O'level Past Papers Geo June 2013-Nov 2019-1

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_— PECL OF HY 26C-10u4, (2248) ® ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY PAPER 2 2248/2 JUNE 2013 SESSION 2 hours 30 minutes ‘Additional materials: ‘Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer| paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Answer one question from each of Sections A, B and C and one other question from any section, Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question or part question. Insert 1 is for use with Question 9(b). ‘Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. This question paper consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, 32013. [Turn over @ziMsec 12013 Scanned with CamScanner (SLL) oP ° Section A (Physical Environment) ‘Answer at least one question from this section. (a) Fig. 1 shows part of a river channel. — flow erosion deposition Fig.1 () _Drawa labelled cross-section along the line PQ, indicating how the water flows across the channel. 65) (i) State three factors that influence deposition along a river channel. [3] (iii) Describe the changes likely to occur along the meandering river channel shown in Fig. 1 over a long period of time. (61 (b) State four ways in which human activites reduce the usefulness of rivers. [4] (©) Asan Arex Officer, what evidence would you give © people about the output output Explain which of the systems represents intensive and extensive farming. [6] (©) Asan Arex Officer, what arguments would you put forward for and against the continued use of agro-chemicals in agriculture? m z4an 1013 Scanned with CamScanner 9 regions of processing and manufacturing industries Equator. 6 Fig. 3 shows the main in Affica south of the Cabinda | Areas of processing and manufacturing activity Fig. 5 @ Describe the location of the areas of processing and manufacturing shown. 6) Gi) For a named industrial area in Africa south of the Equator, explain the factors that have influenced its development. ul 2482 013 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner ) 10 Fig. 6 shows three possible sites for the location of a food processing factory. Ady Raw material supply area MMM, Makes 1 mported raw material FF, B Possible locations of a new factory ==Main road links ++ Railways line Fig. 6 () State, with reasons, which of the sites Fy, Fz ot Fs is the best location for the processing factory. (4 (i) For each of the two sites rejected, give one reason for its unsuitability. Q] 24s n013 Scanned with CamScanner rt (@ Suggest why some African countries are experiencing a decline in industrial activity. 4) (ii) What measures can be put in place to reduce the problems stated in (©X{i) above? By Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section. Draw simple labelled diagrams to illustrate the following village settlement patterns: linear; dispersed and nucleated. (9) Fig. 7 shows the landuse zones of Gweru in Zimbabwe. t Fig. 7 () Describe the distribution of the landuse zones shown. 15] (i) Define the term urbanization. RI i determine iii) How would you carry out a geographical field study to : the sphere of influence of a retail shop in the city? fo} ‘Asa city planner, how would you solve problems created by squatter settlements? aan 2013 [Tara over Scanned with CamScanner 12 (8) Table 3 shows information about population in selected countries in Africa and Europe. Table 3 Region [Countries [Population | Birth rate per | Death rate) Life (thousand) | thousand per thousand | expectancy at birth (yrs) Africa | Group A Botswana | _1200 40 i 59 Namibia 1500 44 12 56 Swaziland [1800 46 15 50 Europe [Group B C ‘Denmark, 5100 12 12 75 Norway 4200 14 i 76 ‘Sweden 8500 14 im 77 (@ State the differences in population between Group A and Group B countries. 4) (H) Suggest two reasons for the differences stated in (a)(i) above. 221 (iii) Calculate the rate of natural increase of population for Botswana. oO ©) _—_Draw sketch diagrams to illustrate the possible age-sex structures of Namibia and Denmark. [4] (i) Why isit necessary for governments to have information on natural increase and life expectancy of populations in their C countries? B] (i) Explain why an increasing population may benefit country. [4] (© Asacommunity health worker in Zimbabwe, what reasons : rk ; would | sive to people to reduce their family sizes and how would the villavce defend their need for large families? | mn nen nos Sn { Scanned with CamScanner . 13 @ @ Draw a gj op le ¢ model of and the oe wich Mey, orate an and on it label the equator ii) Given that | local e cla eg oe alae London" longitude) is 8 am, \¢ longitude for the Places given Local time 8am. | 4am, : (4) ©) Fig. 8 (insert 1) shows a map of Zimbabwe, | @ — Drawin the TailWay route linking Mutare to Victoria Falls, [5] Gi) Explain en = €¥Pe of goods carried influences the choice of ‘transport mox B] (iit) Show how recent innovations in technology have improved transportation services, [4] (© @ Asa Minister of Trade, what problems would you put forward in Parliament as hindering trade among developing countries? [4 Gi) Suggest ways of improving the trade. BI 24872 2013 Scanned with CamScanner : Gees cneae cide, PCr TD One Sie Cre tcusere m2 t2 ce aaa oe @ ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 NOVEMBER 2013 SESSION Z 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. ‘Answer four questions. ‘Answer one question fom each of Sections A, B and C and one other question from any section. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] atthe end of each question or part question. Insert 1 contains Fig. 6 for use with Question 8(b). Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. This question paper consists of 11 printed pages, 1 blank page and an insert. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N2013. [Turn over @zIMsECN2013 Scanned with CamScanner 2 Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. * ©) (a) Table 1 shows weathering in three different climatic environments. Table 1 Climatic A B c environment Annual rainfall [50-250mm | 200- 180mm | 1 800-2 600 mm annual, | 8—20°C 15— 20° | 24-26°C Mae = Depth of upto2metres | upto 16 metres | up to 28 metres weathering \ (i) —_ Name the climatic environments represented by A, B and C. B) (ii) Identify and explain the dominant types of weathering at each of the climatic environments named above. ° (9] (&) — Onyour answer sheet, copy and complete Table 2 below. Table 2 Rock type Example of rock type —_| Use of the rock Ty 2, (6) (© As the head of the Civil Protection Unit in a country experiencing earthquakes, () ~ what measures would you put in place to reduce the effects of the earthquakes? 1c (ii) what problems are you likely to face in implementing the measures stated in (c)(i) above? B) naan n2013 Scanned with CamScanner REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE some | ome = POPULATION CENSUS, AUGUST 2002 et ARR at = H/i]stis =|" Serial Number tt oom a [3 sm hn Fig. 6 Question 8(b) 224822013 Iver | ‘ar ert ene on at quetenn eke Scanned with CamScanner oo (@) ) © 3 (i) Match the following weather elements with instruments used to measure them: Elements: wind speed, wind direction, humidity and atmospheric pressure Instruments: hygrometer, wind vane, barometer and cup anemometer (4) (ii) Outline the characteristics of the Mediterranean climate. B) Fig. 1 shows global monthly mean temperatures for the period 1860 — 1997 and 1998. a [Tainan ofa eye 1860-1997 _EE 008 Increase over 1860-1997 mean (°C) san Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Month Fig. 1 @ Describe the trends shown for 1998. (4) (ii) State the problems associated with the temperature trends shown in Fig. 1. B) (iii) Foreach of the two periods, state the months which recorded the highest and lowest temperatures respectively. 4) Suggest measures which farmers and industrialists could take to reduce the effects of climate change. 7 ag [Turn over e = > Scanned with CamScanner 3 w Photograph A shows an ecosystem in a rural area o| _ 4 yf Zimbabwe. Photograph A (b) (©) Acknowledgement: The Herald () Identify any four different inputs of the ecosystem shown. rea] (ii) Describe and explain how human activities have interfered with the ecosystem shown, cy (iii) What would be the effects of a veld fire sweeping across the ecosystem shown on Photograph A? BI (iv) — Suggest measures that can be taken to reduce the negative effects of veld fires on ecosystems. a Describe how parkland savanna vegetation has adapted to the environment. ; a Propose benefits of tree planting to the physical environment, B) 224g N2013 Scanned with CamScanner 5 Section B (Economic Geography) Answer at least ome question from this section. (@) —()_—_ Using an example, define the term bio-fuel. 3) (ii) State two advantages and two disadvantages of using bio-fuel. [4] Gil) Ifyou were a ZESA official, what measures would you suggest to save electricity in homes? What problems are likely to be encountered in implementing these measures? m (b) _' Fig. 2 shows the occurrence of rock strata rich in iron ore. —-) a) ome) wn Key. t- Houses cy - Cemetery Fig.2 () Name the mining method one would use to extract the mineral. Give a reason for your answer. . 2) (ii) Drawa fully labelled diagram showing the mining scene of the mineral shown in Fig. 2. fu} Using evidence from Fig. 2, what would the people living in the area be compensated for? (2) naan n203 [Turn over ba L Scanned with CamScanner eS SE 6 (®) State any two objectives of Zimbabwe's latest Land Reform Programme. 2) (i) Outline the differences in farming before and after the latest Land Reform Programme. [5 (b) _ Fig. 3 shows factors influencing a mixed farmer. VZZ, M Fig. 3 With reference to cropping and livestock rearing, use Fig. 3 to produce the farmer’s calendar of activities. ~ ty (©) Suggest problems and solutions to the marketing of cotton in Zimbabwe. [7] | 22482 N2O13 ~~ Scanned with CamScanner (6) @® @ Explain the rise in tourist arrivals to Zimbabwe since 2010, [4] = (Hi) Outline any three problems faced by the tourism industry of Zimbabwe, GB) | (b) Photograph B shows a tourist attraction in Zimbabwe. Photograph B Acknowledgement: Newsday (@ Name the tourist attraction shown, 0) (ii) - Describe the scene shown on the photograph, ‘ 4] 2248/2 N2013 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner © activities 8 (iii) Justify the existence of one named service industry associated rl with attractions such as the one shown on Photograph B. Fig. 4 shows changes in commercial and industrial activities in the city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. No of | | | 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Time in years —_____, Fig. 4 () Describe and explain the changes shown. 4] (i) As Minister of Industry and Commerce, what measures would you put in place to increase the industrial activities in Bulawayo to 2007 levels? (a What challenges are you likely to face in implementing the measures stated in (c)(ii) above? B) naeen woos Scanned with CamScanner Reet cor coaers eeerecceeeee eee ee secs eec insect Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section. OQ (@) Using examples, describe the differences between rural and urban settlements. (7) (b) Fig. 5 shows some of the City of Harare’s landuse zones. cep F @ Suburban shopping nae centre ens vas — Main road +4 Railway Glen Municipal boundary ‘\ Norah . 0 km eee ‘PGC Proposed Golf Course Fig.5 22482 2013 [Turn over oe Scanned with CamScanner © @ (b) © 10 (@ State the advantages and disadvantages of shopping at indicated 7 suburban shopping centres. Gi) The area marked PGC has been set aside for the development ofa golf course. State the factors that favour the site. 4] The City of Kadoma was seriously hit by cholera in 2009 resulting in the death of many people. @ Asthe Health Superintendent ofthe city, what programmes would you put in place to prevent a repeat of the deadly situation? (4) (i) What problems are you likely to face in implementing these 5 programmes? B) Zimbabwe carries out a population census every ten years. @ Define population census. R) Gi) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of conducting a population census. [5] Fig. 6 (Insert 1) shows an instrument used in carrying out a population census in Zimbabwe in 2002. @ State the name of the instrument and the officer who administers - it. . (2) (i) Identify three main characteristics the instrument seeks to find out > and give two examples of each. ro Refugees are driven away by problems in their countries of origin but also create problems in countries of their destination. (© Asasefugee officer, suggest how problems created by refugees in receiving countries could be solved. (4) (i) What challenges would be faced in trying to solve these probleins? B) 22an2 N2013 Scanned with CamScanner un 9 — (@)__ Define the terms bilateral trade and multi-lateral trade. a (®) What are the benefits of regional economic groupings suchas SADC? —_[3] (©) Photograph C shows one of Zimbabwe's transport systems. Photograph C Acknowledgement: N.T, Gocha et al (Describe the scene in the photograph 6) [Name two other sources of energy used by ths transport system i) Sher than the one shown on Photograph C. ] (iy Describe the nature and eauses of changes that have taken place in the transport system shown. (4 (@ —@ _Suagest solutions 0 the problems faced by Air Zimbabwe. “4 (i) What challenges are likely tobe met in solving these problems? [3] | ewrna018 Scanned with CamScanner Xf eommnent School of excallency OF HELO Goupales) - ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS (COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level ~ GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 JUNE 2014 SESSION Zhours 30 minutes Additional materials: Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer) paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. ‘Answer one question from each of Sections A, B and C and one other question from any section, Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. Ifyou use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES “The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question or part question. ‘Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. euisisec rows [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner lout angie @) ) © Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. Describe the processes of physical weathering @) __inareas experiencing a hot dry climate, 4] Gi) on exposed mountain summits experiencing temperature fluctuations around 0°C. By) Fig. | shows part of a river course. Fig.1 (Name the features marked X and Y i Need and deseribe how they are (81 i) Drawa labelled cross section along line P-Q. BI Suggest measures which may be taken to reduce the problems of @ siltation, and (i) pollution in rivers, (7 awn now Scanned with CamScanner (a) (b) © @) (b) 3 Draw a labelled diagram to show a rain gauge. 4] @ (i) Describe how the instrument is used to measure rainfall, [4] iti) What precautions are taken to ensure accurate measurements of rainfall? B) (Explain the term global warming. 2 (ii) Outline the causes and effects of global warming. {5} Suggest measures to solve the problem of climate change. n (Define the terms autorroph and omnivore. (4) (ii) Whatis the role of vegetation in an ecosystem? 83] Photograph A shows an ecosystem. @ @ (iii) PHOTOGRAPH A scien Mrs R. Mugwanda Name the ecosystem shown. u] Describe the features of the ecosystem shown, 65) Explain how the vegetation has adapted to the environmental conditions in the ecosystem shown, [3] nea nos [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner © @ cc) 4 ‘As a delegate at a United Nations Conference on the World Environment, what points would you raise on the global effects of deforestation? 4 Suggest solutions to reduce the effects raised in(c) j) above, [3] _ 28a 2014 Scanned with CamScanner (a) ) © @ Gi) 5 Section B (Economic Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. State the outputs of tropical rainforests. BI Explain why tropical rainforests are difficult to exploit (4) Photograph B shows a mining scenery, Gi) @ i) PHOTOGRAPH B Acknowledgement: Mrs R. Mugwanda Describe the scenery shown. 6) _Explain the effects of such mining on the physical environment. (4) State two processes that are likely to cause changes on this landscape. a ‘What measures would you suggest to reduce the impact of mining on the physical environment? a What problems are you likely to encounter in implementing these measures? BI ‘Rashor cai a __a Scanned with CamScanner (a) With reference to a plantation crop you have studied, (name the area of production, i Ry! i) outline the factors that have influenced the production of the crop in the area. 6) (b) Fig. 2 shows the layout of two farms A and B. L Farm A. Farm B Fig.2 (@® State, with reasons, the farming system practised on Farms A and B. (4) (i) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the farming system practised on Farm B? f 282 014 (4) Scanned with CamScanner a (ii) What environmental problems are likely to be associated with the farming on Farm A? BI (©) AsMinister of Agriculture, what recommendations would you make to increase agricultural production in your country? (4) i) What challenges are likely to be faced in the process? BI 6 (a) Zimbabwe has experienced an increase in the informal industry in recent years. a What are the differences between formal and informal industry? [4] cH) ‘What are the advantages of the informal industry? (3) (6) Photograph C shows a tourist attraction in Zimbabwe. @ Gi) (ai (iv) PHOTOGRAPH C What is the attraction to this area? 2 ‘What economic benefits can be derived from the attraction shown? [3] Name two areas where the photograph may have been taken, [2] ‘What steps may be taken to safeguard this attraction and what conflicts may arise from such measures? i) avn 2014 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner (© — (i) Whatarguments would you present for the indigenisation of industries in Zimbabwe? 4 Gi) What challenges have been met in trying to implement the policy? (3) 22482 2014 Scanned with CamScanner Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) ‘Answer at least one question from this section. 7 @_ @__ Withthe help of examples, explain what is meant by one of the following: satelite town; primate city. B) (i) Describe the characteristic features of the industrial land use zone ofa town. (4] (b) Fig. 3 shows a rural settlement pattern, _— = = Buildings — Fig.3 (i) Describe and explain the settlement pattern shown. (3) (ii) Draw diagrams to illustrate any two other settlement patterns ‘common in rural areas, (6 nawanows {Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 10 (©) Asatown planner, what arguments would you present for the development of suburban shopping centres? 7 8 (a) __ Fig. 4 shows age-sex structures for two regions A and B. A 15% Male Female 10% Male Gd Female 60% 4 50% 1 18 Yeas > TS Years = | 25% mo ° Total population Fig. 4 (Describe and explain the differences between the population structures shown. [6] (i) Give one example of a country represented by each of the graphs. [2] i (ii) Draw pie chart to show the age structure of region A. BI () State the causes and effects of rapid population growth in developing countries. m (© As Minister of Health, what health programmes would you put in place to control population growth in your country? m 22482 note Scanned with CamScanner u 9 (a) Outline modern developments in world road transport. m (b) Fig. 5 shows the railway system of AMtica. (i) Describe and explain the railway network shown, ol (ii) Name the routes marked 1 and 2 and explain their importance to the economies of the SADC countries. [5] (©) There has been an increase in the movement of haulage traffic on Zimbabwe's roads in recent years, With reference to a specific route, highlight the problems associated with such increases and suggest 7 solutions to them. sian noe —" Scanned with CamScanner iam —— - ee 4 1p Qn Bement omy WLaoy (Pee. gee) fe © ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL t General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level ' GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 NOVEMBER 2014 SESSION 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: ‘Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions, Answer one question from each of Sections A, B and C and one other question from any section, Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ at the end of each question or part question. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. ‘This question paper consists of 16 printed pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N2O14 ©ZIMSEC N2014 {Tarn over Scanned with CamScanner 2 Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. 1 (@) (State the main difference between weathering and erosion, Fy (ii) Copy and complete the table about weathering shown below. Table 1 Mechanical ‘Chemical weathering Biological weathering weathering Example ‘Examples Example 1 1 caused by GB) (6) @ Fig. 1 shows two drainage patterns A and B. Fig.1 Describe and explain the drainage patterns shown, (6) 22 yaois Scanned with CamScanner (i) Fig. 2 shows two plates moving away from each other at the mid-Atlantic ridge. © Direction of plate movement Plate Boundaries ‘Areas of newly formed rocks on seabed Draw a labelled cross section to show the processes and landforms along line X-Y. (5) As a worker under the Environmental Management Agency, (@ what will you tell people about the dangers of living in an area likely to experience voleanic hazards? 4) (ii) what measures would you suggest to cope with the volcanic hazards? 8) nanwon [Turn over 1 | Scanned with CamScanner 4 2 (a) _Fig.3 shows two instruments used to measure weather elements, Instrument P Instrument S wick in abottle containing water | Fig. 3 t Table 1 { I Wet-bulb depression (°C) | 0 T 2 3 a 3 | Drybub| % | % | % | % | % % ! Z25C 25151003) 908) ea R27 [ne 73 oe aes] ae | 2ec_ | 100 [91 | | 4 | os | ae | 26°C [100 | 91 | 83 | 75 | 67 | | 2sc | 10 [sis >-s| 76 | 68 | ces | () Name instrument P and the parts labelled Q and R. BI (ii) Describe how instrument P is used. 4 (lii) With reference to instrument S, what are the temperature readings for the dry and wet bulb thermometers? (2) 22ayr.na014 Scanned with CamScanner (b) © = (iv) in Fig 3 together with Table 1 to work ity. You mst describe how you got your 2] For either the tropical rainforest or the savanna climate, () describe opportunities and problems for human activities. m (ii) suggest possible solutions to the problems identified in (b) (i) above. As a weather expert, suggest measures that can be taken to deal with the effects of tropical cyclones. (4) aetna N2014 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner @) b) Table 2 and Fig. 4 illustrate the climate and vegetation of a place in Africa, What is a wetland? State the benefits of conserving wetlands, Table2 Jan Feb [Mar [Apr | May | Jun [Jul | Aug’ | Sept | Oct Temperature | 26 26/25 1/23 [20 17 [17 [19 [22 [26 Rainfall s2.]38 fis [6 [3 [2 fi [7 [22 @ di) Gif) Drawa In which hemisphere is the place found? Describe the vegetation shown in Fig. 4 and explain how it is influenced by the climate shown in Table 2. (6) Suggest how people may cause the environment shown in Fig, 4 to deteriorate. What are the likely consequences of such deterioration? m1 labelled diagram to show the profile of a mature soil. (4) z2aan n2014 Scanned with CamScanner (b) 7 Section B (Economic Geography) Answer at least one question fom this section. (What isa natural resource? 2 (i) Complete Table 3 below. Table 3 Resource Renewable/Non renewable | Reason for classification ‘Water Timber Diamond [6] Fig. 5 shows how the greenhouse effect works. Little radiation heat escapes 1.CFCs { fridges aerosols combustion of oil and coal a { vehicles, deforestation refuse; animals; simethane (Fe cl Fig. 5 (i) Whatis the greenhouse effect? Ql (i) How do human activities contribute to the greenhouse effect? _[4] nannao [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner Gil) (©) Theestablishment of mines in an area can bring benefits and hardships to people settled there. What, in your view. are the likely benefits and hardships faced? Fig. 6 shows areas where nomadic herding by the Fulani takes place. @ @ Gi) Gi) (iv) 8 Describe the greenhouse effect on the environment. Nomadic 8 Northern extent of tsetse fly Area infested mM with tsetse fly Fig.6 What is nomadic herding? State the outputs of nomadic herding. Using information from Fig. 6 only, describe the environment in which the Fulani herd their cattle. (5) Identify two problems faced by the Fulani people. 2) aan 2014 Scanned with CamScanner (>) Fig. 7 shows the changes on a farm between 1980 and 2009. Woodland Footpath & Grass -FgPoiatoes Gr eons Fig. 7 Describe the changes which have taken place. 6) (©) Asa Minister of Agriculture, suggest measures you would take to reduce the effects of droughts in your country. Mm (a) @)_ Define the term manufacturing industry. i} (ii) Fora named manufacturing industry in Southem Africa you have studied, draw a labelled sketch map to show its position in relation to markets, sources of raw materials and transport. (5) (iii) What are the problems that may be caused by the concentration ‘of manufacturing industries in one area? 15] aaa. Na2014 Scanned with CamScanner (b) Coc ‘conveyon Residential Area Ghana Publishing Warehouses Corporatioi Marshalling Shipping Offices my /| Tema 10 Fig. 8 shows some features of Tema port in Ghana. ‘To Akosombo HEP Plant © eas K ga a == fale U => Fig. 8 Using Fig. 8, identify and explain the location of service industries. As a Minister of Environment and Tourism, suggest the benefits and problems that may be experienced by the residents of an area in which a major tourist resort has been developed z2san rao Scanned with CamScanner {6 m u Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section. (@) Fig. 9 shows a rural settlement in Zimbabwe, Key Bare rock — Major A Huts =Buildings ©) gutaccs” — twas” {Rivers 2} Fig. 9 (®) —_ Whatis meant by site and situation of a settlement? (4) (i) Describe and explain the patter of settlement shown in Fig. 9. [5] (iii) What are the general reasons for the establishment of growth points in Zimbabwe? BI maaan na014 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 12 (b) Photograph A shows part of an urban settlement. Photograph A Acknowledgement: K.L Matongera (Describe the scene in the photograph, 4] (ii) Identify any two services shown in the photograph, 2 (©The rapid growth of urban settlements has created many problems for urban administrators. What, in your view, are some of these problems and how would you solve them? a zane n2014 Scanned with CamScanner Scariest esrareesereereeeeraen 1B (a) @ State reasons for thei inti i couris inten ein i expectaney in sme Cae Gi) In what ways can ine ene and disadvantanes fees life expectancy produce advantages, developing countries? (4) (b) Fig. 10A shows the population density ia and Fi economic activities in the county. ee ZAMBIA: POPULATION DENSITIES At Tinganyia . 3 >, per sq.km Dense Urban >50 Dense Rural 6-50 a] Sparse Rural 2-5 Almost uninbabited <2 ~. International Boundary} 400 Fig. 104 awennno [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 14 ZAMBIA: ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES TANZANIA Kariba (HEP) i MBABWE Livingstone 5 km 400 Key FA banat (Tsetse and aridity) Copper Commer! Fates o ited Sate Seon 4 Goa = Inert Boundary 1 _Aimiisrton Cone Fig. 10B (i) Use Figs.10A and 10B to describe and explain the distribution of population in Zambia. 7 (ii) Draw a labelled diagram of a population pyramid of a country in stage 2 of the demographic transition model. 4] (©) — @_—_ What arguments would you put forward to support the view that there is an imbalance between population and resources in your country? 4] (ii) What measures could be taken to reduce this imbalance? B) 22482 2014 eT TE Scanned with CamScanner (a) (b) 15 Table 4 shows exports for country P, i (ii) ‘Table 4 Using information from Table 4, calculate the percentage contribution of commodity X. PI Name and draw a diagram to scale to illustrate the information given in Table 4, (6) Fig. 11 shows a cartoon, Foreign ship eo (&) Capital city Fig. 11 What is the cartoonist suggesting? GB) (i) How have Non-Governmental Organisations improved the quality of life of people in the rural areas in Zimbabwe? (4) Gi) For any economic grouping in Africa you have studied, outline its aims. GB) soar snong [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 16 (@) Asa Transport Minister, what measures would you recommend to the > government to improve air transport in your country and what problems 4 are you likely to encounter in implementing these measures? a » y ‘ ) 224822 N2014 Scanned with CamScanner Proeminent_ory netccou., PROF REI) ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 JUNE 2015 SESSION 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: ‘Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer] paper/answer booklet, Answer four questions. ‘Answer one question from each of Sections A, B and C and one other question from any section. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question or part question. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. “This question paper consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, 12015. \ czmmsec ois [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 2 Seetion A (Physieat Environment) from this section. ‘Answer at least one question mountains to people. iG} Cutline the benefits and problems of fold @) laies for North and South America. (b) Fig, 1 shows plate bound Key Fold mountains + Direction of plate movements — Plate boundaries ‘Areas of newly formed rocks on seabed (@) What type of plate boundary is shown along line ¥ ~ 2? 0 Gi) Draw a labelled diagram to show the main features ofthe plate boundary along line ¥ - Z. 6) Describe and explain the main processes taking place at this plate boundary. (5) ‘Suggest measures you would take to assist people affected by provesses along destructive plate boundaries. ml © 224622015, ee e Scanned with CamScanner (a) @)_ Define the term air mass. @l (ii) State the characteristics of the following air masses: 1, Tropical continental, 2. Polar maritime. 4 | (ii) Explain one way in which deforestation modifies weather. a (b) Table 1 below shows readings taken from a school weather station. Table 1 Date Temperature °C Wind. Rain | Pressure | Cloud Dec. [Max. [Min. [Dry | Wet | Direction [Force |mm | mb cover | bulb__| bulb (knots) 1 [30 [15 [245 [220 | E 3 4_| 1006 [6 2 [29 | 1492.5 [19,5 | SE 4 | 20 [900 1 | 3 31_| 15.5 | 25.0 | 23.0 E 2 15 905 |e 4 137.0 [15.0 | 22,0 | 19,0 | _ ESE 3 15 | 1000 | Calculate the mean daily temperature for the 4" of December. [2] (i) Describe the weather experienced on the 2" of December. (5) (© @_ Drawa fully labelled diagram to illustrate the formation of orographic rainfall. (4 i) Suggest the advice you would give to people so as to minimise the effects of droughts and floods in your area. mn nanos [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 4 3 @ —@ Define the term biomass, @) 2) Describe the main characteristics of the rainforest ecosystem. [5] ©) Study Fig. 2 which shows changes in an ecosystem. ana key PP ec — population Fig.2 Describe and explain the changes that have occurred between Stages 1 and 2. a nasa nos er pe mm Scanned with CamScanner © @) ) © 3 ‘As an official of the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) in Zimbabwe, what points would you raise on @ the benefits of using controlled veld fires? (i) the problems associated with causing uncontrolled veld fires in the environment? Section B (Economie Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. @ Outline the advantages and disadvantages associated with the shaft mining method. (i) Why are tropical hardwoods difficult to extract for commercial purposes? Table 2 shows production of electricity from two major sources in five countries by percentage in 1995, Table2 Country Percentages of total production from the sources ‘Thermal HEP. Ghana 10 90. Libya 100 0 Egypt 9 21 Mozambique 12 88 Zimbabwe 61 39. @ —_Drawa bar graph to scale to show the pattern of electricity production in the five countries. (ii) Describe the pattern of electricity production shown in Table 2. Gold panning has become quite common in Zimbabwe in the recent past. (@ Asa government official, what would you say are the major benefits and problems associated with this practice? (i) Suggest ways of reducing the problems stated in (c)(i) above. 2248/2 12015, ies (4) Bl (6) (5] (4) B) [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner TEN ELL @) () Fig. 3 shows the distribution of beef cattle in Zimbabwe. 6 @® State the difference between intensive and extensive farming systems. R) Gi) Give any three processes and any two outputs from a cattle ranch. (5] 1 dot represents 20 000 cattle Fig. 3 Describe and explain the distribution of the beef cattle shown, a 2aan nots Scanned with CamScanner 7 (©) Table 3 shows Zimbabwe's production of tobacco from 1992 to 1996, Table 3 Year | Production in tonnes (approx) 1992 900 1993 1100 1994 13 200 1995 3 600 1996 8500 Describe the trends shown. (4) @ Asan official in the Ministry of Agriculture in Zimbabwe, @ what measures would you put in place in order to increase agricultural production in the communal lands? (ii) what challenges are you likely to face in implementing your measures? m 6 @ What do you understand by the term foot loose industries? RI (i) Give reasons why some Zimbabwean industries are closing down. [5] (ii) As an official in the Ministry of Industry in Zimbabwe, what ‘measures would you put in place in order to reduce problems experienced by industries in the country? m 224sn nois [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 8 (©) Fig. 4 shows the structure of a blast furnace. Raw materials coke limestone and Fig. 4 © On your answer sheet, state what is represented by the numbers 1,2,3 and 4. ic} (i) Describe how iron ore is smelted in the blast furnace, (3) iii) State any two uses of the products from the blast furnace. rR aus mois Scanned with CamScanner Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section. 7 @)— @_ Define the term urbanisation. 2) (Give reasons why the government of Zimbabwe embarked on the policy of establishing growth points in the country. 6) ©) © Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate the structure ofa radial rural settlement pattern, 8] Gi) Fig. 5 shows changes in the layout of a port between 1930 and 1985, Ca) Fem land ~~ ——— Railway Salt marsh Fig.5 Describe and explain the changes shown, (3] © Many urban area in Zimbabwe are experienci problems of polluti crime and shortage of houses, - me ‘Suggest how such problems can be solved, ™ zaanois [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 10 @ @ State the difference between internal and international migration, [2] Gi) With reference to rural-urban migration in Zimbabwe, outline the effects of such movement in the source areas. 65] (b) Fig. 6 shows migration of people in Southern Africa in the early 1990s. E> Flow of migration Thickness of arrow shows the volume of migration Fig. 6 () Describe and explain the volumes of migration shown. m Scanned with CamScanner u a) Fig. 7 shows i 8: 7shows changes in a given population over time, Stay a ae Stage2 Stage 3 Stage 4 i ine eh Auctuating Early expanding Late expanding Low fluctuating Fig.7 Describe and explain the’population changes in stages 3 and 4. [4] (©) Malaria kills many people in Zimbabwe every year, especially in the rural areas. @ —Asapublic health officer, what measures would you put in place to minimise loss of life from this disease? a (ii) What problems are you likely to face in implementing the measures stated in (c)() above? BI rasan 2018 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner ' | 2 (@) State two. developments that have taken place in the railway transport system in Zimbabwe. Q GH) What are the major problems facing railway transport in Zimbabwe? (5) (8) Photograph A below shows a mode of transport used in Zimbabwe Photograph A Acknowledgement: KL. Matongera (@ What problems are likely to be associated with this mode of transport? "4 Gi Suggest solutions to the problems stated in (bY) above 6) nawrois Scanned with CamScanner sererrereeses ee 13 (ii) Fig. & shows the average week day flow of motor vehicles in a 00 00; 0 0: 0 0: 0: 0 7 4 [ © E_ ony quEdeu (Nic) (a2'ta/o2)(ARoF R&B) fe ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 NOVEMBER 2015 SESSION 2 hours 30 minutes ‘Additional materials: Answer paper, TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your,name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Answer one question from ‘each of Sections A, B and C and one other question from any section. ‘Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question or part question. ‘Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer, This question paper consists of 12 printed pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N2015, exmsecnaois [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner \ yh Vie Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. 1 (8) ()_Deefine the term hydraulic action with reference to the processes that occur in a river channel. 2) Gi) Describe the processes that lead to the formation of a river cliff and a slip-off slope. fe] (b) Figs. 1A and 1B show the same area before and afier a volcanic eruption. Before the eruption N >» Fishing port | Port. Port fates ‘ | Key: —— Roads Buildings 2~ Contours in metres Farmland Volcanic ash and lava 22482 Na015 Scanned with CamScanner hog () Name the feature ofthe area that has remained unchanged after the eruption, 1) (ii) Describe the effects of the eruption on the physical features and human activities of the area. (6) (©) Drawa labelled diagram ofa composite volcano, (4) (@) What arguments can be put for and against establishing a settlement near a desert area? a 2aaaa waois [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 4) 2 (a) _ Fig. 2 shows the climatic graph of a town in Africa. 40 mean maximum 35 ma temperature ie g 23 8 20 E mean minimum| ig temperature 200 10 180 £ 160 140 120 100 E 80 g 60 2 49 20 of 7°F M AM J J A SO ND Fig.2 () __Inwhich hemisphere is this town located? Give reasons for your answer. B) (i) How much rain fell in the month of August? a (iii) What was the highest temperature reached during the year? tt) (iv) What was the mean range of temperature in December? 2) esa nanis evan ‘ pon mor Qe 22 TAS eee (F ~~~~Seanned with CamScanner (b) © @ @) ) © 5 Draw a labelled diagram of a wind vane. 14) Describe the conditions under which relief and conventional rainfall ‘occur. a As an environmentalist, suggest why the green house effect should be of concern to people. m @ Define the terms primary consumer and trophic level as used in ecosystem studies. 2] (ii) Describe the characteristics of the savanna vegetation and explain how it is adapted to the climate. (3) Fig. 3 shows features of the tropical rainforest vegetation, (Using information fom Fig. 3 only, describe the main features of the tropical rainforest vegetation. (6) (i) How would the vegetation structure change after the destruction of the rainforest? [5] Suggest the causes of pollution of either the atmosphere or land. Recommend measures to control the problem. a — {Turn over Scanned with CamScanner ase ae Section B (Economic Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. (@) Name any two countries in West Africa that have valuable tree species for hardwood timber. 2 (ii) What factors influence the exploitation of timber from the commercial forests in the countries named in (a)(i) above? [5] (&) (As amining commissioner, suggest measures you would put in place for the sustainable management of minerals in your country. [4] (i) What difficulties are you likely to face in implementing the measures stated in (b)(i) above? G3) (©) Fig. 4 shows changes in the importance of different types of power stations in a country between 1960 and 2000. Electricity generated ( in 19701975 1990 nuclear power stations E24 hydro-electric power stations [BB srermal power stations (using fossil fuels) Fig. 4 22san vais Scanned with CamScanner @) &) © 7 (Describe the changes in the importance of the different types of power stations for this country. (3) Gi) Draw a bar graph to show the electricity generated by the different sourees in 2000, (6) On your answer sheet, complete the table below about cattle ranching as a farming system. Inputs Processes Outputs O Wo @® OQ @ Ww Gi) Gi) a] (Draw a map to show an irrigation scheme you have studied in Zimbabwe. (6 (ii) Explain why irrigation is mainly concentrated in the area shown on your map, 15) As a member of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation seeking to introduce mechanisation to farmers, suggest the advantages and disadvantages of the use of modem agricultural machinery on farms. [7] 2asaa n2015 [Turn over _——___—d Scanned with CamScanner Explain the term informal sector as used in the economy of a @® @ country. 6 &e Describe the characteristics of the informal sector in Zimbabwe. Gi Southern y in it Fig. 5 illustrates a model of industrial location within a i Africa. ) (6 (51 ZLLCAC TLIO OOOO OOO OL, AAC, Nee eee eee tote e ebb’ ROLE L221 0999995900550 COOLED eee ooo oOo Cobo ee RAO ee OEE GFF b oo CULO TT Ot ot 0 Ott CEO OB eee tot 0 bbe LOCC OBe TT G6 060555 LLL QO OCCT to bb Ot bbb bs COE COTE Oto b bbb Cn GEOG GGG tt bs CA, LOO t Ob bbb te Ce, nnn tts AAA OOO LOLA LOCC OT ODOC CCGA LOCO OOO TOO EE: LOOT Be Oto t tb ebb oto o tobe: COCR OT OCTET Gt Ot OF oto be MMOLE COOOL CODCOD OTD TED OG Ott OT OOO LO COO C Otto eG tot Oot eb bE CAAA OTL OO Fig. 5 ase 201s State two types of manufacturing or processing industries you would expect to find at each of the locations 1, 2 and 3. For each of the industries you have stated in (b)(i) above, give reasons for your choice of location. @ (i) Scanned with CamScanner © (@) 9 A . ihe g en alocal business community, suggest problems faced by oa of Zimbabwe in implementing strategies for industrial 7 Sectic 5 ‘on C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section. @ State any three functions of rural settlements. BI Wh at factors favour nucleation of rural settlements? (4 mags nao1s [Turn over el Scanned with CamScanner 10 (b) Fig. 6 shows a rural settlement in Zimbabwe at a scale of 1: 50 000. 8 mg 20 aT 22 1B ry E at MAG MaKwino, ZIMBABWE 1:50,000 oo | Publlaned by Surveyor General, Znibabwe, inst L_"™__} Road —— taker app gcse cy Minor rood Pe ‘Contour line (height im metres) ——~1259——" Tack ms Spot ige (mars) sm udgs one ap wrvey rd oe 8 Winer o Dam and Waserepurin =—— Fig. 6 nauan navi Scanned with CamScanner © @ @) b) © ak 5] Describe and explain the settlement patterns shown. sh Draw a labelled di, diagran structure of acity, of the multiple nuclei model to illustrate the What, in your view, " fail to are the rea: own houses? ‘sons Why many people in towns and cities @ Using an e; xample, explain the term femporary migration. 2) (ii) State the positi ate the positive and negati migration on the a of large-scale international Fig. 7 shows changes in bi Pe ong ann . in birth and death rates in a developing country 60 50 w 38 Birth and death rates y Ss per 1000 per year 3 0 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 ‘Years Fig.7 () What could have been the reasons for the decline in the birth rate in the country from the 1960s? wth rates in ges in the natural population gro a 1900 to 2000. t (6) (ii) Describe the chant this country from reduce high . Tu} Asa planning officer, suggest how your government rates of natural population grow" [Tura over anaara N2015 Scanned with CamScanner (b) © 2 Fig. 8 shows the directions of international trade of the European Union. © ror total EU import 5] % of tot EU exports Sewree: deed fom M brick ak. Emvronnrt ad popl (Staley Thomas) 1398 Fig. 8 (Describe and explain the pattem of trade shown. (3) \ (ii) How do the less economically developed countries benefit , from increasing their trade with the European Union countries? —_(3] () Define the term debr crisis, Q1 i) _ Explain why some developing countries get into debt. (5] As a Minister of Transport, suggest problems that are associated with the development of transport in your country. m aan wis Scanned with CamScanner — Fa) CME TR SOR ep Te) 2 2eommemmnas PERMEATE Poor pre =) ORY HLL eY (? be pontienwne/ (Cr) ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level \ GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 JUNE 2016 SESSION 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: “Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre m Paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions, Answer one question from eaci of Sections A, B and C and one other Write your answers on the sevarate answer paper provided i Hyou use more than one shi tof paper, fasten the sheets together. ‘umber and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answerl question from any section INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [at the end of each question or part que: Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate »+ swe ‘ This question paper consists of 10 printed Page: and 2 blank Page Copyright: Zimbabwe Schoo! Exarsinatyons ouinci, J2016. \oamsec nore turn iver) circetion of movement Fig.8 "dentify one internal and one international migration, For each of the migrations numbered 2 to 5, state its cause, Outline three positive and two negative effects of migration number 5. Suggest measures you may take to improve the quality of life in rural Zimbabwe. Identify problems you would face in trying to implement the ‘measures stated in (¢) (i) above. aa ns S [4] BI 2) [5] Q] (4) 15) [4] GI i Scanned with CamScanner a 10 (®) — @__Name one traditional type of transport used in Zimbabwe. Gi) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the type of transport named in (a)(A) above. (b) Table 1 shows trade information for'the year 2008. Table 1 Exports Imports (Sbillions) (S billions) World 3730 3.470 North America 603 473 South and Central America 109 M7 Europe 1919 1628 Africa 88 121 Asia 837 858 = @__List regions with favourable and unfavourable balance of trade from Table 1. (5) (i) Drawa graph to illustrate the balance of trade shown in Table 1. [6] (© Suggest ways of improving trade among developing countries. m en 2016 er Scanned with CamScanner Freemont: ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Geneval Certificnte of Bduention Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2, PAPER 2 NOVEMBER 2016 SESSION Zhours 39 Additional materials Answer paner TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces p.rividest Paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Muier one question from each of Sections A, B and C and one ether question ‘win ny . ection, Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. Hfyou use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. n the answer| INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [] atthe end of each question or part que ion, Sketch maps and diagram: should be drawn whenever they serve to ilustrte an any ver This question paper consists of [2 jsinted pages: Copyrights Zimbabwie School Examination ounell, N2016. OZIMSEC N2016 Scanned with CamScanner 2 Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. (a) Outline the benefits and problems of settling ina volcanic area. 7 (b) Photograph A shows an igneous rock oulcrop. (i) Drawa labelled diagram to show the physical features of the photograph. (a (ii) Explain how the features might have been formed. (5) (© @_ Describe dangers posed by faulting to people. GB (ii) Suggest ways of reducing the dangers stated in (¢) (i) above. [4 zasw Na016 Scanned with CamScanner @) ) © 3 (Describe and explain the deflection of planetary vind, By @) Outline the weather associated with a cold front. (4) Fig. 1 shows the climatic grapha for ureas A, B,C and D, Maint ] Temper oy 3 Py 18 A 12 6 24 18 B 12 6 4 po} 240: 24 180. 18 C | 20. 12 6 . © 200 180 18 D | 12 12 60 6 or AMJJ'A'SO'ND 2 Fig. 1 @® State, with reasons, the climatic region represented by each graph. (8) (i) For either region B or D, name and give reasons for the hemisphere in which it is located. BI (Suggest why the USA and China are reluctant to cut dowm on carbon dioxide emissions, Q naanaos : {Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 4 Gi) List measures that can be taken to reduce causes of global a | warning, i i eloping nations li) Identify the challenges likely to be faced by devel . in ine implement measures stated in (c)(ii) above. 2] (3 (@)_ Describe and explain how plants have adapted to the equatorial climate. [7] (b) Figs. 2A. and 2B show the mean annual rainfall and natural vegetation distribution in Zimbabwe. Fig. 2B Key Mountain forest and (id nen TID Brachystegia Savanna Woodland Mopme Savanna Woodland Acacia Savanna Woodland Fig2a Fig. 28 Describe and explain the relationships between the natural vegetation ‘nd rainfall distribution shown, (61 2280 e016 Scanned with CamScanner (©) Fig3 shows en ecosystem before und after human influ Retire After seal Srey, Mn 5 My sat Fig. 3 Describe the changes that have taken place in the ecosystem, 5) @ —@ _ Give the effects of climate change on ecosystems, i) Gi) Suggest solutions to the effects stated in (@) (1) above. Bl nanos {Turn over Scanned with CamScanner ) © ‘Table 1 shows energy consumpti developing countries. 6 Section B (Economie Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. (@) Define the term natural resource and give an example of such aresource, BI (Wi) Explain why the demand and use of natural resources has increased in recent years, 4] n in percentages for developed and Tablet Year | Percentage consumed by _ | Percentage consumed by developed countries developing countries 1990 15 25 2000 67 33 [2009 43 57 @ Describe and explain the trends shown, 5] (ii) Draw compound graphs to represent the information shown in Table 1, fa As a member of the committee tasked to manage funds from the Community Ownership Share Schemes, propose how the finds could be | used forthe protection and development of resources in your community, [7] aan mais Scanned with CamScanner (a) Describe the main characteristics of market gardening in Zimbabwe. 7 (b) —_ Figs.4A and 4B show the arcas where nomadic herding is practised and the movement of the Fulani. NOMADIC HERDING AREAS 1s | : LS i h IL YY | Wf 1 Key en yi $20 yet i “oe Winer movements i Ye ttaem iat 2 coo |G tents ==-7 Nonhern extent of eto fy ZZ res iatestct wits sts ny Pig4a Fig4B Describe and explain @ the distribution of the herding areas, and m ii) the movement of the nomads shown. i] Suggest the benefits and challenges faced by resettled farmers in Zimbabwe. ™ @ Give the difference between formal and informal industries, @ (i) Outline two chavacteristics bf formal and three characteristics of informal industries. 6) mean noe (Turn over : se Scanned with CamScanner (©) @ Give the challenges facing manufacturing industries in Zimbabwe. Gi) Suggest measures for solving these chellenges. BI (© Table? shows tourist arrivals inthe world in the first half of 2007 ‘compared to 2006. — Table 2 Source. 2007 2006 Africa 1132 575 917 472 ‘Europe 44301 48.422 | America 21697 22 082 1 Caribbean Islands & Oceania 8 684 9316 \ Asia 23 269 18 325 i Middle East, 5835 2.533 @ Describe and explain the trends shown. m i Gi) Calculate the total arrivals for each of the years shown in Table 2, [4] Se news Scanned with CamScanner ~x 9 Section C (Population, Settlement, Traasport and Trade) Answer at Jeast one question from this section. (@) Describe the main characteristics of low and high density residentiel areas of a named city. (b) _ Fig.S shows a settlement served by 2 small port. FER] Settlement A Sq) Lowland marsh @| Porta SQ) Mountain range fue] Line of rail PoY Indigenous forest Figs () Outline the factors which have influenced the location of the settlement at A. manrne1s Scanned with CamScanner_ 4) [Turn over aren crema | 0 . ‘ (ii) State two factors that would make the expansion of this 4 settlement difficult 2] (ili) Using map evidence only, state the human activities which ‘can be carried out by the inhabitants of the settlement, 5] © (Identify problems associated with rapid growth of urben settlements. 4 (H) Suggest measures to solve problems in (e)(i) above, BI ' (@) — @ _ State the difference between population density and population distribution. 3 (i), Describe and explain the distribution of population in Zimbabwe. [5] (®) _Fig.6 shows causes of death in developed and cleveloping countries. 100: 80 60: 40- Source: 0 ‘World Healtt, Orgnisation Tig. 6 (Give four examples of the causes of death shown in Fig.6. ro} (ii) Outline the differences in the causes of death shown in Fig.6. 7 2248 NaM16 Scanned with CamScanner © ® ® u ‘As on educator in the department of Population Development and Services, () _ giveveasons why n country should reduce population growth, [4] Gi) propose programmes that ean be used to reduce population growth.[3] State the advantages and disadvantages of road transport, fa] Fig.7 shows the railway network of Zimbabwe. suman Reilway —+—- International boundary - Proposed railway oO 100 200 ey itig.7 aaa wavs [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner ill © w | (i) Describe and explain the railway network shown: mn (i) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of linking Dete and Kwwekowe using the proposed railway line shown. (4) [As Minister of Industry and Trade, give atguments for and against the establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs). im maananie Scanned with CamScanner CD : pees HER OY 2Weeroy (PRoF RER) ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 : JUNE 2017 SESSION 2-hours 30 minutes ‘Additional materials: Answer paper TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer| paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Answer one question from each of Sections A, B and C and one other question from any section. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets { ] at the end of each question or part question. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer, This question paper consists of 14 printed pages and 2 blank pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe Schoo! Examinations Council, 32017 exivsec no17 (Turnover) Scanned with CamScanner (a) (b) Seetion A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. Outline the benefits and problems associated with living in a limestone region. in Fig. 1 shows river features in a floodplain. == Road == bridge Cultivated land Fig. 1 asa 2017 ene Scanned with CamScanner 3 (Using Fig.1, state the possible advantages of settling in the flood plain shown, 5] (ii) With the aid of labelled diagrams, show how levees are formed. [6] (©) Identify problems posed by fold mountains to people and suggest solutions to overcome these problems. fa} (a) (i)_—_ Define the term air mass. (2] (ii) Describe weather associated with a warm front, 4) ~~ Gil) ~ Name the instrument used-to measure atmospheric pressure. ——[1} (0) Fig. 2 shows air movement around Lake Kariba during the day. —+ Airmovement Fig. 2 Describe and explain the air movement shown. 6) (©) Drawa labelled diagram to show why Chimanimani mountain receives more rainfall than Save Valley 61 (ii) What problems are likely to be faced by farmers in the Chimanimani Highlands as a result of too much rainfall? 4] Gi) What advice would you give the farmers in (e) (i) above to solve the problems? B) naan 1017 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner @) (b) © @ (ii) 4 Define the terms herbivores and carnivores as used in biotic studies, 4] Outline the major characteristies of tropical desert vegetation, _[3) Study Photograph A below. @ Describe the scene in the photograph above. [5] State any two environmental problems that are likely to be caused by the human activities shown in the photograph, 2 Soil is made up of the following components: Organic matter 5% Water 23% Air 5% Mineral matter 45% Draw a pie chart to illustrate these components, 1 ‘What measures can be taken to conserve water in your area? [4] ‘What challenges can be experienced in implementing these measures? Bl 2ossa n017 Scanned with CamScanner 5 Se n B (Economie Geography) | Answer at least one question from this section, | 4 (a) (i)_~—- Whatare fossil fuels? 2] Gi) What is the negative impact of mining on the environment in Zimbabwe? (3) (&) (Table 1 shows the different uses of coal in Zimbabwe. Table 1 | Uses of coal Percentage of | ai aa Total amount | produced % Coke 30 | ‘Thermal power 25 ‘Agriculture 15 Railway Transport 14 Manufacturing 10 Mining 6 Describe the uses of coal using Table 1. (61 i) Fig. 3 shows a thermal power station. | ; | poe AAP me | Gi A generar a ‘eansformer : : sues -— Water from river Aer] ES hcktoriver -) Tewater to cooling tower oe Fig.3 Using Fig. 3, describe how thermal electricity is generated. (5) na 2017 {Turn over Scanned with CamScanner © (a) (b) 6 ise wood as the | areas us lace to ensure In Zimbabwe, about 90% of households in rural are! put in pl main source of energy. What measures can be that there is adequate energy in the rural arcas? 7 (Give any three reasons for the decline of the dairy herd in Zimbabwe in recent years. 3) Classify the following information into inputs and outputs ofa farming system. Arable land = 4hectares Grain yield __=— 150 bags —— Communal pasture = 50 hectares ‘Average rainfall = (1.000. mm per year Study Photograph B below. 282.2017 Scanned with CamScanner 7 (i) Describe the scene in the photograph, (6 What type of farming is practised by the inhabitants of the area shown? uj How have the farmers solved the challenges posed by the steep slope? ty (©) __ Fig. 4 shows percentages of land uses in different agro-ecological regions of Zimbabwe, Agro-ecological rion SS SOS 354 Sat es se ee 5) SE eo 0 PRS BS esses Bees SF Bosse sf Se Beene SY BSSssesy be ee ees seceeeeceeente Communal Large-scale Small-scale All farming commercial commercial national farming farming land Fig. 4 () What percentage of land for communal farming is in Region 5? [1] ans 12017 [Turn over EEE Scanned with CamScanner 8 (ii) Which agro-ecological region has the highest percentage in small scale commercial farming? a (iii) Which farming activity occupies the largest percentage in | Region 1? 0) (a) “Tobacco farming is one of the most important farming activities in } Zimbabwe.” What points ean you raise for and against this statement? [7] (®) @_ Define the term beneficiation. 2 Gi) Table 2 shows types of industry. Table 2—______________- - Type of industry | Main characteristic | Example Primary 6. Gi a Secondary Gi. Ww). Tertiary Provision of services | (v). On your answer shect, fill in the blanks (i) to (v).. (5] (®) Fig. 5 shows the proportions of working population in three sectors of employment for four countries R. S. T. and U. t 1 1 po oo Employment structure WB Primary [IE] Secondary ES Tertiary i Fig. 5 aig 2017 Scanned with CamScanner 9 Saar : (Which of the counties is most economically developed? a (State the least economically developed county. 1) (iii) \ What percentage of workers isin the tertiary sector in country T? [1] Fig, 'B: 6 shows possible locations of industries at sites A to E. Prevailing KEY == Wide tarred road Dr se0city wwe Railway line Fig. 6 Stating your reasons in each case, suggest the most suitable site for: @ — abakery (ii) anol refinery a saw mill (iv) a sewage processing plant (8) seen 2017 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 10 (d) Zimbabwe has in recent years experienced a decline in industrial output. (i) What in your view have been the reasons for this decline? (4) (ii) How could this decline be reduced? BI 24a 017 Scanned with CamScanner @) (b)_ it Seetion C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section, (Define the term urbanisation, Gi) State the main ch haracteristics of the Central Business District (CBD) ofa city, Gi) "What are the major problems associated with urbanisation? Gv) How can the problems stated in (a)(ti) above be solved? Draw-a labelled diagram to show the structure of a radial settlement pattern, 22482 017 Scanned with CamScanner 2 (5] (4) Bl GB) [Turn over ) Ra SE ©) 2 Fig, 7 shows the layout ofa rural settlement before and after a land reform programme. BEFORE LAND REFORM Ey Ea “cL farm huts [=] farmers plots foot paths wide gravel road AFTER LAND REFORM wide gravel road farm boundary new farm house new community ball new grain collection depot | grinding mill grocery shop Fig.7 meaen no17 Scanned with CamScanner @ w @ Gi) o Study-Table 3 which shows the population of five largest cities in the-——----—— world in 1980 and in 2000. 13 Describe the changes that have t the land reform. e taken place on the settlement after a State any two benefits enjoyed by the f changes stated in (c)(i) above, y the farmers as a result of the A Define the terms underpopulation and, i ee ind population density as used a State the factors that are responsible for high birth rates in some African countries. 2) Table 3 i 1980 2000 timk] City | Population | Rank] City Population (millions) (millions) T_| New York 12,3 T_| Mexico City | 31.0 [2 [London 10.4 2_| Sao Paulo 25,8 3 [Rhine-Rubr | 69 3 _| Shanghai 23,7 4_| Tokyo 67 4 [Tokyo 23,7 3_| Shanghai 58 3_[ New York 22,4 @ Gi) oOo @ Gi) Describe the changes that have taken place in the population of the cities shown. 6] Draw a bar graph, to scale, to show the population of the five cities in 1980. What are the problems experienced in rural areas as a result of rural-urban migration? how can the problems in e (f) abows be reduced? B) esa 1017 ro Scanned with CamScanner 14 Explain why most rivers in Zimbabwe are not used for water transport, Outline the problems experienced by railway transport in Zimbabwe. (i How could the problems stated in a (ii) above be solved? (b) What are the advantages of using animal drawn carts as a means of transport in the rural areas of Zimbabwe? (©) __ Fig. 8 shows the pattem of world trade. Exports from MEDCs to s LEDCs ($736bn), Exports from LEDCs to ‘MEDCs ($650bn) KEY bn= billion MEDCs = More Economically Development Countries LEDCs = Less Economically Development Countries Fig. 8 @ Describe the pattern of trade shown. ‘Suggest how trade among the less economically developed countries may be increased. 22482 017 BI (4) (4) 7 (4) 8) Scanned with CamScanner “(19) a) 2229/2 Geography Pa Nev 1a PX Pact) 2 ] ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 NOVEMBER 2017 SESSION 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: ‘Answer paper Insert TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES perie our name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer Paper/answer booklet, Answer four questions, Answer one question from each of Sections A, B and C Write your answers on the separate answer paper Ifyou use more than one sheet of paper, fasten th and one other question from any section. provided. e sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ Jt the end of each question or Part question, Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer, ‘This question paper consists of 12 printed pages and an insert. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N2017, ‘©ZIMSEC N2017 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 2 Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. () — @ State the agents of erosion which shape the desert landscape. Q For the agents you h i they rodeos you have stated in (a)(i) above, state the features [5] ©) Fig. 1 below Shows three types of deltas. Flood pain lod pain Fld pain mae N2017 Scanned with CamScanner 2 CANDIDATE NAME. ‘CENTRE/CANDIDATE NUMBER mae ©Chiredzi| © West Nicholson 248/ase.NIOIT Scanned with CamScanner 3 () Name and describe the types of deltas A, B and C shown, (6) Gi) Outline the condi mns necessary for the formation of the deltas shown, B) (iii) For delta B, label the features X and Y. Q) (©) (i) Suggest the problems associated with limestone areas, ic} (iy ‘What measures would you propose to cope with these problems? [3] (a) Table 1 below shows some weather hazards. Weather hazard Effect of hazard Possible solution Lightning 1 2. Floods 1 (Hail 1 On your answer sheet, copy and complete the table. ™ (b) Fig. 2 below shows a schoo! weather station, (i) Name feature A and the instruments B and C. B) (ii) Describe and explain the characteristics of feature A. iG} (ii) Which two instruments are kept in feature A? pi (©) Suggest the challenges experienced by people who live in hot desert areas and propose solutions to these challenges. m 2asuena007 (rum over Scanned with CamScanner 4 i t desert (@) Outline how animals and vegetation are adapted to the ho! environment, m7 (b) Fig. 3 below shows some components of an ecosystem. Using information from Fig. 3 only, identify the factors which influence ‘vegetation. 6) 22an.w2017| Scanned with CamScanner (©) Study Photograph A below. Name the type of ecosystem represented by the photograph, ra] (ii) Describe the scene in the photograph, [5] (© © What measures can you recommend to reduce desertification? [4] (i) What problems would you face in trying to implement the ; Measures stated in (d)(i) above? B) naan wo17 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 6 Section B (Economie Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. (a) With reference to a country in Southern Africa you have studied, outline the importance of fishing to its economy. ful (b) Fig. 4 below shows the actual and potential supply of energy for Zimbabwe, Key 1 Seat oe A inn (i) Name the developed hydro-electric power stations shown. 2) ii) State and explain the factors that have led to the development of the thermal power stations in the areas shown, m eae 2017 Scanned with CamScanner 7 (©) Fig8 betow shows the occurrence of oi, Impervious rock: ‘Natural was Impervious rock Describe the occurrence of oil shown, @) @) Suggest measures a Land Officer would take to implement Programmes to conserve natural resoutces. (4) Gi) What problems are likely to be faced in the implementation of the measures stated in (d)(i) above? (3) esr.na017 [Tarn over Scanned with CamScanner 8 © State the main charactetisties of horticulture i Outline any two processes of horticulture. 2) ©) 6 below shows the South Easter Lowveld irrigation projects. 3] Proposed irigated land Roads tH Railway (@ State any two estates found in this region. 2 (i) Name any three sources of the irigation water. BI (iii). State and explain the economic and physical factors that have contributed to irrigation farming in the areas shown, 4) (iv) Name any two proposed dams shown on the map, 2 aaaua nor? Scanned with CamScanner 9 © @ Suggest measure, 2uBe 8S Which in Zimbabwe, May be taken to increase beef production (i) Why may the i) \ n ineffective “W'S You have stated in (ei) sometimes be a) Fora named agri 7 (a) Agricultural Processing industry you have studied, () name and locate the industry, . (il) out! (i) line the factors that have influenced its location, [5] (b) The box diagram below shows the processing of cotton. 1 + ne a 2 ] Cotton picking, baling and transporting i an ~~ Checking and sorting each bale 4 > t Ginning - seperati i i xd ing - seperating seed from Lint ¢|_ Grading and mixing cotton according to colour and cleanliness t 5 + 6 Seed for planting] Lint is combed © —> Lintis rolled into flat sheets and oil making 8 7 t Spinning of twisted | Flat sheets are pulled, stretched and and pulled strong combed to long and short threads threads {— Fine threads, cotton and fabric are produced, Fabric is produced by weaving Short threads are made into paper products, cotton wool and felt cotton @ Describe how cotton fibre is turned to cloth as shown in the box diagram. (ii) State the other products from cotton processing and their uses. [5] i gnsan 2017 {Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 10 (©) Zimbabwe has suffered numerous factory closures in recent years. (i) Inyour opinion, what have been the causes of these closures? [4] Gi) Ifyou were the Minister of Industry, how would you resuscitate the processing and manufacturing industries in Zimbabwe? By) Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade) ‘Answer at least one question from this section, | 7 —(®%) —@_—_Whatis the difference between a primate city and a dormitory town? R) (ii) Identify the problems which are associated with primate cities. [5] ‘ (b) Draw labelled diagrams to illustrate the following rural settlement i patterns: I @ — tinear, 2 (i) circular, 2 radial e (©) Fig. 7 below shows Gweru’s functional zones. 9 btm Describe the distribution of the industrial zone and the low density residential areas, 61 magn N2017 Scanned with CamScanner ul (a) Whatare the dangers of squatter settlements? [4] pe with the problems (i) What measures would you suggest t0 60 associated with squatter settlements? BI) (®)@__ Whatis meant by median age as used in population studies? 21 1 (i) Whatare the disadvantages of a low median age? jg. 8 below, (b) Study the age/sex diagrams shown in Fi male female male female ‘male Female (Match the age/sex diagrams above withthe following characteristics: = labour camp a developing country * acountry with low growth rate | havea affected by the outmigration ofthe male population [4] (i) For age/sex diagram A, identify the causes and problems associated m with such a structure. (c) Asa village health worker, () what activities would you carry out in order to reduce the breeding ‘of mosquitoes and mosquito bites? (4) (ii) what problems are you likely to encounter in the implementation of the measures you have suggested in (c)(i) above? BI nannnoir [Turn over { { Scanned with CamScanner 2 (@) — @)_—_ Whatis the difference between wholesale and retail? RI (ii) Describe the trade relationships between a rural and an urban . area, (b) Table 2 below shows the export trade of some Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries. ‘Country % of total air exports % of total air export \ destination Angola Petroleum’ Oy U.S.A. 55 EU. 25 Malawi | Tobaceo 6 0, B USA. 7 Tanzania | Coffee 23 [EU 55 Cotton 20 Zambia | Copper 81 «EN, 33 Japan 29 Zimbabwe | Tobacco 2 YEU. al i Minerals 25 @ Describe the trade patterns shown. (4) Draw bar graphs to show the exports for Tanzania and Zimbabwe. [4] (© @ How can trade be improved among SADC member states? re} (ii) What problems are likely to be faced in the implementation of the measures suggested in (e)(i) above? BI (4) Fig. 9 (insert 1) shows the main railway line of Zimbabwe. (On the insert, draw any three branch railway line routes, BI 22442 Na017 Scanned with CamScanner

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