Concept Note - 012132

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Address: P.O.BOX 736
Phone: +255 767414997 / +255 784414997/ +255 759148022 / +255 756386563

Summarized key Information:

Sector: Entrepreneurship and labor market skills for youth.
Region: Southern Highlands Zone of Tanzania (Mbeya, Iringa and Njombe,)

Strategic approach: Seminars and workshop on how to produce tangible products like toilet soap, candles,
keeping profitable animal like rabbit, etc. Training with partners by projecting and distributing available
resources and opportunity in the region to youth by using online services like Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp
groups and YouTube. Attaching pictures showing opportunities available in the region on open spaces like
on big stone, road side, on junctions, nearly market and schools /colleges. Coaching youth on the benefit of
doing E-commerce and how to escape from money Scammers.

Proposed results: To improve Youth financial literacy, to be able to employ themselves and employ others,
ability to run digital business especial e-commerce businesses, young people be included in labor market.

Tentative Funding: The project is designed to empower youth into entrepreneurship skills by phases, this
will include the cost or expenses of running those seminars/workshop, cost of booking a venue where
participants will gather, cost of hiring and lodging of resources persons, cost of printing materials and
handouts, transport cost, communication cost, cost of printing pictured which will be attached on open spaces
to show the availability of business opportunities in a region, cost of sending messages through
communication companies like Vodacom, Tigo or air tell etc., as well as the cost of uploading information’s
in form of videos, pictures online through YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or what sup groups.
We are Non-Profit Organizations so our main stake holders are people who are directly involved, such as board
members, our donors, media, the community, volunteers as well as our partners.

i. Unemployed youth including drop out school; One of the ways to get young people into
the labour market is through youth entrepreneurship, because they are more innovative, they
have more time, energy and dynamism. Youth also are ready to take risks while not having a
lot risk, and they tend to have fewer family or financial responsibilities.
ii. Students who are taking technical education in technical schools (Vocational schools)
example Ifunda Technical school and Iyunga Technical School. All students in these
institution they will enjoy this project because in their subjects there is no commercial
iii. All students in public and private schools who do not have commercial subjects such as
commerce, economics and accountancy. Most of secondary schools in this country failed to
provide commercial subjects due to lack of teachers who specialized in these subject.
This problem create poverty at young age because of large unemployment problem after
school lack confidence in entrepreneurship activities. Entrepreneurship education helps
students develop a range of skills and competencies that are valuable in both their personal
and professional lives. It teach them how to think creatively and critically how to identify
and solve problems and how to take calculated risks.
iv. Youth who participating in commercial agricultural activities.
v. Youth who self-employed in different entrepreneurship activities.
vi. All graduates employed but they need much information concerning entrepreneurships
opportunities available in their environment.
vii. Non – graduates student who still in the universities and colleges especially for those who
take business studies they will be training on how to start business and produce really
products such as making toilet soap, milk products, making charcoal by using saw dust, rice
hust, etc.
viii. Communities in a selected area will benefits much from the projects because the massage
will be sent to their mobile phone explaining the available business opportunities available
in the region, and the process of sending messages will continue until the project end, this
will be the benefit to community for the long run.
As the part of the training, the project will orient beneficiaries in the start –up / expansion process,
in particular by preparing those to apply to local microfinance institutions and existing grant
According to population census of 2022 the Southern Highlands Zone of Tanzania, in the region of Mbeya,
Iringa, Njombe and Songwe, Ruvuma and Rukwa, have a population of 9,160,428 which most of them are
young people ranging from the age of 18-36 years old. This large group of youth in these areas are still
economically poor regardless of the digital economy of the world in this century. This poverty is caused by
lack of entrepreneurship skills and employment opportunities, youth failed to employ themselves while the
government employ few of them especially those graduates from Universities. By comparing the data (from
the Ministry of Education and from the National Examination Counsel of Tanzania – NECTA ) you can observe those who failed their examination are large in number compared
to those who passed well especially in their Ordinary Level of Education (form 4). Those who failed to join
Advanced Education Level (form five and six) they lack qualification of having opportunities of being
admitted to universities and have a chance of being employed by the government. So due to their large in
number, lack of both formal and informal education facilities, lack of employment including self-
employment, unavailable stable source of livelihood and poor awareness of entrepreneurship information
course this group of large population to remain with poverty for the long run.

This project is designed to help youth to fulfil their entrepreneurship aspirations by developing their skills
and knowledge by launching interventions like coaching and mentoring on how to have access to finance
and market, the project will help those unemployed and employed young people to identify the best available
resources and highly demanded opportunities in their surrounding environment.

The project is designed to empower youth business owners with digital skills, knowledge, mentorship and
community events to transform their business and drive economic growth. Through this partnership we aim
to reach hundreds of youth entrepreneurs across the region, providing them with the necessary training and
support to overcome business challenges, grow their ventures and drive economic growth through the
following strategies;
i. The target of this project will be reached by coaching youth on how to prepare really products like
candles, saw dust charcoal , rice husk charcoal making, soap etc.
ii. The target of the project will be reached by using different strategies like sending messages to youth
or to the community through their mobile phone concerning the opportunities and economic resources
which are available in the selected areas. This method is mostly cheap because it does not need online
services like internet.
iii. Sending videos through Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and What-sup groups which most of them
are used by youth showing them business opportunities available in the regions.
iv. Attaching pictures on open spaces like on big stones, on roads side, on street walls, on road junctions,
nearly market and schools /colleges displaying the resources, business opportunities available in the
area, example; If the land is fertile the picture will show what crops is good in that area, or if the
area have products which are sold cheaply but you can sell it at highly price in another area like
wood in Njombe town, Mafinga town, and Makambako center which is sold cheaply, and highly
demanded in another regions in Tanzania and East Africa at all.
v. The project also is designed to run seminars and projecting videos of the available opportunities
especially in town and villages, in schools and colleges, showing the youth how to develop really products
ready for market examples making candles, making toilet soap, producing milk products etc.
 The project will be conducted within two (2) years, under seven (7) phases, in the
regions of Mbeya, Iringa and Njombe.
Tentative results or the impact or outcome and output of this project;

- The targeted group will receive immediate benefits from the completion of the projects (attending
- Community will benefit from the various projects implemented by my NGO in the long run.
- Beneficiaries will have opportunity to communicate with the market directly.
- Graduates will have ability to employ the skills of entrepreneurship rather than waiting for
employment from the government.
- The youth will have ability to write business plan
- Ability to follow legal and business law regulatory producers in doing business
- Have confidence to delegate their concerns to legal experts and implement their advice
- Ability to conduct e-commerce business
- Ability to use online resource and productive manner distributed by SAMAFO
- Ability to trade internationally, knowing how to access and understand export markets regulations

The Key partners will help the project to be successfully under the following roles;
i. Financial adviser (Banker)
Train them on how to write business plan, coaching on how to conduct e-commerce, teach youth
how to establish small and medium scale enterprise. Make youth aware about the availability of
long term loan and short term loan available in the banks, teaching youth about financial market
e.g. stock, bonds, currencies, derivatives, commodities and crypto currencies. Teaching youth how
to survive in business and how to save their extra income, coaching on how to conduct E-commerce
and how to calculate risks.
ii. TRA (Tanzania Revenue Authority)
Teaching youth on how to register their business and have licenses of the business, tax laws and the
importance of paying tax, disadvantages of tax avoidance, advantages of doubles taxation system
and tax exemptions.
iii. Mentoring with peers
Evidence from young people who have actually started and run a business.
iv. Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)
To show the quality of the products and its standard in the market
v. Videos
Is among of the Key partners of the project, showing those opportunities in the selected regions
(We have the videos concerning business activities in this region)
vi. Farmers ;
Banana farmers, Avocados farmers, Paddy/rice, Tree farmers Irish potatoes farmers, Irish potatoes
farmers, To show which climate for a specific crops, the market, average cost of farming.
vii. Charcoal makers
Teaching how to use saw dust, rice husk, the availability of these resources and the market.
viii. Milk Producers
Teach young how to make condensed milk, to make milk cream, prepare yogurt, how to make
cheese from milk and milk butter.
ix. Products importers
Price of products from imported country, importance of buying direct from manufacturing, how to
escape from scammers and teach the youth about the best way of paying if you want to buy product
from outside the country.

x. Advocate
Teaching on the meaning of intellectual properties, advantages of intellectual properties, laws and
regulations on copyright licensing and rights to benefit.
xi. Livestock officers
Name of the animals which is more profitable e.g. rabbit and cow
xii. Product makers
Soap makers, envelopes makers, pencil makers, tooth stick makers, candles makers, honey
producers wine producers and food dehydrator.
Justifications for proposed modality and related programme management;
 Young people (youth) they will gain life skills at a young age. Some of these skills include
critical thinking, self-discipline, networking, team work, problem solving and innovations in
these specific environment which have a lot of resources and many opportunities.
 Training will include young people into labour market by showing business opportunity
available in their areas. This will enable them to establish business and create job for others
rather than waiting for government.
 The training will create secured future of the youth and make them to help develop
economic and social change for those around them, and empowers to boost local economy.
 The project training will help to solve the problem of poverty by creating new jobs through
employment chances resulted from entrepreneurship activities.

Time line for each activity (Key milestone/phases)

The project will start on July 2023 with a duration of two years, and the phases of the project will be as
i. Six (6) months to organize ten (10) regional workshop across the target areas to train and coach
youth different entrepreneurship skills.
ii. Four (4) months to run five (5) seminars into technical schools for those who take vocational
iii. Four (4) months to run 5 seminars into colleges, universities and secondary school who take.
Entrepreneurship business studies and train them how to change their mind into really products.
iv. Six (6) months to run 10 seminars for those school drop-outs and graduate to improve their
entrepreneurship and labour market skills.
v. - One (1) month, setting videos online showing the available opportunities in a selected areas.
These videos will be sent through what-sup groups which will be designed from the collected phone
numbers in the seminars, through Facebook and Instagram
- Sending messages to the community, this will be arranged through mobile phone companies
like Vodacom, Airtel etc., the sms will include the available resources and business
opportunities in the region.
vi. Two (2) month, attaching pictures showing opportunities available in the region on open spaces like
on big stone, on road side, on junctions, nearly market and schools /colleges.
vii. Two (1) months, this will be the months of making the evaluation of the project.
Budget estimation is 60,000 Euro.
We have human resources and well qualified personnel who are able to conduct this project effectively;
1. Tabitha Bugali – Director
2. Godwin A. Rwamaganda – Project Writer Officer
3. Venance Lwesya – Project Coordinator Officer
4. Sarah Mwanachimbo – Accountant
5. Hilda Bukuku – Human Resource Officer
6. Tumaini Salum – Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Officer
7. Chris Mzumbwe – Psychologist Officer
8. Enes Naftari – The Chair of Youth


There are a number of risks or potential barriers to a successful delivery of entrepreneurship support, in
partnership with specialist agencies, which we must keep in mind in the process of delivering
entrepreneurship skills and labour market for youth.
The risk includes;

 If partners are not chosen carefully

 If partners do not share the same values and interests, if agreeing on common goals could be
 There is no sharing of risk, responsibility, accountability or benefits.
 There is a power imbalance and one partner drives the process
 Partnership members do not have the training to identify issues or resolve internal conflicts
 The inequalities in partner’s resources and expertise affect their relative influence in decision
 Market barriers, including a bias in financial markets away from supporting youth owned business
and discrimination in product market.
 Fewer financial resources and difficulty obtaining external finance, including debt finance hampers
business start-up.
 Limited business networks and business – related social capital have consequences for business
start –up and obtaining legitimacy

In order to avoid the above risks we must identifying appropriate delivering channels for youth by
selecting partners with a range of public, private and voluntary sector organization that have
experience working with youth example business associations.

We look forward to your participation.

Thank you for your support in advance!

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