners’ use only: Total Marks: 20

Marks Obtained:

Page 3 of 3 (English-VI)
Question Paper : Class VII
Subject : English

Time Allowed: 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Total Marks: 80

(Marks: 30)
Note: All questions in Sections ‘B’ and ‘C’ are to be answered on the separately provided
answer book. Write your answers neatly and legibly.

Q 2. Look at the following and give suitable responses. (10)

(i) The word intermit means____________.
(ii) Director ____________(Write abbreviation)
(iii) Sweetly, carefully, quietly are the examples of ________________.
(iv) _____________ladder. (Add suitable adjective)
(v) Justice is blind is an example of _________________.
(vi) At that place we would dismount. The underlined phrase is an example
(vii) Sweet and ____________. (write opposite)
(viii) The word glee means ___________.
(ix) Far__________.(Write comparative)
(x) To rain cats and dogs________________________. (write meaning)

Q.3 (a) Underline the adjective phrases and replace with the adjectives of (4)
similar meaning.
(i) The horse with the injury did not run in the race.
(ii) The boy with the dark hair is my cousin.
(iii) They felt pity for the man without any money.
(iv) His explanation was out of the ordinary; it did not help us at all.

Page 1 of 4 (English-VII)
(b) Answer the following sentences by using ‘used to’: (3)
(i) Years ago he lived in that village.
(ii) I was fond of eating huge meals in school.
(iii) Did you never ever visit your cousins when you lived in
Q.4 (a) Match the words in the left hand side column with their correct (4)
options in the right hand side column.
Column A Column B
Wandered, wondered Alliteration
Little letters Idiom
To split hairs Adverb phrase
In a hurry Homophones
(b) Match the items in the left hand column with the relevant ones (4)
on the right.
Column A Column B
Bide A young male horse
Colt Baffled, confused
Perplexed Wait
Crummy Useless
Q.5 Translate the following sentences into English. (5)

‫۔‬ ‫ل ڑر‬ ‫غ‬ ‫۔ ا‬١

‫۔‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ل‬ ‫۔‬٢

‫؟‬ ‫۔‬٣

‫۔‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ں‬ ‫۔‬٤

‫۔‬ ‫۔ آج رش ر‬٥

Page 2 of 4 (English-VII)
(Marks: 50)

Q.6 Answer any six questions from the following. Each answer should 6x3
have 20-30 words. Each question carries 3 marks. (18)
(a) When and where does the action in the poem (The Listeners) take place?
(b) What was Isabel doing during her meeting with the giant?
(c) Why does the driver stop for the hitch-hiker?
(d) Does Davies blame the man for the accident? How do we know?
(e) Why does not Vashti want to travel in the airship?
(f) What is meant by a ‘blind baggage car’?
(g) Why is the hitch-hiker reluctant to reveal his profession?
(h) Why does Marullus get annoyed with the cobbler?
(i) How did the fingersmith first impress the driver with his skill?

Q.7 Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the given (10)
Making pottery on the potter’s wheel is called ‘throwing’. The thrower is a
very skillful workman. But there is another method of shaping articles out
of clay, ‘moulding’. A plaster mould is made and the clay is pressed into
it. This is a quicker and less difficult way to make things like handles, but
all the most beautiful pottery is thrown. When a piece of pottery is taken
off the wheel, it is put aside to dry, after which a design may be painted
on it with special colours that will stand great heat; it is then ready to be
fired. This is done in a large oven or kiln. The pieces of pottery are
placed in earthenware tubs called ‘saggers’ so that the flames cannot
touch the pots.
(a) What is ‘throwing’?
(b) What is the other method of shaping articles?
(c) What is the advantage of ‘moulding’?
(d) How does the potter make designs on the pieces of pottery?
(e) How are the pieces of pottery baked in fire?

Page 3 of 4 (English-VII)
Q.8 (a) Read the following stanza and answer the questions given at (6)
the end:
But only a host of phantom listeners
That dwelt in the lone house then
Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight
To that voice from the world of men:
(i) What could ‘phantom listeners’ refer to?
(ii) How does the poet make the listeners seem like real people?
(iii) Who is being referred to as ‘that voice from the world of men'?
(b) Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanza: (6)
(i) The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed-and gazed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought.
(ii) And if you've both, well then I'm sure
You ought to sing the whole day long;
It doesn't matter if you're poor
With these to make divine your song.
And so I praisefully repeat,
When angels talk in Heaven above,
There are no words more simply sweet
Than Home and Love.

Q.9 Write an account on a journey across the desert. (10)

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or the District Police Officer (DPO) about an
accident you witnessed on the road during the festive season. Describe the accident,
the casualties, and possible reasons for the accident. Suggest what the authorities
might do to prevent such accidents from happening again.

Page 4 of 4 (English-VII)

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