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Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928

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Multi-task prediction and optimization of hydrochar properties from

high-moisture municipal solid waste: Application of machine learning
on waste-to-resource
Jie Li a, Xinzhe Zhu a, Yinan Li a, Yen Wah Tong a, Yong Sik Ok b, Xiaonan Wang a, *
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 117585, Singapore
Korea Biochar Research Center & Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a promising technology for valuable resources recovery from high-
Received 20 March 2020 moisture wastes without pre-drying, while optimization of operational conditions for desired products
Received in revised form preparation through experiments is always energy and time consuming. To accelerate the experiments in
20 August 2020
an efficient, sustainable, and economic way, machine learning (ML) tools were employed for bridging the
Accepted 23 August 2020
Available online 28 August 2020
inputs and outputs, which can realize the prediction of hydrochar properties, and development of ML-
based optimization for achieving desired hydrochar. The results showed that deep neural network
Handling editor: Prof. Jiri Jaromir Klemes (DNN) model was the best one for joint prediction of both fuel properties (FP) and carbon capture and
storage (CCS) stability of hydrochar with an average R2 and root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.91 and
Keywords: 3.29. The average testing prediction errors for all the targets were below 20%, furtherly within 10% for
Waste-to-energy HHV, carbon content and H/C predictions. ML-based feature analysis unveiled that both elementary
Biochar composition and temperature were crucial to FP and CCS. Furthermore, a ML-based software interface
Hydrothermal carbonization was provided for practitioners and researchers to freely access. The insights and Pareto solution provided
Renewable energy
from ML-based multi-objective optimization benefitted desired hydrochar preparation for the potential
Carbon sequestration
application of fuel substitution or carbon sequestration in soil.
Multi-objective optimization
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Girotto et al., 2015). These high-moisture MSW without proper

disposal will lead to several environmental problems, such as the
The ever rising in population, urbanization and living standards, spread of antibiotic resistance genes (Xu et al., 2020), pathogen,
has generated large amounts of municipal solid waste (MSW) over heavy metals, odor and CO2 emission (Yang et al., 2020). In recent
the past two decades, especially the high-moisture MSW, i.e. years, the concept of waste-to-resource conversion, specifically
sewage sludge, food waste, and animal manure, from the ever- pertaining to high-moisture wastes has gained extensive interest
growing consumption and production of food and water. Approx- owing to its benefit in terms of environmental protection, resource
imately 1.3 billion tons of MSW is generated globally every year, recovery, and circular economy (Xue et al., 2019). However, the high
from the food production and consumption procedures alone moisture (around 60e80 wt% water) and complex components of
sewage sludge, food waste and animal manure make them more
difficult to dispose, as compared to other biomass wastes, such as
horticultural and agricultural waste. Besides, substantial amounts
Abbreviations: ML, Machine learning; DNN, Deep neural network; RF, Random of energy, resources and labor are incurred in the pre-treatment
forest; SVM, Supporting vector machine; SVR, Supporting vector regression; PCC,
process, before they can be recycled and utilized.
Pearson correlation coefficient; HTC, Hydrothermal carbonization; MSW, Municipal
solid waste; HHV, Higher heating value; C_char, carbon content in hydrochar; CR, Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), a thermal conversion pro-
Carbon recovery; ER, Energy recovery; A, Ash content in feedstock; V, volatile cess, is a promising technology to convert high-moisture MSW into
matter content in feedstock; t, Reaction time of HTC; T, Reaction temperature; WC, valuable product, i.e. hydrochar, without the requirement of pre-
Water content; FP, Fuel properties; CCS, Carbon capture and stability in hydrochar; drying of feedstock, thus aiding the economics of the operation,
MOO, Multi-objective optimization.
* Corresponding author.
also being energy efficient and comparable to other thermochem-
E-mail addresses: (J. Li), (X. Wang). ical conversion processes. Hydrochar with high higher heating
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928

value (HHV) and carbon content (C_char) could be as alternative of targets. The fuel properties (FP, including HHV and ER) and carbon
fossil fuels (Wang et al., 2016). Additionally, hydrochar with stable capture (C_char and CR) and carbon stability (represented by
carbon content could be used as a fertilizer, conditioner or reme- atomic ratios) were considered owing to its significance for deter-
diation agent for soil improvement and carbon sequestration (Ok mining the application of hydrochar. Three ML algorithms were
and Tsang, 2019). However, the production of hydrochar with employed and optimized to obtain an accurate model for the multi-
desired properties is a tedious and high-cost process as it involves task prediction of hydrochar characteristics. The impacts of prop-
numerous iterations of experimental efforts to find optimal oper- erties of feedstock, operational parameters of HTC on the hydrochar
ating conditions for different types of high-moisture wastes. The characteristics was explored base on optimal ML model. Further-
routine experimental strategy is the classical one-factor-at-a-time more, a ML-based software for multi-prediction of hydrochar
(OFAT) optimization approach which is quite labor-intensive, properties was developed, and the ML model was successfully in-
time-consuming and involves running numerous experimental tegrated with MOO model for maximizing the FP and CCS stability
trials followed by subsequent hydrochar characterization (Cao of hydrochar based on different applications.
et al., 2016). Therefore, development of computational models for
predicting the properties and maximizing the desire properties of
hydrochar with corresponding experimental conditions provided is 2. Methodology
indeed helpful for supplementing or expediting experiments in an
economic and efficient way. 2.1. Data collection and pre-processing
Machine learning (ML), a key sub-group of artificial intelligence,
is a data-driven approach used to predict target variables of inter- Literatures review on HTC of sewage sludge, food waste, and
est; which in turn is dependent of numerous input variables by manure was first conducted to compile the dataset. The keywords,
developing mapping function based on historical data. With the including food waste, sludge, manure with the combination of
advances in data and computing technologies, ML has been applied hydrothermal carbonization or hydrochar, were used for literature
in waste-to-resource domains. Tao et al. (2020) employed ML retrieval in Web of Sciences, Scopus, Google Scholar since 2010. The
model for fast characterization of waste and biomass based on data related to feedstock properties, i.e. element composition (C, H,
infrared spectroscopy with 120 data samples for aiding upstream N, O), fix carbon (Fc), ash (A), volatile matter (V), and the HTC
sorting. A neural network (NN) model was developed by Ismail conditions, including reaction time (t), temperature (T), and water
et al. (2019) to predict the carbon and phosphorous recovery content (WC), were extracted from the tables and figures in the
from HTC of poultry litter with reaction time and temperature as published literatures. The data pertaining to the characteristics of
inputs. They achieved a R2 > 0.90 in prediction model with 21 hydrochar including yield, HHV, C_char, CR, ER, N/C, H/C, and O/C,
experimental data points. Jiang et al. (2019) employed three ML were accordingly gathered and calculated. A dataset with 248 data
models for prediction of adsorption performance of activated car- points from 38 published papers was compiled finally. The details
bon co-activated by HTC and pyrolysis with 30 datapoints and about the dataset are provided in the supplementary materials
found that random forest model was the best suited for their study (Tables S4 and S5).
with a R2 > 0.99. Our previous work also applied ML models to To obtain a uniform range among the variables, the input fea-
predict energy related properties (J. Li et al., 2020), yield, carbon tures and output targets were normalized using Eq.(1):
content (Zhu et al., 2019a), and the heavy metals adsorption ability
of chars (Zhu et al., 2019b). It is worth a mention that, while all the xi  m
x*i ¼ (1)
above ML studies were unique in their own way, their small data- s
sets might lead to a lack of generalization ability for the developed
ML models. This is also the universal shortcoming in most ML wherexi is the value of input feature i; x*i is the normalized value of
works in this domain. Moreover, the aforementioned ML models initial xi ; m is the mean value of xi , and s represents its standard
only considered the operational parameters or mono type of deviation.
feedstock as input features to predict the char properties. Addi- The Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) was employed as a
tionally, most of above works are limited to predicting a single measure of vector similarity to understand the preliminary corre-
target and thus require the development of multiple models to lation between the input and output variables (Zhu et al., 2019b).
predict various properties of interest. This further adds to the time, The correlation coefficient value, rxy , was calculated according to
effort, and computational cost associated with repetitive modelling equation (2):
activities. Besides, the ML work on waste conversion only focused
Pn Pn
on model development and prediction, without substantial atten- ðx  xÞ ðy  yÞ
tions on practical applications of these models. Therefore, the rxy ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
i¼1 i ffi qi¼1
ffi (2)
prediction results from ML models are insufficient to make signif- i¼1 ðxi  xÞ2 n
i¼1 ðyi  yÞ2
icant contributions to experimentalists and practitioners.
Motivated by the above-mentioned limitations of published where rxy is the value of PCC for a feature to target or target to
works, in this study, we developed a multi-task ML model to predict target; x and y are the mean of input feature x and output target y.
various hydrochar properties simultaneously based a medium-size The range of rxy is from 1 to 1, where 0 means no linear corre-
dataset containing various types of features. To promote the prac- lation, and a negative or positive value means negative or positive
tical implication and application of the ML model accessible to correlation, respectively.
scientists and practitioners in this field, a software user interface Additionally, during the model building process, the total data
embedded ML model was developed for free access. Moreover, ML- points were divided into two random parts (Fig. S1a). Nine-tenth of
based multi-objective optimization (MOO) was proposed to maxi- the total data points, i.e. 223 randomly selected data points, were
mize the desired properties of hydrochar with corresponding labelled as training data, while the remainder one-tenth (25 data
experimental conditions provided to accelerate the experiments. In points) were labelled as test data for the final evaluation of the
detail, eight characteristics including yield, energy recovery (ER), developed model. In the training process, the 10-fold cross vali-
carbon recovery (CR), HHV, carbon content (C_char), and atomic dation was applied to tune the hyper-parameter of the different
ratios (H/C, O/C and N/C) were identified as the multi-task learning models to improve the prediction capability (Payam et al., 2009).
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928 3

2.2. Modelling methods and hyper-parameter tuning

Ypred;i t
%error ¼ t
 100 (6)
In this work, three state-of-the-art ML tools, including random Yexp;i
forest (RF), supporting vector machine (SVM), and deep neural
network (DNN) were developed to predict the characteristics of
100 X
n Yt t
hydrochar (Figs. S1bed). In ML models, the relevance between MAPE ¼
n i¼1 t
input features and output targets can be achieved from a training
dataset. This relevance can be further generalized to make a pre-
diction from other new input features (Wu et al., 2013). The SVM t
where Ypred;i t
indicates the predicted value of target t; Yexp;i means
algorithm can handle both regression and classification problems t
the experimental value of target t; n is the data amount. Yexp;ave is
with the help of statistical learning theory (Shataee et al., 2012).
The hyper-parameters including the penalty parameter, epsilon, the average of all experimental values of target t.RMSEt represents
and kernel function were tuned to develop the supporting vector the root mean squared error of target t.
regression (SVR) model in this work. RF, based on decision trees, is
another effective ML method to explore the nonlinear correlation 2.4. Method of feature importance analysis
between the inputs and outputs (Breiman, 2001). The number of
trees and maximum depth of each tree in RF were adjusted from 1 ML models continue to show strong performances in the pre-
to 100 and 1 to 20, respectively. DNN is a neural network with two diction abilities, while interpretation of these very same models is a
or more hidden layers, one input layer and one output layer (Hinton challenging task. Fortunately, permutation importance analysis can
et al., 2012). The main hyper-parameters, including the number of help to understand the contributions of input features in the pre-
hidden layers, neurons in each layer, the learning rate of RMSprop, diction models effectively, for any “black-box” estimator (Islam
and the dropout rate, were tuned to obtain the optimized DNN et al., 2019). The algorithm of permutation importance is similar
model. The detailed introduction and hyper-parameters tuning to that of the random forest (Breiman, 2001). It replaces the input
strategies for the three ML models are presented in Table S1-S3. feature with random noise (shuffling a feature column) each time,
and then re-trains the estimator to see what the relative change of
the score (accuracy, R2, etc.) is when one feature is shuffled. The
higher positive value of permutation importance indicates that the
2.3. Model training and evaluation of multi-task learning feature has higher importance. The value of feature importance
close to zero means that the feature under consideration is less
ML problems are mostly formulated as a minimization of loss likely to impact the model prediction, thereby having a lower
function on a training set of data. Loss function indicates the relevance. A negative value of feature importance means better
discrepancy between the values predicted by the ML model and the prediction performance can be obtained with shuffled (or noisy)
actual experimental values. The loss function of multi-task (Ltotal ) data.
adopted in this study is as specified (BenTaieb and Hamarneh,
2017): 2.5. Method of optimization for hydrochar properties

m     Fuel alternative and carbon sequestration in soil are two main
Ltotal ðWÞ ¼ lt Lt h xti ; wt ; yti (3) applications of hydrochar. HHV and ER are two important proper-
ties for evaluating the potential of hydrochar as a fuel alternative.
Moreover, hydrochar can also be used in soils for carbon seques-
where m represents the number of tasks; h is the hypothesis
tration. Herein, properties of carbon including C_char, CR, and
function of machine learning model; W ¼ [w1 ,w2 : : :wm ] is a ma-
atomic ratios are crucial to estimate the carbon capture and storage
trix made of parameter vectors (wt ) of hypothesis function learned
stability of hydrochar in soils. Therefore, it is meaningful to opti-
by minimizing Ltotal ; lt is a scalar coefficient for weighting the
mize the feedstock compositions and operational conditions of HTC
importance of loss for different targets, which is equal for every
to achieve the hydrochar with desired properties based on the
target in this work. Lt means the loss function of ML models for task
application requirement. To obtain hydrochar with high HHV and
t; xti and yti represent the values of input and output variables for
ER, or the one with high C_char, CR, and cabon stability, multi-
task t; i is the ith data point used in the training process. objective optimization was conducted using the weighted sum
The goodness of fit for the RF, SVR, and DNN models were method based on the developed ML model. The optimization tool,
evaluated with determination coefficient (R2), as well as root mean based on trust region methods (Conn et al., 2000), in SciPy package
squared error (RMSE) (Zhu et al., 2019b). Besides, the percentage was used via python to combine with ML model for multi-objective
error (% error) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE, %) were optimization of different targets (Fig. 1).
employed to analyze the distribution of the prediction accuracy, For maximizing fuel properties (FP) of hydrochar, both HHV and
which helps to evaluate model performance (Severson et al., 2019). ER were considered, and they were treated equally in the multi-
These were calculated according to Eqs.(4)e(7): objective optimization:

Pn  t t
max FP ¼ m1 HHV þ m2 ER (8)
i¼1 Ypred;i  Yexp;i
R2t ¼ 1   2 (4)
Pn For maximizing of carbon capture and storage (CCS) stability of
Yexp;i  Yexp;ave
hydrochar, the C_char content and CR were employed to evaluate
the carbon capture potential of hydrochar. The atomic ratios, i.e. H/
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi C, O/C, and N/C, were thus identified to represent the carbon stor-
uP  2
u n
t i¼1 Y tpred;i  Y texp;i age stability in hydrochar, and lower atomic ratios represented
RMSEt ¼ (5) higher carbon stability. In other words, the carbon storage stability
was positively correlative to the minus atomic ratios (Liu et al.,
2020), therefore the negative sign was set before atomic ratios to
4 J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928

of data statistics related to the elementary analysis, food waste

contained the highest contents of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
and the lowest nitrogen, while the elementary contents in sludge
exhibited an opposite tendency (Fig. 2aeb). For the proximate
analysis, the median of water contents in sludge and food waste
were closed to each other and close to 90%, while it was about 70%
in manure. Furthermore, the volatile and fixed carbon contents in
food waste was the highest with an ash content of 5% which was
significantly lower than that in sludge (30%) and manure (18%). The
highest ash content in sewage sludge was mainly rooted in the
original source of the wastewater and its treatment process (Li
et al., 2017). For the HTC conditions, the most common tempera-
ture was 200e250  C, and the time was between 60 and 90 min.
As for the output targets, the median of hydrochar yield from
sewage sludge was the highest (65%), leading to a lowest carbon
Fig. 1. Strategy of integration of machine learning model with multi-objective opti-
content and HHV (Ma et al., 2019). However, the median of carbon
mization for hydrochar properties. and energy recovery from the three wastes to hydrochar were quite
close. Besides, three kinds of chemical reactions (dehydration,
decarboxylation, and demethylation) probably happened in the
maximize the CCS. HTC process of high-moisture wastes, which could be inferred from
the plot of O/C vs. H/C. Hence, the Van Krevelen diagrams of the
max CCS ¼ m3 ðCchar þ CRÞ  m4 ðH = C þ O = C þ N = CÞ (9) three kinds of hydrochar with the chemical reactions vectors was
In the ML model, ten input variables, including C, H, N, O, Fc, A, V, shown in Fig. 3def. All the three chemical reactions were founded
t, T and WC, had to be optimized to maximize the EP and CCS, and in the HTC of sludge, while the dehydration was the prominent
the constrain as below: reaction in the HTC of food waste and manure. The possible reason
was that the main component of the food waste and manure was
C þ H þ N þ O þ A ¼ 100% (10) lignocellulosic biomass whose dominating reaction in HTC is
dehydration (Toufiq Reza et al., 2018).
A þ V þ Fc ¼ 100% (11)

3.2. Variables correlation and hyper-parameter tuning of ML

LB of various types of wastes  C; H; N; O; Fc; A; V models
 UB of various types of wastes
A preliminary correlation between the input features and
LB of operational conditions  t; T; WC output targets was investigated based on the Pearson correlation
coefficient (PCC). According to the PCC matrix of features to targets
 of operational conditions (Fig. 4), both the HHV and C_char of hydrochar were positively
correlated with the C, H and V contents of the feedstock, while they
where m1, m2, m3, and m4 are the weighting factors of different ob- had strong negative correlations to the ash content. In addition, the
jectives which are treated equally in the optimization of FP and CCS N/C ratio of hydrochar was markedly positively relative to N con-
(all m set as 0.5). The LB and UB of various types of wastes, and tent of feedstock and negatively concerned with the O content.
operational condition are achieved from the boxplot analysis of However, the relationship between the input features and other
collected dataset, with their values depicted in Table 1. targets including yield, ER, CR, H/C, and O/C did not show signifi-
cant linear correlation with the input features. On the other hand,
3. Results and discussion most of the targets had significant correlation amongst each other.
The HHV and C_char had a strong positive relevance between each
3.1. Statistical analysis of feedstock and hydrochar characteristics other, as well as the yield, ER, and CR. Furthermore, the yield was
positively correlated to the ER and CR, and negatively related to the
Fig. 2 shows the descriptive statistics of data about the proper- HHV and C_char. The atomic ratios also had a certain correlation to
ties of sewage sludge, food waste and manure. Based on the median each other, and the H/C and O/C were negatively correlated to HHV

Table 1
LB and UB of variables for various types of wastes, and operational conditions achieved from the boxplot analysis of collected dataset.

Items Sewage sludge Food waste Manure


Elementary compositions C (%) 21.86 51.20 39.00 61.94 34.26 46.40

H (%) 3.22 6.44 3.02 8.01 4.83 6.30
N (%) 1.32 9.58 0.21 11.47 3.20 4.39
O (%) 16.05 29.06 10.97 47.49 30.97 41.22
Proximate compositions V (%) 46.67 84.59 72.55 88.60 39.40 81.51
Fc (%) 0.00 10.23 0.73 25.51 1.09 29.30
A (%) 15.41 49.85 0.80 20.40 5.10 17.40
Operational conditions t (min) 5.00 240.00 5.00 240.00 5.00 240.00
T (oC) 140.00 330.00 140.00 330.00 140.00 330.00
WC (%) 75.00 96.20 75.00 96.20 75.00 96.20
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928 5

Fig. 2. Violin plot of data statistics about (a and b) elementary and (c and d) proximate analysis of the three high-moisture wastes, and (e and f) hydrothermal carbonization
conditions (Note: The data about those wastes were collected from the published literatures, and 16 kinds of sewage sludge, 21 kinds of food waste, and 11 kinds of manure were
gathered in this work; the data of these properties is dry-based values; O ¼ 100-C-H-N-Ash).

Fig. 3. Violin plot of data statistics about (a) yield, (b) carbon content and carbon recovery, (c) higher heat value and energy recovery, and (d, e, and f) Van Krevelen diagram of
hydrochar from these high-moisture wastes. (Note: A total of 248 data with 78 kinds of sewage sludge hydrochar, 108 kinds of food waste hydrochar, and 62 kinds of manure
hydrochar prepared from different high-moisture wastes were collected from the published literatures, and all the data on waste and hydrochar are presented in Tables S4 and S5).

and C_char. To summarize, most of the targets had correlations to hyper-parameters were tuned based on the 10-fold cross-validated
each other, thereby indicating the feasibility to adopt multi-task ML RMSE values (Fig. 5). In the case of RF, the mean 10-fold cross-
predictions (Ben-David and Schuller, 2003). validated RMSE values decreased significantly with the increase
To establish a ML model with high prediction performance of of the maximum depth of the trees from 1 to 10, and then plateaued
hydrochar properties, multi-task learning models from three ML when the maximum depth was above 10. The RMSE values also
algorithms as described in Section 2.2 were developed and their declined when the trees number rose from 1 to 10, and then
6 J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928

Fig. 4. Correlation matrix of features and targets obtained through Pearson correlation coefficient method (248 pieces of data were used to investigated the Pearson correlation
coefficient of features to targets and targets to targets; A: ash content; Fc: fixed carbon content; V: volatile matter content; t: reaction time; T: temperature; WC: water content; ER:
energy recovery; CR: carbon recovery; HHV: higher heat value; C_char: carbon content in hydrochar).

Fig. 5. Hyper-parameter tuning of (a) RF, (b) SVR, and (c and d) DNN (RF: Random forest; SVR: Support vector regression; DNN: Deep neural network).

plateaued under the condition of the maximum depth >2. There- 0.1 as dropout rate. The results of the tuned hyper-parameters for
fore, 10 trees with a maximum depth of 10 were adopted as the all the three models are presented in Table S6.
optimized hyper-parameters of RF. For the SVR model, the radial
basis function (rbf) possessed the best performance due to its 3.3. Validation of the optimized ML models with test data
lowest 10-fold cross-validated RMSE values as compared to the
linear and poly functions. The RMSE values decreased first and then A comparative evaluation among the three optimal models was
increased with the increasing value of the penalty parameter, while performed with the remainder one-tenth test data to evaluate their
they changed minimally with the elevation of epsilon values. prediction accuracy for the multi-task prediction of hydrochar
Therefore, the SVR model with rbf, 0.1, and 10, as the kernel func- characteristics. Moreover, single-task learning with the same
tion, epsilon value, and penalty parameter value, respectively, were hyper-parameters of each model was devised and compared with
set as the final parameters of the optimized model. For DNN, the multi-task learning. Both R2 and RMSE were determined as the
RMSE dropped initially, and then rose with the increasing number assessment criteria for the prediction accuracy of models. The value
of neurons and learning rate. The plausible reason was that too of R2 closer to 1.0 or the smaller RMSE value means a better accu-
many neurons in DNN could lead to overfitting on training data racy of prediction. As shown in Table S7 and Fig. 6, the multi-task R2
(Saxe and Berlin, 2016). Another result was that the RMSE value of RF was higher compared to that of the single-task for the pre-
decreased slightly with the number of hidden layers 2, and the diction of C_char, ER, CR, and H/C, while the single-task R2 for other
smallest RMSE was obtained when the dropout rate was 0.1. Hence, targets prediction was much higher (Table S7). However, the RF
the optimized hyper-parameters of DNN were 2 hidden layers models exhibited unsatisfied performance (Fig. 6a). Although the
equipped with 128 neurons in each with 0.001 as learning rate and performance of single-task prediction for RF could be improved
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928 7

Fig. 6. Prediction performance of (a) average R2 and (b) average RMSE for the eight targets in the three different optimized models (RF: Random forest; SVR: Support vector
regression; DNN: Deep neural network).

after tuning the hyper-parameters for each task one by one, this much longer and be more beneficial for carbon sequestration in soil
process was time-consuming and computationally expensive. For (Brassard et al., 2018). Based on the mean absolute percentage error
the optimized SVR model, all the R2 of multi-task were above 0.85 (MAPE) for testing dataset (Fig. 7), the DNN model exhibited an
(Table S7), and its average R2 was 0.90 which was significantly acceptable MAPE for the eight output targets (all less than 20%),
higher than that of single-task prediction. For the optimal DNN especially for the prediction of HHV, carbon content, and H/C ratio
model, the average R2 of single and multi-task prediction of the of hydrochar, of which the MAPE were below 10%. ML models as
optimized DNN model were 0.87 and 0.91, and the multi-task these, serve as important tool to determine various applications of
prediction performance was slightly better than SVR. Also, both hydrochar and evaluate the valuable resource recovery from HTC of
the SVR and DNN models with multi-task prediction exhibited a wet MSW before taking actions based on above accurate prediction
small mean RMSE (Fig. 6b). By comparing the three optimal models, values of hydrochar characteristics. To accentuate the application of
the DNN was the best owing to its highest R2 and lowest RMSE this work, towards a more practical implication, a software for the
value. Similar result was obtained by Date and Kikuchi who hydrochar properties prediction was developed so that the
investigated the metabolomics using various ML models (Date and outcome of the models could be readily understood by relevant
Kikuchi, 2018). experimental researchers (Fig. A1). One issue to be addressed is
Furthermore, Fig. 7 depicts the predicted values of the opti- that the robust prediction performance is still not good enough due
mized DNN model for each task versus the original experimental to the limited size of dataset, which is a universal limitation for
data in the form of scatter plots. The distributions of the percentage most of the ML works on this topic, as seen in Table 2. Furthermore,
error of the training and testing data to the predicted values are the developed ML models were static models because of the dataset
shown as an inset with scatter plots. A tight and compact cloud of attribute, and dynamic models can be developed if the related data
points around the 45-degree line and a higher relative frequency of is readily available. Additionally, the C degradation in soils is rela-
percentage error near zero indicated a strong and reliable predic- tive to the microbial community and activity, and the physico-
tion performance for the targets by the model. For the prediction of chemical properties of soil, e.g. pH, cation exchange capacity and
training data, the R2 of all the targets were as high as 0.99. porosity, which would be affected by physicochemical properties of
Furthermore, almost all the percentage error values of training data biochar (porous structure, functional groups, adsorption ability,
points for all the targets located at the range of 10%e10%, inferring organic matter mobility and so on) (Ahmad et al., 2014). These
that the optimized DNN model had an excellent prediction per- factors will be considered in future work to explore the half-life of
formance for the training dataset. However, the distribution of the carbon in soil with ML method.
plotted points for the test data was more scattered and the ranges
of percentage errors were greater, as compared to that of the 3.4. Analysis of feature importance based on DNN
training data. The R2 values for all targets were relatively smaller
and RMSE values higher compared to the training dataset. It indi- Permutation importance method was employed to determine
cated that the prediction performance of the DNN model showed a the feature importance for each target from optimal DNN model, as
slight attenuation for the test dataset. However, its accuracy of shown in Fig. 8. The temperature and N content played almost the
multi-prediction was competitive, as well as the size of dataset and same important role in the yield, ER and CR prediction owing to
the consideration of various types of high-moisture wastes and their close correlations with each other (Fig. 5). The temperature of
input features, as compared to some other related ML works on this HTC is a significant factor, because it affected the degree of thermal
topic (Table 2). degradation of waste, which further influenced the yield, ER, and
In detail, for the yield prediction, although a few data points CR of hydrochar (Danso-Boateng et al., 2015). However, as per this
were not concentrated on the 45-degree line (Fig. 7a), the R2 value study, the N content was another critical factor for the prediction of
of yield prediction was 0.90. The points of HHV and C_char were yield, ER and CR of hydrochar. This result may provide useful in-
gathered tightly (Fig. 7bec), and their R2 values were as high as sights to experimentalists in this field, to produce a high yield of
0.95. As can be seen, most of the predicted HHV values of hydrochar hydrochar with high energy and carbon recovery. From the above
were more than 10 MJ/kg, suggesting that most hydrochar could be results, the yield, ER, and CR depended on both properties of
used as fossil fuel substituent for heat or electricity generation feedstock (especially elemental composition), as well as the oper-
(Porteous, 2005). The R2 values for ER and CR prediction were 0.88 ational HTC conditions.
and 0.90 (Fig. 7dee), and the R2 for the H/C, O/C, and N/C pre- In terms of the prediction of the other two relevant targets, i.e.
dictions were 0.89, 0.91, and 0.89, respectively (Fig. 7feh). The HHV and C_char (Fig. 5), HHV is generally correlated to the carbon
hydrochar with both O/C and H/C ratio below 0.2 and 0.4 could stay content of hydrochar (Liu et al., 2019), and the trend of feature
8 J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928

Fig. 7. Multi-task predicted data versus the original experimental data based on the optimized DNN for (a) yield prediction, (b) energy recovery prediction, (c) carbon recovery
prediction, (d) higher heating value prediction, (e) carbon content in hydrochar prediction, (f) H/C atomic ratio prediction, (g) O/C atomic ratio prediction, and (h) N/C atomic ratio

importance to the two targets were quite similar. The carbon, feedstock might affect its decarboxylation and aromatization re-
hydrogen, and ash content of feedstock were the three most sig- action in the HTC process (Buss et al., 2019). In addition, the HTC
nificant features. The HHV of hydrochar was dominated by the process conditions, e.g. T, t, and WC, had slight impacts on the HHV
carbon and hydrogen content since almost all the heat was and C_char (Fig. 8). Hence, the HHV and C_char were mainly
generated by the oxidation of carbon and hydrogen (Yu et al., 2018). determined by the feedstock properties instead of operational
For the C_char, the carbon content of waste was the most significant conditions of HTC.
feature, and ash was another crucial factor. The ash content of As for the atomic ratio, temperature was identified as the most
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928 9

Table 2
Comparison of machine learning works on waste to resource systems with published work.

Waste conversion Types of feedstock Dataset Machine learning Model Type of Testing R2 References
process size task

Waste sorting Biomass and organic wastes 120 SVM Single >85% for Tao et al.
classification (2020)
Pyrolysis Biomass 264 Multiple linear regression Single 0.28 Tang et al.
264 RF Single 0.92 (2020)
137 Multiple linear regression Single 0.35
137 RF Single 0.94
Pyrolysis Algal 91 Extreme gradient boosting Single 0.84 Pathy et al.
Pyrolysis Biomass 538 RF Multi 0.45e0.87 Cheng et al.
Pyrolysis Biomass and organic wastes 245 RF Single 0.80e0.85 Zhu et al.
128 0.76e0.85 (2019a)
Pyrolysis Cattle manures 33 NN Single 0.80 Cao et al.
Least squares support vector machine Single 0.96 (2016)
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference with Social-Spider Single 0.98 Ewees et al.
Optimization (2017)
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference with Particle Single 0.98 Aziz et al.
Swarm Optimization (2017)
Pyrolysis Organic wastes 165 SVR Multi 0.92e0.97 (J. Li et al.,
RF Multi 0.75 2020)
HTC 248 SVR Multi 0.86e0.90
RF Multi 0.79
HTC Organic wastes 649 RF Single >0.90 (Li et al., 2020)
475 RF Single >0.90
HTC Organics 340 Multiple linear regression Single 0.63e0.79 Li et al. (2015)
Regression tree Single 0.63e0.88
HTC þ pyrolysis Straw 30 Linear Regression Single 0.098e0.99 Jiang et al.
SVR Single 0.98e0.99 (2019)
Random Forest Single 0.99
HTC Poultry litter 21 NN Multi >0.90 Ismail et al.
HTC Organic wastes 248 RF Multi 0.8e0.95 Li et al. (2019)
Hydrothermal Microalgae, crops/forest residues, and 800 Multiple linear regression Multi 0.16e0.60 Cheng et al.
treatment Organic wastes - Regression tree Multi 0.29e0.75 (2020b)
- RF Multi 0.70e0.90
HTC Food waste, sludge, and manure 248 RF Multi 0.55e0.91 This work
SVR Multi 0.88e0.96
NN Multi 0.88e0.95

Fig. 8. Feature importance to the eight output targets of the optimized DNN prediction (A: ash content; Fc: fixed carbon content; V: volatile matter content; t: reaction time; T:
temperature; WC: water content; ER: energy recovery; CR: carbon recovery; HHV: higher heat value; C_char: carbon content in hydrochar).

important feature for the H/C and O/C prediction. The groups process might lead to a reduction of oxygen and hydrogen in
containing H and O tend to disintegrate from the original molecular hydrochar (Danso-Boateng et al., 2015). The C, H, and O content in
structure of the feedstock via dehydration and decarboxylation in the feedstock were other important features for H/C and O/C pre-
the HTC reaction with temperature rising (Liu et al., 2019). This diction. In addition, the N content was the most dominating feature
10 J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928

for the prediction of N/C, which was far outweighed any other Table 3
features. Interestingly, the temperature had no obvious influence Pareto solutions of input variables and output targets based on the maximum fuel
properties (FP) and carbon capture and storage (CCS) stability.
on the N/C prediction. The reason for the result may be that most of
the N of feedstock was absorbed and remained in the hydrochar Items Pareto solution of maximum Pareto solution of maximum
(Toufiq Reza et al., 2018), and the C_char was not dominated by FP CCS

temperature as well. To sum up, the significant feature to predict H/ Sludge Food waste Manure Sludge Food waste Manure
C and O/C was temperature, and N content in the feedstock was the C (%) 51.20 61.94 46.40 51.20 61.94 46.40
most important for N/C prediction. H (%) 3.22 3.02 4.83 3.22 3.02 4.83
N (%) 9.58 11.47 3.20 5.27 8.11 3.20
O (%) 16.05 10.97 31.35 24.86 14.34 39.81
3.5. Post ML-based multi-objective optimization of hydrochar V (%) 69.82 72.55 73.21 76.98 75.42 81.51
properties Fc (%) 10.23 14.85 12.57 7.57 11.98 12.73
A (%) 19.95 12.60 14.21 15.45 12.60 5.76
t (min) 5.00 5.03 5.00 30.95 15.14 58.74
To achieve a desired hydrochar, the optimal DNN model, as a
T (oC) 221.00 286.71 204.51 298.58 328.15 329.99
bridge between input variables and output characteristics of WC (%) 75.00 75.00 75.02 87.78 96.15 75.06
hydrochar, was further employed to integrate with optimization Yield (%) 69.53 69.26 79.78 64.70 65.04 45.52
model for maximizing desired properties, and providing corre- HHV (MJ/kg) 28.09 35.90 20.66 26.79 34.12 24.91
ER (%) 103.89 111.28 94.21 95.56 106.50 70.56
sponding operational conditions for experiments. For the hydro-
C_char (%) 67.36 81.69 51.37 66.51 82.74 65.53
char as a fuel alternative, two of its essential fuel properties (FP), CR (%) 91.51 105.98 91.41 90.61 102.27 64.65
namely, HHV and ER, were maximized. The Pareto curves of HHV H/C 0.61 0.11 1.20 0.54 0.09 0.89
vs. ER of hydrochar from sludge, food waste and manure are O/C 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.02 0.00 0.16
depicted in Fig. 9a. It was observed that the maximum HHV and ER N/C 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.04

obtained from food waste were the highest, followed by sludge and
manure. It seemed deviant for the maximum ER over 100%, while it
was reasonable considering prediction errors of the ML model higher than these for the FP (Table 3). The chemical reactions,
caused by its lack of generalization ability. According to the Pareto including dehydration, decarboxylation, and demethylation were
solution for the input variables (Table 3), the C and H content were enhanced in the HTC process with higher values of operation
located on the upper boundary of the constrain, indicating that conditions, especially the T due to its significance to both atomic
higher contents of C and H in the feedstock would lead to better fuel ratios and CR (Fig. 8). This enhancement was beneficial to the car-
properties. This finding corroborated the earlier analysis of feature bon stability owing to its promotion of aromatization of hydrochar.
importance, as presented in Section 3.4, where C and H were In this study, based on the outcome of the ML-based optimization,
identified as the two most important features for HHV (Fig. 8). optimal formulation and its solutions were devised and identified
Besides, the Pareto solution for the N content and WC were also at to maximize FP or CCS stability of hydrochar. The insights derived
their boundaries because they were two most important factors for from the optimized models, could aid in presenting experimental
ER (Fig. 8). Moreover, the T needed to trade off to get the best FP of guidance to produce hydrochar with desired properties; while it
hydrochar from various high-moisture wastes, because T had a should be admitted that the lack of experiments verification for the
positive effect on HHV while negative impact on ER. Pareto solution from ML-based optimization is another limitation
For the application of hydrochar in soils for carbon sequestration for this work.
and soil remediation, its potential in terms of carbon capture and
storage (CCS) stability was considered. The C_char, CR, and atomic 4. Conclusions
ratios of the hydrochar were identified as objectives to indicate the
CCS stability for optimization. As depicted in Fig. 9b, the Pareto Multi-task prediction model and software with high accuracy of
curves exhibited the carbon capture vs. carbon storage stability of hydrochar properties prediction were developed, and successfully
hydrochar derived from different wastes based on multi-objective integrated with MOO model for optimizing the hydrochar proper-
optimization. The food waste served was the most promising ties. The optimal DNN model with 2 hidden layers (128 neurons on
feedstock to prepare a hydrochar with high CCS performance, pri- each), learning rate of 0.001 and dropout rate of 0.1 exhibited the
marily due to its highest C content and lowest H and O contents as highest accuracy for the multi-task prediction of the eight charac-
compared to sludge and manure (Fig. 8). In terms of operational teristics of hydrochar. The average R2 and RMSE of the optimized
conditions, the t, T, and WC for CCS maximization were much DNN model were 0.91 and 3.29, respectively, and the R2 for all the

Fig. 9. Pareto curves of (a) HHV vs. ER and (b) carbon capture vs. carbon storage stability of hydrochar derived from sludge, food waste and manure.
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 278 (2021) 123928 11

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