Internet of Things Based Smart Greenhouse Remote M

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Internet of Things Based Smart Greenhouse: Remote Monitoring and Automatic


Article in DEStech Transactions on Environment Energy and Earth Science · February 2019
DOI: 10.12783/dteees/iceee2018/27803

14 9,586

7 authors, including:

Mohammad Woli Ullah Mohammad Golam Mortuza

International Islamic University Chittagong 11 PUBLICATIONS 66 CITATIONS

Md. Humayun Kabir Zia Uddin Ahmed

International Islamic University Chittagong International Islamic University Chittagong


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Internet of Things Based Smart Greenhouse: Remote Monitoring and Automatic Control View project

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2018 Joint International Conference on Energy, Ecology and Environment (ICEEE 2018) and
International Conference on Electric and Intelligent Vehicles (ICEIV 2018)
ISBN: 978-1-60595-590-2

Internet of Things Based Smart Greenhouse: Remote Monitoring and

Automatic Control
1 2 3 4
Mohammad Woli Ullah , Mohammad Golam Mortuza , Md Humayun Kabir , Zia Uddin Ahmed , Sovan Kumar Dey
5 6 7
Supta , Partho Das , Syed Mohammad Didar Hossain
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7
International Islamic University Chittagong , Monash University, Australia
1 2 3 4 , , , ,
5 6 7 , ,

utilization of defensive synthetic substances. The

Abstract introduced cost per unit region in greenhouse
vegetation is significantly higher than that in open-field
Conventional greenhouses need regulated climate farming. In modest macroclimate zones, energy is
conditions to grow plants in there. Without an required, while in dry zones, the cooling and
automatic control system, it is quite impossible to accessibility of water is of primary concern. The
maintain the accurate climate conditions inside the utilization of materials and energy and in addition crop
green houses. This paper proposes such an automatic yield and quality can be impacted by working the
system for greenhouses to control its’ internal flexible segments of the greenhouse, for example,
environment, to store each climate properties in a warming and cooling inputs, window opening, dribble
database for future analysis and to ensure remote water system, showing and CO2 dose [3], [4].
monitoring to those data. Internet of Things (IoT) is Consequently, it can be anticipated that the manner in
used for remote monitoring and analysis of data. Also, which these controls are worked impacts the final
an android application is developed to display those financial result. To absolutely take advantage of the
data in a short range through Bluetooth technology. stronger probabilities for harvest and asset
The system controls the temperature, humidity, light administration in a greenhouse, it is vital to know the
and soil moisture level by sensing the values from control factors with a remote detecting framework
sensors and controlling heaters/coolers, sprayers, utilizing the GSM. In fact, remote correspondence
bulbs and water pumps accordingly. structures are an essential issue of the arrangement of
modernization and innovation exchange, because of
Keywords: Internet of Things, Greenhouse, the expanding advancement of portable media
Android Application, Remote Monitoring, Automatic communications [6].
Internet of Things (IoT) can be expressed as the
architecture of physical things implanted with electronic
1. INTRODUCTION circuits, sensors and programming along with an
associative system that empowers these things to
The greenhouse manufacturing is the quickest trade information from each other. IoT is the
developing part of the world. This manufacturing combination of the computerized and physical world. In
isolates the yield from nature, subsequently giving a universe of IoT, a huge number of things or
some method for protection from the immediate impact apparatuses will be interconnected and interestingly
of the outside climate conditions [1]. This empowers recognized on the Internet [2]. The Internet of Things
the manufacture of harvests which generally couldn't enables the system to detect and control other devices
be created at that particular area. The greenhouse remotely transversely over existing system foundation,
walled in area empowers the control of the harvest making good interrelation between the physical world
condition. This advantage enables the farmer to and different computer-based frameworks and creating
enhance the development in a way the plants require. chances for enhanced effectiveness, financial
It prompts higher harvest yield, extended advantage and precision. In near future, IoT is relied
manufacturing period, higher quality, and less upon to give numerous more administrations like
Paper ID: ICEEE2018-xxx
propelled availability of physical questions over a wide the environment inside greenhouse different
system and furthermore numerous applications [5]. It is parameters have been considered such as light,
apparent to think that in utilizing these administrations temperature, humidity, soil moisture etc. using different
given by this innovation, it is conceivable to control and sensors like DHT22 temperature and humidity Sensor,
screen frameworks from a separation utilizing the GSM LDR, grove-moisture sensor etc. which will be
arrange. Mobile internet is coordinated applications as interfaced with the microcontroller. With the
valuable as home automation, industrial purposes for
development of agriculture needs, the greenhouse has
managing and far off monitoring of complicated
huge development prospects [9], it can bring huge
systems however also in safety systems and ensure
property and individuals. Most physical factors economic benefits to agriculture. ZigBee technology to
important in a greenhouse can be estimated via carry out remote wireless monitoring of temperature
automatic sensors [5]. This holds for temperature, light, and humidity signals in vegetable greenhouses. It
soil dampness, and relative humidity. Precipitation can sends data signal from the temperature and humidity
additionally be detected, even though it is truly much sensor of each node gaining to the main control system
less common. All the specified physical factors are through the wireless communication way. According to
inspected and put away electronically at normal the monitoring and management needs of the modern
interims when something is evolving. Inclusive, the greenhouse design and implementation of modern
estimations give a significant decent info yield snap of greenhouse remote monitoring system based on the
the physical phase of the greenhouse harvest Web. Ajax technology is applied to the development of
structure. We suggest a commitment to the web applications, which improves the response and
improvement of greenhouse monitoring.
interactivity of the system. Also presents agreeable
correspondence based remote sensor organize for
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows
– Section I includes the introduction. Related Works checking greenhouse related parameters, for example,
has been discussed in section II and methodology of Temperature, Humidity, and Carbon-di-oxide. This
the research is discussed in Section III. Section IV product utilizes an Android cell phone, associated
discusses the performance measurements of the utilizing Wi-Fi to a local server which interfaces by
research, Section V contains the conclusion. means of serial correspondence to a microcontroller
References are added at the end of the paper. and mugginess sensor. In designing this device, there
is a restriction on issues, to perceive how far this
2. RELATED WORKS framework can do its errands [10 – 12]. ARM-based
remote monitoring and Control System for
Recently, the developments in the field of the IoT environmental parameters in the greenhouse. It
technology have led to renewed interest in developing overcomes the disadvantages of wired and wireless
the greenhouse technology system. The pleasant was constraints such as complicated wiring, difficult
grumblings from a few things, for example, keep track maintenance, and distance, to monitor and control the
the irrigation system process and doing it manually. applications [13].
Also, the plants may suffer from bad effects of awful
conditions like temperature and light. All the works described above, and any other
An Intelligent Agriculture Greenhouse Environment papers didn’t show IoT based greenhouse automation
Monitoring System Based on IOT Technology [7] to system. The major objective of this paper is to develop
those Mediterranean nations, for example, Italy, a practical smart greenhouse with intelligent control
Turkey, Greece Also Spain the place mechanical systems in order to obtain suitable circumstances. The
transformation level of greenhouse development may proposed system has the ability to monitor and control
be low. The task means should increment the the greenhouse from any place in the world. Fig 1
innovations of greenhouse societies toward the depicts the block diagram of the entire system. The
formation about a coordinated circuit organize for overall designed system could be divided into three
sensors and automation technologies, controlled by an important parts; hardware, software, and IoT structure.
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
approach, for the agronomic development of 3. METHODOLOGY
horticultural crops. The data identified with the
greenhouse environment and yield status and control The proposed system will give a smart solution for
the system automatically in view of the gathered data. green house. It happens to implement the technology
By throatily observing periodic conditions, this study of internet of things along with the conventional
has the reason for securing the connection between systems available. We created a total model of smart
sensors signals and reference estimations. To monitor greenhouse for implementing our system. Our System

2 Copyright © by ICEEE
Paper ID: ICEEE2018-xxx
consists of simple but efficient algorithm, which and takes air in or out and starts/stops the sprayers
happens to manage all the aspects. An ATmega328 accordingly depending on the condition. Then it
microcontroller is used as the brain of the system. Here determines Day or Night condition using LDR sensor.
microcontroller is used because of its low cost and And at the end, all the data is sent to the user by
faster response to handle our system. To check the sending a SMS using GSM, to the mobile application
climate conditions of the green house, three things are by HC05 and to the server using GPRS. There’s also a
to be measured.
LCD display along with the android app to show real
time data.
Water Pump Fan Light SMS Database

Initialize GSM/GPRS
GSM/GPRS Server + Bluetooth Module
HC05 Bluetooth
Module Internet Connected?

Temperature Humidity Android Application User Collect Soil
Moisture Moisture Data

Figure 1 Block diagram of the system Moisture Level No

Start Watering


Stop Watering

Collect Temp and

Humidity Data

Temp/Hum Normal? Fan/Spray ON


Fan/Spray OFF

Collect LDR Data

Day? Lights ON


Lights OFF

Figure 2 Partial circuit diagram of the system

Results in LCD
First of all soil moisture, Secondly environment
temperature and the last of all is humidity. So for this,
three sensors are implemented and an LDR is used for Send Data
detecting Day/Night condition.
Microcontrollers go through the following manner given
Data Sent?
in Figure 02. At the beginning the microcontroller
initializes the GSM/GPRS module and HC05 Bluetooth YES

module to connect the system to a network. END

Microcontroller then measures the condition of soil
moisture and waters the plants if the level is lower than Figure 3 Flow chart of the system
usual. Next it takes value of both temp and humidity,

3 Copyright © by ICEEE
Paper ID: ICEEE2018-xxx
4. Performance measurements Figure 6 illustrates the condition of light intensity. If
light intensity is lower outside, then it automatically
Following figures explain working procedures of our turns ON the lights inside the greenhouse. Also turns
system. Figure 4 represents the model of our whole them OFF if the ambient light intensity around the
system. greenhouse becomes average.

Figure 4 Total system model

At figure 5, LCD showing the real-time data of humidity

and temperature. The fans take out air if temperature
gets higher than 27° C and starts the heating system if
temperature gets lower than 14° C. Also, greenhouses
need high humidity conditions. Figure 7 Real-time values via Bluetooth

Figure 7 shows the real-time data in a mobile

device through android application which is
communicating the system via Bluetooth. It also shows
which actions have to take in according with the data.

Figure 5 Real-time humidity and Temperature

For maintain high humidity inside the greenhouse, the

system turns ON the sprayers whenever it detects the
humidity level inside the greenhouse goes lower than
90% and turns them OFF after achieving humidity level
of 96%.

Figure 6 Day/night condition

Figure 8 Temperature in different times.

4 Copyright © by ICEEE
Paper ID: ICEEE2018-xxx
Figure 9 and 8 illustrates graphical representation the help of IoT, multiple greenhouses will be monitored
of humidity and temperature respectively in different and data will be shared for better understanding and
times. The graph is created using the data from the improved production rates of plants and foods.
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5 Copyright © by ICEEE
Paper ID: ICEEE2018-xxx
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6 Copyright © by ICEEE

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