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134 Suptply Chain Management


(This is based on observations and competitive
food-service distributor enforces
intelligence and strictly meant for academic
norms. The brand also is able to product quality
formance of the outlet by
of materials from the 4PL. considering
the theoff per-
Tasty Pizzas (name changed) is a fast food brand in
the food service business, specializing in sale of Growth
pizzas all over India. They operate both by setting
up own restaurants as well as by allotting franchise Bigger volumes mean higher visibility for the
rights to partners for particular locations/outlets. brand as well as the ability to negotiate better
The fast food business is based on four business rates from the service/product providers, The
tenets: brand is at an advantage both because they can
1. Offering the same experience to the customer demand higher royalty from the outlets as well as
wherever the customer-brand handshake happens, because it lowers the cost of operation. Invest.
presuming that the carefully thought out engage ment in centralized services such as merchandiz
ment is of value to the customer and enhances
ing, marketing, and food production research
brand value. Only if the brand value is high becomes feasible.
encugh will they be able to tweak the prices for a Managing growth in the same geography has its
larger margin. own risks. Scaling up may sometimes mean a higher
2. Growing as fast as you can, so that you can
cost until the investment gets amortized over
utilize the inherent advantages in volumes.
3. Rolling out promos or other customer engage
higher utilization. Sometimes these are issues that
ment changes so as to maintain customer create problems in growth execution plans.
retention in a phased manner and manage associ Typically, small fast food chains are looking to ex
ated variations. pand into new geographical areas once the metro
4. Optimization on non-core activities by reduc areas are saturated. But they are constrained be
ing the need for cause they cannot set up the logistical infrastruc
limiting costs.
intervention,/involvement and by ture required toservice the distant areas, which is
otherwise prohibitively costly for them, canceling
Same Experience out the advantage that they are seeking to gan.
It's a problem to offer the same experience given Storage and movement of smaller lot sizes will
mean a higher per-unit cost of operation.
the geographic distances, varying skills at the lo
cal level, and dependence on
franchisees for
volumes. Tasty Pizzas invest a lot in training and Change Strategy
auditing to enforce rigid discipline on operating Menu/theme changes are complicated since uig!of
process, both on the restaurant floor as well inthe
involve coordination over a large nuumber
kitchen. people who have to execute the change at defined
Standardizing the customer experience is enabled time period, especialy so when it involves
since it
by a 4PL, which ensures chisees. The cost of failure is high
into the food production that products that go
are (a) from approved involves food products as well as made-to-order
vendors, (b) have been non-food products that may not be of use
product quality, and (c)handled
properly to retain
available on demand
the change. Also not being ready with the new
at all times. items means that a lot of investment on
in the case of
franchisees, making it
tion will go waste.
incumbent on the franchisee to buy from the
Strategic Decisions in Supply Chain 135

Optimization of Non-core Activities Risks are involved in the management of these ac

Sourcing, purchase, stocking, inventory manage tivities. Typically they are the risks of obsoles
ment, and delivery involve a lot of planning, inter cence, expiry, damage, and non-availability. Fast
action, and activity. Handing them over to a 4PL food chains would like to avoid the same.
will enable the fast food chain to concentrate on Costs associated with these activities can vary due
more core activities such as merchandizing and to local conditions and/or uncertainties or market
food production. conditions. Fast food chains would like to be buff
ered from these tendencies.


Same Experience Optimization of Non-core Activities

4PL standardizes the product quality across KRAs ensure thata fast food chain need not spend
locations by buying from approved vendors and time and resources on supply chain management.
centralizing buying decisions. The 4-PL enables The cost of risks is capped by the margin that
through its buying process the same customer chains need to pay to the 4PL. Any other risk is to
experience across outlets and manages stock level the 4PL account. A contractual engagement over
to ensure availability across outlets on demand. a longer time period with a 4PL ensures that
chains are insulated from market changes or local
Growth conditions.

4PLS are willing to invest and wait to amortize the

investment as a business strategy. Their amortiza
tion happens across brands and hence will be 1. Is the decision of Tasty Pizzas to engage a 4PL
easier to manage. The same goes for new geogra strategic in your opinion? If so, highlight the
phies. 4PLs have better geographical reach since strategic orientation in this engagement.
they are servicing various clients and hence will be 2. What are the advantages enjoyed by Tasty
able to share the associated overheads. Pizzas with the deployment of 4PL?
3. Explain the role and responsibilities of the 4PL
in this engagement and map the capabilities
Change Strategy which they require to be successful.
4PLs are trained to look for obsolescence risks,
and new product requirements. Products becom
areas, used
ing obsolete will be diverted to other
alternatively, and so on.

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