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A database management system (DBMS) is a kind of system software used to construct and maintain


The logical organization of a database is shown in a database model, together with the relationships and
constraints that govern how data may be stored and accessed.

E-commerce: The act of doing business through the internet is known as e-commerce. Online exchanges
of money and the buying and selling of items are included. The internet is the venue for e-commerce.

E-commerce: The act of doing business through the internet is known as e-commerce. Online exchanges
of money and the buying and selling of items are included. The internet is the venue for e-commerce.

A collection of focused information on one or more specific subjects of study makes up specialized
databases. The user may find and obtain information by utilizing an index since the data or details is

Database management enables organizations to get the most meaning out of the data at their disposal
while ensuring that the data required for upcoming procedures is gathered and made accessible in

1. expedites the making of decisions

Management teams are responsible for making choices that help the firm achieve its objectives. They
must make judgments that are accurate and timely in order to ensure that necessary activities are
carried out on time. The process of making decisions, however, usually takes a long time, and sometimes
the results are not what was anticipated.

2. Improves data security and integrity

The internet mainly offers advantages in terms of big data and ease of conducting business. However,
companies have also faced a major competition from and danger from the internet. The majority of the
data used by enterprises is extremely sensitive. Data or personal information on customers and
employees may provide a competitive advantage for a business. If such information is disclosed, the
company may be held accountable in addition to endangering the organization, its customers, and its
employees. Running a data program consequently requires careful consideration of security. Through
data management, access to the data is restricted to those who have authorization.

3. enhances company collaboration

As a company grows, new divisions are formed to handle different duties. Even though the departments
do diverse jobs, some kind of coordination must exist. This ensures that every process conforms with
business objectives. However, an absence of departmental cooperation attributed to sluggish data
exchange protocols regularly slows down several processes and, in the end, hinders company expansion.

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