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Concept note for women, girls and PLWDs civic and political empowerment

Contact Person: Tumaini Yusufu Salum.

Chief Executive Officer
Cellphone: +255744 555 225
Babati, Manyara, Tanzania

APS number: 72062123APS00001

Addendum number: 2

Submission Date: 07th August, 2023

APS number: 72062123APS00001, addendum 2

2. Problem statement:
Social accountability monitoring intervention is not a policy or PCCB or CAG activity rather is a
tool for enhancing accountability among community and their leaders to improve service
delivery in agriculture sector. Farmers in the District lack some technical knowhow on in what
ways they could understand well the sector and be able to hold the extension officers accountable
for agricultural services delivery by reminding the duty bearers of their responsibilities. In
addition because on not implementing the tool for monitoring social accountability the
government become partially to for holding farmers accountable for the improvement of
productivity according to government guidelines as directed at agriculture sector. The procedures
are not transparent and open on how the resources are identified, on how plans are made and
resources are located. And how duty bearers utilizes the resources entrusted to them for quality
services and value for money. Different agricultural and livestock stakeholders lack a shared
knowledge of agricultural management and decision making and are not stand united in ensuring
agriculture provides productivity to farmers in poverty reduction. In addressing some of these
challenges, therefore YOPRO will facilitate the team for monitoring that will comprise farmers,
the project staff the committee of which will discuss and propose solutions to agriculture
challenges. This will be based on the needs of the villages and District. In the end there will be a
farmers’ committee at District level. YOPROs key responsibility is to create community
awareness of the implementation the open and accountability enhancing tool. The District will
provide the documents that capture the reality of information and bring other agricultural
development stakeholders together. When reflecting on the past and current situation, and after
engaging the communities in Babati District, the few this have been identified through focus
group discussion conducted by the YOPRO. There is lack of social accountability monitoring in
agriculture sector on which 80% of the District’s population relies on. There is lack of
platform/committee where smallholder farmers can submit their complaints, achieve production
targets, and to allow them participate in the agricultural planning and budgeting processes.
Extension officers face challenges when they need smallholder farmers to participate in the
budgeting processes while not attending the villages’ meeting. This largely make the extension
officer to forecast a budget without involving the farmers. There is no existing committee at the
district, wards or villages level dealing with agricultural issues on which 80% of the district
population depends on. Farmers received fertilizers at a discount rates and the inputs went to the
few leaving the majority unreached by the service. Other inputs like improved seeds, pesticides,
herbicides for crops including bean, maize, sunflower, rice and pigeon peas were not given
priority. There is less than 18 cattle dips out of that 11 of them are operational but rarely used
because of inadequacy in supervision and monitoring although they collect sufficient revenues
from livestock auctions. Small number of farmers and stakeholders counting to less than 20%
understands amount of the allocated budget to the sector that reaches farmers in accordance to
the budget. Although the government provides equipment to the extension officers such as
motorcycles but a very few receive operating requirements such as fuel to enable them perform a
close monitoring to the farmers. In the ward places where the extension officer carry out their
duties and operations there is no working schedule to show the movements of the work. In some
villages there are some villages’ tractors that can be used to increase power cultivation but they
have never been used. In Magugu there is an irrigation scheme which have never and has failed
to meet the expectations of many farmers. Farmers in Sigino Village have a warehouse storage
facility for storing their crops but it is not in use. Generally lack of transparent, openness and
good governance by farmers, leaders, and agricultural stakeholders affecting the resources
allocation at all levels and these does not help farmers improve their productivity.
This project will achieve the following objective:
To improve the capacity of SHFs in District to speak as unified voice to demand participatory in
agricultural plans and budgeting to improve agricultural services delivery and productivity from
the grassroots to the District level; Strengthening political and civic empowerment of women,
girls, and marginalized groups;
The outcomes for each of the above objective will be:
Outcome 1: Agriculture service delivery improved in Babati District, Manyara Region.
Outcome 2: Increased allocation of budget to agricultural sector to improve productivity, known
to all stakeholders and reached to SHFs;
Outcome 3: Improved farmers’ participation in agricultural plans and budgeting processes and
transparency and accountability in the use of public resources in agricultural sector.

Key activities of the project:

1. Introduce the project to the stakeholders, local leaders, faith based organizations, District
and Regional Administration.
2. Conduct a baseline for social accountability and gender in the District
3. Conduct awareness creation meetings for men, women, youth and people with disabilities
4. Creating Social Accountability platforms led by women and youths
5. Conduct one District meeting of 45 agricultural stakeholders including decision-making
for introducing the committee.
6. Coaching and mentor women 43 participants of the SAM team from Babati District and
introduce the SAM and approach by 2024
7. Coaching women, girls and people with disabilities to use score cards for documenting
challenges and success facing them.
8. Document lessons learnt, success stories and best practices for the project
9. Conduct project monitoring and evaluation
Project approaches and methodology:
The Youth Prosperity Organization (YOPRO) will advocate local government authorities on
accountability and transparency in agricultural sector by establishing the social accountability
committee that will be dealing with making follow ups on improved budget and how the
resources it reaches the SHFs. YOPRO will mobilize SHFs, to demand their rights to participate
in plans, budget process and the uses of approved.

Sustaining of the project outcomes:
The youth Prosperity Organization (YOPRO) will work to ensure the established SHFs
committees are taking charge of the follow ups activities and the participation in planning and
decision making processes. The Social Accountability Approach will be introduced in villages,
wards and District government for them to continue implementing the SAM tool for improved
farmers’ participation in agricultural plans, and budgeting processes and transparency and
accountability in the use of public resources in agricultural sector.
3. Past Performance History
Donor Awar Activity Brief Period of Awar Reference from
funding d title descriptio performa d donor/funding
organization numb n of nce amou organization with
er activity nt contact info
Mennonititisch - Empower The 2021-2023 76179 www.mennoe-
ees Hilfswerk women project USD
in German and greatly
children focuses on
ed people
Mission - Undergrou The February , 80870 Mission
Transformatio nd drilling of 2023 – USD Transformation
n Church borehole borehole May, 2023 Tanzania
Tanzania water water
supply points to rasonel2000@gmail.
the Maasai com
es in

4. Project implementation budget in USD:

Cost area Year 1 Year 2 Total
Salaries 22100 22100 44,200
Fringe benefits 9500 9500 19,000
Travel and 38600 38900 77,200

Equipment and 9000 9000 18,000
Consultants 15000 18000 33,000
Other direct 5000 5000 10,000
Internal 1610 1610 3,220
building costs
Funding to - - 10130
comply with
De minimis - - 19260
Total 234,010

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