(REVISI) Tugas Kel B Ing (Kls B, b.2.2)

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[ Vocab, Grammar & Structure, Pronounciation - Intonation ]

Dosen Pengampu: Noor Hafidah

[ Class B, B.2.2 ]

. Aulia Maulida
. Muhammad Reval N

. Keysha Naja
2310211220041 . Shyra Cahaya P

. Mellyana Indah F
. Siti Aisyah Danur A

Vocab Grammar & Pronounciation
• Word
• Phrases • Sentences Component
• Tenses
• Sentence Forms

A) Vocab
a list or collection of words or of words and phrases usually
alphabetically arranged and explained or defined.

1. Word
[ Main Word ]
In English, there are four main word classes; nouns, verbs, adjectives,
& adverbs. These are considered lexical words, $ they provide the main
meaning of a phrase or sentence.

• Verb – Reguler: We cleaned the house yesterday

They talked about you.
– Irreguler: I went to the beach with my family
Jefry bought a new laptop last week.
• Noun – Countable Noun: There are two apples in the fridge
A book in that table is mine.
– Uncountable Noun: She has a lot of sugar in her kitchen
Can i have some water?
• Adjective: Your little brother is so adorable
My parents are taller than me.
• Adverb – Adv. Time: I’ll meet my friend tomorrow
She has been studying English for 3 years.
– Adv. Place: She is sitting here
The cat is hiding under the table.
– Adv. Manner: She sings beautifully
He drives carefully.
[ Functional Word ]
are words that have little meaning in the dictionary sense but which
serve important functions to express grammatical relationship with
other words within a sentence.

• Pronoun Concord: Salsa isn't going anywhere she sick

I Miss my dad, he was my favorite person.
• Conjunction: I eat my friend's cake, but it's too sweet
I love my mom and dad.
• Proposition: I go to school with my friend
I am from Indonesia.
• Modals: He would do anything for her
I will go to the supermarket later.
• To be: I was born in Banjarmasin
I am in love with you.
• Auxiliary: I wanna do something useful
You don’t have to go there.
• Article/determiners: I just joined the law group chat
It is about the hat we
used to wear.
2. Phrases
a phrase is a group of words that works together in a sentence but doesn’t
contain a subject or a verb.

• I am drinking a glass of milk every morning

• Viola is a smart student.
B) Grammar & Structure
Grammar is a system of production rules used to parse and
generate the meaning, pronunciation, morphology, & syntax of
a sentence. Structure refers to the components of a given
sound, word, phrase, and sentence.
1. Sentences Component
same or reverse of functional word.

• Pronoun Concord: Salsa isn't going anywhere she sick

I Miss my dad, he was my favorite person.
• Conjunction: I eat my friend's cake, but it's too sweet
I love my mom and dad.
• Proposition: I go to school with my friend
I am from Indonesia.
• Modals: He would do anything for her
I will go to the supermarket later.
• To be: I was born in Banjarmasin
I am in love with you.
• Auxiliary: I wanna do something useful
You don’t have to go there.
• Article/determiners: I just joined the law group chat
It is about the hat we
used to wear.
2. Tenses
is a form of the verb that allows you to express time. The tense of
the verb tells us when an event or something existed or when a
person did something. Past, present, & future are the three main
types of tenses.

• Past: I was born in 2004

My parents were busy last night.
• Present: She studies English everyday
He likes eating out.
• Future: Eren will take public speaking class tomorrow
My mother will buy me a new car.
3. Sentence Forms
refers to the ways of arranging words in a sentence. In English,
a sentence must have a subject & a verb or subject & predicate at
a minimum. A sentence can consist of one or more clauses, where
there must be at least one independent clause.

• Interrogative: Are you going to the party tonight?

What time is the meeting tomorrow?
• Imperative: Don't be late for tonight
Clean your room before you go out.
• Direct/Indirect – Direct: “I love you," he said
– Indirect: He said that he loved her.
• Active/Passive – Active: The teacher graded the papers
– Passive: The Papers were graded
by the teacher.
• Comparison – Comparison of Equality: My car is as fast as yours
– Comparison of Superlative: She is the tallest girl
in the class.
• Relative Clause: The book that I read last night was really interesting
The woman who is wearing a red dress is my sister.
• Gerund: Listening to music helps me relax
I enjoy cooking dinner for my family.
C) Pronounciaton
Pronunciation is the way we use to pronounce words in English,
what do you learn in pronunciation? One thing you can learn is to
differentiate how to pronounce words that sound the same

3 elements of pronounciation: – intonation

– spelling
– stressing

[ Intonation ]
3 types of intonation: rising ( / ), sustain (–), falling ( / )
#example: – know ( \ )
– now ( – )
any questions?

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