Lesson Plan

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Objective: Discuss the nature, goals, and perspectives in/of

anthropology, sociology, and political science.

Subject: Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Grade Level: Grade 12

Learning across curriculum:

1. History - Discuss the historical context that shaped the development of

anthropology, sociology, and political science.

2. Literature - Analyze literary works that reflect social and political issues.

3. Economics - Examine the social and political implications of economic systems.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a video clip highlighting the importance of understanding culture, society,

and politics in today's globalized world.

2. Engage students in a group discussion about current events and their impact on

3. Conduct a brainstorming activity where students share their personal experiences

related to culture, society, and politics.

Activity 1: Nature of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science

Materials: Whiteboard, markers, handouts


1. Present a brief lecture on the nature, goals, and perspectives of anthropology,

sociology, and political science.

. Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a case study related
to one of the disciplines.

3. In their groups, students analyze the case study and identify the discipline that can
best explain the social and political dynamics involved.
4. Each group presents their analysis to the class.


Criteria: Understanding of the nature, goals, and perspectives of the

disciplines (10 points)

Criteria: Analysis of the case study (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. How does anthropology differ from sociology and political science in terms of its
focus and methods?

2. Why is it important to study all three disciplines to gain a comprehensive

understanding of culture, society, and politics?

Activity 2: Goals of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, handouts


1. Present a PowerPoint presentation on the goals of anthropology, sociology, and

political science.

2. Divide the class into pairs and assign each pair a goal from one of the disciplines.

3. In their pairs, students research and create a poster presentation illustrating their
assigned goal.

4. Each pair presents their poster to the class.


Criteria: Understanding of the goals of the disciplines (10 points)

Criteria: Creativity and clarity of the poster presentation (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. How do the goals of anthropology, sociology, and political science contribute to

our understanding of culture, society, and politics?

2. Give an example of a research question that each discipline can address based
on their respective goals.

Activity 3: Perspectives in Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science

Materials: Internet access, handouts


1. Divide the class into three groups, assigning each group a perspective from
anthropology, sociology, or political science.

2. In their groups, students research and prepare a presentation on the assigned


3. Each group presents their findings, explaining how the perspective contributes to
the understanding of culture, society, and politics.


Criteria: Understanding of the perspectives in the disciplines (10 points)

Criteria: Clarity and coherence of the presentation (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. How does the functionalist perspective in sociology explain social order and

2. Discuss the significance of the feminist perspective in anthropology in

understanding gender dynamics in different cultures.

After each activity, facilitate a class discussion to analyze the outcomes. Encourage
students to reflect on the connections between the nature, goals, and perspectives of
anthropology, sociology, and political science.


students in summarizing the key concepts learned from the activities, emphasizing
the interrelatedness of the disciplines in studying culture, society, and politics.


Present a real-life problem related to culture, society, and politics, such as

addressing social inequality or resolving political conflicts. Ask students to propose
solutions based on the perspectives and goals of anthropology, sociology, and
political science.


1. Conduct a written exam assessing students' understanding of the nature, goals,

and perspectives of the disciplines.

2. Assign a group project where students analyze a current social or political issue
using the concepts learned in class.


Research and write a reflection paper discussing the relevance of anthropology,

sociology, and political science in understanding and addressing social and political
challenges in the Philippines.

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